Desiring Daddy's Attentions - Cover

Desiring Daddy's Attentions

Copyright© 2025 by Lorenzo Harris

Chapter 2: Lori and Her Dad “Do It” – Lots!

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Lori and Her Dad “Do It” – Lots! - My husband Dave is puzzled by our daughter Lori's "squirrely" behavior lately. I know why she's this way - she wants her father to touch her. How do I know? Because I was the same way when I was her age. And my mother knew just how to handle it.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   Nephew   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Fisting   Oral Sex   Squirting  

I had to talk to Lori.

“How are you feeling, Sweetheart?”

Of course, she looked at me with total incomprehension. The way teenage girls look at their parents when one of them asks a question.

“You know. What you and your Dad did...,” then I wanted to be sure there wasn’t any note of accusation in my question, “ ... what your Dad and you were enjoying this morning?”

She finally acknowledged my question.

“It was OK. I guess.”

OK? Come on, Lor – from what I saw you really enjoyed what the two of you were doing.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“Come on, Lori – it looked like what you and Dad were doing was making you feel really good.”

“Yeah, I guess it felt good.” I just looked at her and waited. “OK, yeah, it felt really good.”

“So ... what did it feel like, Lor? Was it like you thought it’d be?”

That made her stop and think.

“Well, yuh, it felt real good.” A pause. “I guess I thought it’d feel like when I’m touching myself in bed and thinking of Daddy...”

So she’s been getting herself off at night – and maybe mornings, and other times, too! - while she’s picturing her father! ... How long has...? But I didn’t want to interrupt her while I’ve got her talking.

“ ... and it was kinda like that. But it was different, too.”

An opening?

“How was it different?” Then, to kind of give her a little push, “Was it better?”

Fuck yes!!” The realizing, “Sorry, Mom – I mean heck yes.”

I’ve got to lay this out very carefully now.

“So, is it something you want to feel more – feel again?” Like that’s a real question!

“Yeah.” I waited. “Yeah, I do ... I mean, I do want to feel it more.”

Good. We’re progressing!

Now, to move things to the next phase.

“Wanna know something, Sweetheart? It – you – made your Dad feel real good, too.”

This idea seemed to surprise her.

“I did? I mean, it did?”

“Oh, yeah – I asked him and he said that you made him feel real good.” I didn’t think that further explanation was really necessary here.

She paused like she was letting that “fact” sink in. Then a smile, that she’d been able to make her dad feel good...”that way” – the grownup, sex way.

“You know, Sweetheart ... Let me ask another way. Sweetheart, is there anything else you wanted to do? Maybe something else you wanted to happen ... maybe want to happen the next time...?”

Hoping she’d take the hint, pick up the ball from here.


Guess it’s going to be up to me.

I put my arms around her, hugging her.

“I think I know what it is. When you were on top of Daddy, and you were sliding ... sliding your ... pussy ... on top of your dad ... on top of his cock ... what you really wanted ... were hoping for ... you were hoping that it ... that his cock ... would slip inside you ... would slip inside you pussy. Isn’t that what you were hoping would happen?”

Because I was still hugging her, she whispered into my shoulder, but loud enough that I could still hear her yes.

“You know what, Sweetheart? Your Dad would like that, too. Did you know that, Sweetheart – that your Dad would like that, too? When we were talking about yesterday morning he told me that he was hoping that would happen, that his cock would slip inside your pussy.”

Really? He really said that – that he’d...?” I don’t think she felt comfortable speaking the words.

“Yes, Lor, he really did say that he wanted that.”


Yeah, wow!

“But it’s up to you, Sweetheart – do you really want that to happen?”

She thought, but only for about two seconds.

“Yeah. I do want that. To happen, I mean.”

“Alright, let’s talk about how you can make it happen.


“Go on upstairs, Dave – I think your daughter wants you to kiss her goodnight.”

Yeah, kiss!

Yeah, you know I followed Dave upstairs! I stationed myself in the hallway where I could see almost everything that happened in her room.

Lori was already in bed when Dave came up and I had dimmed the bedside lamp.


There was a quiver in Dave’s voice because he already knew what his daughter is going to ask him,

“Yes, Kitten...”

Lori held up the blanket, and when she did Dave saw that she wasn’t wearing any panties and that she’d pulled her t-shirt all the way up til it was bunched under her arms.

“Get in, Daddy. Please?”

Dave stood up and carefully and calmly took off his clothes, until he was standing there completely naked,. His cock was already sticking straight out so he must have been getting hard even while he and Lori were still kissing.

I can see Lori look at his cock, but then she turned her head up and looked at his face, looked in his eyes.

Dave turned out the bedside lamp so now I can only see from the light in the hallway, but I can see Lori holding the blanket up all the way off her, and Dave carefully easing himself into bed with her and Lori pulling back her legs, making room between them for her father, and my hand went straight under my skirt and inside my panties as I watched my husband climb in between his daughter’s welcoming legs and began moving in that familiar motion, and I watched Lori put her arms around her dad’s shoulders and her legs over his thighs, and I watched as my husband fucked our daughter.

I stayed and watched as much as I could see from the hallway until my legs were too weak to stay standing, then scurried back to “our” bedroom and rubbed myself off to two quick ones, and then another one a few minutes later.

Dave’s getting into bed must’ve woken me up.

“How many times??”


I turned around in our bed and took Dave’s almost limp cock into my mouth, knowing what I would find – the taste – tastes – that I’d find there.

... And all of a sudden I had this image, like some kind of flashback: I was about Lori’s age, and my dad and I had just started “doing it,” and he’d gone back to bed with Mom and for some reason I got up and went to their bedroom, and there was my mom, bending over Dad’s middle and practically skull-fucking herself on my dad’s cock that still had to be wet from the two times he’s just cum in me...

I frigged myself to two orgasms while I sucked Lori’s and his cum off my husband’s dick.

Right now you’re probably asking how come I’m so into getting my husband to have sex with his daughter.

Remember, way back at the beginning, when I told Dave that I recognized that Lori was acting the silly ways she was because she wanted her daddy to touch her? And I told him that I recognized it because that’s the way I was when I was Lori’s age, or maybe even a little earlier, and how my mother immediately understood what the problem was, and she told my Dad it was time for him to do something about it.

The first time – like that first night with Lori, except that my mom didn’t go through all the “everything is in the wash” nonsense – she just told me to go to bed without any sleep shirt or pajamas. And she told dad that I was upstairs – actually, I think what she told him was “Angie’s up in bed waiting for you” – my mom wasn’t much for beating around the bush.

So it was like Dave with Lori. Mom left the light on dim and Dad came in and kissed me goodnight, and I lifted up the covers so he could see that I was naked, and he took it from there, just like my mom told him to.

After that mom made it clear that Dad and I didn’t have to hide, and in fact often she’d invite me into their bed with them for Dad and me to fuck – and all the other kinds of sex. And lots of times Mom would be there with us, saying things like how hot or how dirty we looked, and how good it feels, being filled up with Daddy’s fat dick, and give us ideas about what we could do – in other words, what she’d like to see us doing! And sometimes how “grownup” I must feel, “having your father squirting his baby juice up inside you.”

My Mom was really into it. I think she got off on seeing her husband fucking a teenage girl. In fact, I think if it hadn’t been me she would have found some teenage girl for him to fuck.

Later, after he and Lori were actually fucking I told Dave about this, about what my mom had done for me and my dad. Of course I just told him in a general, “historical” way – I didn’t want to get into some of the clinical details – at least not until he and Lor had had some more time to “explore their relationship.”

And of course, Dave asked me how long my dad and I did this, and of course, I lied. I told Dave that dad and I did it for several years but then dropped it when I went off to college and that things were different when I got back. What actually happened was that Dad and I continued our thing long after Dave and I were married. In fact, we were still doing it during the time that Dave and I were trying to get pregnant, and there was just a short period of time after we found out I was pregnant that we thought the baby might be Dad’s, but after we got a better fix on how far along I was Mom and Dad and I (never Dave!) knew that the baby couldn’t have been Dad’s.

But Dad and I still fucked while I was pregnant. Seeing his “little girl” pregnant seemed to really turn him (and Mom!) on, and I got off on the idea that the baby he was “fucking” could be Dave’s baby OR my dad’s baby.


It was the following Saturday – Dave was off at a friend’s house to watch some kind of sports – football? baseball? British snooker? I didn’t care. The important thing was that it gave me the chance to have a longer conversation with Lori about... things.

I asked Lori to sit on the couch with me.

“So Lori, how did last night with Dad go?”

Since last Sunday night, when Dave first climbed into bed with our daughter and they began fucking, they’ve done it two more nights, including last night.

“Last night was real good. He even made me cum three times,, And he’s gotten real good about doing it so his body’s not so heavy on me – the first coupla times he ... I guess he got carried away and he forgot how much he weighs...”

Dave really isn’t that heavy. He’s 5’-10” and he’s in good shape. But our daughter is 14 and only about 5 feet tall, so she’s a lot smaller than her father and he really does need to be careful about putting too much weight on her, especially when they’re fucking and he gets “carried away.”

“ ... but the times he has me get on top of him it’s not a problem.”

That’s interesting.

“What’s it like, when you get on top of him? Do you like...,” now it’s time to start losing the euphemisms and get our language a little more... “graphic,” “Do you like fucking him better that way?”

Lori thought about it for a moment.

“When I’m on top I can move around more and make his cock touch more places inside of me and I can rub my thing against him better than he can do when he’s on top.” (Well, it sounds like we’ve already reached the point where we can talk about “cock” and “dick” and “prick.” I guess we’ll get to “cunt” soon enough.)

So our little girl has discovered how she can get more clit action when she’s on top.

“Also, I can get his cock deeper inside me when I’m on top.”

My God! She’s 14 years old and only 5 feet! How much of her father’s grown-man cock can she take inside?

However much it is, it sounds like she really enjoys it.

But then she switched gears on me.

“He’s kind of quiet, though. Like I was hoping he’d talk more – say more things...”

I wasn’t sure what she meant when she said she hoped he’d “say more things.”

“What do you mean, Darling? Talk to you how?”

“Well, Michie...,”

Michelle, Lori’s best friend since fourth grade,

“ ... said that her dad says things when they do it...”

Wait a minute! Michelle? Little Michelle, with the beautiful wavy long blond hair and the lovely smile and the sweet disposition? Michie and her dad!

I tried to be “casual” about it but I was dying to know just exactly what kinds of “things” Michie’s dad says to her when they “do it!”

“So, what kinds of things did Michie say her dad says when...,” I couldn’t even manage to finish the words.

“You know.” No, I didn’t know. “Stuff like how good it feels to him, and how tight she is. And sometimes he says things like whore and slut and cunt and jizz – you know, things like that.”

I was surprised, almost to the point of being stunned. That is until Lori said, “‘Fact, she says that she wants to be her dad’s whore, ‘cause that’s what turns him on the most, when he calls her a whore. Her mom goes on a lot of business trips and they think that she’s meeting guys when she’s away on her trips. But her dad doesn’t mind ‘cause that just gives them more time to be together.”

I guess I’m going to have to learn a lot more about sweet little Michelle and her dad.

But first, my daughter.

“Well, I guess if that – what Michie told you – sounds good to you, like something you’d like your Dad to do, I think that that’s something you should tell him...”

And I realized that my pussy was practically drooling over the thought of Dave fucking Lori and calling her a slut and a whore and how he’s going to shoot his jizz into her!

But of course, the important thing for Lori is what she wants to do now. Does she want to keep doing it with her dad, for as long as...?

And are there any other things she’d like to do?

“So besides having your dad talk some more, saying things like what Michie told you she and her dad do, there are other things that you and your dad can do...,” and I left it kind of open-ended.

That seemed to get her attention.

“Things? Like – what kinds of things?”

Now I think that this is it – this is my chance to teach her about ... about everything.

Well, one of the things that your father likes is when I put his cock in my mouth...”

For reelz??

“Yes, for real.” I smiled, enjoying her attempts to process this “disgusting” piece of information.

Eeew! Isn’t that gross?”

“No, Sweetheart, it isn’t. I’ll admit, it’s a bit... strange at first, but you get used to it, and then you get to even like it. And your dad really likes it when I do that for him.”

I let that sink in – that if she really wants to please her daddy – and make him eager to please her – that this might be something she’d want to learn how to do.

“Yeah, but ... you really put his thing in your mouth? I could never...”

I hugged her. I understood her initial skepticism, even disgust. But I had an idea.

A very exciting idea.

“I have an idea, Sweetheart – I’ll show you.

“How about tonight?”


That night Lori and I “arranged” for her to visit a girlfriend’s, which left Dave and me home alone for a few hours. And that was my chance to arrange for me to show Lori how to make her daddy “happy” by taking his cock in her mouth – and what to do once she got it there. It didn’t hurt that Dave and Lori hadn’t screwed in three nights and he was pretty horny.

I won’t go into detail about how I got Dave into our bed naked with me – just let me just say that it wasn’t that difficult.

What was tricky was to get both of us on the bed just right for Lori to stand in the hallway and peek into the bedroom and watch my primo blowjob technique. I’d told Lori to open and then close the front door loudly so that Dave would think she left, and then she should sneak back in very quietly and when she saw me switch off the hall light, to sneak back upstairs and stand outside our door in a place where she could see in but Dave wouldn’t be able to see her.

I didn’t do things like I would normally, diving down onto Dave’s cock until it was all the way down my throat and I had a finger buried up his ass. Tonight I was going to do things step by step.

I took a quick look out into the hall to make sure that Lori was there and in the place I told her to stand. Then I scooted down in bed and began kissing around Dave’s cock. And Dave, her Daddy, has a nice cock.

I start by licking up and down Dave’s cock. Because I like licking Dave’s cock. (OK, other cocks, too, but you know what I mean!) Actually, I think the real pleasure comes from picturing myself, and how pornographic I must look doing that, my tongue licking up and down the length of a long, stiff cock.

I move several times so that from where Lori is she has a good view of what I’m doing. Heck, maybe she’ll even pick up some of the skills that have gotten me numerous compliments from her dad (and others!).

Then I lick the tip – tickle it with my tongue, probing the little slit that I know Lori knows is there.

Next I slide my lips down around the crown, then farther, and then backing off to do it again, and then farther down and so on, until my nose is pressed against Dave’s hairy pubes. And I do that for a while.

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