Kelly's Diary 198 - Old Habits Die Hard - Cover

Kelly's Diary 198 - Old Habits Die Hard

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Getting Things Started With Lisa

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Getting Things Started With Lisa - One of the best things to happen lately was when my cousin quit her job as a professional escort, A.K.A. hooker, whore, or whatever else you call it. I know she loved her "work" and was making a fortune but even with the few experiences I had with her I knew sooner or later it would end in tragedy. Being a Realtor may not be as glamorous (she's in school now), but after having worked with her mom (also a realtor) before, I was sure she would still find ample opportunity to use her "talents".

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Cousins   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Surprisingly, this was actually being held at a frat house and was a real college party. With all the web sites like and such, the expectations are that every frat party has girls fucking on the couch but in reality, most people tell that that’s it’s not the case and I think everyone knows that but still, the urban legends persist My suspicion has always been that most of these so-called “college” parties hire hookers and porn stars to do the “heavy work” and then maybe a real amateur gets in on the action now and then. In this case, that was exactly what was happening in that Kristen had been hired to be the “sex girl”, along with anyone else she could bring along with her.

In a nutshell, what Kristen had planned was cunning. While she would go as slut - not a stretch for her by any means, whereas I would go in “under cover” as your typical college girl who then gets “seduced” after a few too many drinks. We could have gone in together as sluts and started things out playing with each other but the guys had emphasized they were interested in sex, not watching girls playing with each other which was just teasing.

Saturday rolled around quickly enough and after masturbating and cleaning myself up in the morning, I just relaxed around the house trying to get whatever rest I could as odds were it was going to be a long night. Kristen went out shopping for a new outfit, as if her amazingly stuffed closet wasn’t full enough already. For me, it wasn’t necessary as all I intended to wear were jeans and a button- down blouse. Unlike most dates, I even planned on wearing panties and a bra! After all, the goal was for me to appear to be a somewhat innocent and naive girl who gets drunk and does things she otherwise never had planned on doing.

Kristen came back late in the afternoon with her hands full of bags. God, could she go ever out and NOT buy out the store while she was there? Most likely a lot of them would be returned as she always changed her mind once she got home but still, it was a lot of clothes! I was kicked back on the couch in a comfy t-shirt so she plopped down on the chair across the room with her bags with the intent of showing me everything she had bought.

“What do you think of this one?” she grinned, holding up a white lace bra that was so sheer I think you could read a newspaper through it.

Then she showed off a matching thong. It had a surprising amount of material but then it was the same as the bra - so sheer it may as well not have been there. The front provided plenty of coverage for her pussy but the back was not much more than a small triangle that would fit against the top of her ass with thin strings holding it to the rest of the thong.

“And what do you think of this skirt?” she said proudly as she held it up for me.

At first I thought she must have been planning on becoming an ice skater as it was so short it couldn’t have even covered her ass when she was standing up.

“I have sheer-top hose for it,” she said off-handedly, as if THAT was enough to let her wear it in public without being arrested for indecency. I couldn’t imagine her wearing hose to a party and my instincts were correct.

“Now THIS is the one I got for tonight,” she said proudly, showing off her newly found treasure.

Actually it wasn’t quite what I expected, just a denim skirt that was actually longer than normal - at least longer than what is “normal” for Kristen. Then she dug in the bag for her last item, a small pink cami with the word “Slut” in large glittery letters at an angle across the chest. Well, whatever it lacked in subtlety it certainly made up for in how I imagined it would look on her.

With that she bounced off to her room. I saw the time on the TV and figured it was time for me to get myself ready as well. Up in my room, first I had to decide on my lingerie. Since I wasn’t supposed to be a slut that eliminated most of the contents of my dresser drawer that I would typically have chosen. I wasn’t ready to be THAT conservative and wear the ones I’d bought for school so that narrowed it down even further.

Finally I picked out a white one with multi-colored dots. It had a pink edging along the cups and back strap and overall it looked more like a young girl’s bra, something I might have bought back when I was in high school. Why I’d bought it in the first place I had no idea, probably part of a joke or something at the time. To go along with it I picked out a pair of new pink panties that I hadn’t worn before. They were cut a little high on the hips but nothing terribly sexy. I stood in front of the mirror and just shook my head. God, I was a high school girl again!

A pair of tight jeans was a must, a little worn with a few ragged holes. Then I picked out a tight white cami which was cut really low and had the thinnest shoulder straps. Over it I chose a black top which was also cut low, but not nearly so as the cami and while it showed some cleavage, it would’ve passed muster with most moms. The cami straps were visible under the top but that was all you could see of it to let anyone know I was wearing anything under the black top.

As for shoes, I didn’t want to be a complete nerd and wear sneakers or flats so I picked out a pair of open toe heels with a wide heel that was just a couple of inches tall. They looked more classy than slutty.

My hair was my biggest problem. God I wished I had better body sometimes! No matter what kind of conditioners or shampoos I bought, It was always flat. Then an idea hit me and I reached into a drawer and picked out a white headband which pulled my hair away from my face without having to put it in a ponytail. Yep, it was perfect for my “look” this evening.

I wanted to wear some nice jewelry but I was afraid whatever I wore might end up being lost so I picked out some small earrings and a beaded necklace, nothing too expensive but at least it was something.

Finally, a little makeup, nothing too heavy or slutty, just some blush and eyeliner, about what you would expect any girl to wear. A touch of perfume on the wrists and neck and I was ready to go!

Back downstairs I was alone as Kristen still wasn’t ready. It really didn’t matter what time we got to the party as nobody would be doing much at the start anyway. Once the beer got going and things began to pick up, then it would be worth our while to be there. Still, Now that I was ready ... I was ready! Kristen was never on time so I should have known better but still, just ONCE she could not be quite so late.

“OK, let’s hit the road!” I heard her from behind me as I turned to see her coming down the stairs quickly.

God she looked incredible! The skirt hugged her hips and thighs like it was a tight bandage, showing off her fantastic legs to their best. She had tied up the bottom of her t-shirt under her boobs baring her midriff and pulling it tight against her boobs. Well, there was no question as to whether or not SHE was wearing a bra, that was for sure! Then again, I so rarely ever saw her in one it would have shocked me if she had. How she could walk down the stairs in those heels was a mystery to me - I’d of removed those stilts and walked down barefoot before taking my life in my hands trying to negotiate a flight of stairs in them - especially going down! She practically oozed with sexuality and I could tell from her flushed face why she had taken so long.

“Damn Kristen, you’re getting laid by umpteen guys in just a bit, couldn’t you have held off just a little longer?” I sighed, knowing the answer even before I asked the question.

Kristen just dropped her eyes at me as if I’d asked the stupidest question (which it just may have been!) and didn’t even bother to answer. What could I say, when you’re horny ... you’re horny!

“Well, don’t you look so ... ordinary,” she giggled glancing at my outfit.

“And don’t you look like a hooker,” I retorted, only partially in jest.

She giggled and grabbed her purse and keys. “Well, I guess we’re perfect then, aren’t we!” and led the way to the car.

As we got in the car, Kristen’s skirt rode up as she sat down and I noticed that instead of seeing a sexy thong, all I saw was Kristen’s bare bottom and pussy.

“Hey, I thought you had that thong you just bought to wear?” I asked.

“Well, I didn’t wear the bra so I figured why bother with the thong?” she answered matter-of-factly, “Besides, you saw that thong ... does it really make that big a difference if I wear it or not? Anyway, this skirt’s longer than usual so it’s not like I’ll be walking around showing off my bare ass to everyone.”

As I’m sure she wouldn’t have minded.

We got to the address and the street was full of cars so we had to park about a block away. It was strange as we walked up the sidewalk to the house. Guys were out on porches drinking beers and hooting and hollering at us the entire way. Well, make that they were hollering at Kristen. She pretended not to hear them but I noticed her ass had that little extra bounce she got whenever she was showing it off.

I felt like Miss Plain Jane besides her. It’s not like I was dressed like a nun, but Kristen wasn’t leaving much to the imagination, that was for sure. Arriving at the house finally, it was a large two story home with the frat’s Greek letters above the door. It looked to be pretty old, like the rest of the homes in the neighborhood, but fairly well kept up. There were already a lot of people around and I looked to Kristen, questioning her softly as to what the heck we were supposed to do now that we were here. We really hadn’t discussed much except for the overall theme of the party so I was a little unsure with what to do. Were we supposed to meet with someone, go somewhere special, what? Were there any rules?

Kristen turned and told me that we were just supposed to mingle as if we had arrived like any other girls did. I was surprised when she said she didn’t even know what the guy looked like that had invited her! Fortunately, they had pre- paid for our “services” so at least that part wasn’t in jeopardy.

Walking in, there was a large open room with what looked to be a kitchen in the back and then a door beyond that which must have led to the back yard. To the side was another room that also looked to be a gathering place, with a large screen TV and couches and such. People were just standing around for the most part, talking and holding a beer cup in their hands.

“So now what?” I asked in her ear, trying to be heard over the loud music without shouting it out to the entire room.

“Follow me,” she answered simply, heading for the back of the house.

Sure enough, the back door led out to a large wooden porch where the mandatory beer keg had been tapped. There was a variety of lawn furniture and table where people were sitting and talking, along with a large stainless steel grill that didn’t appear to be in use. I guess it was take-out or nothing.

By now we were getting some looks - at least Kristen was. I was also getting the once-over from a few guys but their eyes quickly averted to my slutty cousin next to me who was already smiling and saying hi to every male in the room - and a few females as well. She grabbed a cup of beer and handed it to me.

“I hate beer!” I reminded her, “I’ll get something from the kitchen.”

Kristen grabbed me by the arm and rolled her eyes at me. “Kelly, it’s kind of hard to get drunk from Diet Coke, you know,” she reminded me. I took the beer from here but didn’t drink any. I brought it to my lips and made it look like I was drinking but just the odor of it was enough to almost make me gag. How do people enjoy this stuff, anyway? I decided I would just have to pour a little out when I got the chance to make it appear like I’d been drinking but not enough to cause anyone to offer me another glassful.

Kristen didn’t care, she just chugged half her glass down and smiled, licking the beer off her lips in an almost obscene motion with her tongue. That wasn’t missed by the guys and already they were hitting on her like she was a bitch in heat - and not a bad description of her at that. Soon she was off talking to a few guys while I was left alone on the deck to mingle.

There were actually quite a few girls there, a lot more than I had expected. Most of them had that college girl look. I’m not sure how to describe it but it was just that wide-eyed, deer-in-the-headlights look that girls get when they are out on their own for the first time at college. Most of them looked to be in their late teens or early twenties. I hadn’t seen any sign of anyway checking ages so I guess it was just an honor system so far as the drinking was concerned which sort of surprised me in this day and age. I had my driver’s license tucked in tightly in one of my jean pockets as I hadn’t wanted to bring a purse along - one less thing to keep track of in a crowded party environment.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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