Kelly's Diary 198 - Old Habits Die Hard - Cover

Kelly's Diary 198 - Old Habits Die Hard

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: Kristen Offers an Idea

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Kristen Offers an Idea - One of the best things to happen lately was when my cousin quit her job as a professional escort, A.K.A. hooker, whore, or whatever else you call it. I know she loved her "work" and was making a fortune but even with the few experiences I had with her I knew sooner or later it would end in tragedy. Being a Realtor may not be as glamorous (she's in school now), but after having worked with her mom (also a realtor) before, I was sure she would still find ample opportunity to use her "talents".

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Cousins   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

A couple nights later we were watching TV together late in her room while laying on her bed. I was tired and not really paying much attention to it so I started to get up to go to my bed and get some sleep. Kristen reached out to grab me by the arm and pulled me back. She looked like she was going to tell me something but then she stopped.

“Something you wanted?” I asked. I hadn’t INTENDED to imply anything sexual but she grinned and I knew what thoughts were running through her head after my unintentional teasing.

“Yeah but that’s not why I wanted to talk to you,” she giggled, licking her lips as she glanced down at my bare crotch that was exposed under my shirt t-shirt.

Kristen was overdoing it to the point where I knew she was just being silly so I just waited patiently for the real reason to come out.

“Are you busy Saturday night?” she asked. Something in the way she said it told me she wasn’t interested in what I was doing so much as what she WANTED me to be doing.

“Not sure, Riley was talking about taking me out,” I answered noncommittally.

Actually that was a total fabrication as I was seeing him Friday night but I wanted to keep my escape options open with Kristen until I heard what was on her mind.

“Oh,” she said with a frown and a down look on her face like she was disappointed, “I was hoping you might be able to help me out with something.”

Now THAT set off the warning sirens and lights in my head. Whenever Kristen said she needed some help with something - look out! I was sure it had nothing to do with moving furniture or anything mundane, that was for certain. Still, I tried to be polite and not give away my concerns until she had her say. When I didn’t respond she continued on her own.

“I had a friend call me and ask for a favor but it’s not something I can do alone,” she started out slowly, watching me for any reaction but I kept my sphinx face on for the moment.

Kristen finally huffed and flipped back on her back as if she was frustrated with me.

“Don’t be that way Kelly, it’s not like I ASKED for this or anything ... it’s just a favor for someone, that’s all.”

With Kristen, nothing was “just a favor” so I finally spoke up and asked, “So what’s this so-called ‘favor’ anyway?”

Kristen brightened up at my response.

“It’s nothing THAT crazy or anything. Just some guys want to have like a frat party but like they see on the Internet - you know, where the girls fuck in front of the crowd. I guess they want a couple of ‘ringers’, if you know what I mean.”

Oh indeed I DID know EXACTLY what she meant. It was like those college sex party video sites where they supposedly go to parties and video sluts having sex. Personally, I always assumed the girls that were being filmed weren’t “real” college girls and were just prostitutes or sluts that got invited for the video. Some of them I even recognized as being web whores so that just reinforced my assumption.

That said, even if I knew what she was talking about, what in the world was she even THINKING about doing such a thing - and for that matter, asking me to help her out?

“Kristen, I thought you quit that job,” I sighed, giving her what I hoped was my “you’re so pathetic” look.

“I DID!” she insisted, “This guy called me up on his own. THAT’S why I need your help. They want two girls but I can’t go to my old agency and ask for anyone or they’ll know what I’m doing.”

Seemed a pretty thin excuse to me. It’s not she was a member of some hooker union or something where she couldn’t do “side jobs”. I knew of plenty of times when she was whoring herself that she would take on private clients who wanted to avoid the higher costs of going through the agency.

“C’mon Kelly, they’ll pay us each $2,000 cash!” she grinned at me, “You probably don’t make that in a month at your crappy job.”

Unfortunately, she was right about the pay at my job although I wouldn’t ever call it a crappy job. After taxes, I certainly wasn’t bringing home two grand a month and to get that for just one night WAS enticing. Still, it sounded like it wasn’t going to be as easy as just getting fucked once or twice and walking home with the cash in hand.

“So how many guys and how many of them would do us?” I asked, not quite believing I was even considering this but still, it didn’t hurt to ask.

Kristen shrugged, “Hell, I don’t really know for sure. Maybe a dozen or so?”

Sounded a little low to me. If this was supposed to be some college party and not just a private home thing then I would think a lot more guys than that would be around. OF course, not all of them would want to dip their dicks in a girl after she’s been fucked a few times but still, I knew from past experience that plenty of guys couldn’t care less, just so long as they got their piece of the action - literally.

“And how long would we have to be there?”

Kristen shrugged again. For someone who was supposed to be arranging things, she certainly didn’t seem to know a lot about much of anything.

“They didn’t say ... maybe a few hours?”

“Cameras”? I asked.

“Oh no, they assured me that nobody would be filming anything,” she insisted.

Yeah right, and the check’s in the mail and this won’t hurt. Kristen couldn’t possibly be THAT naive, could she? OK, so maybe nobody would be there with a big video camera and a College FuckFest banner but I couldn’t see how the cell phone cameras would be kept at bay - and most of them shot video now as well. If anything was holding me back, it was the specter of having my naked ass splashed all over the internet with some guy’s hard cock dripping cum after having just fucked me. Well, maybe if it was just my ass it wouldn’t be so bad but what if it was my face as I sucked a few dicks instead? Oh wow, I could just imagine how THAT would go over on the bulletin board in the teacher’s lounge!

“No way Kristen,” I finally said, getting my head back in order after briefly flirting with the idea, “Who knows where that stuff will end up.”

Kristen started to protest but I left the room in a hurry before she could try to talk me into it. To be honest, the IDEA of doing it appealed to me. I hadn’t been to a frat party since I was in college and even then only once. I didn’t know if this was really a true frat party or just something staged as one, but in either case it could be fun to get fucked in front of a bunch of other people - part of one of my favorite fantasies to boot.

Back in my room took of my t-shirt and laid in bed with covers off me and the lights out. Even though I’d told Kristen no, that didn’t mean the thought of it hadn’t aroused me and when I started to play with my boobs my nipples were already poking out nice and firm. It felt good to massage my boobs gently, rubbing them together and then grabbing my nipples between my fingers and stretching them out before allowing them to snap back in place.

I love my breasts. It was hard to imagine that not that many years ago they were the most embarrassing part of my body but when I got into my late teens they finally decided to make another growth spurt and filled in nicely. I don’t know what happened prior to that or why they stayed small for so long, causing me nothing but grief. Sure, the boys didn’t care but they were happy no matter what so long as my blouse was unbuttoned for them - preferably without a bra. Unless I wore it specifically so I could take it off later, I never wore a bra anyway as it wasn’t like I had boobs like my best friend Beth, who pretty much HAD to wear a bra just to keep her puppies in the pen.

Keeping one hand planted on my breast, the other soon found its way between my legs and before long I was in full masturbation mode. It had been quite a while since I last recalled my first (and still only) frat party. I had gone with a couple of friends to another campus (our university didn’t allow Greek organizations to start with, let alone such parties). Even though I was the one who didn’t get drunk, I think I definitely left with the better reputation (depending on how you defined “better” I guess). Although it hadn’t been anything like the video clips I’d seen in the Internet, it was still a lot of fun and I loved performing in front of people.

As much as it turned me on to masturbate thinking about it, I also realized it wouldn’t been the same. First, I was quite a lot older, not a teenager anymore. Second, that time had been at a real frat party and I don’t think the guys there really expected anyone to put out the way I did so it went over really well. Then there was the element of surprise. I never dreamed for a second beforehand that I would ever do some of the things I’d done, not to mention I did it for FREE. Would this really be as fun not that I was 24 and being paid to basically be a hooker at some guy’s staged party that was meant to be like a college party?

I gasped as my finger found its target in my crotch. God I loved to touch myself when I got horny like this. Heck, I loved to touch myself ANY time but when I was as hot and bothered as I was now it was even better. So what if it was a fake party and we were the paid stars? At this moment all I could think about was a never ending line of hard dicks, all waiting to fuck me and cum in me - or on me or wherever.

Then other memories started to come back, like the party Kristen had taken me to where we were just two of a number of girls providing “entertainment” at a corporate hospitality suite during a convention downtown. The reality was we were just living fuck dolls for every guy wanting to get off. I’d never been fucked by half as many guys in one night before and never had since. The last hour or so was just a foggy memory as I literally just laid there, totally exhausted as more and more of them fucked me. Even when I stopped moving for them they still wanted to fuck me and get themselves off. Well, I guess it was better than masturbation for them. I ended the night literally covered in sperm from head to toe. Some guys like to shoot their cum on a girl in some of the oddest places!

By the time I fell asleep I’d cum a couple of times. I was half-expecting, and maybe even hoping just a little, that Kristen would stop in and try to “convince” me to go with her to her party. She can be VERY persuasive, believe you me! For whatever reason, though, she didn’t so when I’d finished myself off again I dropped off to sleep and didn’t wake until the morning alarm went off.

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