Kelly's Diary 198 - Old Habits Die Hard
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: Kristen Gets Horny
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: Kristen Gets Horny - One of the best things to happen lately was when my cousin quit her job as a professional escort, A.K.A. hooker, whore, or whatever else you call it. I know she loved her "work" and was making a fortune but even with the few experiences I had with her I knew sooner or later it would end in tragedy. Being a Realtor may not be as glamorous (she's in school now), but after having worked with her mom (also a realtor) before, I was sure she would still find ample opportunity to use her "talents".
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Incest Cousins Exhibitionism Masturbation Oral Sex
For those with dirty minds ... NO, Kristen and I do NOT share a bed. We each have our own bedroom with her staying in the same one she has always been in while I occupied the spare. Although we have been frequently together sexually, it has almost always been as part of some larger scene such as a party or a date. As teens we often dated guys together but even when we had sex with them, Kristen and I never did anything together much more than tease the guys a little.
We started masturbating together when barely teenagers but that was as far as we went together when it came to sex until I returned for summer break after my first year of college. Even then it was part of a family get-together and not something between just the two of us.
In a way I guess it is a little ironic in that while I often wonder what it would’ve been like had I grown up with a brother or sister, in a way Kristen was like the sister I never had yet we never had sex together growing up. Somehow I don’t think had I had a REAL sister it would have been like that!
Needless to say, you can’t expect a girl who was used to having sex with any number of strangers most every day of the week to suddenly become a nun and go to school and study books all night. So I wasn’t surprised that she dated a lot and even invited boys home now and then. I say “boys” because Kristen and I differed when it came to who we liked to have sex with.
For me, nothing beats a middle-aged married man who hasn’t been properly laid in ages and is dying to relive his teenage years as the stud he remembers himself being. As a rule, such guys treat me well, seem to genuinely care about how I feel during sex, and take their time as usually it’s a one-time shot - even with the miracles of Viagra.
Guys my age are fine too and my preference when it comes to a boyfriend as I’m not going to be some gold-digger with an 80 year-old geezer when I’m in my prime! Of course the teenage boys are tempting - nothing beats a sixteen to eighteen year-old guy when it comes to raw energy and stamina. However, as a professional teacher I have to watch my reputation and in these times, nothing can destroy a career as fooling around with an underage boy. Thus I have a FIRM rule against sex with anyone under eighteen. Well, maybe seventeen as that’s legal in my state but why push it?
Kristen, on the other hand, is at the other end of the spectrum. Unless she’s being paid, she wouldn’t be caught dead with a guy over thirty and even anything older than her is only when that’s all she has available at the moment. She fucks my dad but that’s because he’s her uncle and she knows he enjoys it so it’s more for HIS pleasure than hers. Honestly, I don’t know if she even HAS a lower limit and it’s probably best I don’t.
What I DO know is she is very popular with the teenage boys in our part of town. Actually, one of the times I know she makes exceptions to her age limits is when an guys has a younger brother. As you probably have already figured out, she’ll do the older one just to have a shot at the younger one.
Kristen may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer (all the blond jokes apply, even if she HAS gone darker and darker recently), but she is not stupid. While she may flirt shamelessly with the younger crowd, she knows better than to do anything publicly that would arouse any suspicions. Thus most of the time she has fun with one of her “boy toys” it’s at home in her own bed - or somewhere else in the house. When her mom lived with her I know they often shared but now with me there instead, it was a different story. Usually she would warn me ahead of time and if possible I would go shopping or go out with a friend or a guy while I knew she was dining at home.
For those times when I was caught without warning or couldn’t find an alternative, I just closed the door to my room and tried to stay out of the way. I was shocked at how young a few were but I have to admit, some of them were REALLY cute and under other circumstances I could have seen myself joining in but it just wasn’t worth the risk. After all, it’s not like I wasn’t getting enough sex for myself. Of course, you can NEVER get too much but still, if I really wanted to get laid it usually only took one or two phone calls to take care of THAT problem!
Those who know me know how much I LOVE to masturbate so I won’t dwell on that again. Still, even I was surprised at my cousin. As much as I thought I knew her and even as much as I knew she craved sex at a level even I didn’t quite understand, I was still a little surprised after I moved in to find out just how addicted she was. Damn, it was like no matter what we were doing, she had her hand between her legs. It was amazing she didn’t have calluses on her clit! I don’t mean she was constantly rubbing for an orgasm. Most of the time it was like she didn’t even realize she was doing it, more like an instinctive reaction. Eating dinner, watching TV, on the phone ... you name it and Kristen was probably playing with herself.
One day I came home from school and I walked in, this kid was just leaving. He had this flushed, excited look on his face that told me immediately what he had been doing. When he saw me it was like his face went white - I guess she hadn’t wanted him I was coming home soon and who knows who he thought I was (maybe at his age he thought I was her mother, god help me). Damn, he couldn’t have been barely thirteen, if that. Where the hell did she find these kids anyway? Did she cruise the local middle school or what?
I went upstairs to drop my stuff off in my room and then I heard a moan coming from Kristen’s room. Sheesh, did she have another one? Leave it to her to have two of them at the same time. I peeked around the corner into her room and saw my assumption was incorrect - she was all alone. Kristen was laying on her back in the middle of her bed, naked as the day she was born, rubbing herself with one hand while grabbing her boob with the other, moaning like she was having a baby.
Actually, it was a pretty hot sight. My cousin is damn cute - much to my chagrin whenever we are together and every time the first person the guys look at is her. A little shorter than me, she is much more petite with dark hair (she’s naturally blond but has been going darker every time she does her hair lately). She has this disarming grin that just makes you want to melt, almost like it’s impossible she could be the slut I knew her to be. I loved her boobs, even if they were just B cups. Perky without a hint of sag, they looked fantastic in most anything she wore (and always without a bra) without the need for any fake pushups or “Wonder Bra” effects.
“Didn’t he take care of you?” I teased her, walking into the room before she realized I was watching.
Kristen’s eye’s opened just enough to see who I was and then she grinned at me mischievously. “Wanna taste?”
At first I thought he had cum in her mouth and she was still harboring a little to share with me. Then she spread her legs further apart and used both hands to split apart her pussy lips and I saw where he had cum. The sight of that kid’s fresh cum draining out of Kristen’s well-fucked pussy was indeed a sight to behold.
“Well cousin, you just gonna stare at my cunt or lick his junk out of me?” she teased.
What the hell, why not? It’s not like he was around anymore. I loved to lick cum from a pussy just as much as the next girl and when it was Kristen’s, so much the better. It had been ages since I’d tasted her pussy and what better than to have it flavored with some boy’s sperm. Hmmm, maybe it was his first time? He certainly didn’t look old enough to be THAT experienced.
I was still dressed in my school attire and I didn’t want to mess up the dress. Besides, it came down to my mid-calf and would just get in the way. I lifted it up and over my head, draping it over the back of the chair by the wall to keep it from getting all wrinkled.
“God, you wear THAT to work every day?” Kristen groaned, seeing me in my bra and panties. Not even a thong but more like the kind of panties your mom would buy you as a little girl. “How do you stand it?”
It WAS one of the things I didn’t care for as much at work - the dress code. However, it was made perfectly clear that all teachers would wear “appropriate undergarments” meaning conservative bras and panties. For the majority of the teachers it was moot as at their age, they NEEDED them.
For me, however, it was like a prison sentence. The past three weeks marked the first time in my entire life I’d worn a bra every day of the week *thank god for the freedom of weekends). Even in college, where technically they were required, I was able to get away without one most of the time.
I just shrugged and didn’t waste any more time in getting on the bed and in between her incredibly tight and smooth legs. God, I would kill to have her legs and she didn’t so much as run to her car let alone work out. Maybe there’s something to be said for extreme amounts of sex when it came to staying fit?
The bed reeked of sex and her pussy odor was noticeable while my head was still quite a ways away. By the time I was at her crotch, it was almost overwhelming. Damn, how many times had he made her cum? For that matter, how many times had SHE made herself cum? Was the boy toy the start or just the last act? As it turns out, she was more than happy to tell me all about it as I started to lick her pussy.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good Kelly,” she moaned, pulling her thighs back with her hands to spread her crotch more for me, “I’ve been wanting that all day!”
“Didn’t you go to school today?” I asked, taking my mouth off of her pussy just long enough to get out the words before going back.
I worked my way down and tasted his cum on her. Mmmmmmm, I LOVED the taste of the boy’s sperm mixed with Kristen’s own special flavor of cum.
“I couldn’t,” she groaned as my tongue reached up in her in search of more of his cum, “Just been so damn horny all day.”
“You’ve been in bed all day?” I asked incredulously.
“Well, you know that guy I dated last week?” she sighed. Yeah, like I was supposed to know which one she was talking about but I didn’t interrupt. After all, did it really matter who it was?
“Well, I called him and guess what? ... He stopped by for lunch.”
Oh I could guess what was on the menu. Cock for her and pussy for him without a doubt.
“So where did junior come from?” I finally had to ask, my curiosity peeked.
“His brother. He told me he had a little brother and I got him to bring him over. It was his first time too!”
She seemed quite proud of herself at that. I sometimes wondered if she kept like a secret scorecard of how many boys she’d de-virginized?
“Yeah, I saw him on the way out. His cum tastes good by the way!”
Kristen giggled at that - I assumed it was the comment about his cum tasted.
“He said he was thirteen but his brother told me he was twelve.”
What could I say? So I was licking up a twelve year-old boy’s first cum in a girl’s pussy? I guess that was kinda cool in its own slightly perverted way. It wasn’t like I’d let him fuck me but still ... it was close.
“Oh god Kelly he was so cute,” Kristen moaned and I realized she wasn’t really telling me so much as herself. She had her eyes closed and I could just imagine her reliving those moments when his little dick first entered her. Her hips thrust up a little into my face and her breathing started to get shallower and faster as I worked on her pussy with my tongue and fingers while she recalled being fucked by a boy half my age - not THAT was scary!.
“Oh god he wanted me so bad Kelly,” she groaned, starting to squirm about in the bed as I kept up my assault on her pussy.
“He came so fast but he stayed hard and kept fucking me ... oh god Kelly he fucked me again!”
Her hands reached down and grabbed my hair, pushing my head into her bare pussy. I had what remained of his cum cleaned up pretty well by now but the aftertaste lingered on. Damn, I wonder what it would have tasted like straight from the source?
“Oh fuck me ... fuck me ... fuck me...” Kristen repeated over and over and I knew in her mind my tongue was now his dick.
It wasn’t me between her legs, it was that short little kid with what had to be his most stiffest erecting he’d ever had, fucking her for the first time in his life. No wonder she was getting off so hard from her recent memories.
“Oh GOD!” she cried out as her hips thrust up hard into my face.
My cousin gushed as she came and my face was awash with her cum. It tasted great and I lapped it up like a kitten at a bowl of fresh milk. Kristen’s legs pulled together, trapping my head between her soft thighs which became like a vise as she held me in their grip. Finally she collapsed on the bed, her thin arms and legs out spread-eagle on the bed as if she passed out but from her sighs and whimpers I knew she was had her eyes closed tight as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm.
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