Kelly's Diary 134 - Youth Pastor - My Revenge - Cover

Kelly's Diary 134 - Youth Pastor - My Revenge

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 4: Back Home Again

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4: Back Home Again - During summer break, just before my junior year, I was keeping a close eye on our Youth Pastor. Although he was married, I could tell he still had an eye for the girls so when I thought I saw an opportunity I went for it. What happened next was completely opposite of what I expected. Two years later I finally got my revenge.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Cheating   Slut Wife   Oral Sex  

On the way home I realized I’d never called to tell my parents where I was. God, they must be worried sick about me! Looking in the rearview mirror, I saw I looked pretty much like you would expect a girl to look after an evening of sex - disheveled and flushed. Oh well, they were probably asleep anyone by now, laying back in their LazyBoys as they watched some TV movie.

Once I got home and entered the basement, I saw my forecast had been correct as they both were sound asleep, my dad snoring loudly as usual when he was on his back. I used the opportunity to sneak by and head to my room without waking them. I cringed as the stairs squeaked but then they always did. Usually this worked in my favor as it signaled when someone was coming but tonight it served the other side as a wakeup call for my mom.

“That you Kelly?” she called out.

Busted! I turned back and headed down the stairs once again. Seeing my blouse hanging out and the shape my hair was in, she rubbed her eyes as if she must have been seeing me out of focus.

“What the heck happened to you?” she asked. Then she looked at the clock and her eyes widened. “And where have you been? Wasn’t church over hours ago?”

All my life I’ve always told my mother everything about my sex life. She was even the first to learn I’d lost my virginity. I’ve never kept secrets from her and she even knew about my earlier problems with Pastor Ken so her ears perked up as soon as she heard who I had been with this evening. My dad must have finally realized I was home as well as he shook his head, making me have to repeat the first part of my story over again.

“You’re kidding?” he said with a big grin on his face, “You really fucked her? Sweet! Damn, what I would give for a piece of that ass!”

“John!” my mom chided him, “Now behave yourself!”

“Just speaking figuratively dear,” he said apologetically. Yeah right, he might never actually DO anything with Cheri but I didn’t doubt he had lusted for her more than a few times at church - like probably every other man. My dad is a wonderful man, a loving husband and an incredible father but he’s still a male and has the same instincts and desires that any normal man has. Next time he masturbated I knew who he would be thinking about!

Speaking of masturbating, my pussy had started back up again as I told my parents about my evening and I needed to get upstairs to my bedroom to take care of it. Of course, I’m sure my dad wouldn’t have minded if I had just done it then and there but I was tired and there was no need to get him TOO aroused to where it would end up being another hour or so before I got to bed! I kissed them both goodnight and headed up to my bedroom.

Laying in my bed as I played with myself, a broad grin broke out on my face as I imagined the conversation Pastor Ken and Cheri would be having whenever she regained consciousness. Hopefully she would remember everything! God, he was furious!

Best of all, I finally felt vindicated with regards to Pastor Ken. I may not have done anything physical to him, like he did to me, but I knew I had hit him where it really hurts and where the pain doesn’t go away as quickly - his ego. Based on how she talked it, he probably didn’t know about Cheri’s college fling with her roomie and so having taken her virginity, he undoubtedly felt assured that he was her only lover. Well, now he would always have to remember this evening, the night she had sex with ME.

What made me feel even better was that I knew that Cheri would always remember the way I had licked her pussy and made her come. Ken could never do to her what I had done, no man could, and it made me feel warm inside knowing I would always hold a special place in her heart - well at least in her pussy, that he could never regain.

Moral of the story - You can fuck Kelly but don’t fuck WITH Kelly!

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