Basketball Terror 2
Copyright© 2025 by Zen Master
Chapter 34: Saturday Afternoon
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 34: Saturday Afternoon - The definitive sequel to Paladin's "Basketball Terror". What happened after that riot? This is a BDSM story. It is heavy on the forced sex. Mostly MF, but some FF and chapter 23 has a short forced MM segment. There's even some plot, too, but you might have to look close to find it. -ZM
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/ft Slavery Crime MaleDom FemaleDom Interracial
When we got back in the car after we left the Top Hat Gentlemen’s Club, I asked “Do we want to continue the family tradition and eat lunch at Burger King?”
Alice looked over at me. “Isn’t that, like, poking the bear at the zoo?”
Well, yeah. “Sure, but we gotta know. Are they going to come arrest me every time we’re seen in public? Wanting you in my life is not a crime. A lot of the things I do to you may be, but just wanting you isn’t. And their fries are good.”
So the family had lunch at the King. Alice was polite and proper. Melanie was proper, if not very polite. She acted like a teenager stuck with her family on the weekend. Shanda was even cheerful. She’d come a long way since I carried her out of Lucy’s place. I acted like an exasperated father, completely confused about what had happened to his precious little girls when they grew up. Nobody bothered us and we had fun.
About halfway through eating, the manager walked up with two more orders of fries, saying that they were on the house in recognition for what we were trying to do for those poor girls. Say what?
Two more of the missing teenage girls had been dropped off at the police station this morning. It was all over the news. The girls had said that they were being held by the Reds, but that “Coach Wilkins” was bringing too much heat on them and they’d sent them away before they got caught. The employee break area had a TV in it, and he’d recognized me as the man who the police had questioned “right over there” last week, while he pointed at the table we’d been at.
Dimona and the girls had come through! Now maybe the feebs would get off their ass and get the other girls away from the Reds. And there was no one else at the jail except for the two cunts.
The manager wanted to know if Shanda was ‘another one of those poor ladies’.
“Yes. I don’t think we’re supposed to be talking about them, but it’s getting ridiculous. I can’t live without Alice, of course, and she wants her daughter to live with us. I’m fine with that. Now I don’t think I could get a crowbar between Melanie and Shanda, so I’ve got two teenaged daughters. Can you see the family resemblance?”
He laughed at that. “Of course! They look just like their father! Um, what do her parents say about it?”
“That’s ugly, and we REALLY shouldn’t be talking about that.”
Shanda chimed in with “My parents were PART of it. I’m never going home again. I’m gonna live with Melanie and Larry and Alice for as long as they let me. The FBI even put in some paperwork to get them recognized as my guardians.”
I looked at her. “Honey, didn’t the FBI ask us to not talk about it?”
“Huh? They never said that to me!”
“I’ll see if I can get them to rectify their error, okay? Meanwhile, let’s not talk about an ongoing investigation. The FBI may be full of miserable jackasses...” I wanted to say ‘assholes’ but everyone in the dining room was listening. Again. Just like last time. So, I had to act civilized and educated. “ ... but they got that way because they have a miserable job dealing with jackasses all day. They are still trying to recover the rest of the girls. Let’s not make their jobs any harder than we have to, okay?”
I found out later that I was quoted in the news for that. Someone called the police to make sure they knew I had another one of the kidnapped girls, and they came out and talked to the King’s manager. He told them what I’d said, and it was in the news. It was too good a quote to let go, someone who didn’t like the FBI but still respected them.
“Let’s not talk about an ongoing investigation. The FBI may be full of miserable jackasses, but they got that way because they have a miserable job dealing with jackasses all day. They are still trying to recover the rest of the girls. Let’s not make their jobs any harder than we have to.”
Just great. I’m famous for publicly calling the FBI a bunch of miserable jackasses. It should have been ‘assholes’, but I kept my situational awareness and changed it to ‘jackasses’ before I said it.
We went by our jail just to check on things before we went to get Irene. I left the girls in the car, since it was just a quick check. Had Shanda ever been in there? I didn’t think so, but I wasn’t sure. Too much had happened too fast, and I was having trouble keeping track of it all.
Everything was fine. There was no one there except for Tiny, Sandra, and the two cunts who were still naked with their hands cuffed behind their backs. The two cunts were both on their knees where they belonged. One was slurping on Sandra’s twat and the other one was trying to take Tiny’s cock all the way in without using her hands. She was having a lot of trouble, but Tiny seemed to be patient. Eventually she’d be able to do it without any trouble.
That made me think of Frank’s massive horsecock, so I asked about him.
“I took him to the airport this morning. He sold me his car for two grand. I don’t think he’s coming back.”
“Probably not. We should probably search his place before anyone else does. He’s probably got shit stashed everywhere.”
“Yeah. We’ll do that tonight if we can. We won’t find everything, but you’re right. He never got a chance to go home after we picked him up, so there’ll be some stuff there. What do you want me to do with the drugs, if we find any?”
I had to think about that for a minute. Never go with your first thought, it won’t be a good one. ‘Give it to Sammy’ counted as a bad idea. ‘Give it to Lucy’ was almost as bad.
“I guess you can give it to me. I’ll turn it over to somebody. Probably Sandridge, he needs more shit in his life. ‘Here, one of my informants gave this to me. You guys deal with it.’ ‘Where’d he get it?’ ‘I don’t know. I don’t want to know. Just get it out of here.’ That’ll get rid of it without any fuss. In fact, as long as the FBI are living up my ass we can probably do that with anything people want to get rid of. Drugs, guns, whatever.”
“Now, that’s a good idea. Lots of people have stuff they want to get rid of but don’t want to get caught with. I’ll pass that on.”
I didn’t want to interrupt their training session, so I let him know I was going to get Irene to see if she wanted to take in one of the cunts, and we got out of there.
On our way I asked “Alice and Melanie, you two know what’s going on in there. There’s no one left except the two cunts and Tiny and his girlfriend to watch them. Shanda, you’ve never been in there, have you?”
There was an awkward silence while all three of them watched me drive. “Uh, Larry, I went in there with you last night. Cunt One licked me for a whole bunch of cums.”
I shook my head. “I’m losing my mind. We have got to get all these loose ends tied down before they explode. Shanda, I’m sorry. Of course you’re right. Did Cunt One give you any trouble, or did she just do what she was supposed to do?”
“She just did whatever she was told. She’s really good at it, too. Not as good as Melanie, but having Coa ... that person lick my puss until I made her stop was great. I’m gonna want her to do that a lot more.”
“Well, we’ve got to get her an owner first, but I’m sure whoever it turns out to be would be willing to let her cunt service a cute little girl who the cunt used to abuse. We’ll make it happen.”
“That would be great, having her lick me whenever I want. I’ll only need it for three years, though. After that I’m gonna get everything I need from you.”