Basketball Terror 2 - Cover

Basketball Terror 2

Copyright© 2025 by Zen Master

Chapter 32: Friday Night

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 32: Friday Night - The definitive sequel to Paladin's "Basketball Terror". What happened after that riot? This is a BDSM story. It is heavy on the forced sex. Mostly MF, but some FF and chapter 23 has a short forced MM segment. There's even some plot, too, but you might have to look close to find it. -ZM

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Slavery   Crime   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Interracial  

I looked down at the cunt who was trying to lick Alice’s twat again. Alice was holding her hair and wouldn’t let her scoot down far enough.

“I’m sure you’ve heard all about that time in the gym when we made all the VMC girls watch Cunt One get fucked by a dog. Before he was through, the cunt was cumming all over that dog’s cock which I’m pretty sure is even more humiliating than getting dog-fucked in the first place is. Well, even though I’ve never wanted to fuck a dog or that cunt, watching them go at it got me pretty excited. I picked one of the girls at random and fucked her throat while the dog fucked Cunt One. I admit I had no idea which one it was, at the time they were all stuck up bitches to be fucked over, but one of these ladies here just told me that it was her. Now, I still don’t know which one is Kathy and which one is Terri, but last Saturday one of them took my hose all the way down her throat and got to watch the look on my face while I spooged straight into her stomach.”

“I won’t ask her to do it again, but she did it. Alice here took my big fat nigger cock all the way down her throat right here just a little while ago. She does it all the time. Her, now, I can tell her to swallow my cock and two seconds later you won’t be able to see any part of it. Even Melanie has done it enough times that I don’t worry about telling her to. I’ve never wasted my spooge down her throat, though. Her tight little eighteen-year-old pussy is too good and it likes my cock too much. Melanie just swallows my cock to prove that anything her mother can do she can do, too, before she asks me to fuck her.”

“So, cunt, I’ll make a deal with you. Alice will swallow my entire cock while you watch. Then, Melanie will swallow my entire cock while you watch. Then, you are going to kneel in front of me while everyone else here watches, look me in the eyes, and ask for permission to take my big fat nasty nigger cock all the way down your throat.”

“Then, after I give you permission, you have to wait until you have permission, you’re going to swallow my entire cock while they watch. No bitching, no complaining, you’re just going to do it like the good little bitch you’re learning how to be. All the way until your lower lip is against my balls. Alice will verify that.”

“Then you’re going to hold it there while she counts to five before you take it out again. When it’s all the way out and you can talk again, you’re going to look me in the eyes and admit that you’re a worthless three-hole cumdump who does anything that a nicer person tells you to do.”

“Or, you won’t do what Alice and Melanie and one of these ladies can do. In which case I’m going to shove my whole cock up your ass. Maybe I’ll spooge up your ass, maybe I’ll just piss up your ass. Either way, once my dick is covered with your shit, I’m going to pull it out and shove it down your throat anyway so you can lick the whole thing clean as it comes back out. That’s your choice. You can either show me that you swallow big fat nigger cock all the way on your own, or I’m going to butt-fuck you and then make you lick my cock clean.”

“Alice, let her go and then show her what you can do.”

There was some shuffling while Alice got off the desk and knelt in front of me again. Melanie and both of her teammates wanted to watch, and Alice wanted to make sure Cunt Two got a good look, too. Before long, though, my cock was back in one of its homes, all the way down Alice’s throat.

She held it for a few seconds, then let it out again. Then she got up and Melanie took her spot. While Melanie was working it in, I gave Alice a hug and a kiss and told her that no one could ever please me better than her. I was willing to let Melanie try, though.

Once Melanie had me all the way in she wrapped her arms around me so I couldn’t get away. She wasn’t really big enough to look me in the eyes while she knelt with my cock down her throat, but she tried. After a few seconds she let me go and pulled off again.

Then Melanie turned to the cunt and said “I’m one of Larry’s bitches and I take his cock any time he wants, any way he wants. You aren’t one of his bitches, you’re just a lying cheating cunt, but if I can do it then you can do it. And his cock will taste a lot better if you swallow it before he fucks your ass. Now, move up, Larry shouldn’t have to go to you, and ask him nicely for permission to swallow his cock.”

It was awkward trying to crawl with her hands cuffed behind her back, but that just made her titties bounce. Bubba and Tiny and Dimona had trained her pretty well. However hard it was, she did whatever she was told. And they bounced pretty nice. I was thinking about backing up some, just to make her bounce over to me again. Once she was in position, she lifted her head to look at me.


I slapped the SHIT out of her before she could get another word out.

“I am NOT your master. I hope I never become your master. I’m trying to find a good owner for you because I don’t want anything to do with you. You’re a stuck-up white cunt who didn’t see anything wrong with fucking over a bunch of high school girls because they aren’t really people, they’re just niggers and they don’t matter. You would NOT live very long if I owned you, and you’d be miserable and in pain for every second of it. You are nothing more than a public cunt and you address me the same as you address any other man in the whole world. I am ‘sir’ and any woman is ‘ma’am’.”

“Yes, sir. This cunt is sorry. This cunt would like to please you by taking your cock all the way down her throat and into her stomach. May this cunt please swallow your cock?”

“I won’t cum, not for you. Nothing about you excites me. I may piss, though. Do you want me to piss into your stomach?”

“Yes, sir. This cunt wants you to piss into her stomach.”

“Very well. You may swallow my cock.”

That was pretty awkward, too, with her hands cuffed behind her back. She did it, though. When she had her lips in my pubes, just to keep her involved I had Alice check and then count to five out loud before I pulled out again. I didn’t have anything else I wanted from her, so I had Alice get back on a desk and had the cunt lick her until Shanda was done with Cunt One.

I had to tell my three to put their clothes back on when we left, and on our way out I asked Bubba to have his girlfriend, whatever her name was, call me. I wouldn’t be home until late so she could wait until I was home, or she could leave a number I could call her back at. I guess that means that after we empty Tom’s safe we have to go back to my house for the night.

It was getting late, but we really did need to empty the safe in Alice and Tom’s house and look through it before we slept. We probably wouldn’t have time to do it in the morning. And, I needed to talk to Dimona who expected me to be at my house. So, we had to make the long drive over to their house.

Had Shanda ever been to Melanie’s house? I couldn’t remember if they’d ever said. Apparently, yes. When we got there and I parked in front of my ‘reserved parking’ sign both girls jumped out and ran to the front door. The next time I looked around, the door was open and they were gone. There were lights on inside the house now. It had been dark when I drove up.

“Wasn’t it locked? And the alarm set?”

Alice, who had waited for me as she should whether she’s my wife or my slave, said “I had the spare key copied. I made three, for you, me, and Mel. I guess I should have made four so Shanda could have one. And we’ll know in a few seconds if Mel turned the alarm off.”

“Aren’t you supposed to have the locks changed, if someone steals a key?”

‘Oh! Of course! Well, I guess that was wasted money, getting those keys made.”

“No, we’ll need them until you get the locks changed.”

“We should do that soon.”

“Maybe we can go see a locksmith tomorrow and get him to come out some time. Or, I guess, you can stay here with the girls and I can take the locks off and take them to the locksmith. That would be a lot cheaper than having him come out to your house. Probably faster, too. Do you and Tom have any tools? You usually just need a screwdriver to take them apart.”

“There’s a toolbox in the garage. I know there’s screwdrivers in there. If you can do that, then yes that will be the fastest and cheapest way. I’d forgotten that whoever got Tom’s keys has a key to this house. You’re right, now that you’ve reminded me I’d never feel safe here unless we changed the locks.”

When we got to the front door Alice stopped and gave me a hug. “Master? Does your bitch strip before or after going inside?”

“Definitely after, after I’ve closed the door. Ain’t nobody else needs to see my bitch naked.”

“Yes, sir. I’m a good bitch. I just need to know what a good bitch is supposed to do.”

She went in first, then stood there waiting while I closed and locked the door. While she was stripping she made a big show of looking around for something. Once she was done she raised her head and called out “Melanie!”

Melanie answered from upstairs “Yes, Mom?”

“Where are your clothes?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re in the foyer. I don’t see your clothes. Did you take them up to your room?”

We could hear two teenagers running down the hall and then down the stairs until we could see them. And they could see us. And we could watch the light come on in both their eyes. “Oh!”

Yes, ‘Oh!’. Alice told them “We are home alone with our owner. You’re one of Larry’s bitches, and you should have stripped as soon as you walked in the door. Now, Shanda isn’t Larry’s bitch and she doesn’t have to, but she’s your bitch and I expect that if you have to be naked in your owner’s house then you’ll want your own bitch to be naked too. Now both of you come down here and strip before he gets mad.”

I shook my head. Their big fancy front door had narrow windows bracketing it. “No, let’s get out of the foyer first. Anyone on the porch can see in, and they don’t need to see any of you naked.”

“Okay, in the den, then.” Alice bent over and picked up her pile of clothes before she left. Before I followed them I flipped switches until I found the porch light. I turned it on and turned the foyer light off. After that we could see out but people on the porch couldn’t see in. By the time I had that figured out and went into the den all three women were the way all women should always be, naked.

Alice came and gave me a good hug. “Master, how can your bitch please you?”

I had to smile. “If I ever come up with anything that’s even better than the way you are, I’ll let you know. Until then, you’re everything that any man could ever want. Melanie’s right, all I’ll ever need is you, but you wanted Melanie with us and now Melanie wants Shanda. And Shanda’s gonna bring us two more kids. We’re gonna hafta think about how we do things when they show up. For now, though, this is right. My bitches are naked when we’re home with no one else here.”

Alice let go of me and said “Mel, come give your owner a hug.”

That was nice, too. I could tell by the way she jerked that her butt still hurt from the paddling, but she didn’t complain. She just mashed her titties against my chest and wrapped a leg around me to grind her pussy into my hip. You know, the way any slut or whore or bitch should do with her man. Then she repeated what Alice had said. “Master, how can your bitch please you?” but she added “And when do I get fucked again?”

I supported her weight so she could wrap both legs around me. “I dunno, but it’ll be after I fuck your mom tonight. You’re a wonderful young woman but you’re always going to be second in my mind after her. Okay, get down. We got things we gotta do.”

She got down, but she told Shanda to hug me too, the same way she had. Once Shanda was up where we could fuck if I was naked too Melanie said “You’re not Larry’s bitch, you aren’t doing that to please him. You’re doing it for me, because I told you to. I want you to do that partly just to fit in with me and Mom, but also because I want you used to touching men and being touched. And, because I love seeing my little bitch do things that please my owner. If you weren’t only fourteen I’d have you fucking and sucking him every day.”

I let her hang on me and wiggle around for a bit before I smacked her cute little butt. “Okay, it’s time to stop teasing the old man and get down. We got stuff to do.”

We all went around the corner to Tom’s office. We made enough room around the safe for us to all see what we were doing and Alice pulled her notes out of her purse. It took me a couple of tries to get it open, but it worked fine once I figured out how it had to work.

There was all sorts of stuff in there. It wasn’t full by any means, but there was a lot of stuff. There was a bunch of cash, a lot of papers, and some pictures. Tom really was a bastard. They were all pictures of women, most of them with spooge on their faces or oozing out of assorted holes.

I just shook my head and told Alice to grab a bag that could hold it all until we got home. The girls looked kind of funny at me at that.

“My home. We gotta get back there so I can talk to Dimona about tomorrow. We’re releasing the two girls. You three ladies can just go to bed once we’re home, but I gotta stay up. I know what you’re saying, though. If we can make it work this would be a lot nicer home to live in. It’s just ... you know all the shit I’ve got going on. I’m a teacher and coach at W-C. I have to grade homework and tests, and I have to go to practices after school. I’m the school’s athletic director, which means I have to go to all the games and meets and contests that our athletes compete in even if I’m not the coach for that event.”

“I’m half-owner of the Crib and you know what a disaster that would turn into if I didn’t keep my thumb on Lucy and Gail. I’m the slumlord for four whole apartment buildings. Temporarily, at least, I’m running a training school for cunts. That’s gonna go away as soon as it can, but the rest are all long-term obligations. I don’t know how I could have much time with the three of you if you were living here.”

They nodded and said “Oh, okay.”

I was always thinking. When we were in the car headed back home I said “I’ve gotta unload some of this stuff. If I can find a manager I can trust for the Crib, I can probably turn over the four apartment buildings to him, too. Or her, it doesn’t have to be a man. It just has to be someone who can stand up to all the bullshit and idiocy he or she will get from everyone. My tenants, the people in the apartments, can be pretty stupid some times. They don’t care what happens to the apartments they live in, but they expect me to keep them nice and clean with everything working no matter what they do to them. A lot of the girls at the Crib do drugs, and then they do a lot of really stupid stuff. Hell, Lucy and Gail both do drugs some times and do stupid shit. How can I expect the employees to stay off shit if their bosses can’t? And sometimes the customers cause trouble, too. We pay several men to do nothing but walk around and deal with troublemakers.”

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