Basketball Terror 2 - Cover

Basketball Terror 2

Copyright© 2025 by Zen Master

Chapter 28: Friday Morning

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 28: Friday Morning - The definitive sequel to Paladin's "Basketball Terror". What happened after that riot? This is a BDSM story. It is heavy on the forced sex. Mostly MF, but some FF and chapter 23 has a short forced MM segment. There's even some plot, too, but you might have to look close to find it. -ZM

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Slavery   Crime   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Interracial  

The next thing I knew, Melanie was wiggling around some on my chest. What was left of my dick was slowly withdrawing. She was trying to get it to stay still while she fucked it, and it wasn’t having any of it. It was tired and just wanted to take a nap.

I forgot about her spanking and paddling and swatted her on her ass. “Be still!”

She gave out a little cry of pain, and I remembered. Oops. “Sorry, honey, I forgot, and, well, your ass is fine. It’s the first thing I look at when you’re not facing me, and it’s the first thing I’m gonna grab when you are facing me like this. You need to be still, though. When I come out it’s gonna be a mess.”

“No, I just need to roll over and Shanda will take care of the mess. Oh. That’s gonna hurt. Shit. Well, if Shanda makes me cum a couple of times I’ll forget about the pain. If I roll over so Shanda can lick me clean, can you get above me so I can lick you clean?”

“I can do that.”

“Good. Larry, I’m your bitch and your bitches ALWAYS lick you clean after you fuck them.”

“Are you going to be okay? Are we going to be okay?”

“It’s gonna hurt like hell when I roll over, but it’s gotta be done. Shanda will make me forget about it. Larry, I’m your bitch. If I get out of line you have to slap the shit out of me until I’m doing right again. Just, damn, I don’t ever want twenty of those. That paddle hurt. I’d rather you just fuck my ass every day for twenty days. What did Gail do, to earn twenty of those?”

“That would be Gail’s story to tell, if she wants. I don’t expect her to treat you like a friend, though. Sometimes I think she wants to be my girlfriend again, and that’s never gonna happen. Not that it would anyway, but with you and your mother here? She’s got nuthin’ I want.”

“Yeah, but you’ve got something she wants. Larry, you are very, very good at this. If she used to get this, and now she doesn’t, she’s probably had other men and she knows what she’s lost.”

“She’s been a whore for the last twenty years. Yeah, she’s had other men. Shit, she had other men in high school while she was my girlfriend. That was why I had her start working as my sister’s first employee in the first place. If she’s gonna fuck other men, she may as well get paid for it.”

Melanie stopped wiggling and snuggled back in for a nap. That wasn’t going to work, either.

“Honey, I gotta get up. You may not have to go to school today, but I do.” I laid my hands on her ass, gently rubbing the parts that were on fire. I could give her a few more swats, if I wanted to...

Shanda was back spooning in front of Alice, and this time she had one of her hands keeping Alice’s hand on her breast. Okay, it’s a gray area, but the courts would probably say that they shouldn’t be doing that. She looked pretty happy, though. Her other hand was touching Melanie, gently running over everything she could reach. Our hands had run into each other a couple of times.

Alice had the sweetest smile on her face, too. She loved holding Shanda, and I could believe that she would love to have more children. Oh, yeah. Throw those pills away, honey. I’m gonna fuck you until you have TRIPLETS!

Alice asked “What are we doing today?”

“Well, I want you with me. Wherever I go, for the rest of our lives. Certainly, I want you under my desk whenever I’m sitting there. Being head coach would be a lot more fun if you were there all the time to give me head whenever I sat down. Today? I don’t know. I guess the girls should stay here. Melanie, the same rules. No visitors for any reason. The police, the FBI, the President could come by. I don’t care. Anyone who insists on coming in the house when me and Alice aren’t there can get carried out feet-first. We need to get both of you girls up to the gun club tonight if we can. You both need to learn how to shoot safely.”

I thought for a few seconds. “Okay, I need to see Tiny this morning. If he doesn’t come by early, maybe you can go looking for him while I’m teaching my second period history class. I’m going to have to find a way to hire him full time, so he can get paid for all the shit I’m draggin’ him through. And, I need to get to school early today. I need to see for real if the FBI is taping everything that’s said in my office. You come with me, and if you have to you can drive my car. Your car will stay here in case the two elves need it.”

With that I slapped Melanie’s ass, yes, where it hurt. She jerked. “Okay, honey, you gotta get up so _I_ can get up. You can go back to bed after we’re gone, if you want.”

“This is the best place to sleep, right here. I can sleep here.”

“Maybe Shanda can help keep you warm.”

I popped her ass again. I could do that all day, right?

“Okay, okay, I’ll get up.”

She lifted up and off me, rolling over on her back. Shanda scooted down to get between her legs. while I rolled over and climbed on top of her so she could clean up her part of the mess. While she was doing that, I was on my hands and knees and Alice’s tits were right there so I started trying to nurse.

She tried to push me off. “If you don’t stop that, you’re going to be late for school because you’ll have to fuck me before you go.”

I grumbled. “There’s no milk yet. Why is there no milk? That’s all you need to be perfect.”

“You don’t get any milk unless you fuck me again. You have to fuck me at least once a day for nine months to get milk, if I remember right.”

I had to laugh at that. So did Melanie, under me and trying to make sure my dick was clean.

Alice stuck to her guns. “I’m positive that that’s the way it works. You have to fuck me every day for nine months or you don’t get any milk. If you skip a day, you lose all your progress. Every day for nine months. Then you’ll get milk and you can take a break for a while.”

“Well, shit. Every day for nine months? That’s a whole lotta work. If I gotta, though, I gotta. It’s not too high a price to pay. I need milk.”

By the time we were out the door after a shower and breakfast, it was too late to be early. We weren’t late, we were in my office before the first period bell, but I didn’t get there before anyone else like I’d wanted to. Alice had wrapped her arms around me and made me stay there on my hands and knees, trying to get milk from her titties while Melanie cleaned me up and Shanda cleaned her up. I guess you could call it a daisy-chain.

Alice didn’t have any milk when we were in the shower, either. I checked. Maybe she was right about that ‘every day for nine months’ thing. I was sure as hell willing to find out!

Melanie ate breakfast standing up. She was wearing one of my tee-shirts and some flip-flops, but that was all she was wearing. Shanda was wearing a shirt and shorts. I didn’t think she was wearing panties, but I didn’t check.

Me and Alice were dressed for going out. This time I had her wear a bra that actually gave her some support. I’d passed the ‘I wanna show my bitch to everyone’ stage. Now I was in the ‘look at my bitch too close and I’ll kill you’ stage.

Aside from not wanting to sit down, Melanie looked pretty satisfied. She rode the pony and got filled up, and then Shanda made her cum a couple more times. That I knew of. She may have gotten a few more while Alice and I were in the shower.

If the circus comes to town and stays so long that everyone gets used to it and considers it a normal part of town, is it still a circus? It hadn’t even been a week yet, but it just seemed normal to have a city policeman, a county sheriff, a state trooper, and an FBI supervisor all standing around in the coaches’ office waiting to see who I’d bring in today.

“Sorry boys, it’s still just me and my wife.” I looked at Agent Sandridge. “Any word yet on our two movie stars?”

“I cannot talk about an ongoing investigation.”

I’d turned away to see where I was going, but I whipped my head back to him at that. He had a big shit-eatin’ grin. Probably because of the look on my face.

“No, it’s okay. You’re part of the investigation, so I can talk to you about it and no one will get upset. Well, a lot of people will get upset because you’re one of the dirtbags that caused this mess, but you’re also a trusted informant and I can talk pretty fast when I have to. It’s okay. As an investigating agent of the FBI with police authority, I can get away with breaking just about any law I want, if I can justify it as part of an operation to recover some kidnapped teenaged girls who are being forced into prostitution or sex slavery. Those plates were a big help.”

“Were they registered to the address the girls are being held at?”

“No, they’re not that dumb. The car and van are owned by two different corporations but they both use the same post office box. Also, they as well as a couple other vehicles all have their licenses paid for from the same checking account. That account goes back to the same PO box, but that’s not the only thing that account is used for. It’s been used for several years to pay the utilities and property taxes for several different properties.”

The agent had to take a breath before he could continue. “We still don’t know who actually owns those properties, but one of them is known to be an adult movie studio. We know that because the local LEOs have raided that studio more than once for drug offenses. Once that connection came out, investigating those plates stopped being another fruitless dead end and became our main effort. You said the girls were sold to a movie producer, and those plates led us to an adult movie studio in Ohio with no good reason to have a limo and a windowless van in upstate New York. The limo, sure, that could be anywhere, rich people use them all the time, but accompanied by a work van with no windows owned by the same company? My bosses now believe that you are giving us good info.”

“Vunderbar! Does that mean that my militia is gonna get to participate?”

“Hell no! You old men need to let the trained professionals do that stuff! You know and I know, no one on our entry teams has anywhere near the real experience that some of your retired soldiers have, but we’re the FBI. We have the people, the training, and the equipment to do anything. We can’t be seen to need ANYONE’s help or Congress will drop our budget next year.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. You tell them ‘The world is getting more complicated all the time. We need a bigger budget to handle some of the new kinds of crime we’re seeing.’”

“I’ll pass that on to my boss. I’m sure that no one in our budget office has ever thought of that, right?” The sarcasm was just dripping out of his words as they left his mouth.

“THAT’s the FBI we all know and love! No one can tell you bastards anything, you already know it all.”

“Not me, man. I don’t know everything yet. I’m just a Supervisory Agent. You have to be at least an OIC, an Officer In Charge, to know everything.”

“Don’t give up. You’ll get there. I have faith in you.”

“Thanks. Anyway, we are preparing to do a search and seize on several properties that we’ve linked to that account. I’ll let you know if we find anything interesting.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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