Basketball Terror 2
Copyright© 2025 by Zen Master
Chapter 27: Bonding Time
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 27: Bonding Time - The definitive sequel to Paladin's "Basketball Terror". What happened after that riot? This is a BDSM story. It is heavy on the forced sex. Mostly MF, but some FF and chapter 23 has a short forced MM segment. There's even some plot, too, but you might have to look close to find it. -ZM
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/ft Slavery Crime MaleDom FemaleDom Interracial
I stopped talking and waited for her to respond. Was she gonna get mad at me for having Lucy as my sister? How was that MY fault?
“That’s horrible!”
“Uh, huh. When you told the FBI agents that I saved your life, you weren’t lying. She had every intention of keeping you there like that until you died. Then, the lazy bitch was going to call her baby brother Lawrence Allen Wilkins, me, and tell me that I needed to help her dispose of some trash. I wasn’t about to let that happen, not to a beautiful little girl whose only crime was wanting to play basketball.”
“Has ... has that happened before?”
“Honey, I can’t answer that question. The answer to that question might be an admission to accessory to murder after the fact. All I can say is that I knew how the story was going to end and I wasn’t going to let it happen to you.”
“So you really did save my life! Uh, Larry, can you drive me down to New Haven sometime? I need to check out Yale and decide if I want to go to college there. It’ll probably take a week to decide, so we’ll need to get some hotel rooms.”
I couldn’t help it, I started crying and pulled her to me and hugged her as tight as I could. I looked at Alice. “Can we say that her mind seems to be working okay?”
Alice was crying too, but she nodded. “Yes, if she came up with that, that fast, I think so. Her values might be a little off, but she’s thinking well enough.”
I pushed Shanda out so we were face to face again. “Sorry baby, but you were really messed up when we went and got you. We’ve been worried about brain damage and whether your mind would ever recover. Thank you for showing us that you’re okay.”
“You offered to take me in, even though you thought I might be brain-damaged? You really are good people.”
“Well, I have to take responsibility for a lot of what happened. Not any particular thing, but the overall mess. I had a hand in most of it. That’s why I’m so determined to get back all the girls I can. Maybe not all the adults, but none of this was you and your teammates’ fault. I pretty much owe it to you girls to do what I can to get you all back.”
“How are you doing? I mean you’ve got me and Melanie, right?”
“Well, Sandra is safe now. She’s with one of my friends. That’s probably permanent, like I hope you and Melanie and Alice will be.”
Alice interrupted us there. “Shanda, can you get down now? Larry is feeling insecure and I need to reassure him.”
Shanda said “Okay” and got up.
Alice wormed around until her head was in my lap, and then said “Okay, you can continue. The rest of this conversation will be with Larry’s cock in my mouth so he knows his bitch is here for him.”
Like I was going to argue with that! I waited until Alice was where she wanted to be, then continued. “Anyway, Sandra is his bitch, but he’ll take care of her so she’s okay. I’m pretty sure she likes the way he fucks her, at least, so unless he starts treating her like shit she’ll probably stay with him. That’s three of you. There were two more girls who were put to work at the Crib...” I looked at Melanie.
“Terri and Kathy.”
Right. Those two were both tall and slender, the kind of build you expect to see on a girl’s basketball team. As opposed to Shanda, who was just a little bundle of cute, and Sandra, whose tits belonged in Penthouse. Or maybe “Bondage Monthly”. Neither of them had any business trying to do sports.
“Right. I don’t have them exactly set free yet, but they’re out of the whorehouse, so it’s a step in the right direction. They aren’t working as slave whores for my sister, at least. This is good, because Lucy would have grabbed one of them and taken her home to replace you. Probably Terri, since she is younger and easier to control. Anyway, that’s five of you taken care of.”
“What about the rest? There were ten of us that got on the bus for the game.”
“The other five are still a problem. I’m pretty sure that two of them went to a local gang and the police are sitting on their thumbs about getting them back. By the time they get those two girls out they will probably be too fucked up to recover from. I know where a third one went, but I don’t have any leverage there.”
Well, I did, but I wasn’t about to stab Toby in the back by taking Elizabeth away from him. Maybe I could get him to make her his own private pussy, like a trophy wife or something. That would be better than spending the rest of her life as the Gipps’ gang-bang slut.
“The last two are the ones I want the FBI to concentrate on. My sister sold them to a studio company that makes adult movies. They’ll be fine at first, since the studio will want them to be healthy and look pretty and act happy in their movies. In the long run, though, that career is literally a dead end. They’ll be making movies until they die of it. We’ve got to get them back before the movie people fuck them up too badly. Anyway, I know where all ten of you girls went, if not necessarily how to get them all back yet.”
“Okay. Can I see Sandra and Terri and Kathy? I really like Sandra and Kathy. They were always nice to me even though I can’t really play basketball very well. I was only on the team because Coach Piper liked the way I...”
Melanie finished her sentence “ ... licked pussy. Baby, we ALL like the way you lick pussy. You may not want to be a lesbian, but everyone on the team wants you to be her girlfriend. I’m not a lesbian either, I’m a strong believer in the power of cock, but I will happily pretend to be a lesbian if it gets your face between my knees.”
I had to answer Shanda’s question. “Um, you know I’m involved in stuff I don’t want to talk to you about. You probably don’t want to know about most of it. With that said, I can probably get Sandra to come here to see you, and I can take you to go see Terri and Kathy, or maybe it would be better to have them brought here when we get them released. That way, I don’t have to show you where they are hiding. I’ll see what I can do in the morning. Meanwhile, we have one more thing to cover before I get some badly-needed sleep.”
I stroked Alice’s head. Even though my cock was in a coma, it felt really good to have her holding it in her mouth, moving her tongue around every so often and occasionally swallowing. I was really happy with what she was doing, but I needed her to get out of the way. “Honey, I need my lap back for the last conversation. Can you get up for a couple of minutes?”
“Did you like that?”
“I think you should do that whenever I’m feeling insecure. Which is most of the time, now that I think about it. What I really liked was Melanie’s idea about the wheelbarrow so you can do that all day and I can take you with me wherever I go. Yes, I loved it! How did you know that that would calm me down?”
“Tom had me do that sometimes. I’d much rather do it for you.”
“Huh. Well, nowadays Tom gets to do it for his boyfriend, so you’re even, right?”
“I like that way of thinking of it. Yes, I do it for my boyfriend whenever he wants, and he does it for his boyfriend whenever he wants.”
“Okay. You need to get out of the way, now. It’s Melanie’s turn.”
“Oh, good.”
“No, not good. You get to lay down on my lap. No, face down. Actually, ass up. Right. This is a very nice ass. I enjoy touching it, fondling it. However, sometimes I have to do things that don’t feel good. Now, do you remember when I came back in from talking to the FBI agents, and I told you two girls that Shanda could not participate in sex with me or your mother until she was 17?”
“Uh, yes?”
“And yet, after your mother and I made love, you came in and did something wonderful for me, which I really appreciated, but at the same time Shanda was doing something wonderful for Alice. Can you tell me what it was that Shanda did?”
“She cleaned out Mom’s pussy after you filled it up, and then she licked Mom to a cum.”
“Do you think that a courtroom full of people who don’t like me might consider that to have been a sex act?”
“We live in a state that considers any genital contact with another human being, with the sole exception of a dick in a pussy, using the man-on-top missionary position, to be deviant behavior. Yes, licking your mom’s pussy until she cums counts as sex when you’re in a courtroom full of people who want to cause trouble for me. Next, it’s been a couple of hours since our talk about statutory rape. Has Shanda turned 17 since then?”
“What age is Shanda?”
“She’s 14.”
“And, did Shanda do that completely on her own?”
“No. I told her to.”
“That’s right. First, you told her to clean your mom up. Then, you told her to make sure your mom came at least once. You gave her two completely different orders that directed criminal acts. She’s your bitch and she does whatever you tell her to do. That means that you will take responsibility for anything that she does wrong. ESPECIALLY if she did wrong on your specific orders. You might be able to argue differently if you weren’t involved, but she does whatever you tell her to do and she performed both acts immediately after you told her to. If you want authority over someone, you have to also take responsibility for her. You can’t have one without the other. Kinda like I want authority over you, so I have to take responsibility for what you do. Got that?”
“Yes, sir.”
“So, you had Shanda do something that makes your own mother guilty of having sex with a 14-year-old, which is a felony in this state. Right now, no one except us four knows that your mother is a felon. I’d like to make sure that no one else ever finds out, but it’s clear that this isn’t something that’s important to you. I need to change that. I would be really, really unhappy if the state took your mother away and put her in jail, or took you away from her, or even just took Shanda away, all because Shanda was trusting enough to do something stupid that you told her to do. Still with me?”
“Yes, sir.”
“So, I’m going to do something about it. Something that will help you remember that there are consequences to everything. The next time you want to give Shanda an order that will cause trouble, I want you to think about whether it’s worth all the trouble that YOU will get in. Shanda is a wonderful young woman, but she is extremely submissive. I’m never going to punish Shanda for doing something that you told her to do. Instead, I’m going to do everything I can to get you to grow up some and stop causing trouble just for fun. I can’t avoid my responsibilities if I want to keep my authority, and you need to learn that lesson, too.”
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