Basketball Terror 2
Copyright© 2025 by Zen Master
Chapter 11: Catching Up
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 11: Catching Up - The definitive sequel to Paladin's "Basketball Terror". What happened after that riot? This is a BDSM story. It is heavy on the forced sex. Mostly MF, but some FF and chapter 23 has a short forced MM segment. There's even some plot, too, but you might have to look close to find it. -ZM
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/ft Slavery Crime MaleDom FemaleDom Interracial
I still had to check with the last two gangs, the North Slum Knights and the Bluesmen. West Central wasn’t really in their territory like the Gipps and the Reds, and we hadn’t given them any of the girls on VMC’s team. They’d been told that they could take home any white women they could catch, though.
There hadn’t been that many white women at the game. I didn’t think they could have more than five or ten between them, but I needed to know who they were. I really wanted to find the president of VMC’s Booster Club and spend some quality time down in the Dungeon with her. That bitch had been right in the middle of all the bribery and cheating with the cunt, and she should be right beside the cunt for whatever I did to her. Maybe they could share a dog and lick each other’s twats out after the dog was done with them.
That didn’t have to happen today, though. After we collected whatever money we could from Frank, I wanted to go back home again and sleep. Well, to Alice and Melanie’s home. Which was going to be our home, too. Okay, I needed to go by the Top Hat and talk to whoever was in charge. I was going to need Tom O’Donald to sign some papers.
By the time we got to the bus station we’d decided that Tiny would go in with Frank’s key and just take everything in the locker. We didn’t need to spread everything out while the bystanders watched. I’d stay in the car with the girls. We could look through the stuff in the car, and then if there was anything there that we didn’t want Tiny could put it back in the locker before we left.
Tiny came back in a couple of minutes with two tote-bags and a cardboard box. He said there were some clothes in the locker, but he left them. He should check the pockets before we left, though.
One bag was full of cash. The other one had clothes in it. We handed that one back to the girls and told them to take everything out, one item at a time, and look in each pocket. Look in places that might have things hidden, too. We know that Frank is a cheat, a liar, and a thief. There’s no telling what we might find. The box had a bunch of jewelry in it. I don’t know anything about jewelry, but it looked like gold and silver. We’d have to have it all appraised.
Tiny and I counted everything in the cash bag. It came out to just under $12 grand. That would have more than paid all his losses on the game, if he’d just been willing to be honest.
The girls found a key, some more money, and some IDs stuffed in a shoe. The IDs had Frank’s picture but someone else’s name on it. I didn’t know how hard something like that was to get, but if he’d been able to get to that stuff we’d never have been able to find him.
“Frank Brown” would disappear, and this “Fred Browning” guy would be walking around. We’d have to go down to Jamaica ourselves and see if we could recognize him. Hell, it was almost impossible to find a guy who was still hiding in our own town. Going looking for him down in Jamaica was too much trouble, and he was probably really going to Aruba instead, anyway. If we let him go we’d never get our money.
We’d have to ask Frank what the key was for. It looked like a safe deposit box key to me. I didn’t have one myself, I didn’t trust banks that much, but I’d seen them before. I knew what they looked like. Maybe if I could find a bank owned by a brother, I’d use one of theirs.
We decided to put the clothes-bag back in the locker, without the stuff we found. Tiny was going to tell Frank that we took the money bag and the box, and pocket the money from the clothes as a fine for Frank trying to stiff him. I wanted to keep the fake IDs and see how good they were.
I figured that Frank had probably gotten the jewelry in payment for a debt. Frank probably didn’t steal it, but whoever gave it to him may have. We let Alice choose a pearl necklace from the pile of jewelry, then Melanie chose a gold chain, and then Tiny chose a gold chain to give to Sandra if he decided to keep her and she was willing to stay. We’d take the rest to be appraised and sold. Whoever appraised it would have to see if it had been reported as stolen.
After that, Tiny went back into the station and put the clothes-bag back in Frank’s locker. We decided that we’d tell Frank “Naw, we left that. We just grabbed the bag with money and the box with all the jewelry.” When he came back out he said he looked through the loose clothes in the locker but he didn’t find anything. He even pulled everything out for a second so he could make sure there was nothing loose on the locker bottom.
We’d been talking some more, and Tiny decided to see if Sandra could behave without being tied up. Alice and Melanie were being pretty good examples of well-behaved bitches. If Sandra could act like them, then Tiny would let her have some clothes and run around with him. Sure, we drove by Tiny’s place to get her.
We all went in with him to see her, too. Tiny wasn’t as bad a slob as, say, my sister, but he wasn’t very neat, either. His place was a mess. At least Sandra hadn’t peed on the bed. She’d been able to reach a styrofoam coffee cup and she’d peed in it. Tiny was pretty happy when he saw that.
Sandra didn’t have a pretty face. Laying on the bed naked, though, no one would object to the way she looked. The rest of her body more than made up for it. She was very fit, like the rest of her team. The cunt had kept them all in good shape. Her tits were too large to be comfortable running, but they were perfect for entertaining men.
Naturally, Sandra was all upset about me and the girls seeing her naked, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. Tiny sat down on the bed and started fondling her. She couldn’t stop him from playing with her titties, but when he moved to her pussy she put her legs together.
Tiny said “We just came from whipping a cunt’s pussy because she didn’t want to be touched. By the time we were done, she had her legs as far apart as she could get them, so we wouldn’t whip her pussy any more. Have you ever had your pussy whipped?
She said “No, sir.”
“Would you like your pussy whipped?”
“No, sir.”
“Then you need to spread your legs like a good piece of fuckmeat whenever there’s a man in the room.” Sandra spread her legs, and Tiny started playing with her pussy. Then he asked “Do you like being slapped around?”
“No, sir.”
Then he asked Sandra if she would like to be untied and allowed to wear clothes like Alice and Melanie. She said “Yes, sir.”
“Here’s the deal. Right now you’re just a piece of fuckmeat, a collection of holes for men to fuck. You’re tied to a bed naked, and you’re available to any man who wants to use you. I fuck you whenever I want, and I bring over some friends when I can’t fuck you any more. You don’t even get to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom unless I’m happy about how well you fuck and suck. I don’t ever have to feed you. You’ll get by on all the spunk I make you swallow. You aren’t even a bitch to be told what to do. You’re just fuckmeat tied to a bed. Nobody cares about you. Your life is pretty shitty.”
“Now, I’m pretty happy the way things are. I own my own piece of fuckmeat and it’s great. I don’t want anything to change. However, Mr. Wilkins, here, thinks that you might like to upgrade your status to ‘girlfriend’. If you do, there are benefits to both of us. You get to wear clothes. You don’t have to be tied to the bed. And, I don’t have to worry about you taking off. There are drawbacks, too. If you are my girlfriend, I have to take care of you. I gotta feed you, I gotta get you some clothes, I gotta be nice to you. You have to be nice to me, too. And, you have to do whatever I say.”
“The big difference is that, if you’re my girlfriend, you don’t have to do what anyone else says. I have to protect you. As long as you’re my girlfriend and you keep me happy, you won’t be in any more gangbangs. Nobody’ll be fucking you except me. You still have to fuck me whenever I want and suck whoever I say, but you won’t have to fuck anyone else. What’dya think? You wanna be my girlfriend?”
“I can have clothes?”
“Yes, my girlfriend gets to wear clothes. Not all the time, you gotta take them off whenever I say, but we’re going out and I can’t have you walking around naked. Nobody gets to see my girlfriend naked except me.”
“And I’m not gonna get raped any more?”
“As long as you agree that I get it whenever I want, no you won’t get raped any more. Nobody gets to fuck you except for me.”
“Do I have to say I love you?”
“Well, not when it’s just us. I’ll want you to be honest with me, the way I’m being honest with you. When we’re out with other people, though, I’m gonna make you say it a couple of times. You’re gonna hafta say “I love him and I’d do anything to please him” whenever you’re asked. Everybody’ll know you’re lying, but you gotta say it. And I’ll tell you to do something, and you’ll have to do whatever it is. They’ll be watching. Doesn’t matter what it is. You gotta do it. If you don’t do it, then you’ll go back to being fuckmeat tied to a bed.”
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