The Story of Eve's Transformation - Cover

The Story of Eve's Transformation

Copyright© 2025 by Lustysnake

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Eve is naive and has social and academic difficulties. She also has a brother and a sister younger than her. Eve does not know that the twins hate her and that is why they agree to help Simon, a rich pervert to take control of their sister to get rid of her permanently.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Humiliation   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  


Eve obeys very well and it has been weeks since she has complained about what she is forced to do. I’m very happy because she’s really great at licking my pussy and both me and Kaden make a lot of money with her body.

However, today, it’s an important test that Simon is asking us to do and I think she’s going to refuse to obey and the punishment is going to be very cool to watch!


Today is Saturday, and Karly decided that I had to go with her for the daily walk with Max.

Max has been our dog for years. Well, actually, he’s the twins’ dog. Because I’ve always been scared of dogs. I don’t know why, but no matter their size, I’ve always been afraid of them. With Max, it’s even worse because he’s a really big beast.

I don’t know the dog breeds, but dad explained that he’s a mix of several breeds. He kind of looks like a German shepherd and a labrador, but according to dad, he’s bigger than both of those breeds. He’s completely black and has short fur.

Also, Max doesn’t like me. At least, he growls at me when I get close to him or walk by him.

This time, it’s not as bad because we’re with Mia and Zoe, and I stay as far away from the dog as possible. Karly and the other two are talking to each other and don’t pay attention to me. It’s when we get close to Jasmin’s house that I realize this isn’t just a walk, we’re going to Jasmin’s.

I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I already know I’m not going to like it. Especially when Karly and the others start laughing when they see my face.

We go in together, and I’m surprised that Jasmin lets Max into her living room. Everything in her house is so nice, the dog might break something. Even at home, our parents don’t let Max inside, and our house isn’t as nice.

When we get to the living room, Karly sits down on the couch with Jasmin, Mia and Zoe. She’s holding Max’s leash, and he sits when she tells him to. Karly looks at me and says: “Take off your skirt and your butt-plug, then go sit down in that armchair and start to play with yourself.”


Eve looks at me for a moment, then she does as I asked and settles on the chair. She doesn’t immediately start masturbating, but when I add: “You want to be punished Eve?”

She places her hand on his and begins to caress herself gently.

Max, having nothing to do, is lying on the ground, but when my sister starts to moan with pleasure, he raises his head and looks at Eve.

That’s when I say to Eve: “Stop Eve now.”

The little whore doesn’t stop immediately, but does it when I yell: “Stop Eve!”

I add: “Put your hands on your head and don’t move until I give you permission to do so. Understand?”

Eve doesn’t say anything, but she places her hands on her head.

Jasmin stands up and walks over to a small cabinet in the living room. She takes out a glass container and heads toward Eve.

I don’t know exactly what the substance in the container is, but Simon explained to me that there’s no doubt it will have the desired effect.

Jasmin opens the jar and puts her hand inside. She pulls out her hand coated with a substance that closely resembles honey. She then places her hand on Eve’s pussy who barely manages not to lower her hands.

Jasmin puts this substance several times on my sister’s sex and anus who, even if she seems a little nervous, no longer reacts to what the woman is doing to her.

The material seems thicker than honey, even though it has the same color, because the material remains stuck to Eve’s genitals.

Jasmin is putting the box away, and while she leaves the room to wash her hands, I say to my sister: “Today, we’re going to do a test with you. If you succeed, you’ll get a reward; if you fail, you’ll be punished.”

“You will place your arms and hands on the armrests of the chair and spread your legs. You must not move until I give you permission. If you move without my permission, we’ll tie you up, and you’ll be punished.”

That’s when Jasmin comes back and sits down on the couch with us again.

She whispers in my ear, smiling: “It should start soon.”


I’m more comfortable with my arms on the armrests, but the way my legs are positioned is a little awkward, especially with what Jasmin did with that strange substance that’s kind of like honey. I think it must have some honey in it because it smells a lot like honey.

But the biggest problem is that I really want to masturbate to finally cum. Karly didn’t let me do it earlier, and I was so close!

Not to mention that the substance on my vulva gives off a strange heat that seems to augment my need to masturbate.

Nobody is talking, and they’re all looking at me, even Max, who’s standing up again and staring at me with his dog eyes.

The more time passes, the more my need to masturbate increases, but I can’t move, because Karly told me that I would get punished if I did.

What are they waiting for? I don’t have a choice, I don’t want to be punished, but I don’t understand what they expect from me.

Contrary to what I thought, the need to masturbate doesn’t stop; it even seems to get worse. It’s getting harder and harder not to move to masturbate. I don’t dare ask for permission; I’d be too embarrassed!

Several more minutes go by. Well, at least it feels like several minutes. I can’t take it anymore and I say: “Karly, can I masturbate?”

Karly smiles at me and answers: “Why do you need to masturbate?”

Without thinking, I answer: “Because I need to cum.”

My sister and the others laugh for a moment and she finally adds: “So, actually, you don’t need to masturbate, you need to cum, right?”

I’m starting to lose my patience; she’s doing it on purpose! I say: “Yes, I want to cum, please Karly, I really need to cum!”

Karly looks at the others and asks: “Are we allowing her to cum?”

I hope they’ll agree, because I’m starting to find it really hard not to do it myself right away, even with the threat of being punished.

Karly looks at me with a serious face and says: “We’re going to let you have what you need, but don’t forget, you can’t move. If you move, we’ll have to tie you up, and if we do that, you’ll be punished afterward. Got it?”

I can only reply: “Yes, I won’t move, but please help me!”

Karly gets up and takes Max with her, holding the leash tight, because Max seems more and more excited. Why is she bringing the dog over to me? I’m scared, and it’s really hard not to move. I ask: “Why are you bringing Max? You know he doesn’t like me, and I don’t like him either!”

She replies in an angry voice: “I’m just doing what you asked, Eve! You’re going to get what you asked for!”

Suddenly, I realize what she’s trying to do. She can’t do that! When Max is less than 3 feet away from me, I can’t help it, I push back on the chair and scream in fear.

Karly said to the other women: “My sister has decided that she wants to be tied up, I’ll let you take care of it.”

I try to run away from the room, but Jasmin blocks my way and when I scream, she shoves a tissue into my mouth. I can’t scream properly anymore.


Eve’s reaction is even stronger than I had anticipated. It takes the efforts of the three women to subdue my sister who struggles relentlessly while screaming into her gag. That gag is my panties, very wet after watching her masturbate earlier.

Max is upset and becoming aggressive, probably partly due to the noise and movement from Eve, but probably even more so because he smells the product on my sister’s. Because this product is supposed to give off the smell of a bitch in heat while exciting the woman whose sex is coated with it.

Eve is finally tied with her hands behind her back and her legs spread wide on the chair. Her eyes bulge with fear when I approach with Max still on a leash.

I get Max close just enough so that he can start fervently licking Eve’s pussy who redoubles her screaming in her gag.

The dog tries to pull on the leash to be closer to his target, but I manage to hold him down.

I don’t know if Eve is just too exhausted to scream anymore or if she’s starting to like Max’s touch, but she doesn’t move and keeps her eyes closed.


This is a nightmare; my sister wouldn’t do this to me! It’s impossible!

I closed my eyes, it’s better, I can’t see Max attacking my sex with his tongue. To begin with, I was afraid that he would bite me, but he didn’t, he only licks me.

When I understood and tried to run away, all desire to masturbate had left me, but now that I’m tied up and the dog’s tongue keeps licking my pussy, my need to cum is coming back fast.

With his big rough tongue, he licks my sex. His tongue licks the lips of my spread pussy and my sensitive clitoris. The dog’s drool soaks my crotch and my thighs, but especially my sex.

Max gets more and more agitated, sniffing and licking my exposed pussy and anus.

Suddenly I can’t help it and I cum through a dog’s tongue while crying.

The dog continues to lick me. I hear Karly’s voice near my ear, whispering to me: “I’m going to take off your gags now. You shouldn’t yell because you know Max could get aggressive if you did.”

I open my eyes. It’s not Karly holding Max’s leash anymore, but Mia and Zoe. They’re keeping the dog just the right distance so he can keep working on my pussy.

Karly takes the gag out, and even though I feel like screaming, I don’t, for fear the dog will get even more upset and bite me.


Max becomes increasingly agitated, sniffing and licking Eve’s exposed pussy and puckered hole.

I lean over Eve and slide a hand into her vest and under her bra. I gently caress her small breasts while watching my sister who, in spite of herself, is approaching an orgasm again.

She moans louder and louder and suddenly she cums under Max’s tongue.

I get up and I go to help my two friends to push back Max whose member is now clearly visible and his target very obvious.

Eve has her eyes closed and continues to cry softly without saying anything.

So, I said to Eve: “Open your eyes little bitch, you have a choice to make and I want you to make it with full understanding of the facts.”

She opens her eyes and looks at me with a hateful gaze. I could punish her just for that, but she will already be punished enough with what’s coming.

I continue: “As I promised earlier, you’ve earned a punishment for moving and even trying to escape. However, I’m not cruel; I’ll give you a choice for your punishment. Max was nice to you and he even made you cum twice, even though you told him you didn’t like him. That deserves a reward, doesn’t it?”

Eve’s expression shifts from a hateful look to one of fear. She doesn’t know what I’m going to say, but she’s already realized she’s not going to like it.

I add: “You have two choices. Either you give Max a blowjob and swallow his cum without spilling a drop or you let him fuck you in the ass.”

Eve begins to cry again without saying anything. Jasmin approaches her and slaps her in the face, shouting: “Choose, slut! Or we will do it for you!”

Eve opens her eyes, probably in shock at having been hit in the face like this.

My sister says something, but so quietly that I don’t understand what she just said.

Jasmine approaches Eve with her hand ready to strike her again and Eve repeats, louder this time: “I will let him fuck me in the ass.”

So, everything is going according to plan. Jasmine pushes a small syringe of plastic in my sister’s ass. The liquid she puts in her ass will increase the lubrication of her rectum. She must not be injured to the point that we must go to the hospital!

Then, I help Jasmin untie Eve and when she is free, I tell her: “Now you are going to get on all fours and put your ass in the air like the good bitch that you are.”

Once she is in position, I add: “You must not struggle, because if you do, it I will be difficult for me to make sure that Max does not take your virginity!”

Mia and Zoe are approaching Eve with Max and they seem to have difficulties to held him. The half-sheathed in its hairy sheath dog cock is swaying between his haunches. I can see his cock already twitching and there is just a hint of pink at the opening. That dog wants to fuck my sister!

Jasmin slips thick socks over the front paws of Max and then she helps the dog to mount my sister.

Max has never fucked a human, but with the smell that my sister gives off, he now considers her as a bitch. Immediately, instinct take over as he began to hump, the tip of his cock trying to find her mating hole.


My hate is stronger than my fear now. It’s over, I’m not going to put up with this blackmail anymore. When we get home, I’m going to tell mom everything. She’ll understand and forgive me. If I don’t do this, they’ll destroy me. If my parents won’t help me, I’ll run away. Nothing could be worse than what Karly is doing to me now!

I’m scared. I can’t relax, and I know that won’t help my situation. Karly’s hand is in front of my vagina, protecting at least my virginity.

Finally, the tip of his cock touches my ass it and he lunge in it. Max howling seems almost triumphant as he pushed his dick through my tight sphincter and start fucking me. Even with the lubricant, the pain is incredible.

Max keeps pounding into me like a machine and his sex continues to increase in size.

Karly tells me laughing: “Yes, Max is well-hung, but what he’s trying to put in your ass is his knot. That will allow him to stay firmly fixed inside you while he fucks you.”

With each brutal stroke, I feel it forcing its way into my ass, spreading me open painfully with each violent stroke. It seems it’s getting bigger with each thrust and each time it stretches me open and penetrate me it hurt more. Finaly, he stops thrusting and stay with the knot buried in me. I feel his cock throbbing and I realize that he’s squirting his dog cum into me with every throb of that huge cock.

Karly leans over me and says: “It’s almost over, bitch, there’s only a little time left to wait. Max is waiting for his knot to go down so that he can pull free.”

I don’t see what she’s doing, but I hear my sister say: “Bravo my big dog, you fucked the little bitch well. Good Dog!”

I don’t dare move, but the dog’s weight is starting to hurt. After several minutes the dog start trying to pull free. It’s hurting like hell but Pollux don’t care. He makes several attempts to free himself before managing to withdraw with one violent yanking. I scream in pain when that huge knot escape from my widely stretched ass.

Everything goes black.


During the hours that followed Eve’s loss of consciousness, I feared for my sister’s life. There was so much blood! Jasmin even had to bring in, through Simon, a man with medical knowledge to treat her.

I wanted to punish her, to hurt her, but not to put her in danger!

According to the man’s explanation, injuries like this rarely occur when using dogs, and it’s possibly a weakness in Eve’s tissues that is to blame. He did what was necessary, including administering a dose of a powerful antibiotic, while stating that Eve should not be fucked in the ass for at least 2 weeks and that even then, it would have to be with humans. He recommends not having her fucked like that by a dog or any other animal again.

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