The Story of Eve's Transformation - Cover

The Story of Eve's Transformation

Copyright© 2025 by Lustysnake

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Eve is naive and has social and academic difficulties. She also has a brother and a sister younger than her. Eve does not know that the twins hate her and that is why they agree to help Simon, a rich pervert to take control of their sister to get rid of her permanently.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Humiliation   Interracial   Anal Sex   Bestiality  


At “The Nest”, I licked the vaginas of two women, then sucked and swallowed the semen of at least 10 men. After that, I thought the twins would leave me alone, but on the bus, I spent the entire ride naked and, on my knees, licking Karly, Mia, and Zoe’s sex. Then, as we got off the bus, Kaden ordered me to be naked in his room, without the dildo five minutes after we arrived home.

That’s why I’m now in his room, completely naked, the dildo in a bag under my bed, and waiting for him to arrive. I’m not in a hurry, because the fact that he asked me to take off the dildo can only mean one thing: He’s going to fuck me in the ass.

I don’t know what to expect.

When he arrives, he says to me: “Get on all fours on the bed, your butt turned towards me.”

Then I feel his hands on my bare ass and something right on my anus. I know it’s Kaden’s penis and I know it’s bigger than the dildo. I also know he didn’t use any lube and it’s going to hurt a lot.

Instinctively, my anus try to clamp shut.

Kaden in a furious voice, says to me: “You have to relax your ass, little cunt. If you don’t, I’m going to hurt you even more by playing with your tits instead.”

I have to try to relax, except relaxing is not easy right now. I’m scared!

Kaden keep working his cock into my anus. Then, suddenly, he pushes and his penis slides inside me. Just the head at first, but after a while he pushes and goes all the way in. It hurts, but much less than I thought it would. Maybe the lube I used to put the dildo back in this afternoon is still there and helps with the penetration?

When he starts to move back and forth in my ass, the pain increases, but I can handle it. I feel Kaden’s balls and his pubic hair touching me on the downstrokes, it’s very strange.

It’s hard to compare, but I feel like it’s less bad for me to get my ass fucked than to suck a penis. At least I don’t gag with his penis in my ass.

He rapes my ass for a while, then suddenly he stops holding my buttocks and keeping his penis deep in my ass.

He stays like this for a while, then he withdraws and says: “Turn around, bitch!”

Once I turned around, I could see his penis which becomes flaccid. He looks at me smiling and says: “There’s cum on my dick. You must suck it so as not to lose it any of it. Come on my slut, you know what you have to do.”

Ultimately, I think I like giving blowjobs better. Because there is sperm, probably also lube, but there are also traces of excrement. They’re mine, but it’s still disgusting. I’m thinking about asking him to give me a chance, to do anything else, but I can clearly see in his expressions that he’s very pleased to make me do this.

Slowly and reluctantly, I pull my tongue out and run it over the underside of his shit-stained penis head. The bitter taste of my own excrement fills my mouth, but I keep going. I take him into my mouth and suck and lick his cock until all the dark spots are gone and his cock is glistening with saliva.

He’s glistening with saliva, but he’s also becoming hard again.

He says to me: “You did well Eve, now that I’m hard again, I need you to give me a blowjob.”

Of course, he doesn’t just let me do it. No, he takes my head and pushes his penis down my throat. I gag almost constantly, partly because of his penis touching my throat, but also because I just ate my shit!

I don’t know how I succeed, but when he cum, I manage not to vomit.

I want to go and vomit in the toilet as soon as he lets me go, but he tells me: “Now you’re going to meet Karly in her room.”


I asked Kaden to send Eve to me when he’s done with her so I can force her to lick me again and so I can humiliate her a little bit by telling her that her ass is open to do business now.

I can’t wait to have her tongue on my pussy again, I’m wet just thinking about it.

When she enters my room, Eve is naked and obviously she doesn’t feel well. Kaden hurt her by fucking her ass, I guess. I don’t care at all; the important thing is that she makes me cum with her tongue.

I say to her, smiling: “Then, how did you like to get fucked in the ass Eve?”

Eve looks at me and says: “He hurt me.”

I reply: “You need to look at the positive side; this will give you another string to your bow for making us money.”

Pointing at my pussy, I tell her: “Come here, I need your tongue.”


I didn’t think I’d be able to lick my sister’s pussy without throwing up on her.

After that, I took a quick shower, then cleaned the dildo before putting it back in. Karly was the one who reminded me to do it. She’s mean, but she’s not looking to punish me like Kaden is.

During the meal, the dildo was even more unpleasant than usual. I had a lot of trouble concentrating on anything other than the food. At least, forcing myself to eat because I wasn’t really hungry.

Fortunately, no one was paying attention to me. Mom was talking about a new recipe she had tried at the restaurant, Dad about a problem with a machine at the factory, and the twins about their plans for the weekend. I think I ate without really listening to what they were saying. Then, as soon as I could, I said I had a headache and went back to my room.

Now I’m in bed wondering how to get out of this.

Right now, I can only think of one solution: Committing suicide. However, it’s a mortal sin. I can’t sacrifice my place in heaven, I have to resist.

There must be another solution.

Luckily, neither of the twins came to see me in my room tonight.


Simon’s power to make what he wants happen continues to impress me. How he made my parents decide to leave for the weekend, I don’t know, except that they’re going to go play golf all weekend. They never play golf!

Anyway, we will be able to take advantage of this weekend to have fun and continue to train Eve in her role as a slave.

This morning, I’m not going to wait for her to wake up, because there’s too much to do to wait, but in addition, I want to have my first orgasm of the day right now!

I kneel above my sister’s head and bring my pussy close to her mouth.


I think I spent the night dreaming of getting fucked in the ass by the students and even by teachers at the school, but the moment I wake up, I dream that I lick a woman pussy.

Maybe it wasn’t really a dream because when I open my eyes, I have a vulva on my mouth and I hear Karly’s voice telling me: “Come on Eve, you know what to do!”

As soon as I start licking her, she makes a moan of pleasure and says: “Yes, just like that! I love your tongue on my pussy. You’re a good slave Eve.”

She continues to talk, between gasps, and explains the plan for the days ahead. She says that my weekend will be very busy because our parents are away.

This morning, she’s going to show me a new routine that I’ll have to follow from now on. She doesn’t give me any details, but I’m sure I’m not going to like it.

Then, Kaden and some friends will come and have fun with my body in the afternoon.

Then, after dinner, Karly will take me to Mia’s house where we will both sleep.

Sunday it’s going to be the same, Kaden and some friends are going to come and have fun with my body in the afternoon and in the evening, Karly is going to take me with her. This time we will go to Zoe’s house where we’re going to stay until late at night.

I continue to lick my sister’s and her moans increase more and more.


Eve’s tongue works its magic on my pussy and suddenly, I cum on her face.

I lose my balance and for a moment, I am totally leaning on Eve who seems to have difficulty breathing. When I’m back from my orgasm, I get up quickly and tell her: “ Come on, little whore, follow me!”

I go with her to the bathroom with the bag of materials for Eve. I close the door behind us and tell her: “Take off the dildo, you won’t need it anymore.”

While Eve is doing this, I open the bag and take out the kit to give her a first enema.

The kit that Simon sent us contains a bottle of a liquid specifically designed to do this as well as a syringe with a dick-shaped tube.

Eve looks at this and seems worried. I don’t care if she’s scared, I just don’t want to have to do that for her again. After today, she must be able to do it alone. So, I told her: “You have to take the liquid from this bottle and fill the syringe completely. Then, you have to shove the cock-shaped tube entirely into your ass and then empty all the liquid that is in the syringe into your ass.”

While I say this, I help her sit on the vanity, with her bottom on the edge of it. As she does not do it of her own accord, I say: “Spread your legs.”

I maybe push the tube a little too firmly, but at the same time, I don’t feel like spending a lot of time on it. Eve doesn’t say anything, even if the force with which I pushed the tube obviously surprised her, and she looks at me carefully. I continue my explanations at the same time as I push the liquid into her ass: “When it’s done, you remove the tube and you go in the shower to clean yourself. Only after that do you flush the liquid down the toilet.”

When the syringe is empty, I remove the tube and syringe and place them next to Eve, saying: “Make sure to clean the tube thoroughly before storing it.”

Then I add, rummaging through the bag again: “I put a big box of those bottles of liquid at the back of your wardrobe in your room so you can do this every morning after you relieve yourself.”

Then, I take out the butt-plug and show her saying: “When you’re done with the enema, you’re going to grease this with the same gel as for the dildo and you’re also going to shove it in your ass like for the dildo. The same rule applies for this butt plug as for the dildo. It should always be in your ass, except to go shit, if you have to get fucked in the ass or to clean it. The rest of the time, it has to be in your ass.”

I place the butt-plug on the vanity next to Eve and I leave the bathroom telling her: “Clean yourself well, you’re going to have a big day!”

Before leaving the bathroom, I add: “Also, don’t forget to join Kaden in his room when you’re done!”


When Karly closes the door behind her as she leaves the bathroom, I take the syringe and the penis-shaped tube out of me. Why did they create this with that shape? It is useless. I get off the vanity and look at the bottle whose liquid is in my ass. It’s a gel for enema that contains a lot of ingredients that I don’t know, but that should, according to what is written, clean me deeply without harmful effects.

For now, the effect is mostly that I feel full and I want to shit. But I can’t, I need to take a shower to clean myself first. I hurry to go in the shower so that I can evacuate the liquid as quickly as possible.

When it’s done, I sit on the toilet and I relieve myself by letting out the disgusting brown liquid. After that, I feel better.

Putting the butt-plug is less difficult than I thought. Even though it’s bigger than the dildos I had to put on before, it comes in easily and painlessly. Even the feeling in my butt seems less strong than with the dildos.

When I’m dry, I clean the enema kit, then I go to take it to my room. I want to go back to bed, but I can’t. I stay naked and I go to Kaden’s room.


Eve arrives in my room, as naked as the day she was born.

This time, I just want to fuck her in the ass and I tell her: “Get on the bed like yesterday so I can fuck you in the ass.”

Eve doesn’t hesitate, she knows she has no choice, but I’m still a little disappointed not to have to punish her. I like to punish her!

She forgot to remove the butt plug!

I walk up and slap her on the buttock shouting: “Take the butt-plug off you idiot!”

She tries to do it by staying with her ass in the air, but can’t. I hit her again while shouting: “Do you need help? Are you too stupid to do it alone? Hurry up, I have other things to do!”

Eve finally manages to remove it and before she gets rid of it, I tell her: “Put it in your mouth.”

My sister looks at me and says: “He’s too big, I will not be able to do it.”

Laughing, I tell her: “It doesn’t have to be completely in your mouth, just that it doesn’t fall out of your mouth.”

So, my sister installs the butt-plug in her mouth. It’s too big to fit all the way in, but she can keep it in her mouth without any problem. At least, for now, when I’m not doing anything to her...


I’m on all fours on my brother’s bed again. I have the butt plug in my mouth and I’m having a hard time keeping it in place because it’s so big. I’m only able to keep it in place by pressing my teeth on it. It doesn’t taste much and even if he was in my ass, it’s not as disgusting with this morning’s enema.

Kaden approaches me and immediately, he penetrates my anus. He goes back and forth quickly and like yesterday, I feel Kaden’s balls touching my buttock on the downstrokes.

It’s unpleasant, but not painful. That’s when Kaden says: “If you drop the butt plug, I’m going to punish you, little bitch!”

The next moment, he slaps me on one thigh and then immediately another on the other thigh. Luckily, I manage to keep the butt plug between my teeth.

He continues to fuck my ass while slapping my buttocks and thighs. It hurt and I start crying, but I keep the butt plug in my mouth. My brother cum inside me. After a while of holding my hips, like yesterday, he says: “Turn around and clean my cock, bitch!”

I quickly remove the butt plug from my mouth and push it back into my rectum. Then I do as he says, I take his cock in my mouth and suck using my tongue to clean it. There is nothing visible, except semen and lubricant so, it’s not as disgusting as yesterday.

While I’m doing this, he talks to me: “Later, my little slut, you’re going to get your ass fucked by several of my friends, some you know, some not. But all of them paid to be able to do it, whore!”

“As you’re very clean in the ass now, I may not make you suck their cock afterwards, but maybe yes, we’ll see.”

He keeps saying mean things to me, but I try not to listen, I just focus on cleaning his cock.

It takes time, but Kaden starts to get hard again. Once he’s hard, he grabs my head and masturbates with my mouth. It’s a little more difficult because he touches my throat with his penis, but even if I gag a little, it’s much less bad than the other times.

When he ejaculates, he lets me go and promises me that he will have a lot of fun in the afternoon.

I go to my bed.


Kaden, David, John, Wyatt, Zach, Carter and another student I don’t know are around Eve. I stay away, I don’t want to give Kaden ideas, but I still wanted to watch the action. I arrive too late to see the beginning, but by the time I stand near the living room door, I can already see that everyone is naked. Kaden is, even if he is an asshole, the most handsome of the group. While he is being sucked off by our sister, Zack fucks her. The others are standing and watching the action while drinking beers.

He must have been fucking her for a while because Zack cum a few moments after I arrive. Unless he’s the type to ejaculate prematurely?

The guy I don’t know puts down his beer and go behind Eve whom he starts to fuck in the ass. He takes his time to fuck her. The guys are chatting about my sister together, but Zack says, with a beer he just taken from a box by the couch: “Are we going to get Karly too? She even has beautiful breasts to play with.”

Carter adds: “It’s true that I’d like to do her too. Can you organize that Kaden?”

There’s no way that will happen, but I’m curious to hear my brother’s answer that.

He takes Eve’s head and shoves his cock down her throat and the moan he makes tells me that he is cumming, giving her a dose of cum directly down her throat.

When he’s done, he lets go of Eve’s head and goes to get himself a beer. He then says: “My other slutty sister doesn’t want to hear anything about it. So, forget about it. I think she’s a lesbian.”

What an idiot! He knows very well that I’m not gay, even if I must admit that I like to be licked by Eve.

Besides, watching Eve getting fucked one by one by the men in the living room turns me on. I start masturbating.

That’s when John, who has taken Kaden’s place to get sucked, asks, pointing at Eve: “This whore is forced to do it, can’t you organize to do the same for Karly? If she’s a lesbian, it would be even cooler to fuck her!”

David adds: “We could even put them in sixty-nine to clean themselves, so we can start again. Seeing your two sisters eating each other’s pussies would certainly be an exciting sight!”

It’s true that seeing Eve with another woman would be exciting, but there’s no way it’s me. I’ll have to talk to Simon about it if he can organize that. Although it’s probably already part of his plan.

Kaden finally replies: “Sorry guys, Eve is a special case, this won’t be possible with Karly.”

I’m starting to get too excited and I don’t want to risk being discovered masturbating while watching this group of perverts. I go to my room to finalize this orgasm that’s coming.


Kaden and the others talk about me and Karly as a sex object. They even talk about organizing the rape of my sister and forcing us to have sex together. I wish I had Karly’s tongue on my sex. I haven’t cum since Miles.

The repeated penetrations of my anus by the men around me is not as painful as I would have thought. In fact, after Kaden, Zack and now Mark, there is no more pain. To tell the truth, I am even starting to get excited. How can I be excited to be treated like this? I was afraid of being hurt, but now I am afraid of cumming and that they will realize it! I try not to think about what they are doing, to think about something else.

It doesn’t work. I think of Miles with his tongue on my sex, then I think of Karly with her head between my legs, licking me there. Suddenly, I orgasm! A strange orgasm, but an orgasm nonetheless.

I scream, but fortunately, my mouth is full of John’s penis, and the one who fucks me doesn’t seem to have noticed anything, except that he cums almost at the same time in a grunt of pleasure.

I start crying when John goes to position himself to penetrate my anus. They laugh because they think I’m in pain, but that’s not it. I cry with shame.


After a pizza supper with Kaden and Eve, my sister completely naked eating from a bowl of our dog Max, we are in front of Mia’s house. Me, with one of the new summer dresses I bought with the money I earned in “The Nest”. Eve who wears one of her old dresses, too short and which highlights the little breast she has. It doesn’t matter, she won’t keep this dress on her for long.

Mia greets us at the door and leads us to the family room in the basement.

There, sitting on a couch, is Noah, Mia’s brother who is 16 years old. According to his sister, Noah is still a virgin.

I take Eve’s hand and Mia takes her other hand and we move towards the young man who doesn’t know what is going to happen, because Mia just told him that she had a surprise for him. Obviously, he doesn’t know what’s in store for him, and I suspect he’s worried that it’s a joke we’re playing on him.

Mia says to him with a smile: “Remember, Noah, how I couldn’t give you a proper birthday present? Well, I’ll give you one now.”

Pointing to Eve, she adds: “See that woman? She’s Eve, Karly’s sister. She can do anything you want, except fuck you vaginally. Which means that if you want, you could fuck her ass.”

“It’s a special gift and you have to understand that women shouldn’t be treated like you can today. You can because Eve is a whore. Get up, we’ll help you unwrap your gift!”

Noah starts to believe it. Probably because Eve doesn’t contradict what Mia tells him. No, Eve remains calm, silent and I would say even more somber than usual since she was enslaved. Maybe her ass hurts because of the train she did with Kaden and his group? Either way, we’re going to have fun with her tonight!

Mia places her brother’s hands on the collar of Eve’s dress, then we do the same. Mia then says: “One, two, three, let’s unwrap it!”


Since the afternoon with Kaden, I’ve been on autopilot.

The twins continue to do everything to humiliate me since they told me the truth about Miles. Showing my sex and my body, forcing me to give sexual favors to them, their friends and even strangers. Even eating from Max’s bowl while staying naked in the dining room. All these humiliations are nothing compared to my own humiliation of cumming several times while having penises pushed into my ass.

Because I didn’t cum just once, but three times while Kaden and his group raped me there one after the other! How is that possible? The more they went back and forth with their penises, the more the excitement rose. Fortunately, because I always had a penis in my mouth, they didn’t realize that when I moaned and screamed it wasn’t because of the pain, but rather moans of pleasure.

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