Fuck Hour (Persona 3)
Copyright© 2025 by sexdottxt
Chapter 5: Wild Card
Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: Wild Card - Dealing with the stresses of killing shadows and day to day school life is taxing on anyone. Especially Minato. First he has to deal with that creepy kid Pharos. Now it's all the ladies of his dorm looking to score a piece.
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft Mult Teenagers Consensual Heterosexual Fan Fiction School Robot Cheating BDSM DomSub MaleDom FemaleDom Humiliation Sadistic Group Sex Orgy Anal Sex Cream Pie Oral Sex Sex Toys Tit-Fucking Big Breasts Size
The next morning, Minato felt better than ever. He never knew his anus could feel so good and he was proud of those little marks she left on him. Mitsuru didn’t act like anything was strange, and the other three were were surprisingly calm. But he could have sworn he caught them giving him glances more than a few times. When he got to Gekkoukan High’s gates, it wasn’t one of the ladies who approached Minato. Instead it was Junpei.
“I know what your deal is,” he said. He was glaring right at him.
“Yeah. I’ve seen the way they look at you. How they can’t wait to get a piece. But I’ll tell you something. They’re gonna be mine. When I mess up this test, I’m gonna get to them first. Girls love good grades. And they’re gonna call me Junpei, the Ace Pimp!”
More like Stupei, the Maced Wimp, Minato thought to himself.
“Yeah so maybe we can review together? I’m kinda struggling myself.”
His face softened and he laughed in triumph. “Whatever bro! You don’t got anything on this! I’m gonna be swimming in pussy! Yukari! Fuuka!” And then he looked up and sighed longingly. “Mitsuru!”
That last one would be way too much for you. “Might wanna keep it low. Girls love good grades but hate sex obsessed pigs.”
“Whatever man. I got to go.”
That day he was actually able to pay attention. His four lady friends made sure to sit around him with Fuuka in the front and Mitsuru in the back much to the chagrin of the other students but with their seats now unoccupied, they just sat as they needed to. Ms. Toriumi was about to say something but the instant Mitsuru shot her a look, she learned her place. Their teacher resumed her lesson. Mitsuru smiled and leaned forward, breathing sweetly on the back of Minato’s neck, sending shivers down his spine.
She leaned forward a little closer. “Last night was great Arisato,” she whispered.
“What?” Fuuka said, overhearing that. She looked back right at his face. “You didn’t really...”
“She did it to ME! It was one of her executions!”
“It’s true. I left him no choice in the matter. And he loved every minute of it.”
“What?” Yukari said, hearing all of it. “I poured my heart out to you and you just threw that away?”
“He’s my boyfriend!” Fuuka said.
“If it makes things any better, I sucked his dick to help him relax,” Aigis said. Her tone was robotic as ever but she smiled as she said it.
“No it doesn’t!”
“Ladies!” Ms. Toriumi snapped. “We are in a classroom discussing interdisciplinary studies! We are not here to discuss inter-gender studies!” That got the whole class laughing, and even the charismatic and proud Mitsuru blushed from embarrassment. The only one who wasn’t laughing was Junpei, who was glaring right at Minato.
The rest of the class went on as usual. Except that Ms. Toriumi was paying a particular amount of attention to him. Looking at him, calling on him to answer questions. There was no end to it.
When school was out, Minato got away from them and made for the dorms in record time. That Supervillain Lock he bought from Tanaka’s television series arrived today and he fitted it to his door, hoping to everything that it would actually work. Especially after all the hard work required in setting the damn thing up. Getting fucked four times in a row this week was nice, but he could only take so much. He needed to study and he needed to be away from the wrath of four teenage girls.
He almost jumped in his skin when he first heard what sounded like Mitsuru’s voice. Then more of them. That far away he couldn’t tell who it was. But he heard one of them come marching to his door. He heard her going for the handle, and it didn’t open. Then he heard her try to open it. Still nothing.
If her master key doesn’t do the trick, nothing will. Jackpot. Still, Mitsuru must have been thinking about this one pretty bad. She usually has other things to do after student council duties and she’s here?
Undisturbed, he kept on studying with the knowledge that this time, he would not be receiving visitors. He heard several more pairs of footsteps at his door. Mitsuru was talking with what sounded like Yukari and Fuuka. He heard some really rough banging but still nothing. He smiled.
Ain’t doing it this time ladies, he thought to himself. Fucked each and every last one of you but even this hero needs his beauty sleep.
He heard a knocking on his door. He wasn’t going to answer it this time no matter what happened. But then he heard some talking on the other end. It was several female voices. He knew who they were, but he wasn’t going to answer. The knocking became a little rougher and the voices became louder, it sounded like they were arguing with each other.
Then he heard them gone. Sweet blissful silence. It was getting dark out. He went downstairs to get some dinner. The four of them were staring at him and he ignored them. Junpei was staring at him too but for totally different reasons. He was about to say something when Akihiko whistled at him and shook his head. Even Shinjiro looked worried.
Minato took the hint. He shrugged his shoulders and got his meal. Didn’t say a word and got back to his dorm room. He decided to play that Innocent Sin game again and converse with ‘Maya.’ When she said she was a teacher and he read, ‘Minato-kun will be mine before the weekend!’ he had to do a double take. It couldn’t be him. But now she was talking about this big test was coming up in her class and no matter how well she did, how she was going to call him for some extra attention.
‘i jus hope those other hoes in class havent got to him first. i wanna mess him up reeeel good:)
go ahead and take a screenshot tatsu. this is proof ur dealing w/one badass bitch;)’
Nah, can’t be.
That night, he turned in pretty quickly. It was getting close to the Dark Hour. He thought he heard a presence near his door. He heard Aigis’ robotic talking and heard some tools being readied. He heard them trying to work the door. But it didn’t budge.
Looks like Tanaka came through for me.
He turned in and closed his eyes. Then he heard some scuffling. He thought it was his imagination at first. But then he heard a cutting noise. He looking up.
The section of the wall next to the door suddenly moved forward and collapsed forward, falling to the floor with a crash. That woke him up. He looked up to see that Aigis had somehow kicked it right down, a hot steaming blade was sticking out where her hand should be. Then she retracted the knife and put out her hand again. He knew she was strong enough to do that but it still surprised him.
All four of the ladies of SEES were glaring right at them. Except for Aigis who viewed him as her master, but after she actually broke the door down, he wasn’t counting on her protecting him from the wrath of the other three. They were practically naked in their nightwear and a jolt of pleasure ran up through his penis just looking at them. He gulped.
“Is it true?” Yukari said. “We shared a special night and you go ahead and sleep with these three right after me?”
“He’s my boyfriend!” Fuuka said. “You stole him from me! And I don’t know what right you thought you had going to see him,” she said, looking straight at Aigis.
“I live only to serve my master’s needs,” said Aigis. “I saw that he was having trouble studying and needed some extra special treatment.”
“Well I guess it really doesn’t matter,” Mitsuru said and smiled to herself before confidently flipping back one of her long locks of hair. “You three were appetizers. I was the main course.” She subtly brought her forearm under her breasts so they jiggled just a little bit in something that was sexy enough to get any man’s attention but wasn’t over the top either. Then she licked her lips right at him and all thoughts of shut eye went right out the window as memories of last night hit him like a ton of bricks. He was so hard for her.
Yukari said something and then so did Fuuka, and it wasn’t long before the three human girls of SEES were going at it with each other while Aigis was speaking in her usual robotic tone trying to calm down the whole situation. At that time of the night, it was getting just plain awkward and pretty soon the whole dorm would wake up and see the four women in Minato’s room looking so seductive and fuckable together. Akihiko would be stunned, Junpei would be passive aggressive and jealous, and Minato couldn’t begin to imagine Shinjiro’s reaction. And needless to say it was a thing that Ken was far too young to be getting a look at. Koromaru might even start humping some legs.
Minato suddenly slammed his hand on the desk right next to him. They stopped arguing and looked in his direction. “Look,” he said wearily. “I have a proposal. How about you all get to have me tonight, and that’s the end of it. Okay?”
That caught their interest. “Fine,” Yukari said. “You’re gonna live to regret it anyway.”
“Yeah,” Fuuka said. He looked to Aigis for support but the android actually just shrugged.
“Let’s try and keep it down okay?” he said.
“Oh don’t worry about that,” Mitsuru said. “I sent everyone else away on the idea that there was a female Shadow that ran away from other women and only appeared around guys. Junpei was the first to lead the charge. Even Ikutsuki went with them.”
“All the better for us to serve you,” Aigis said.
“Nobody’s gonna be able to hear you scream,” Yukari said.
“Payback’s gonna be a bitch,” Fuuka said.
Mitsuru cackled wildly. “They will write about this execution in the history books.”
He was about to say something when Yukari made the first move. She sprang onto the bed and crawled at him at an alarming speed. She turned herself around so her ass was right above his face. “Don’t look up you little perv,” she said, and sat right down on his face. The impact of her donk on his face was so strong at first that it almost took the breath out of him. He felt her naked vagina, the smooth fine hairs, right on his face. Then she started riding his mouth. He had no choice but to move his head to meet the strong feel of her ass covering up his face.
But he wasn’t gonna let her have the last laugh either. While he was getting dominated like that, he stuck his tongue right inside of her bare cunt. She didn’t stop humping him, but he sensed her body tense up the first time he licked inside of her. Grabbing her thighs, he was intent on lording this one over her.