Slut Babysitter: the Perverter
Copyright© 2025 by JohnMurray4173
Chapter 2
Young Adult Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A 16-year-old schoolgirl cuts a swathe through her 14-year-old schoolmates, perverting them to meet her dark desires. Her classmate's mothers are not immune from her charms either.
Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft mt/Fa ft/ft Fa/ft Consensual Teen Siren Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fiction Sharing MaleDom FemaleDom Group Sex Polygamy/Polyamory Swinging Anal Sex Analingus Cream Pie Double Penetration First Facial Massage Pegging Petting Squirting
Zoe Carter stretched as she languorously slid her fingers up her svelte thighs and onto her sweet little nubbin. Zoe appeared relaxed and unhurried, but she knew her time was limited. Brett’s mother, Alice, had ducked out to the shops with his two younger sisters. However, she was only grabbing a few items for their dinner and wouldn’t be long. Zoe wanted her protégés, Brett and Willow, to orgasm before Alice returned.
“Willow, slide your middle finger into your pussy, honey. Find your G-spot.” Zoe watched as Willow’s ‘O’ face showed she’d found it. “Brett, you will hang on until Willow, and I cum. Then, I want to see you spurt onto your chest, okay?”
“Sure,” the fourteen-year-old groaned as he desperately kept himself on the edge, only able to stave off his orgasm because he didn’t want to disappoint the seventeen-year-old minx he called Mistress. He wished Willow would hurry up. ‘Still,’ Brett thought vaguely. ‘How many fourteen-year-old boys were fucking a seventeen-year-old and a fourteen-year-old girl simultaneously?’ Under the guise of studying with Zoe, Brett, Willow, and Zoe regularly got together between school’s end and when Mrs Carter returned home. Brett got to fuck Willow and Zoe during these times, and he was certainly not complaining.
“I’m there!” Willow declared as her breath locked in step with her orgasmic spasms. Willow, like her mother, was a squirter, and her sweet, young pussy gushed her fluids as her climax blasted her into orbit.
Brett turned his eyes to Zoe’s portion of their split screens. His young Mistress grinned mischievously, purposefully delaying her orgasm to torment her latest boy toy. He stifled a groan because he knew groaning would only make Zoe tease him more. Instead, he purred, “Gawd, I cannot wait until you fuck my ass again, Mistress. Your cock fucking my ass as I fuck Willow feels so damned good.”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!” Zoe sighed as a will-destroying orgasm blasted through her. She intended to make Brett wait at least another five minutes before she let him cum, but Brett and Willow had learned her trigger thoughts, and now they regularly used them against her. Still, Zoe didn’t mind because the two youngsters displayed a maturity that Zoe knew was beyond most of their peers. They were almost ready for Zoe to send them out alone to pervert others. Some of whom they’d bring to Zoe to play with. Others they’d play with solely or together. Brett and Willow were a genuine polyamorous couple who would explore their sexuality together and individually.
Brett released the bare grip he retained on his libido and allowed his sturdy 6-inch cock to explode. His first ejaculation hit his chin before the rest sprayed across his chest and stomach. He grunted with each release but changed to groans as his balls continued to spasm even though they were temporarily dry. Brett had masturbated for many months before Zoe had exploded into his life, but his orgasms when he video-called with her and Willow were so much more intense than the pitiful ones before then. Of course, cumming inside one of his two lovers was exponentially better again.
Zoe spoke first. “Well done, babes. You’re both coming here tomorrow to ‘study’, right?”
“Yes,” her lovers acknowledged before Willow added, “As long as your mum can drop me back home. Is that okay?”
“Definitely,” Zoe stated. She knew there was a fair amount of unrequited lust between her mother and Willow. Willow tried to hide it, but Zoe could read the signs of arousal in the young woman when Zoe’s mother was nearby. Willow’s eyes dilated, and her lips flushed when she spoke or looked at Lisa, Zoe’s mum. Likewise, Lisa tried to remain the aloof parent when dealing with Willow, but when Lisa thought Willow wasn’t watching, she stared at the youngster similarly to how she stared at Luke, Zoe’s father, when she was horny. Zoe knew when her mother had that look, her parents would fuck that night.
Zoe had considered trying to seduce her parents several times. Yes, she knew she had a typical teenage girl’s infatuation with her father, one that would be better to leave in the realms of fantasy, but increasingly, she felt her pussy warm when she observed her mother. Her mother was in her prime, Zoe thought. Lisa had her children at a, relative to this time, early age. She was only twenty-four when hers and Luke’s first child, Blaine, arrived, and now she was barely past her mid-forties. Zoe wanted to expand Willow’s boundaries from only having sex with other teenagers to seducing anyone she felt attracted to. Therefore, she encouraged her mother to take the young woman home, hoping Willow would act on her attraction and seduce her.
Zoe disconnected from the conference call, leaving her two teen lovers chatting. Brett was close to being out of time, but he stayed talking with Willow and cleaning his splodge off his chest and stomach with tissues until he heard his mother’s car pull into the driveway. Then, he reluctantly said goodbye and turned his phone off. Needing to keep on Alice’s good side, he went out to the car to help bring the few purchases inside. He was surprised to see several steaks in the bags.
Alice saw him looking and smiled. Ever since Ms Carter had babysat for her, her son had matured. He acted far more responsibly than he had before and had become polite and well-spoken to her and his sisters. If Matilda, who adored winding him up, tried now, Brett simply grinned sardonically at her and said, “Nice try, Sis. But no cigar.” It drove Alice’s eldest daughter insane, which Alice supposed was the point.
Strangely, Matilda was the only one who hadn’t changed since Zoe’s last time sitting them. Grace had suddenly started to act more like someone in her late teens than the preteen she was. When she added that Brett stopped at Zoe’s place on his way home once a week and studied, which had significantly improved his grades, having Zoe babysit her kids was almost a Godsend. To reward her son’s growing maturity, Alice added more red meat to their diet, hence the steaks she’d purchased.
Alice held a closely guarded secret. Alice was a lesbian, which she had finally admitted only after being married to Andrew, her husband, for nearly ten years. Sex with Andrew had always been disappointing, and she rarely achieved an orgasm when they made love. Alice, unfortunately, listened to one of the devout feminists at her work who held Andrew accountable for Alice’s orgasm lack. She blamed Andrew, saying that he should know how to light Alice’s fires, and if he couldn’t, it was because he was inadequate for Alice’s needs.
That conversation led to Alice having an affair on Andrew and resulted in Grace, although Alice would never admit that to anyone (including herself, most of the time). To make matters worse, the man who Alice allowed to seduce her wasn’t even a patch on Andrew as a lover. It was then that Alice had to admit that she didn’t find the male body attractive. She went looking again and allowed a woman who she vaguely knew to coax her into bed. A night of glorious orgasms ensued, and Alice faced the truth: Despite her religious upbringing and the wishes of her parents, Alice was a lesbian.
Alice had stepped away from her parents’ church when she realised what she was, what she preferred. She’d wholly bought into the teachings of the radical feminist left, but that one simple exchange with Zoe had forced her to admit she’d become a ‘devouring mother’ in her quest to ensure her eldest son didn’t become part of the ‘patriarchy’. She tried to treat Brett as an equal now. Asking what he wanted instead of telling him and making him feel less just because he was a man. Alice had also toned the feminist rhetoric way down when she interacted with her children, which meant they were much closer as a family.
Another closely guarded secret was why she’d done that. Alice fancied Zoe and knew the young woman was anything but a radical, leftist feminist. If Alice wanted any chance of seducing her babysitter, she needed to move her strident, lesbian, leftist views more to the centre where Alice intuited Zoe was.
Alice would admit, but only in those silent places in her mind, that she was disenchanted with the greenie/lesbian/feminist left where her employment came from. She was losing faith not because she’d suddenly decided teenagers were mature enough to look after themselves, let alone others, but because the narrative seemed hell-bent on sexualising preteens.
Alice knew that the age at which people became interested in sex varied massively depending on emotional, mental, and physical maturity. Her fourteen-year-old son being a perfect example. Alice was a late bloomer in that her first period didn’t occur until she was almost fifteen, and her breasts didn’t ripen until she was in her early twenties. Three kids had sucked most of the vitality from Alice’s breasts, and she now had barely enough to bother wearing a bra for.
Alice welcomed her son’s help and went inside to start dinner. She hid her distaste when she saw the crumpled tissues beside Brett’s tablet. Masturbation was an outlet that most teenage boys needed, so she pretended it was probably snot and dropped it into the waste bin.
Alice was a much cooler mum than she realised. She hadn’t noticed, but Brett had followed her in and winced when he saw he’d forgotten to dispose of his tissues. He was grateful when his mother picked it up and threw it in the bin without saying anything. Alice’s act impressed her son so much that he vowed to be extra helpful that night to repay her.
After the family had shared a pleasant meal around the dining room table, Alice watched, amazed, as Brett collected the plates, rinsed them off and placed them in the dishwasher before returning with a damp cloth and cleaning the table. Alice smiled, realising Brett was responding to being given more freedom and responsibility, and she was determined to try doing the same with her other two.
“Are you studying with Zoe tomorrow?” Alice asked when Brett sat back at the table.
“Yes,” Brett acknowledged. “Zoe started by helping Willow and me with our maths, but she gets ‘As’ on everything except Japanese, so she’s helping us with the other subjects, too.”
“Is Willow your girlfriend?” Alice asked neutrally.
“Not really,” Brett dismissed too quickly.
Alice suppressed her grin because she knew Brett was sweet on the girl, but perhaps Willow didn’t return his affection. “What do you mean ‘not really?” Alice queried.
“We hang out occasionally at school and when we study with Zoe,” Brett reluctantly explained. “But we’re not doing anything else.” Brett was terrified he’d stumble and reveal that he, Willow and Zoe were lovers. Zoe was adamant that no one, especially their parents, could know they fucked because Willow and Brett were below Queensland’s age of consent.
“Oh, okay,” Alice answered, letting it go because she didn’t want to damage the new relationship she’d created with her eldest child.
“How come Brett gets to have a girlfriend, but I’m not allowed a boyfriend?” Matilda whined.
“Because your brother is fourteen, Matilda, and you are yet to turn thirteen,” Alice exasperatedly replied, simultaneously with Brett denying that he had a girlfriend.
“I turn thirteen next month,” Matilda droned. “So, I can have a boyfriend then, right?”
“We’ll see,” Alice noncommittedly replied. Thankfully, Matilda decided her mother’s response was ‘yes’, and she dropped the subject. Alice briefly fantasised about inviting Zoe to come to her place to study with the others and then seducing the young woman when she arrived and found that Alice had dropped the kids at her mother’s. She decided to leave that in the realms of fantasy for now.
Zoe and Willow caught the bus to Zoe’s place together after school the following day. They teasingly waved at Brett when they passed him on their way. Brett was pedalling furiously because his balls had ached all day, anticipating what they’d do together that afternoon. The afternoons he spent fucking Zoe and Willow were nothing short of amazing. Brett’s stamina and control had improved markedly over the six weeks they’d been playing, and now he had little trouble controlling his orgasm until the girls were ready for him. However, Zoe often blew him as soon as he entered her home to help take the edge off.
Brett dumped his bike on Zoe’s front lawn and ran for the door, stopping barely before he crashed into it. Brett knocked and waited to be summoned. “It’s open,” Zoe said seductively. Brett entered to find Zoe and Willow kneeling naked, waiting for him as they typically were. The thrill of standing over two naked teenage women whilst still clothed raced through Brett’s body like an electric shock. He fumbled for his zipper, but Willow slapped his hands away.
“Naughty,” she said. “You know that for the next two hours, you’re not allowed to touch yourself without my or Mistress’ permission.”
“I wasn’t going to touch it,” Brett protested. “I was taking it out for you.”
“And how did you propose to do that without touching it?” Zoe asked drily.
“Oh,” Brett said, blushing. He then gulped, “Oh!” when Willow’s talented mouth surrounded his rampant todger and slid down until her nose was against his pubis. Brett lost his first load almost immediately. However, that was the reason for blowing him when he entered. It took the edge off the teenager’s need and would allow him to have some control for the later acts they’d do together.
Willow accepted Brett’s gift into her willing mouth before turning to Zoe. The young girls kissed as they shared Brett’s cum, swapping it back and forth before swallowing approximately half each. Their erotic display had Brett’s faded erection back to full mast, and he was eager to see what was next.
Zoe rolled Willow into a classic sixty-nine, with her pert ass waving enticingly at Brett. Brett threw his school shirt aside, stepped out of his shoes, socks and pants and knelt behind Zoe’s shapely bottom. He wanted to stick his cock in his Mistress but knew it was too soon to do that. So, instead, Brett held Zoe’s ass cheeks apart and slid his tongue onto her tight dark ring.
“Hmm,” Zoe moaned into Willow’s pussy as she revelled in having Brett’s tongue probing her no-no zone. Zoe rejoiced in the sheer decadence of anal play more than the actual act itself. That sodomy had so many taboos in countless religions made the act so much more delectable to her. Teaching her lovers to worship her ass allowed Zoe to thumb her nose at most of the mainstream religions, which Zoe adored doing.
Willow’s tongue on her clitoris and Brett’s probing into her ass sent Zoe toppling into an extreme climax, and she barely managed to remain quiet enough not to warn the neighbours of what the teenagers were doing. “Let’s take this to my bed,” Zoe purred as she lifted her head from the fourteen-year-old teenage girl’s pussy.
Zoe encouraged Willow onto her back on her bed and then told Brett to form a sixty-nine with her. As her teen lovers suckled on each other’s genitals, Zoe brought her strap-on out and buckled it into place. The thick double-end slid deliciously into her pussy as she settled it into place. Then, Zoe took out a bottle of lube and liberally coated her ‘cock’ with it. Next, she got onto the bed behind Brett and licked his chocolate star.
Brett was expecting Zoe to do that, so he only jumped a little when Zoe’s warm, wet tongue slid along his taint and onto his rosebud. Brett swiftly relaxed and delighted in Zoe’s attention, though. Brett forced himself to relax when Zoe’s lips and tongue were replaced by her fingers. He’d learned to rejoice in being pegged. Although it wasn’t in his top three things to have done to him, being fucked by Zoe had a certain piquancy that he’d come to love. It was almost like he could experience what it was like for a woman to be fucked by a flesh cock. Brett would deny it, but he had begun wondering what having a real cock fucking him would feel like. He masturbated to that guilty pleasure regularly.
“Willow, turn around so Brett can fuck you,” Zoe demanded. Willow obeyed quickly and welcomed her first male lover into her sweet, tight, and young cunt. Willow had seduced three other men and another woman so far, although her oldest lover was still Zoe, who had barely turned seventeen.
Willow, as Zoe had taught her, was patient with her virgin lovers, urging them to forgive themselves for their lack of control and encouraging them with her mouth, tongue, and hands to go again. Her first two lovers, beyond Zoe and Brett, were regulars now, and their performance had improved to the point where Willow could relax and enjoy fucking them without needing to coax their egos if they misfired and came too soon. If her men did, they immediately finished the job with their mouths and fingers.
Once Brett had slid into Willow, Zoe squatted behind his ass and gently inserted her ‘cock’ into the young man’s colon. She slid into him until she encountered his knot and then held still until Brett shuddered and relaxed. The remainder of her ‘dick’ slid into Brett’s ass without effort.
“Ahhh,” Brett sighed as his knot parted and Zoe’s cock slid inside. He held still, waiting for his colon to acclimate to having something shoved up it. When he felt his sphincter relax, he pushed his hips back at Zoe, indicating that he was ready to be fucked. From here, Brett was a passenger on Zoe and Willow’s sex train. Zoe would thrash her hips back and forward, driving her cock into Brett’s man pussy, which, in turn, jammed Brett’s cock into Willow, who then launched her hips up to meet Brett’s inward thrust and drove him back onto Zoe’s ‘cock’.
Willow hit her peak first, and the extra-hard thrust she gave as she orgasmed drove Zoe’s ‘cock’ deeper into Brett’s ass and scraped its tip along his P-spot. Brett lost his lollies as his P-spot exploded with pleasure, and he filled Willow’s welcoming pussy. Willow’s mighty thrust drove Brett’s ass into Zoe’s pelvis and forced the double end of her strap-on to scrape over her G-spot as the rubber stopper mashed against her clitoris. Both sensations alone would have ignited Zoe’s climax. Together, they blasted her off the planet into a pleasure orbit around the sun.
The three young lovers collapsed and lay together in orgasmic bliss until Zoe, ever the perpetrator, pushed Willow’s knees apart and lowered her head onto the fourteen-year-old’s pussy. She licked Willow’s nubbin before delving her tongue into the young woman’s vulva to retrieve Brett’s cum.
Brett groaned as his dick swiftly reinflated. His two female lovers going for it still turned him on more than any other action. He shifted behind Zoe and dipped his sturdy cock into her dripping gash. Brett stroked into Zoe’s pussy several times before adding his thumb. Once his thumb was wet with Zoe’s juices, he pushed it into her ass. Zoe had anal sex regularly, so her sphincter relaxed and readily accepted Brett’s probing thumb. Brett eased his cock out of Zoe’s pussy and thrust it firmly into her ass.
“Naughty boy,” Zoe said, smiling at her lover over her shoulder. Then she moaned before returning her attention to Willow’s cum-filled pussy. Zoe brought Willow to another orgasm before she slowly moved, keeping Brett buried inside her colon until she could lower herself onto Willow and slide her ‘cock’ into the younger girl. It was Zoe’s turn to be the passenger on her lovers’ sex train.
The trio had time to switch once more, with Willow in the middle, before showering, drying, getting dressed and pulling their schoolwork out. Lisa found Zoe explaining algebra to the younger pair as they struggled with the new concept. She said ‘Hello’ happily, knowing the threesome was good for each other. Even Zoe’s marks had marginally improved because having to explain the concepts to her younger students helped clarify them in her mind. Brett showed the most improvement, moving from a C- to a B+ average. Willow, who was already a B+ student, had improved to an overall A.
“It’s time to take you home,” Lisa announced.
“Sure thing, Mrs C,” Willow said. Her heart sped as she imagined seducing Zoe’s mother on their way. Willow packed her things into her school bag.
Zoe handed her the last textbook before whispering, “Go for it!”
Willow looked at her wonderingly. She couldn’t have meant what Willow thought she did, could she? Was Zoe encouraging her to attempt to seduce Lisa? Surely not. But what if? Willow’s pussy tingled as she imagined daring to do it.
“Ready?” Lisa asked, her voice cutting into Willow’s conundrum.
Willow blushed before saying, “Yes, Mrs C. Sorry. I was daydreaming there.”
Lisa surreptitiously used her peripheral vision to examine the fourteen-year-old. Willow’s breasts were undoubtedly at least a C-cup already, and they looked enormous on her lithe frame. Willow’s waist was narrow, and her ass pleasingly large and heart-shaped. Willow’s young body resembled Lisa’s first lesbian lover, and Lisa’s libido reacted accordingly. She was wetter than she could remember being in her recent history. However, Lisa knew she was too chickenshit to initiate anything with the young woman.
Lisa’s mind suddenly conjured an image of her lying on her bed with Willow in a classic sixty-nine with her and Luke’s thick cock just above her mouth, ploughing into the gorgeous teenager. She blinked away the fantasy before smiling inanely and walking to her car.
Willow sat beside her lover’s mother in a lather of self-doubt. She desperately wanted to believe that Zoe was right and that she should try to seduce Lisa, but her tongue had dried and was stuck to her mouth’s roof, unable to form words. Unknown to her, similar sentiments flowed through Lisa. Her pussy throbbed at the thought of kissing the young woman, but the fear not only of rejection but being reported for rape or carnal knowledge prevented Lisa from making a move toward her daughter’s friend.
They were close to halfway to Willow’s place when Lisa, who was distracted by the ache in her nether regions, felt Willow’s hand on her outer thigh. She looked down and almost ran a red light as she fascinatedly watched Willow’s fingers ease under her skirt. Lisa’s preference for work wear was mid-length skirts and dresses that flared after they’d covered her athletically slender ass. Lisa’s dress hems typically rode up when she sat, a distraction for her male colleagues that kept them on edge and gave her an advantage over them.
“Shit!” Lisa exclaimed as her car shuddered from the quick brake/release of her car’s ABS. She stopped before the line delineating the intersection, but not before nearly giving herself a heart attack.
Willow giggled, but the sudden braking didn’t stop her from sliding her hand closer to Lisa’s pussy. It took a car tooting its horn before Lisa remembered to drive on. Lisa unawarely parted her thighs when she felt Willow’s fingers on her panties. Seconds later, the teenager’s finger circled Lisa’s nubbin, and Lisa had to park the car before they crashed. Luckily, they were near a shopping centre with an open underground carpark. Lisa parked the car and killed the lights. She panted as she waited for Willow to continue.
Willow smiled happily, realising she had Zoe’s mother in her control. The older woman’s nubbin was wetter than a rainy spring storm and stiffer than a cardboard box. Willow undid her seatbelt and knelt on the seat. Her left fingers slid along Lisa’s slit and delved into the older woman’s pussy. Simultaneously, Willow’s other hand entwined in Lisa’s hair, pulling the older woman close enough to kiss. Lisa moaned into the kiss as her arousal flared. She lifted her hands, cupped the teenager’s fulsome breasts, and rubbed her thumbs over Willow’s protruding nipples.
Willow smiled into their kiss, enjoying Lisa’s hands on her nubile breasts. The older woman was only the second lover after Zoe, who knew what to do before Willow showed them, and Willow knew she could relax in Lisa’s embrace and simply enjoy herself. She slid her middle finger into her older lover’s pussy and searched for her G-spot. Lisa’s gasp indicated that she’d found it. Willow deepened their kiss as she swirled her finger over that spot.
Lisa undid her seatbelt and moved onto her knees so she could face her younger lover. Her hands shakily undid Willow’s blouse buttons, and she marvelled at the teenager’s extensive rack. Breasts that were already fuller and firmer than Lisa’s own. Lisa peeled Willow’s bra off her shoulders and lowered her mouth onto the youngster’s nipples. Techniques learned more than twenty years ago re-emerged, and Lisa licked and suckled Willow’s nubile nipples, driving the young woman unerringly toward her climactic peak.
Not to be outdone, Willow pushed Lisa’s top off her shoulders, exposing her conically shaped B-cups. Her spare hand circled Lisa’s mounds before her thumb and finger gripped Lisa’s nipple firmly. Then, Willow finger blasted the older woman as she twisted Lisa’s nipple cruelly. Lisa’s head tipped back as her body responded to the young woman’s attention. She hadn’t entirely gathered her thoughts when Willow’s finger elicited an enormous, mind-melting orgasm from her pussy. Lisa, who often gushed but didn’t squirt very often, felt her pussy soak her young lover’s fingers and hand. Fortunately, Willow spotted the rag Lisa kept to wipe her windscreen and was able to capture Lisa’s female cum before it soaked Lisa’s skirt and car seat.
Willow eased her finger from the older woman’s pussy and kissed her softly. “Mum will wonder where I am,” she said gently as she cleaned her fingers and hand.
“Shit! Yes,” Lisa gasped, temporarily stepping out of her car to adjust her panties and dress back to decency. She got back in and started the car. Lisa was embarrassed that her daughter’s fourteen-year-old friend had elicited an orgasm from her and now seemed under better control than her. But as they closed the distance to Willow’s home, Lisa wondered. “You’re clearly not a virgin to lesbian sex,” she stated.
“No, I’m not,” Willow giggled, unembarrassed.
“Are you a virgin with men?”
“Why, Mrs Carter. That’s a quite personal question, isn’t it?”
“Yes, you’re right,” Lisa abashedly admitted. “I have no right to ask.”
Willow leaned over and slid her fingers back onto Lisa’s sopping panties. “I’m not a virgin in any way, Mrs Carter. Why do you ask?”
Lisa blushed but decided to go for it. “You’ve met Zoe’s dad, my husband Luke, right?” Willow nodded. “What do you think about joining him and me in bed?”
“Hmm,” Willow purred as she moved Lisa’s panties aside and fingered her clit again. “I think as long as Zoe doesn’t find out, it would be fantastic for all of us.”
“I’m not sure how to pull this off,” Lisa excitedly blurted. “Also, Luke has no idea I’m attracted to you, so it will be a surprise. Zoe cannot know, of course.” Lisa thought furiously. “Umm ... if we invite you over on a night when Zoe’s babysitting, then she won’t know. Would that work?”
Willow thought before replying, “I could tell Mum that Zoe’s invited me to stay over. She likes Zoe, so that shouldn’t be a problem. Then, you could get me and give me to Luke as a present for him. Maybe truss me up a little?”
‘OMG! I haven’t used ropes on a lover since I married Luke,’ Lisa thought. With Willow’s index finger circling her clit and the salacious image Willow had just implanted, Lisa was close to cumming again. “Sounds like a plan,” Lisa agreed. “I’ll message you on ‘X’ and arrange a day.”
“Sounds good, Mrs C,” Willow agreed, removing her finger from Lisa’s nubbin because they were pulling into Willow’s driveway. Willow hopped out of the car, cheerily saying, “Thanks for the lift, Mrs C. See you next Thursday.”
Lisa hungrily watched Willow’s lithe figure walk inside before reversing out and driving away. Although her earlier climax had been mind-breaking, Lisa was hornier than she could remember being since her teenage years. She was heading home and dragging Luke into their bedroom. Zoe would have to make her own dinner.
Zoe lay on her bed when her instant messenger chirped, letting her know she had an incoming call. She looked and smiled when she saw it was from Willow. “Hey, babe,” she said when she accepted the call.
“I did it!” Willow exclaimed breathlessly.
“Did what?” Zoe asked.
“Had sex with your mother on the way home.”
“You did?” Zoe queried excitedly. “What happened?” Willow described what she’d done and how Zoe’s mother had launched into an explosive orgasm. At the end of Willow’s description, Zoe said, “Wait. What about you? Did Mum do anything to help you?”
“She undid my blouse and played with my tits and nipples,” Willow explained. “Zoe, it’s clear that your Mum’s no stranger to Sapphic love. She knows her way around a woman’s body; I’m telling you that!”
“Why did you stop?” Zoe queried.
“Because I didn’t want Mum to get worried,” Willow explained. “Plus, your Mum may have freaked out, so I wanted her to think about something else, like getting me home.”
“Good thinking,” Zoe agreed. She thought about their encounter. “Anything else?” She saw that Willow looked doubtful. “Come on. Spill it!”
“Your mum asked if I’d like to join her and your father in bed,” Willow replied nervously, worried about what Zoe would think.
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