A Cocooned Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug) - Cover

A Cocooned Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)

Copyright© 2025 by sexdottxt

Chapter 2: Playing the Organ

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 2: Playing the Organ - With the rest of the Miraculous Team disbanded and Chrysalis on the loose, it's Marinette on her own against this new villain. Unfortunately there's another foe who she also has to deal with.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Superhero   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting  

In the interim from that time, Marinette continued operating, fighting Chrysalis and her akuma. She didn’t run into that John guy on the streets or at night, not as Marinette or as Ladybug. She was hoping she’d find him minding his own business, completely oblivious to her, and then she’d drop kick him and get her revenge. Make him destroy the tape too.

But she did not. Two weeks later, Marinette did as he had instructed. After that incident with her captor, she searched the internet at least once a day for the incriminating video. But it never surfaced. However much she hated him, he was good to his word.

It was dark again and she was standing at the convention center doors. She was in her Ladybug persona and was at the door of that building. Tikki was not present.

There was light inside. Resigning herself to her fate, Marinette knocked on the door. It wasn’t long before it opened right up. It was that same John guy.

That same smile too. “Welcome back Ladybug. I’m glad you decided to show up.”

She folded her arms and glared at him. “Let’s just get this over with.”

He was unbothered by her attitude. “I’m glad you’re eager to get started! Come on in!”

She couldn’t believe she was going to do this. But she couldn’t let that tape get out. She would be devastated if it did.

Still, she was a far cry from the pathetic mess she was last time. And she was eager to redeem herself after that display. She didn’t look away from that smiling face, it was so condescending and she wanted to give him something to really smile about. Balling her hand into a fist she threw a real good right hook at him.

Only for John to leisurely sidestep it like it was nothing. He even yanked onto her wrist and pulling her forward, grabbed hold of the small of her back and threw her inside with such force that she almost fell front straight onto the floor, it was only her previous experience that kept her upright. Then he shut the door behind him.

“Glad to see you’re just as fiery as last time.” His brow darkened. “That will make it so much more satisfying to have you again.”

Marinette was looking at him, still putting up her dukes. He was unconcerned. Her fighting spirit wasn’t gone yet. But if he could contain her that easily, she began to wonder what might happen if he fought back for real. She relaxed her guard.

She still wasn’t done yet. “In your dreams, buddy.”

He just chuckled. He held up his hand, he was holding a small electronic device of some kind. “I’ve got my finger on the button. Try anything like that again and I’ll have that video uploaded online pronto. Or,” he said, cupping her chin, “you can be a good little girl. You can do that, can’t you?”

She snapped away from his grip but otherwise did nothing. He shrugged his shoulders and moved down the hallway. With no other choice left, she followed him.

When she was at that doorway again, she groaned. The inside was as luxurious as ever, but she could never forget her memories of that night. He went inside and again bowed in a mocking impression of a gentleman. She went inside and he shut the door.

She saw the camera sitting on the tripod again. “Let’s just get this over with, okay?” she said.

“Don’t be so eager. We’re going to spice things up a bit from last time.”

That had been a nagging concern in the back of her mind. Marinette hoped it wouldn’t come to this. As much as she hated last time, she could endure it. But the idea that things would be different left her totally defenseless. Now he would take another thing from her.

Given what kind of person he was, she would not ask him what it was. She just looked at him. He smiled right back at her. Fortunately she was not being tied up again.

But she would find out very soon what it was he wanted. John began working on getting his pants undone and her attention was stolen by his bulge. She remembered that thing moving on her backside while he humped her. She hoped it wouldn’t come to this.

Then he dropped them. His big dick sprung out at exactly the same moment as his pants fell to his ankles. She had felt and seen his bulge before but it was nothing compared to seeing it for real. For an instant, she wondered how it would be to feel that thing inside of her for real.

“Wh-what are you going to...” She was lost for words, she was just staring at it. She hated how her anxiety kept her from speaking.

Fortunately it wouldn’t be what feared. But he still had something in store for her all the same. “Nothing too bad. I want you to get down on your knees and play with it.”

“I’m not putting that thing in my...”

“I don’t want you sucking it off. I want you to play with it. I’m a gentleman, remember?” He laughed sweetly, but the menacing feeling behind it was all too apparent for her. “Also, I want you down on your knees while you do it so you’re looking right at it. It’s very important for such a young girl to have a close up experience on watching the penis when she plays with it.”

Marinette had yet to do anything with a real penis. And now her next task was to do exactly that. As much as she hated it, she could have handled another session of being felt up. But she knew exactly what John meant by when he said he wanted her to play with it.

She looked back at the camera and then at him again. “Fine.”

That smile was still on his face and it just widened up as if she had said she loved him. “Thanks Ladybug. You’ve really made me happy. Can I ask for something else too?”

She was shooting daggers at him. Whatever sense of resignation she had felt was beginning to diminish. Her last time here was not enough to batter her fighting spirit. And despite the few times he had gotten an edge over her, she was willing to take her chances.

Then he spoke. “Can I cover your face while you do it?”


“I want to cover your face while you play with it.”

“I know that! But why?”

“You’re asking a question about this? I thought I’d be doing you a favor.”

Marinette looked back at the camera again. It was humiliating enough having her identity be recorded, but at least this way she could maintain some idea of anonymity. Still, she didn’t know what he was up to, and it all seemed too good to be true. But she realized she had an advantage this time.

She regained a bit of her spunk and putting her hands on her hips, smiled at him. “Alright.”

“Don’t forget,” John said, holding out the device. “Try anything and I’ll make that video go straight up on the internet for all the world to see.”

That remark ticked her off. But she wouldn’t let it show. “Fine.”

She got down on her knees in front of him. This close up, the hot masculine smell of his pecker filled up her nostrils. A chunk of her initial bravado, that fighting spirit went right up in flames on the spot. Whatever ideas she had that this one would be far more innocent by comparison to last time were crushed as the reality of the situation dawned on her.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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