Kelly's Diary 191 - Tammy Visits
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 4: Breaking Tradition?
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4: Breaking Tradition? - It would be the first time Tammy had visited without my mom being around so I wasn't sure how things would go. I wasn't even sure WHY she was visiting us for that matter. Looking back, why was I even worried?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Incest Father Daughter Masturbation Oral Sex
Every family has its traditions. Many are associated with the holidays and we had those to - such as whose home would host the family gathering for which holiday. Many have vacation traditions - not something we really had as we didn’t take all that many long vacations when I was growing up thanks to my parents’ hectic work schedules. One thing my family DID have that might not be so common involved sex.
For instance, for the past several years the 4th of July had become a time when my family and my Aunt Linda and Kristen got together to celebrate - and I don’t mean just the birth of the nation either. Then there was my dad’s morning tradition where he would come into my room before leaving for work to spend some “quality time” with his daughter. That tradition sort of faded away when I left for college, but during breaks it would revive itself.
If there is one tradition my dad and I have worked hardest to maintain, it’s our time together on Sunday mornings. For years we’ve had sex just prior to leaving for church, trying to time it as close to start of the service as possible so I have his warm load still in me once we sat down in our pew. There’s just something about sitting there as the announcements are read, and then standing up to sing and feel his cum against my thigh as it drains out of me that is incredibly erotic. I never tire of the way he looks at me when I sit next to him, knowing that he had just fucked me and now I was carrying a part of him inside of me. If only the people around us knew!
If only they knew that literally just minutes before his dick had been inside of me, that a loving father had expressed his love and respect for his daughter in a way probably no other father in the entire church had today. Then again, looking around, I wondered if any of the other girls were smiling as their pussies tingled with the memory of having their dad’s dick in them just before church.
I have to admit that it’s not just the fact my dad fucked me that makes this “tradition” so erotic. It would be pretty naive of me to try to say the naughtiness of it isn’t a turn-on as well. Sometimes his cum would drip out and I could feel it drain down my ass onto my skirt. The next time we stood up, I would wonder if it was showing to the people in back of me, and if they had any clue as to what that small wet spot REALLY was.
Undoubtedly even if something DID show, nobody would have thought that it was cum, and especially not that it was my FATHER’S cum at that. Plus, it wasn’t like my pussy just quit once my dad fucked me. I loved sitting in the pew feeling it all tingly and warm. Sometimes I would cross my legs to rub my clit a little and it was like goose bumps would raise all over me. At time like that it would be all I could do to keep from reaching down and under my skirt to touch myself. Now THAT would have raised some eyebrows for sure!
As I dressed for church, I thought about how Tammy would be at my dad’s house this morning. For a brief second I considered whether or not I should forego our Sunday tradition just this once. It wasn’t like we ALWAYS did it. Sometime one of us would oversleep or be running late (poor excuse but it happens) or he might be traveling out of town or I might be with someone. Those times were rare, though, as it meant a lot to both of us to try and keep this tradition a top priority.
Looking in the mirror, I smiled as I thought of what Tammy would think about me wearing this outfit to church. It wasn’t something I would’ve normally picked out to be honest. After all, it WAS church and wearing a really short dress was highly discouraged. This one was more like one I would wear when going out trolling for guys - LOTS of leg and cleavage. For church it was borderline to be sure, but I didn’t think it was TOO bad such that people would think badly of me or even worse, mention to me that maybe I should go home and change.
I did make one concession - I wore panties, something I almost never did on Sunday mornings. Not just a thong but actual panties. OK, maybe not the kind your grandmother buys you for Christmas. They were pretty high cut on the sides and narrow in the crotch. The key was that unlike a thong, which typically exposed most, if not virtually all of your ass, these covered a good bit of my bottom. There is a difference between dressing suggestive and looking like a slut. In my opinion, when going to church a girl shouldn’t look like a slut - at least not during Sunday morning services. As for other time, well that was a different story.
I decided to head over to my dad’s a little earlier than usual. Typically our pre-church “activities” were pretty much geared around him filling me up for church, not to get all sweaty and smell of sex. As a rule, we never even undressed. He would typically just open his pants enough to get his dick out and I would lift my skirt (remember, normally I don’t have anything on underneath), and he would fuck me and cum as quickly as he could. This morning I might take off my panties while he fucked me but that would be all, if I even did that. He could always pull them to the side although I’ve lost a few pairs that way before when they ripped.
The reason I was going early was, of course, Tammy. I wasn’t sure how she would react to me being there - or more so how she would react to WHY I was there. It was bad enough that she’d already accused my dad of fucking me “just about sex”. What would be her reaction when she learned what we did just before leaving for church?
I parked on the curb by the top of the driveway so I would have one less flight of stairs to negotiate in my high heels. The front door was unlocked so I stepped inside. Looking down the hall, I could just see Tammy sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee. Although she smiled when she saw me, I could tell she was a little surprised that I was there.
“Morning dear, wasn’t expecting you,” she said right up front. I explained that I always stopped by before church so my dad and I could go together.
“Sort of early, aren’t you? Your dad is still dressing I think.”
I debated whether or not to say anything as to why I was REALLY there early. Then it was like I felt this frustration within me. Why should I be worried about what she says or thinks? It wasn’t like she didn’t already know we did it. Why did I have to be the one to be sensitive about her feelings? Weren’t MY feelings just as important as hers?
“Well Tammy, to be honest, my dad and I like to be together a bit before we go.”
Tammy’s eyebrows raised. She was no dummy and she caught on immediately to what I was referring to. Then she forced a smile and reached over the table to hold my hand in hers.
“You mean your dad has sex with you before church ... this close to church time?”
I just nodded, not sure what more I could say at this point.
“Kelly..., why?” Tammy asked. I knew she meant more then why was I here to do it before church. No, she was asking a much larger “why” - she wanted to know why I had sex with my dad in the first place.
“I thought you understood everything after your last time here?” I asked her, trying to deflect the question. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to answer it or that I was ashamed or unwilling. I’d love to tell ANYBODY how I feel about my dad fucking me whenever I can.
“Well, to be honest it was sort of a crazy time and I’ve had time to think it over since,” she shared, “I just can’t get past the feeling you’re just doing it for him. What do YOU get out of it? You’re young, good looking, and could probably have most any guy you want. Why do you even WANT to do this with your father?”
How do you answer such a question? At least, how do you answer it in just a few minutes? To me, it was as easy and simple as the nose on your face. He was my father, what more did I need to say? Yet I knew for someone like Tammy, such simplicity was just not part of her world and culture. How could I ever make her truly understand?
I heard my dad upstairs and I knew he would be heading down soon. I looked at Tammy and then I realized that if I just let my dad fuck me now, she would totally misinterpret everything. This was one time when my dad fucked me that the actual act WAS just about being fucked. Tammy would never understand it was just the prelude to a more erotic experience a little later in church. No, all she would see is my dad hurriedly pulling his dick out and me bending over, talking it immediately into my pussy without any foreplay or anything else. He would cum quickly and then I would arrange my dress and he’d fix his pants and we’d be off to church.
It was at that moment I knew that we had to do something different today. I got up from the table and met my dad at the bottom of the stairs, leaving Tammy in the kitchen. My dad, assuming I was meeting him to get started, started unbuckling his belt but I put my hand on his to stop him. He looked at me with a puzzled face.
I explained quickly that we couldn’t do it before church today with Tammy here, that she would get the wrong idea. Then I smiled at him and whispered how I would make it up to him AFTER church when we had more time. At that moment I still wasn’t entirely sure HOW, but I would work something out during the service. Besides, it would be fun to think about during the sermon.
We went back to where Tammy was washing her coffee cup out. She turned and looked at us expectedly, as if waiting for us to start going at it. After all, to her it was “just about sex” so in her mind, she was probably wondering why wouldn’t we just do it like rabbits in the kitchen in front of her? Well, if she had NOT been there we may have done just that but I wanted to show her the truth before she left for home and doing it now would have made that all but impossible.
As we left the house to go to church, suddenly Tammy stopped and I think for the first time it dawned on her that I was actually wearing this dress to church. I think maybe she thought it was just for my dad and that I would change before we left but of course, I had no intentions of doing anything like that.
“Ummmmm, you’re wearing THAT to church?” she said, trying not to sound too judgmental but failing miserably.
“Why, does it have something on it?” I asked, pretending not to realize that her comment might be about the dress itself.
“Well, I don’t mean to sound old-fashioned or anything, but isn’t it a little short? And the top ... Isn’t the top just a bit too low-cut?”
My dad once told me that “everything before ‘but’ is bullshit” and I grinned as I recalled his words of wisdom. Actually it made me feel even better about wearing this dress. If Tammy thought she needed to say something about it, imagine what some of those old shrews at church would think? My dad was watching the interaction between us with a hint of amusement. I knew HE loved my dress and he was undoubtedly looking forward to seeing the looks I got from other guys. They could only look and wish, he knew he would do a lot more than look before the day was over!
“Well I think it looks good on me,” I said a little flippantly, maybe a little too much.
“Well I bet your mother would have never let you wear that to church,” Tammy shot back and then she turned red and covered her face with her hands as she realized what she had said.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry ... I didn’t mean to say that,” she said, looking like she was about to cry.
“Hey, we’re going to be late for church,” my dad cut in before it got any worse. I was about ready to fire back with one of my own so it was probably good that he prevailed.
Actually, the dress went over quite well at church. It’s not like we go to the most conservative one in town although it still had its fair share of people who went a bit overboard in my opinion. Most people dressed casually for Sundays now, the only suits and formal dresses being worn mostly by the retired folks. Jeans and shorts were common and even flips-flops were worn although bare feet was still a no-no.
In a way, I was overdressed in terms of style while some may have pointed out I was a tad underdressed in terms of square inches of fabric. Between my short hemline and high heels, I thought my legs looked great with the summer tan I’d been working so hard on. Maybe a few hours at the gym wouldn’t hurt but then I hadn’t been exactly coltish in appearance in many years.
The service went by without incident. Just to tease Tammy, I crossed my legs while sitting between her and my dad. She kept checking out how far the dress pulled up and once I caught her frowning a bit. It’s not like my butt was showing or anything but there wasn’t a lot keeping out of view. The only time anyone really saw anything was when we stood up to pray or sing. I made sure I kept the dress pulled down so as not to flash the family behind me but I’m sure the teenage boys (and probably their dad) must have thinking, “just a little bit more...”. Oh well, it made time go by quicker for what was a really boring service this morning.
As it turned out, there was a potluck dinner after church sponsored by the youth to raise donations. It wasn’t much but we decided to eat there and do our part to support them. Tammy had to be at the airport later this afternoon anyway so it helped by not going out for a long lunch and having to wait in the Sunday lines. Unfortunately, our church let out about fifteen minutes later than this huge Catholic church next door and I swear they had made their schedule such that they could get to the restaurants before us!
It was after 1:00 by the time we got back to my dad’s house. Watching Tammy’s body language, I could tell she was horny and most likely was waiting for me to leave so she could attack my dad for one last fuck before going home to her boring marriage. Well, I had needs of my own and besides, I’d promised my dad something for skipping our time before church this morning. My dad parked in the garage meaning we had to enter the house through the basement and family room. Tammy looked at me and I could tell she was expecting to say goodbye as my dad would be driving her to the airport and so since I would supposedly be leaving soon, this was time to say goodbye. Well that was too bad as I had other plans.
“So you think my dad fucks me just for the sex, is that it?” I said, catching her off-guard as she looked stunned and stammered as she worked to figure out a response.
“Well, I don’t think I put it quite THAT way,” she said, trying to defend herself.
“Sit down Tammy,” I told her.
I think the tone of my voice surprised her and she reacted instinctively to the demand by sitting down on the couch. “Good, now I want you to watch and THEN tell me it’s just about sex ... OK?”
I don’t think she really comprehended what I was saying until I reached down, grabbed the hem of my dress with both hands, and pulled it up and over my head, leaving me in just my panties and heels. Gotta love that dress! Turning to my dad, I reached up and kissed him, my bare boobs pressing against his dress shirt. His hands automatically went to their favorite location - my ass and cupped my butt cheeks, one in each hand. I still was wearing the black lace panties but that didn’t seem to faze him. I whispered in my ear to him, “Show her how you love me daddy. I want her to see.”
I turned my head towards Tammy who was starting to get up. I motioned for her to sit.
“No, I want you to watch. You need to know the truth.”
She started to protest but I held my hand up like a traffic cop, commanding her to stop and shut up. She looked at my dad, expecting support, but he just shrugged and smiled as if he was saying he was just going along with whatever happened.
“Please daddy, show her how much you love me,” I whispered again as he seemed to hesitate because of Tammy’s discomfort.
We kissed again, this time with more passion, our tongues meeting with our mouths open. His large hands slipped under my panties, grabbing my smooth bare ass underneath. My dad always loved my ass, even when I was a little girl he use to touch it and fondle it. Of course way back then I had no idea that he was getting an erection because of how my butt felt, nor that afterwards he would masturbate fantasizing about me.
“I love you daddy ... tell me what you want Daddy, I’m yours daddy ... all yours,” I whispered gently, but loud enough this time for Tammy to hear.
It wasn’t like this was the first time she’d seen him fuck me but somehow it seemed the most important time. I wanted her to know without a shred of doubt that I was freely giving myself to him, that I was willingly submitting to his authority over me, the natural authority that a father should have over his daughter. I wanted Tammy to know I was willingly yielding to him totally. She needed to see that I trusted my dad explicitly, never doubting for a moment that he would do anything but treat me as a father should care his daughter. I knew for certain that he would never ask me to do anything that would disrespect me or cause me harm or discomfort.
My dad didn’t say anything but I knew he was keeping one eye on Tammy. Maybe he was hoping she would join in - or was he more worried she might disapprove? He moved my hands to his crotch where I could feel his erection swelling as if trying to burst through his slacks. Regardless of what he was thinking about Tammy, he wanted me, that much was for sure - and that was all that mattered to me.