Kelly's Diary 191 - Tammy Visits - Cover

Kelly's Diary 191 - Tammy Visits

Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85

Chapter 3: Should I Interrupt?

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Should I Interrupt? - It would be the first time Tammy had visited without my mom being around so I wasn't sure how things would go. I wasn't even sure WHY she was visiting us for that matter. Looking back, why was I even worried?

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   True Story   Incest   Father   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

For the past 24 years, or at least those parts that I remember, coming home was always something I looked forward to. Home meant security, love, and being with my parents. There is not a time in my life when I can recall NOT wanting to go home. Even now, I often catch myself calling it “home” even though I have my own apartment which is technically “home” for me. Still, I don’t think it will matter where I live or for how long, “home” will always be that place where I grew up, where so many things happened to make me the woman I am today.

Not only can I not remember ever not wanting to GO home, neither can I ever recall ever feeling like I wasn’t welcome either. No matter the time of year or day, the weather or what my parents had planned, I knew I could always count on a warm reception when I walked through the door. I didn’t matter what I’d done, how badly I screwed up, or even how awful I may have treated them before I’d left the last time, I was ALWAYS welcomed home again.

Now, for the first time in my life, I wasn’t sure if I should go “home”. Yesterday I’d left my dad and Tammy in each other’s arms and never even got a phone call later that night. I guess technically I wouldn’t have gotten one under normal conditions anyway - my dad has never been a big one for phone calls just to say hi, but I still thought maybe Tammy might call to thank me for picking her up at the airport. Again, if I’d received a phone call on a Saturday morning from my dad I would’ve probably panicked, wondering what was wrong, so NOT hearing the phone ring was probably more to be expected but still, weren’t they going to include me in ANYTHING?

Probably the best way to show how anxious I was is to say I skipped my morning masturbation time - the first time in ages that I can even remember doing so! It was like all the horniness in me was drained out and I just couldn’t get myself in the right frame of mind.

Then I had an idea ... a GREAT idea. If I was to go over to his house and perhaps sneak in, undress myself and then surprise them in bed, then they would HAVE to let me join them. I don’t know why I felt so desperate to be a part of them this weekend, only that I did. It was almost like I feel when I get an unquenchable urge to have sex. Now and then it’s like I HAVE to get laid and nothing else will do. It doesn’t happen often but when it does, I usually end up calling my cousin or something to help me so I don’t get myself in trouble, or at least not TOO much trouble (it’s not like Kristen is all that steady herself but anything helps). This was almost like that except it wasn’t about sex, but something different that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. All I knew was I HAD to go over and see what they were doing,

As I drove, my sex drive began to get back in gear the closer I got to the house. I began to imagine what Tammy was doing to my dad right now, and vice versa. God my pussy was starting to itch SO bad and I cursed myself for wearing jeans instead of a short skirt that would’ve made things a whole lot easier.

Fortunately I was home before I got too crazy, parking my car at the bottom of the driveway where it wouldn’t be seen from the upstairs bathroom (the bedrooms were on the other side of the house anyway). I keyed in the entry code into the wireless thing for the garage door and hoped the sound of the door opening wouldn’t be heard two stories up. Fortunately my dad keeps the opener well maintained and even I could barely hear anything as it rose.

The basement was at the same level as the driveway (after it had dipped one story from the front of the house to the garage) and I carefully let myself in. There was no sign of life so I walked over to where the laundry chute emptied, grabbed a chair so I could get closer to it, and tried to listen to what was going on upstairs. I’d learned many years ago as a child that the chute acted like an echo chamber, bringing every sound from two stories up down to the basement if you got in just the right spot. It was perfect for listening in on my parents when they thought I couldn’t hear them! Still, I didn’t hear a thing and I looked back out in the garage just to be sure his SUV was there - which it was. Hmmmmmm, what were they doing - or NOT doing?

Going up the basement stairs, I opened the door to the first door carefully but there was nobody around there or in the kitchen. Making my way to the entryway, I looked up the stairs but as they made a left turn about two-thirds of the way up, I couldn’t see anything, nor could I hear anything either.

Hmmm, what should do now? My original plan had been to strip down and go upstairs naked, surprising them such that they couldn’t say anything about me hopping in bed with them. If my dad was going to fuck Tammy, then he should be doing me with her as well - or at least that’s how I saw it. Then again, when I made those plans I’d expected to hear the moaning of two people engaged in hard- core sex such that they wouldn’t even notice me until I was right at the side of the bed. As quiet as the house was now, and given how virtually every square foot of this old house squeaked, the element of surprise was going to be pretty hard to obtain.

Still, what did I have to lose? I slipped off my sandals, then dropped my jeans to the floor and stepped out of them. Reaching down with my arms crossed to the bottom hem, I pulled the tank top up and over my head in one fluid motion, leaving me standing completely naked in the hallway. The house was pretty cold - my dad LOVED air-conditioning, as proven by the reaction my nipples were making now as they stiffened.

Like the laundry chute listening secret, another thing I’d learned by living in this house almost all of my life was how to avoid the especially squeaky spots in the hardwood steps leading to the second floor. It was like watching an Indiana Jones movie as I stepped in my bare feet from side to side, almost having to be acrobatic at times but it worked - not a sound and I was at the top of the stairs. Now that I was just a few feet from my dad’s bedroom, I was finally able to make out the low voice that was talking.

“Oh yeah, that feels so good,” I heard at one point between the barely audible moans and groans.

Well, at least I knew they weren’t sleeping and they WERE doing just what I’d hoped they would.

The window air conditioning was raising goose bumps on my exposed skin. The house had radiators for heat and was much too old for central air-conditioning so my dad had installed a monster air-conditioner in the window which pretty well cooled the entire house if you pointed the vents in the right direction. Unfortunately, I was standing right in front of the discharge that was intended to cool the majority of the upstairs - and I was freezing!

Suddenly it dawned on me that the voices I heard were not coming from my dad’s bedroom! The noise of the air-conditioner must have distorted my hearing, not to mention I’d just expected it to come from there so I never really thought about it until now. No ... it was coming from MY bedroom! OK so technically I didn’t live there anymore but after occupying it for 18 years, that room would always be MY bedroom.

I sneaked around the corner until I could get a glimpse of the bed using the mirror that hung over my dresser. I smiled to myself as I thought of how my dad had carefully positioned it so many years ago such that he could get a good view of my bed without ever having to actually look into my room. He loved to watch when my boyfriends would come over to fuck me. None of them ever saw him in the mirror - or at least they never admitted that they had.

Now the tables were turned and it was my turn to “spy” on the events that were taking place in my room. My heart practically stopped when I saw my dad laying on my bed on his back with Tammy riding him cowgirl. They were both nude and while Tammy was more than a few years past her prime (to be kind), she certainly was trying to make up for it with effort! She was bucking on my dad’s dick like she was riding the bull at a cowboy bar!

“Fuck me John ... fuck me harder,” she was saying, clearly audible in the hallway where I was standing, “Oh fuck me ... Tom never fucked me like you do ... do it to me now!”

Tom was her husband back in Oregon. So far as I knew, he was the only guy that had ever fucked Tammy besides my dad and so far as he was concerned, my dad hadn’t either. How Tammy convinced him she was a virgin when my dad had been the one to take it long before she met Tom ... well she never told me. Imagine if he saw his dear wife now, acting like a wanton slut in heat as she committed the ultimate sin that a wife can do - adultery.

It wasn’t like they were having a conversation or anything, more just a few words here and there mixed in between grunts and moans. Tammy’s boobs were bouncing all over the place - a classic example of where wearing a bra during sex isn’t always such a bad idea! Her ass was spread out on my dad’s crotch more than anyone else’s I’d ever seen but that didn’t seem to stop my dad from wanting to grab it with both hands and squeeze it as she rocked on his dick.

It was then I realized that my hand was between my legs - I hadn’t even thought about it, it just went there automatically like it often did when I was horny. Yet as hot as I was, I was struggling as to whether or not I should barge in. It wasn’t like I was wearing anything less than they were (as in nothing). Yet at the same time I hesitated. It was painfully obvious that they were thoroughly enjoying one another. Their relationship went back a LONG ways, even more so than my dad’s did with my mom and her sister. It was like they were somehow reliving their past, capturing the old magic from back in their early high school days. Was it right for me to just drop in unannounced? Really, if they wanted me in there with them now, all it would have taken was a simple phone call and I’d have gladly rushed over to join in.

In the meantime, Tammy had twisted around such that she was facing away from my dad as his hard dick stayed up inside of her pussy. Had I stepped into the doorway she would’ve been staring at me straight in the face. Now THAT might have been an interesting expression to capture, but I doubted that this was the right time and/or place. At the same time, I wondered if it wasn’t EXACTLY the right time and place. After all, he WAS my father and Tammy knew how close we were. Surely she would want his only daughter to be included with them ... wouldn’t she?

Watching them fucking on MY bed, I wondered why they were on MY twin-sized bed instead of my dad’s larger queen-sized bed. What was the point in fucking his old lover on his daughter’s bed? Then it hit me ... for the first time I was seeing my father having sex just for the sake of having sex. With me, I was always his daughter and no matter where or when we did it, we never could be anything else.

With my mom, it was his love, his soul mate. Sure they got pretty wild sometimes (the walls between our bedrooms were pretty thin) but again, they could never be anything else. When he fucked my Aunt Linda and my cousins, it was more sexual than emotional but there were still those family ties that could never be totally cast aside.

Perhaps the closest I’d seen him to having pure “sex” was with my best friend Beth; but even then, the cloud of adultery hung over everything, regardless of how much he later denied it, and I don’t think he could fully engage with her without seeing me or my mom.

So indeed, this was a first for me, the first time I’d ever seen my dad fucking another woman just for the sake of having sex with her - no strings, no family ties, nothing but pure covetousness and desire on BOTH of their parts. They seemed to be reliving their so-called glory years as young teenagers, engaging in playful sex without any worries, without any concerns for the future, or any thoughts as to who might know about it.

Watching them, I felt awkward, strange - even weird. It was almost like I was seeing him having sex for the first time Sort of ironic I guess. Was this how other girls felt, the ones who didn’t have incest with the dads, when they stumbled across their parents having sex? One the one hand I wanted to turn away, not wanting to see my father like this, yet on the other hand my eyes were riveted on the sleazy scene being played out right before me. It was like I felt like I shouldn’t be watching them yet at the same time I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

Had anyone asked me before now how I would react to such a situation, I would NEVER have even dreamed for a moment that it would be like this. No doubt I would have said how much it turned me on, how eventually I would walk into the room and join them. At the very least I would have thought I would get excited and masturbate as I watched. Yet now that I was faced with this in real life for the first time, masturbating was pretty much the LAST thing on my mind. Sure I wanted to watch, but not because I wanted to join them, but more out of morbid curiosity than anything else.

Indeed, as I mentioned before, this was probably how a typical girl might feel after accidentally walking in on her parents as they were making love, except this wasn’t my parents, it was my dad and an old friend. Just as no doubt that girl would be fascinated by what she was seeing, so was I. Yet as fascinated as she may be, the odds were the thought of joining her parents would never have crossed her mind, just as the thought of joining my Dad and Tammy was not an option I was seriously considering any longer.

I leaned back against the wall as I watched, my eyes barely even blinking as I didn’t want to miss anything. The coolness of the plaster against my skin reminded me that I was bare-ass naked and in some way it seemed inappropriate for this situation. Like, what was the point in me being nude anymore? I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling even more chilled as the air-conditioner blew from behind me.

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