Kelly's Diary 191 - Tammy Visits
Copyright© 2025 by Kelly85
Chapter 2: An Awkward Welcome
Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2: An Awkward Welcome - It would be the first time Tammy had visited without my mom being around so I wasn't sure how things would go. I wasn't even sure WHY she was visiting us for that matter. Looking back, why was I even worried?
Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Mult Consensual True Story Incest Father Daughter Masturbation Oral Sex
Since Tammy would be arriving in the middle of the afternoon on Friday, my dad asked me to pick her up at the airport so she wouldn’t have to rent a car. It wasn’t a hassle, I just rearranged one of my tutoring appointments and waited for her to call me on my cell phone when her luggage arrived.
Driving around to the loading area, I saw her standing there waving when she recognized me. She had packed pretty light - just a carry-on and one small suitcase so it was easy to get her stuff in my trunk. We chatted about her flight, the weather, and stuff as I headed out to the highway. Then for a moment it was like we both had nothing to say, the silence almost deafening as we each knew what needed to be asked and said, but neither of us anxious to address it. Finally, she took the lead.
“So I guess you’re wondering why I’m here.”
“Well, now that you mention it the thought HAD crossed my mind,” I said lightly, trying to soothe some of the tension that had suddenly appeared.
“Look, I know things have been ... well, ‘different’ for you since your mom’s accident and I can only imagine how you must feel about things. Believe me, I had NO idea your dad hadn’t told you about our calls and talks.”
I turned to look at her quickly, the heavy traffic drawing my attention back to the road but not before she saw the questioning look on my face.
“At least your dad warned me,” she said in response to my unspoken query, “I’m glad he did as it would have been a bit awkward otherwise.”
In my mind I was shouting, “YOU THINK?” but I remained quiet, letting her go on without interrupting her.
“Things have been a bit rough between me Tom lately. As you know, your dad is probably closer to me and knows me better than any other man besides my husband. My goodness, he’s still the only man other than my husband whom I’ve had sex with! I guess I just needed someone to turn to I knew wouldn’t judge me.”
“I think you mean someone to fuck you,” I said - but only to myself. I was wondering where this was going.
“Well, it’s not like your dad hasn’t begun to move on ... I mean with your aunt and all,” she tried to point out, although to what end I was still confused.
“Oh, so he told you about him and her too?” I asked, trying not to sound judgmental but most likely failing miserably.
“Well I think it’s wonderful myself, Kelly,” she replied, “I’m not sure you fully realize just how close they use to be back in the old days. Your mother’s gone, Kelly, he needs someone like her.”
“Yeah, Like YOU,” I again said silently.
It was difficult to describe how I felt - confused, maybe even a little jealous? I liked Tammy but it wasn’t like I knew her THAT well. Sure we were together a week every year or so maybe, and yes we’d been intimate a few times as well, but I did not by any stretch of the imagination consider her my best friend, or even someone close to that. Now I really felt like I didn’t know her.
“So let me get this straight then,” I said, immediately realizing my tone was a bit sharp but it was too late, “You’re having problems with your marriage so you thought you would come see my dad for some sex over the weekend to help you get through it. Do I have it right?”
Tammy looked as if she would cry, her eyes reddening and starting to sniffle, and it made me think maybe I’d come across a bit too harsh. Still, it needed to be said sooner or later so why not get it out in the open and get it over with?
“Soooooo, do you have a problem with that?” she asked softly.
Something suddenly struck me and I almost laughed out loud. Instead I just giggled and soon she was doing the same. It was all so incongruous, so utterly crazy. It was then I realized that I really didn’t have a problem with it, I just needed to share my thoughts about it to make myself feel better with the situation.
“It’s not like you two didn’t seem to enjoy it the last time you were here,” I teased her, putting my hand briefly on her leg.
“Yeah, that WAS pretty wild and crazy, wasn’t it,” she giggled back to me, “You know, I went home and for about a month I denied it actually happened - I just couldn’t believe what we’d done.
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