Nora's Spanking Fantasies - Cover

Nora's Spanking Fantasies

Copyright© 2024 by elevated_subways

Chapter 2

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Nora Meara appears in other stories here including Freshman Hooker and Fantasies of a Young Dominatrix. Here, she describes in more detail fantasies she had when trying to cope with the pressures of being a part-time dominatrix during her senior year of college. This is taking place in the 1970s in New York.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/ft   Consensual   NonConsensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Workplace   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Clergy   Teacher/Student   Prostitution  

This finishes Nora’s fast food punishment fantasy from Chapter 1 of this series. She narrates her own story here. It is possible I will add a third chapter at a later date.

Yet merely being difficult with customers wasn’t enough to get me into real trouble. I was careful to avoid profanity, and as long as they got their food, they were reasonably happy.

Sometimes, I painstakingly yet unnecessarily corrected the names they gave to our offerings. Somebody would ask for a “large burger,” and I would say, “Actually, we call it the Big Shef here.” (Not Chef, for some incomprehensive reason.)

Or they would order a fish sandwich, and I would get prissy and tell them that it was The Admiral.

“The Admiral what?”

“Not what, but who. It honors Admiral Nelson, of course.”

That was a complete fabrication, and they wouldn’t know what I was talking about. I’d snidely said, “You know him, ‘England expects every man to do his duty,’ “ which of course didn’t register with them at all.

At other times, I had a World War II theme, and I would claim it was a tribute to Admiral Nimitz. Or Yamamoto, the Japanese naval leader who planned the attack on Pearl Harbor even though he doubted that Japan could defeat America.

But is wasn’t those pranks that got me punished. I had never held a regular job before and I was used to being self-employed. Therefore, without truly expecting it, I became a rather slipshod employee when it came to tardiness and absenteeism.

It was the beginning of my summer break, yet I had to arrive there at 8:00 AM for my shift. I had wanted to work afternoons, but no slots were available. There was actually an advantage in that because the schedule offered me about three to four hours later in the day to fool around with my boyfriend at my house.

Yet I am not a morning person, and it was difficult for me to get to work on time consistently. If I was really in a bad mood, I would just call in sick with some non-existent illness.

My fantasy plot involved the manager of the restaurant, Mr. McGregor, a guy of about forty-five. Back then superiors above a direct supervisor were usually addressed by their last names.

I conjured up a scenario in which McGregor thought I was an arrogant twat, which was somewhat accurate for the persona I cultivated at the time. Within the first two weeks, he was already complaining about my non-compliance with work schedules.

One day, during the middle of a shift, McGregor called me and another girl named Lenore into his office and asked me to close the door behind us. Lenore was another visibly nervous type like my old spanking companion Jenny back at St. Engratia’s.

She was absent at times for other reasons than I was. Sometimes anxiety got to my co-worker when she contemplated coming in and facing the public.

Meanwhile, I sat down, crossed my legs, chewed some gum, and pouted.

One of the first things McGregor said was, “Nora, I hope you don’t chew gum while you’re working.”

I shrugged. “So what difference does that make?”

Then he got into his grievances with Lenore and me. For a minute I thought he was going to fire me on the spot. That wouldn’t be good because my uncle had made it clear that he might throw me out of the house if I screwed up my fast food gig.

McGregor offered us an option. If we wanted to keep our jobs, we would have to accept punishment from him, right on the spot. I said, “Oh yeah? And what would that be?”

He answered, “Nora, you are a very haughty young lady. You need to be taken down a few pegs” Then he smiled at me, which gave me a chill.

He picked up a wooden paddle from his desk that I hadn’t noticed before. It didn’t have holes like the school version, but it looked like a substantial piece of wood. The business end of it was oval-shaped.

“It’s quite simple actually. You’re both going to bend over the desk, hold on to the far side, and get sound spankings on the seats of your trousers. Then you will lower your pants and get the second half on your bare buttocks.”

Lenore started to cry softly, just like Jenny had at my old school, but I immediately protested, “You can’t do that to us. I’ll protest to corporate about your lewd proposal.”

He wasn’t fazed. “I’ve spanked some bad girls here before, and one naughty guy too. Corporate has always backed me up. You’re a minimum-wage employee with three weeks here. I’ve been employed with this company for twelve years. Who do you think they’re going to support, you or me?”

I let him know my true feelings. “You’re a perverse little motherfucker, that’s what I think. You don’t have the right to do any of that.”

He shrugged. “Refuse my discipline, and you’re out of here now. Just change out your uniform and leave the premises immediately.”

I pondered his proposal. I had been paddled and spanked before, and I thought I was tough enough to take whatever McGregor could dish out on my ass. It will be over fast, and then I probably can slip by until I get a position somewhere else.

Also, I knew my uncle would be really pissed at me and probably would supply motivation by belting me again at home until I got another job.

“At least spare Lenore. She’s had a tough time adjusting to this place.”

“I realize her problem is negligence, while yours is arrogance. You both need to be shown the error of your ways.”

I decided to accept the punishment, but first I had to mess with McGregor a bit to see if I could rattle him. In my coolest, most refined voice, I said, “Mr. McGregor, I understand I need to be disciplined, but why don’t you do it in the dining area, in front of the customers?”

He was a humorless sort, and he didn’t yet understand that I was joshing with him. “I can’t believe you suggested that.”

“Well, think of the sales potential. You can put up a sign in front of the store that says, perhaps, ‘Tomorrow, a wayward young female employee will be spanked inside this location. All are welcome to watch her thoroughly thrashed on her backside by the branch manager.’ Think of all the people who will come in to witness that, and then think of all the food they will buy before, during, and after the event.”

I could tell by his expression that McGregor was finally getting my joke. Before he could respond, I had to pile it on a bit.

“I am also willing to have my corner time by bending over the back counter and showing my red bottom for all to see. I’ll wear a sign around me that says, perhaps, ‘This is a very bad employee, and she has been spanked because of her extremely poor performance.’”

I smiled at him. “I insist that it’s at the back counter so no wiseguys think they can cop a feel from me or even supply a few of their own whacks.”

Lenore whined, “I can’t go through with that! It’s too humiliating.”

“Honey, I didn’t mean you. I wasn’t serious anyway.” That didn’t sound very reassuring.

McGregor was visibly tired of my patter. As I sat there grinning, he said, “Obviously, Nora, your attempt at humor is rather thin. Come on, you two. Get over there and get into position over the desk.”

As we stood up, my thinking changed and I felt a sudden weakness in my legs. At that moment, I realized that the ass-whupping I was rambling on about was going to be very real, and it was going to be inflicted on my own vulnerable hindquarters as well as Lenore’s.

I asked, “How many are we going to get?”

“I’ll decide that based on how it’s going. As I said, at first you’ll keep your trousers up, although that thin clothe won’t offer much protection.” He was the one smiling now.

I had already lost my nerve for that spanking, and I negotiated for forgiveness. “Please give me a break; I’ll be a good employee from now on.”

“It’s a little late for that now, isn’t it?”

Lenore was softly weeping, and I was nervously licking my lips. He continued, “I can tell by your look that you are a bit less confident now, aren’t you Nora?” I tried to come up with a wisecrack, but I had run out of those.

Instead, anger came out of my mouth. “McGregor, you are a sick little sadist as well as an asshole. I believe that you are going to enjoy this. And what the hell is the safe word?” I knew about those from my days working on the other end of such proceedings.

“All right, the safe phase is, ‘Please fire me right now.’ “ I would have found that amusing if I hadn’t been so upset. “But you’re right, I am looking forward to humbling an arrogant hussy like you. Take your glasses off so that they don’t go flying off your head. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for having to buy you a new pair.”

“How thoughtful of you.” He’s going to fire me anyway, it doesn’t matter what I say. I strode over the desk, bent over it, and defiantly thrust my brown-covered behind into the air. “Is that a good enough target for you?”

Lenore was very unhappy and she complained as she stood there. “Please, I’ve never had a spanking in my life.”

I looked over at her. “Come on honey, I’ve had it several times. It will all be over in a few minutes.”

The boss said, “Yes, please, get over there next to Nora.”

As Lenore got into place, I reached over and held her hand. “Nora, I know you’re a kind person.” I had never heard that from anyone before. “I’m just afraid that my butt will be so sore afterwards.”

Sweetie, you probably won’t be able to sit down without a pillow for a few days. I didn’t say that of course. She’d find out soon enough. I looked back at McGregor and stuck my tongue out at him.

“Nora, since you are so brave, you’ll get it first.”

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”

He was right behind me and he rubbed his paddle along the curves of my backside. I admit, that made me shiver. “Now, please don’t make too much noise. I wouldn’t want the customers outside to get concerned.”

“Fuck you; you should have thought of that before. Let them know what a horrible place you’re running here.”

Instead of answering, he used a backhand swing of his paddle to hit me. The shock went through my body, and I involuntarily said something that sounded like oomph.

“That seems to be getting through to you.”

My behind was already vibrating, but I had to present a brave front. “Is that the best you can do? Hit me harder.” That was an incredibly stupid thing to say because he proceeded to do just that.

At each of the strokes I got, I couldn’t help but groan something like “oh” or “eew.”

He was right about one thing; I did whip my head around so much that my ridiculous hat came off and landed on the floor. My legs came up and swung around; he swatted at those too.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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