The Emperor's Best Hand (Star Wars)
Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt
Chapter 3: An Officer and a Gentleman
Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: An Officer and a Gentleman - Proud and ruthless, Mara Jade is dispatched by Palpatine to root out an insurgent cell. And she will use every skill in her arsenal to take care of them.
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Mult Consensual Heterosexual Fan Fiction Science Fiction DomSub FemaleDom Group Sex Facial Oral Sex Tit-Fucking Big Breasts Leg Fetish
By now, the other men had her attention again. Some of them were chuckling nervously to themselves. She knew why, she had broken character.
Another of the nobles and the officer looked at each other. They both approached her. She had an idea on what was going to come next.
“Do my other two daddies want me next?”
“Actually I was thinking you could use a little break,” said the nice noble, and he took out a canister of some liquid substance, water or alcohol she didn’t know, and he wet it onto a cloth. Then he began to slowly wipe the cum off her chest and her face.
“That’s right,” said the officer. “We’re not like him are we?”
“Of course not.” He was tending to her like he was some personal attendant to a queen.
It would be a lie to say that she had not enjoyed that little tryst just then. For so many reasons she was sliding into this role very easily. But to have these guys be so gentle with her when she was intent on playing the role of a whore was also unexpected. It flattered her to have men admire her so. She had so much to be proud of. A killer weapon but also a beauty that could turn heads no matter where she went. High above them was the knowledge that she was the Emperor’s Hand in service of Palpatine, trusted to do anything and everything in her vast power to enforce his will.
Still, she was not merely an unfeeling killer. When she was brought to serve Palpatine and was trained in all the ways to become a perfect assassin, she was officially enrolled as a dancer for the Imperial Palace. As a child and a teenager, she was proficient in deadly arts that would make other children living even in the age of the empire blush and turn away. But for all that, she was still a woman and very prone to flattery and having others take care of her.
Even more because none of the men here were aware as to who she was. She wasn’t being treated like a queen, she might as well have been a queen. Complete with two usurpers who might have posed her some trouble, namely Carnor Jax and that Inquisitor.
It suddenly occurred to her as the noble was cleaning up her face that it might mess up her makeup. In any other condition for all her vanity, that would be the least of her concerns, she was a naturally beautiful woman and she knew it. But that makeup was the one thing keeping her true identity concealed from the two men who would recognize her otherwise. The two men that could pose a threat to her in so many ways. They could expose her identity easily.
And then there was so much that could go wrong. She knew the Inquisitor might be a challenge with his power in the force, but she was confident she could win. Carnor Jax on the other hand despite being the worst kind of traitor would give her the fight of a lifetime and even if she did prove victorious, she would be the worse for wear. That would leave Tyber Zann and his associate, both no doubt having having done a few scrapes. And all this thinking was in the case of a best case scenario.
“Um daddy...” she cooed to the noble. “I think I’m good now.”
He looked at her questioningly. “Are you ... are you sure?”
Is he often this shy around dancers? And he means to challenge the empire. The thought brought a smile to her face. It was the perfect excuse for her to giggle. None of them could begin to guess the dark meaning behind her laughter.
“Yes I’m sure dad-dy!” she said and grabbing his face with both of her hands, kissed him on the cheek. He actually turned away and blushed. “But, thank you so much for the clean up job,” she said. She said that with just the perfect hint of naughtiness and after the way she messed up that first idiot, the other men were starting to get a real good idea of what kind of woman she really was.
The officer looked down at that first idiot. He went up to her. “Well if it’s alright with you, I wouldn’t mind some time with you myself.”
“You mean, like an officer and a gentleman?” she said, looking at him and the man who just helped clean her up.
The quiet noble blushed. The officer laughed. He took a bow and kissed her hand. “Why, of course. If only you will have me.”
“Of course daddy.”
He chuckled. “That’s what I like to hear.” He walked to her all suave and moved some of her strands of hair back past her shoulders. After she tit fucked the other guy, she had gotten a little messy. He cupped her chin and kissed her on the lips.
She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck. Their kiss was nice and slow, brushing their lips right up against one another. Her body was already in a heated state, so she found even something so simple very exciting. She playfully moved one of her thighs up on his crotch and found he was pitching a tent.
His hands were also very active all over her body. She wasn’t wearing much to begin with, but now her breasts were fully exposed to his hands, not to mention the eyes of everyone there. But contrary to the last one who was treating her like a piece of meat, he still felt all over her like he revered her. His hands were big and yet he never overdid it. It felt so nice.
She would reward him for his respect. She turned up the heat first, pushing her tongue right into his mouth. He flicked his right back against hers, and he moved those big hands of his to her naked chest. He knew how to knead her breasts with just the right pace. He groped her them with his palms, making sure not to touch her nipples. He knew that just made them ache with need so much more.
When they broke the kiss, there was a line of spit between their tongues. Her eyes were locked with his and she was honestly charmed by him. If they weren’t on completely opposite sides, she might consider having fun with him for the long term. They were both smiling.
His fingers so close to her nipples, he took them in between his digits and started stroking them. She did break this time and she hissed in pleasure. He moved his head to her neck and started kissing her there. She threw her head back and let his mouth explore there as much as he pleased. He would gently brush his lips and then he would part them ever so briefly. His smooth skill, his hot breath on her skin, it felt so good.
He kissed up her neck, up her cheek, and then he was at her ear. “You like that?” he said.
“Y-yes...” She moaned when he became more active with the way he was touching them. With every motion he made, he would push them in and then pull them out ever so slightly. It was nothing resembling pain, this man really knew what he was doing.
The moff whistled at his companion and was actually clapping. She made took any notice of it, she just let this one touch her as he pleased. The businessman was just nodding at the racy scene playing out with a curled smile on his face. A man of his influence and for all his on the book appearances was no stranger to fooling around with women from all over the galaxy and if Tyber Zann had chosen a different path in life, the two of them would be very good friends.
Still for all his experience, all of his conquests were paid to act in accordance with his wants. After the way she had so skillfully toyed around with that idiot they only brought in because of his credit deposits, there was no doubting the stark contrast in her demeanor. He was watching with rapt attention, envious that he could never make the women in his employ quiver like that.
The officer was by sucking on each of her tits in turn. At first he was licking all over the flesh of her teats, and then he focused entirely on her nipples. They were stiff and pointing out from everything that had happened so far. In that state, it was very easy for him to stimulate them, first sucking on them with his lips, and then grazing them ever so gently with his teeth several times before returning to using his lips again. Whenever he was nursing the one nipple, he would make sure to tweak and tease the other one with his fingers.
She was holding onto him in earnest desire. “Please, don’t tease me...”
“Then how about you make me feel good too, eh?” He moved the lump in his pants against her thigh.
She could feel it’s shape, it’s heat, on her naked skin. He moved his head up again and looked her right in the eyes. She knew what he was getting at.