The Nexus - Book 3: the Bondage Dilemma
Copyright© 2024 by Smutreader
Chapter 9: Jade
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9: Jade - The saga of Kitt, Marcy, and Jade continues as they begin to realize the consequences of creating witnesses with their abilities. Meanwhile, the war between the forces of light and darkness begins to grow hotter, in more ways than one! Reading of Nexus Book 1 and 2 is required to understand everything in this story.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa Blackmail Coercion Consensual NonConsensual Reluctant Lesbian BiSexual Shemale Fiction Futanari Demons Incest Sister BDSM DomSub Light Bond Rough Spanking Orgy White Male White Female Oriental Female Hispanic Female Anal Sex Cream Pie Double Penetration Facial Lactation Oral Sex Sex Toys Squirting Big Breasts Size
Monday, October 9, 2023
Cold rain and scattered snowflakes spattered my face as I hurried from my last morning lecture to one of the dining centers on campus. So far autumn had proved to be unpleasant weather-wise. Every day was gray, wet, and chilly. I wore a light jacket with my backpack underneath as I jogged through the damp afternoon mist. My watch told me I was already three minutes late.
In the student dining center, I found the Chik-Fil-A and a woman sitting at one of the tables. She wore clothes matching the description she had sent me: a gray skirt, a bright yellow blouse, and a matching grey jacket. She had bright orange hair, pale skin with flakes of freckles, and green eyes so light they were almost silver. She was taller than me, which wasn’t abnormal. I was barely 5’0. In her yellow heels, she was probably 5’7 or 5’8. Judging by her skin, I doubted she was over twenty-seven or twenty-eight years old.
I was attracted to her right away.
Jessica Hartnett, my lawyer, shook my hand and introduced herself to me for the first time in person. I took her offered hand and smiled weakly before sitting opposite her. The table between us was cluttered with papers, a laptop, and her satchel. As this was our first face-to-face meeting, we spent several minutes getting to know each other.
Jessica was, in fact, twenty-seven and a graduate of Stanford Law three years prior. She had chosen to go into sexual harassment and discrimination law due to her own experiences as a teenager. She had already successfully handled a few cases similar to mine. Thus, her firm asked her to be the lead attorney on my case dealing with the university after the incident with Professor Dubois and the cover-up by Dean Perez.
Our meeting lasted my entire lunch and ended with her telling me that the firm was making private inquiries to determine if my experience indicated a pattern of behavior by Professor Dubois with other students or whether mine was an isolated case. Typically, they found professors tended to assert their influence on more victims than one. If Jessica did find other victims, it was likely my case could turn into a class action lawsuit.
“This is a slam dunk situation, though, Jade,” Jessica assured me. “You don’t seem very enthusiastic about that.”
“It’s just money,” I said. “I guess money isn’t my main focus. I want to make sure those assholes don’t hurt anybody else.”
“But this is life-changing money,” she said. “And you’re going to have it within a year or two. All you need to do is ride this wave with me, and I’ll make sure you are taken care of and can do whatever you want to do with your life. That’s an incredible gift. There was a similar case in Colorado about two years ago, and the student was awarded four million dollars. However, there was also video evidence in that case. I wish we had that in our situation.”
Video evidence. That gave me an idea. As we set up the date and time of our next meeting, I made a note to talk to Marjorie during my next shift. I thanked Jessica for her time and hurried to class. I sat with Fanny during my afternoon lectures. I had been making a renewed effort to spend more time with her and give her more of my affection. Since she’d caught me lying to her regarding my whereabouts a few weeks ago, things between us had been strained.
Fanny had demanded I tell her where I’d been, but I refused. I told her if she didn’t want me to lie, she needed to trust me when I said I couldn’t tell her. That was that. Fanny had accepted this begrudgingly.
I also made more of an effort to have sex with her at least two to three times a week. Fanny and I had been a perfect match because we both enjoyed sex so much, but since my sessions with Sir had started, my sex drive waned. I sometimes had to force myself to make love to Fanny, and usually, when I did, it was without my penis.
On my nights with Sir, I spent so much time having my cock and breasts milked that I was happy to have just my vagina the other days of the week. My breasts were always so full that I allowed Fanny to milk them as much as she wanted. Most nights, if we were together, she drained me with her mouth. It was intimate, sexy, a little weird, but sometimes that kinkiness was exactly what I needed to help me get in the mood.
After classes ended, I went to work and directly into Marjorie’s office at the back of the library’s check-out area. My boss sat behind her desk as usual. She was a pretty woman, always professionally dressed, her dark blonde hair done up nicely and her glasses emphasizing her deep green eyes. She smiled at me as I entered the room and asked to sit.
“What’s up, Jade?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing,” I said very casually. “I just haven’t chatted with you much in a while. How are you?”
“Good. Busy.”
“What keeps you so busy?” I asked.
Marjorie fixed me with a look so piercing it almost made me uncomfortable. “Work. Did you know I work three jobs?”
She nodded. “I have this one. I have a photography business. And I own a catering service. It keeps me going. Transitioning now to my point: if you have a question or a purpose for this visit, please share it.”
I took a deep breath. “I just had a random thought. Are there any security cameras in the library? Like ... inside?”
“No,” Marjorie said. “Why?”
“Oh, just curious. You know ... safety concerns.”
Marjorie folded her hands across her lap. “The library is very safe, Jade. Let me assure you of that. The only interesting thing I know of that’s happened is a female med student gave a doctor a blowjob for money about twenty years ago. My old boss told me about that. But a watched pot never boils, Jade.”
Disappointed, I thanked her for her time and left her office to clock in for my shift. Opal and Velma showed up less than an hour later. Both girls spent most of the evening either talking about their boys or talking to their boys. They were constantly texting on their phones. Velma had Tyson. Opal had Mark. I had Sir.
Maybe that wasn’t wholly accurate. I had Fanny and Hannah. But Hannah and I hadn’t been together romantically or sexually since the semester started. I felt bad for ignoring her, but I didn’t have time. Fanny was my witness, and she needed whatever attention I could spare after everything else I had going on in my life.
I left the front desk to shelve books and listen to music. Most of my music choices were sad ballads these days. Joni Mitchell, Sarah McLachlan, Paula Cole. I had a long list. I was working in the pharmacology section when somebody approached me from behind and put their hands over my eyes. I knew who it was by her smell.
“Hello, Hannah,” I said, facing her. “I was literally just thinking about you.”
Hannah cackled with glee behind me. “Hey, girl,” she said, hugging me tightly.
I pulled my earbuds from my ears and stowed them in my pocket. “What brings you around?”
Hannah smiled in that gorgeous way she had, showing off her perfect white teeth behind generous lips. Hannah could have been a supermodel. She was almost six feet tall and had luscious auburn hair and smooth white skin. Her pretty face was the cherry on top. But she wanted something more noble out of life. She wanted to go into medicine.
“I miss you,” she said, her expression suddenly fierce. “I tried going through Sarah to make it clear I wanted to spend time with you, but she never paired us up. Then I realized you aren’t scheduling yourself with anyone! I was thinking maybe you might want to spend a weekend with me. A getaway weekend! Just the two of us.”
“When?” I asked. “Where?”
“Vegas. Later this month.”
The idea sounded wonderful, but then I remembered Sir. Sir didn’t give me days off or allow me to request certain days of the week away. I either did what I was told, or the videos of myself with Hannah and Fanny would be released.
“I don’t know,” I said. “Vegas is hard for me to commit to. Maybe just something around here?”
Hannah still had that fierce, concerned expression on her face. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah. Of course.”
Hannah nodded, but in a way that told me she didn’t believe me. “It’s just...”
She sighed and blew her hair out of her face. “You and I were on the verge of what felt like a relationship a few months ago. We had this connection. Fast forward to now, and I haven’t spent a second alone with you since school started. I mean, God! Last semester, you organized all the hookups, and now you’re the only one not participating.”
“Well ... me and Fanny.”
Hannah paused. “Um, no. Fanny is still on the hookup rotation. She and I hooked up barely more than a week ago.”
“Oh.” My mind swirled. I could have sworn Fanny told me she wasn’t going to have sex with anybody else. Perhaps I was misremembering or had misunderstood her.
“You seem surprised,” Hannah said.
“No, no. I just had a thought occur to me. Don’t worry about it.”
“Is this about Fanny? Are you two getting exclusive?”
“No,” I said quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. “We’re close but not exclusive.”
“So then the problem is me?”
“It’s not! It’s not you, Hannah. The problem is me. I like you a lot, but I have so much going on. As much as I love sex, it’s the thing I’ve had to cut.”
“You’re not doing it at all?” she asked. “You must be dying.”
I laughed. “I never said I’m not doing anything.”
Hannah’s lit up with understanding. “Ah. Fanny.”
“We get together twice a week or so. To blow off steam.”
“But you’re not exclusive,” Hannah repeated skeptically.
“Apparently not.”
Hannah stepped closer to me. “Then you and I can have some time together soon?”
I swallowed hard. It was sometimes hard to believe somebody as beautiful and rich as Hannah could want somebody like me.
“Maybe even now?” she suggested coyly.
“No!” I said sharply, snapping out of my trance.
Hannah stepped back quickly. “Sorry!”
“It’s okay,” I tried to gather myself. My heart raced, and panic filled my guts. “I just can’t do it here anymore. It’s too risky, and I’m an assistant librarian.”
“I get it.” Hannah’s voice was strained now. “Relax.”
I forced myself to smile, but all I could think of was preventing Sir from getting more dirt on me, Hannah, or anybody else. “Maybe this weekend? At your place?”
“I’ll check my schedule and let you know. I just remembered I have an appointment I have to get to. Text me later about this weekend.”
Hannah was gone in a moment, and I was left feeling stupid. What was wrong with me? A beautiful girl wanted me. She wanted to take me away for a weekend. And I told her no.
At that moment, my phone buzzed.
Sir: Friday night. 8 PM pick up. As always, do not bring your phone. Plan on being away most of the night. This will be your first night with another of my toys. Make the usual preparations. Be ready for twice a week sessions starting soon. Shorter sessions mid-week. Longer sessions on the weekends.
The usual preparations. Enemas. No solid foods. Pussy shaved bare or waxed. No milking. And I had extra sessions coming up soon. I held my breath so that I wouldn’t cry, then put my pods back into my ears. I’d already completed two months. Ten more to go.
When I returned from shelving, Opal and Velma were giggling and showing each other texts from their beaus. I smiled for them, read their texts, commented cheerily, and pretended to be happy for them. Velma had not had much time to hang out with me the last few weeks. I often went to her place after my sessions with Sir. Velma had a way of soothing me with her voice and soulful presence. Most nights now, she was gone. Making out with Tyson.
I cracked open my books and studied. Classes were going well enough. My grades were all As thus far, but not high As. I was clinging on for dear life. I could slip to an A- or B with one bad quiz or test. I refused to put myself into a position where I would need to compromise my morals again. I had to be better.
Fanny came over that night, waiting for me as I returned to the apartment after work. Why didn’t I buy her a key so she could let herself inside and wait?
She smiled coyly at me when our eyes met.
“Sex?” she said in an extra-sweet voice.
I laughed.
We went inside together, and I collapsed onto my sofa bed. Fanny fell alongside me, stroking my hair.
“You’re so pretty, Jade,” she whispered.
Through her touch, I sensed a hurricane of confusion. I turned my head to meet her face.
“What’s bothering you, babe?”
Fanny gave me an uneasy smile. “I’ve been asked to become a Schlong Slut if it takes off.”
I rotated the rest of my body to give her my full attention. “What?”
“Kitt, well, Kimmy. She called me yesterday and offered me a spot since I’m turning twenty-one next year.”
“Are you going to do it?”
Fanny frowned. “It’s not set in stone. Kimmy said something about a law that might make it impossible for them to do it. But if it doesn’t pass...”
“When do you need to decide?”
“By the end of the year.”
“I thought doing porn had hurt your social media status? Your advertisers?”
“It did. Because my content was family-friendly before. Now that I’m moving into a more adult arena, I should be able to grow again and get new advertisers.”
“Sounds like you’ve already decided.”
“I haven’t.” Fanny wrapped an arm around me and kissed me. “I wanted to talk to you first. Do it with me, Jade. With your...” She grabbed my crotch even though my cock was not there. “ ... your abilities, you and I could become huge. Don’t you think? We already have incredible chemistry.”
“I’ll think about it,” I lied. I had no desire to be in porn ever again. No matter how popular I might become. I was being filmed weekly by Sir, and I hated it. I wouldn’t do it willingly for a million dollars.
Fanny kissed me. It was a long, tender kiss. We both needed it. Both of us sensed some of our tension ease away. When it broke, Fanny grinned. “Any hole you want, Jade.”
I chuckled softly. “Let me go down on you?”
A pang of disappointment surged from her to me. She wanted cock. I didn’t want to give it.
“That’s okay,” she whispered. “Just hold me. Tell me everything is going to be okay.”
So I did that, and we fell asleep.
I woke up before Fanny and went for a long run. When I got home, she was up and dressed. We didn’t speak much, but before we left for her car, I pulled her to me, kissed her, and promised her a good fuck that night if she wanted it.
“Thanks,” she said, “but I am hanging out with a friend.”
“Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say. “Who?”
“A friend from high school.”
I didn’t have to touch Fanny to know that was a lie. I pulled on my seat belt and waited for her to pull out of my lot before confronting her with what I learned. I took her by the hand.
“I know you’re sleeping with the study group, Fanny.”
“You don’t have to lie to me about it.”
More guilt.
“We never said we were exclusive. You are okay. The offer stands for any night this week. Except Friday.”
Fanny closed her eyes. “What’s Friday? Going back to your mom’s house?”
“Are we okay?” I asked timidly.
Fanny smiled at me. It was both placating and lacking sincerity. “Sure.”
I squeezed her hand and sensed her concern. Usually, when we touched, I was nearly overwhelmed by her adoration for me. Now, I only felt attraction and want. I needed to do better by her. I made a mental note to start thinking of ways to do that.
The week passed at a snail’s pace. Fanny did not spend the night at my place. She had a different excuse for each day. I tried calling Hannah on Wednesday and Thursday, but she had already made plans with others from the group. She gave me a maybe for Saturday. Opal was too busy with work, school, and Mark. Velma had Tyson. The only thing I had to look forward to was Wednesday night when the ultimate frisbee season started again.
Then Friday night arrived. I followed all of Sir’s instructions and donned a black cocktail dress. My breasts throbbed with a familiar ache as I got into a black town car with tinted windows waiting outside my apartment. A partition separated me from the driver. A black hood waited on the back seat. I put it over my head for the entire ride. Sultry pop music played through speakers, and the cabin stayed cool, giving me goosebumps all over my body except my face and neck.
The ride lasted at least an hour. As always, the driver instructed me to wait for him to open the door so he could help me inside. He took my arm, leading me across a gravel walkway and through a door. When my shoes clacked on a cement floor, I could tell I was inside a large open space. Sir had hinted we would meet in a warehouse, and it seemed true. As far as I could tell, the driver had brought me to the same location three weeks in a row.
“Watch your step,” the driver reminded me. “You’ve got three stairs. You can remove your hood when the door closes behind you.”
A door opened, and I went inside. When it closed and locked behind me, I ripped the hood off my head. My eyes stung for a moment in the garish lighting of the small dressing trailer. All of its windows were bolted shut and blacked out from the outside. The trailer’s decor reminded me of Sir’s usual style: black leather with red trimming on the sofa and chair. Black and white printed carpet. A coffee table with an onyx top had a note resting on it, just like my previous visits.
Please dress in the outfit provided in the closet. Place the tail-styled anal plug in after donning the costume via the zipper around your butt. You will find lube next to the plug in the closet. Please also have your penis in place. Once dressed, zip the costume’s hood over your eyes and knock on the door. We will bring you to the play area.