The Nexus - Book 3: the Bondage Dilemma - Cover

The Nexus - Book 3: the Bondage Dilemma

Copyright© 2024 by Smutreader

Interlogue 5

Erotica Sex Story: Interlogue 5 - The saga of Kitt, Marcy, and Jade continues as they begin to realize the consequences of creating witnesses with their abilities. Meanwhile, the war between the forces of light and darkness begins to grow hotter, in more ways than one! Reading of Nexus Book 1 and 2 is required to understand everything in this story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Shemale   Fiction   Futanari   Demons   Incest   Sister   BDSM   DomSub   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Orgy   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Facial   Lactation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Big Breasts   Size  

In the depths of the underworld, Lucifer stood in the center of a round room called the Chamber of Pure Sound. He listened to the ceaseless chanting of his orators who ringed the room around him. Each orator sang a wordless song. Each note, each harmony, each guttural pause, each sound told the Lord of Darkness new information. It was a constant stream and much easier to process than words and phrases.

Day and night, he toiled for one purpose: to free the world. His tireless work would one day save humanity from the restrictions of the light. He would show them the power of anarchy and chaos and darkness. Eons ago, he had been the first to break away from the Heavenly Light. From the One True God. The Father of All. And so many had followed him since.

A gong rang outside the Chamber of Pure Sound, and the orators stopped singing all at once. A lone figure descended the stairs and crossed the floor to the chamber’s center. The figure wore a gray hood hiding a face in shadow. A golden sigil blazed on the right breast of the robe: a half-solar eclipse. On the left breast, a sigil of pure black: a half-lunar eclipse.

Perfectly balanced between light and darkness.

The Intermedius Vindicatum. The sole child of Adam and Lillith. An ancient man whose sole purpose was to determine when either side had broken the rules of engagement and determine a corrective course of action. Lucifer waited for the wizened man to speak. He was never one to delay or make small talk.

“On Saturday, September 16th of the standard year 2023, the Supreme Archangel, Michael, admittedly broke the rules of engagement and had a lengthy verbal interaction with the human known as Marcia Lee Dawson. At the time of the interaction, Marcia Lee Dawson had a standard Fausti score of -39. An 89-point deviation from the agreed-upon score at which angels are allowed to interact with humans. This is considered a moderate-near-severe infraction, and as such, they have agreed to allow one demon of equal or lesser power to commit one infraction of equal or lesser severity. This agreement is binding per both chosen intermediaries and must be redeemed by a demon within one year. This concludes my report regarding the recent infraction.

“I have also concluded my investigation into the death of the demon, Alecto, Overlord of Special Projects, per your request. I have confirmed at a probability of 97.3% certainty that Alecto sacrificed himself to avert the course of a large vehicle, preventing collision with the Nexus, also known as Marcia Lee Dawson. Such a collision would have caused the death of the Nexus with a 98.9% probability. The human occupying the vehicle bore unmistakable signs of angelic possession. However, the Supreme Archangel insists the angel in question was not acting under orders, nor was she under the influence of the Holy Light.

“Nevertheless, to prevent retaliation, the Archangel has offered the demonic forces a reprisal-free possession, including a premature possession of a Nexus for no more than three hours as reconciliation. Should the Morningstar accept, this agreement will be binding, and all reconciliatory conditions must be redeemed by a demon within a year. This concludes my report regarding the suspicion of possession.

“I have no further reports at this time.”

“You may report back to Michael that I accept his terms.”

With one nod, the Intermedius Vindicatum turned and left. Lucifer watched him go, musing on the opportunities presented by these turns of events. Yet, the loss of Alecto could not be understated. He had been a valuable tool, a rapidly rising star in Lucifer’s forces. He and Nicholas had devised the brilliant idea to duplicate the Nexus and formulated the plan to make it happen. Now Alecto was gone. Who would replace him as Overlord of Special Projects?

Malathazar wanted the job, but such a promotion would be unwise. Malathazar was ambitious and powerful but stupid. Stupid where it mattered. He relied too much on the power of lust because he was too enamored with his own large appendage and feeding its insatiable needs. Lucifer had rejected the demon’s request just days earlier but had told him to work closely with the new Overlord of Special Projects and learn from them. Perhaps someday, he would be ready for more outstanding assignments.

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