Behind Closed Doors
Copyright© 2024 by robb234
Chapter 9: Scouting
Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 9: Scouting - Erotic tales of lust and desire
Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Ma/ft Teenagers NonConsensual Rape Reluctant Heterosexual Fiction Incest Rough Gang Bang Interracial Anal Sex Double Penetration Babysitter Small Breasts Violence
Karen McMillan, Elaine Goodman and Diane Kroll were all 15 years old, in the ninth grade at Cedar Crest High School. All three were Girl Scouts. In fact, all three had joined together when they were just ten years old. Today they were considered Senior Girl Scouts. As Seniors, they could begin working on their Gold Project Award, a girl scout program that would be a big help getting admitted to college.
The three friends had chosen to do the project together, selecting the Poor & Homeless category. Their idea was to travel to a poorer country, observe the people there, then report on what these people could do to improve their lives. Elaine and Diane attended the same church, and the church people knew a church group in Honduras that worked with poor people.
The plan was for the three girls to fly from their home in Miami to Honduras; meet the church group and spend the next three days studying the local population. While there, they’d be under the care of the church group.
As the day approached, Mrs. Saturn contacted the group in Honduras. The three girls would be arriving from Miami on TACA flight 320. After a stop in El Salvador, they’d arrive at San Pedro Sula at 6:40 pm. However, a hurricane was brewing near Miami, so they might not come. It all depended on the weather.
The group in Honduras was led by Marco Salizea. He would be busy when the three American girls arrived, so he asked his friend Juan to pick them up. Juan wasn’t too thrilled. He wasn’t a member of the group, just someone who helped out sometimes. Juan asked where they were going. Marco said Talangueras, meaning tomorrow he’d drive them to the small village himself, then back.
What Juan had meant was, where was he to take them to from the airport. Marco should have said their convent in San Pedro Sula, but Juan assumed he wanted him to drive them all the way to Talangueras. Juan wondered why they were going to that dump. Nothing but drug growers down there. But he didn’t argue. He just said he would and hung up.
When Karen, Elaine and Diane arrived in San Pedro Sula, the plane was over three hours late due to the storm. By then, Juan had other things he had to do, so he got his brother Jose to pick them up. “Take them to Talangueras. I’ll pay you.” Fifty Honduran L notes is about two dollars, which would barely pay for the gas. Jose talked Juan up to a hundred and they agreed. Jose got to the airport. Juan gave him the sign to hold that said Miami Girl Scouts. “The flight’s supposed to be here in an hour,” he said, and left.
Jose waited, until eventually the plane arrived. Sure enough, three American girls came along, saw his sign and came right over. Holy crap! Jose couldn’t believe his eyes. Here were three teenage girls from America, three hot, good-looking girls, and he was in charge of them. Jose’s mind immediately saw opportunity. They all put their travel bags in his car and he drove off. He asked if any of them spoke Spanish. They all said no. He grinned. Perfecto. He picked up his phone. It was a local network, and he dialed the number of an associate in Talangueras, Manuel. He was the man in charge of the growers. He told Manuel that he had three American teenage girls with him, and was coming his way. Manuel wanted to know how he got them. He said, “Don’t worry about that. They are Girl Scouts, whatever that is. They looked to be maybe 15 or 16 years old. I’m not even sure where to take them. But if you want them, maybe we can agree to a price.”
Jose went on to describe them to Manuel. To the girls, it was just fast-talking gibberish. Jose said one (Karen) was brunette, about 5’10” maybe, maybe 60 kilos (135 pounds). Another (Diane) had long, blonde hair, was a little shorter, weighed about the same but had a really nice body. The third girl (Elaine) was also blonde, shorter hair, more average in looks but still pretty nice. Manuel asked what he wanted for them. “I was thinking a hundred dollars,” he said. Manuel laughed. “I got fifty workers. If I charge them two dollar each, I barely make a hundred dollar. I’ll give you, thirty dollars.” Jose argued they were worth more than thirty. Manuel said he’d look at them when he got there. He might go higher if they were worth it. Manuel had this happen before. Someone said they had sexy Americans, and they were always middle-aged fat mothers or grand-mothers, and rarely American.
Three hours later, Jose pulled into the village. Everything was dark at this hour. Some dogs barked. He drove to a factory-like building. Outside the office, Manuel came out and met him. The three girls got out, still unsure of anything that was going on. They thought this was all part of the church group’s plan.
As the three stood by the car, Manuel looked them over. Jose was right; they were very attractive. Very much so. He couldn’t charge his workers more than two dollars; they couldn’t afford that on the wages he paid them. But he could send them to the other groups, charge the men in those group $2 each. He could make four hundred dollars easy. Then you just turn them loose in the jungle and nobody sees them ever again. He turned to Jose.
“You spoke the truth, amigo! They no speak espanola?” Jose said no, not at all. “Good, good. OK, brother. I give you five hundred for the three,” or about twenty US dollars. Jose agreed, took the cash from Manuel. He closed the trunk, then as he walked by the girls to get back in the car, he grabbed the blonde’s tit briefly. “Hey!” she yelled, twisting away. He grinned, laughed, got in his car and drove away.
Back in San Pedro Sula, Marco called Juan and asked if he’d picked them up. He said no, not mentioning that Jose was supposed to. Juan said the flight was very delayed. Maybe the flight was cancelled. Marco said OK. He’d half expected that, with the hurricane in Florida and all. He went back to sleep.
Manuel led the three girls towards the office. “Come, come! This way, you come!” he said in broken English. The three picked up their bags and followed the man to the office. Inside, he told them to put their bags in the back room for now. He then led them out to the factory work floor. There, marijuana plants were brought in from the fields and processed into container for shipping out of the country. The men worked twelve hours a day for less than minimum wage.
As the three girls followed the man, he kept calling out. Everyone was turning, looking at them. The girls just grinned shyly, waved a little. Manuel was yelling out, “Look what I have brought you! Sexual entertainment! Fresh from America, American teenage virgins for your pleasure! Only two-dollar to take you turn with one! Come, enjoy!” The supervisors immediately decided to let one line go at a time, or about twelve men at a time. Men of all ages.
The three girls followed the big man into a room. Inside, there were three tables. He yelled in Spanish at the men in there, who immediately cleared the tables off. Diane watched as the big man barked orders and the four men scrambled. She didn’t know what was going on, and neither did Karen or Elaine, so they just stayed out of the way. Some other men brought in some rope and tied it to one end of each the long tables, then laid it out along the top. Elaine thought they would see a demonstration of what these people do here. Some kind of agricultural thing maybe.
The big man told the others to stop. He pointed to two men, said something, then pointed to Elaine. He pointed at two more men, said the same thing again, and pointed at Karen. He did it again and pointed at Denise. The six men came over, expressionless. Denise saw two men grab first Elaine, then Karen and then herself! What the...? They pulled them over to the three tables, then forced them to sit on the end of each table. The big man stepped in front of them, pulled a big, shiny revolver from a holster. He grinned an evil grin at them, then fired one very loud shot into the dirt floor, right in front of them. BAM! “You girls, you do what I say. You do what I say or I shoot you and feed you to the rats while you’re still alive.” The other men chuckled. The girls sat there, frozen in disbelief, fear and confusion. Denise didn’t know what was going on at all, but it sure wasn’t a good thing, she was pretty sure of that. The man came closer to her; she leaned back, eyes wide, shaking now.
“How old are you, little one?” he asked with a heavy accent. She replied, “Fif, fifteen, sir...” “Quince,” he said to the others. He moved to Karen, asked her the same question. Again, he told the others, “Quince.” Everyone nodded, laughing. Then Elaine, and he said “Quince” again. The three girls were all getting very nervous about this.
Elaine was almost certain these men wanted to rape them. She was always afraid, that rape was what all men wanted to do all the time. Well, who’s thinking crazy now? The big man turned to them again. He told them to take off their shoes and pants. Elaine was in panic mode now. She didn’t want to do any of this. She just kept slowly shaking her head, saying quietly, “No, no, no, no...” Denise and Karen both looked at Elaine and followed her lead. They also shook their heads, holding their arms tightly around themselves. Still there was nowhere to go, and all these sweaty, ugly men standing so close. The man spoke.
“No? So then, who wants to be the first to get fed to the rats?” No one spoke. He yanked out his gun, pointed it at Elaine’s bent knee. “How about this one?” he laughed. The girls all started crying out together. “No! Don’t!” “Don’t hurt her!” Don’t please, no...” The man snapped back, then take off them fucking pants. Now!”
The girls began to do it. First, they kicked off their shoes to the floor, then each girl undid her pants and worked them down over their hips, sliding them down their legs and off. These were legs no one could stop staring at. “Panties,” the fat man said. Pausing, looking at each other, each girl began to slowly remove her underwear. Once they were off, they all sat there, trying to cover themselves by crossing their legs tightly. The men all stared at them. Karen was already starting to cry. Denise would follow. Elaine would too, but she would remain mostly angry for a while yet.
Manuel stared at the three young innocent Americans. Sometimes they’d do this with girls from other villages. The local girls were nothing like this. They were always darker skinned, filthy, unclean. Those girls were nothing more really than a warm place to put your dick. But these three American girls were different. He told them to strip everything else off. “Rapida!” he yelled. These young teenage girls were fair skinned, clean, with shaved legs and beautiful hair. Beautiful, long, nude legs. Now he was even more impressed. One blonde had really, really nice tatas. Big for her age, hanging down some with these big fat nipples. The other blonde had more average tits. Not as big, but they sure looked pretty amazing compared to the eleven-tear-olds they usually got from the villages. The brunette had nice tits too, like the second ones.
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