A Teacher's Dilemma
Copyright© 2024 by P. Tango
Chapter 6
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Peter's adventure continues, now with the help of his newfound family.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa ft/ft Consensual Slavery
After a couple of hours, a sharp knock on the door jolted them awake. Still naked, Peter simply said “Come in!” At this point, he was beyond any feelings of modesty. The fact that Cindy was equally naked next to him didn’t bother him at all.
The door swung open to reveal Angela’s smiling face. She was accompanied by a tall, statuesque blonde student.
“Hi, Mr. Robinson!” Angela greeted him cheerfully. “This is Connie Prentiss, your assigned student for the night. But it seems you already have some company.” Her eyes twinkled mischievously as she gestured to the young woman sitting on his bed.
“Oh, no, Miss Dickinson!” Cindy exclaimed, quickly jumping to her feet. “I just brought Mr. Robinson his dinner and wanted to give him some affection while he ate.” She blushed slightly, but her gaze remained fixed on Peter.
Angela smiled understandingly. “It’s no problem, Cindy. Would you like to stay the night here?”
Cindy’s face lit up with excitement, but then her expression fell. “I’d love to, but I have a paper to work on tonight.”
“I understand,” Angela said sympathetically. “It can be overwhelming juggling school and other duties.” She looked at Peter. “Normally, Cindy spends her assigned nights with Mr. Ochoa, but perhaps we can arrange for her to stay with you on one of her assigned nights in the future.”
Peter nodded eagerly at the prospect of spending more time with Cindy. “That would be great,” he chimed in.
“Excellent,” Angela replied with a smile. “There are always students looking to swap assignments.”
With that settled, Cindy began to dress herself without any concern for the presence of other people in the room. As she prepared to leave, she turned back to Peter with a coy grin. “Bye, Mr. Robinson,” she purred seductively. “I really enjoyed your penis.” With a quick kiss on his lips, she sauntered out of the room, taking the dirty dishes with her.
Peter’s lips curved upwards involuntarily at the girl’s remark, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. The corners of his eyes crinkled with amusement as he looked at her leaving.
“I came with Connie because I wanted to introduce you,” Angela explained.
“Hi, Mr. Robinson,” the girl, who until now had remained in silence, greeted him.
“Nice to meet you, Connie. How come I hadn’t seen you before?” he asked.
“I’m a new student,” Connie replied with a slight blush. “Mr. Ochoa inducted me a few days ago.”
“Well, welcome to our little community then,” Peter said warmly, smiling at her.
“Thank you,” Connie replied shyly. “I’m really excited to be here and experience everything this school has to offer.”
Angela chuckled. “Well, you won’t find an experience quite like this anywhere else.” She turned to Peter. “I will leave you alone now.”
“Wait. Would you like to watch?” Peter asked. Angela looked at him, incredulous.
“You heard me.”
Angela’s eyes widened in surprise at Peter’s suggestion. She had never been asked to watch before, and it definitely wasn’t within her job description as a school counselor. But something about the way Peter had said it, with a hint of challenge in his voice, intrigued her.
“Are you sure about that?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
Peter shrugged nonchalantly. “Why not? It might be fun.”
Angela hesitated for a moment, considering the offer. She was curious to see how a student would interact with Peter.
“Okay,” she finally agreed with a mischievous glint in her eye. “But only if Connie is comfortable with it.”
Meanwhile, Connie stood off to the side awkwardly, unsure of what to do or say. This was definitely not what she had expected when she was told that it was her turn to share Mr. Robinson’s bed.
“I’m a bit shy,” she said softly, feeling slightly embarrassed.
“Your call,” Angela said. “I can leave now if it makes you feel better.”
Angela’s words gave the girl a choice, which was exactly what she needed. “Please stay,” Connie said.
“Great!” Peter exclaimed eagerly. “I want to take a shower first,” he added. He still had Cindy’s smell on him, and he wanted to be fresh for Connie.
Connie’s heart raced as she watched Peter retreat into the bathroom, a flurry of nerves and excitement coursing through her body. As a new student at the school, Connie was uncertain about what to expect, but Mr. Robinson’s reputation preceded him and she couldn’t deny the thrill that pulsed through her at the thought of being with such an experienced man.
Standing next to her, Angela’s lips curled into a coy smile. She leaned in close to Connie’s ear and whispered teasingly, “That shower is big enough for two.” Her words elicited a tingling sensation that traveled down Connie’s spine. “Does it give you any ideas?” Angela asked playfully, knowing full well the effect her words were having on Connie.
Connie felt her cheeks flush with heat at Angela’s teasing words. She hadn’t expected the counselor to be so forward, but she couldn’t deny that the idea of joining Peter in the shower was incredibly enticing.
As if sensing Connie’s inner turmoil, Angela chuckled softly. “Don’t worry dear, we’re all friends here,” she reassured her. “And it’s not like this is your first time with a man, right?”
Connie shook her head. She had been inducted by Mr. Ochoa her first night at the school, a memory she cherished fondly.
But that had been a week ago, and Connie was still relatively new to everything. She had never imagined herself participating in something like this, but ever since she had transferred to this school her boundaries had been constantly tested.
“Come on,” Angela said, taking Connie by the hand and leading her towards the bathroom. “Let’s have some fun.”
With shaky legs, Connie followed Angela into the steamy bathroom where Peter was already standing under the showerhead, his body glistening with water droplets.
“Hey there,” he looked at them with a smile. “Care to join me?”
Angela didn’t hesitate as she started stripping Connie off her clothes. When the girl was completely naked, Angela made her step into the shower beside Peter, with little regard to wetting her own clothes. Connie couldn’t help but admire her tall and muscular teacher’s body as she stood next to him under the warm water.
As Angela watched from outside the shower, Connie kept feeling self-conscious under Peter’s gaze. She had always been self-conscious about her body, but with two people staring at her, she couldn’t help but feel even more exposed.
However, as Peter started to caress her body with his soapy hands, all of her insecurities seemed to melt away. His touch was tender and gentle, sending shivers down her spine.
Angela smiled as she watched the two of them. “Enjoying yourselves?” she asked with a playful smirk.
Connie nodded eagerly, unable to form any words as Peter continued his ministrations on her body. She felt herself becoming more and more aroused with each passing moment.
Peter looked at Angela and then to Connie. “Looks like we’re in for a good time,” he remarked before planting a kiss on Connie’s lips.
Her heart raced at the sensation of his lips against hers. In that moment, nothing else mattered except for the two of them together. She felt a new level of arousal wash over her as Peter started to kiss and caress her.
His hands roamed over every inch of her body, igniting pleasure in places unaccustomed to a man’s touch. They moved together in perfect harmony, each touch sending waves of ecstasy through their bodies.
Before long, Connie found herself abandoning herself to Peter’s ministrations, allowing him to explore her body with reckless abandon. The hot water from the shower only added to the intensity of her passion.
As their kiss deepened, Connie felt a surge of boldness rush through her body. Without thinking, she reached down and boldly grabbed Peter’s manhood.
He let out a surprised gasp, but didn’t pull back. Instead, he pressed himself even closer to her as his hands continued to roam her body.
Their bodies were now pressing against each other, and Connie could feel the hardness of Peter’s manhood pressing against her stomach. She was filled with desire and a newfound sense of confidence as she explored him with her hands.
Angela watched from outside the shower. She had seen this before – students discovering their sexual desires and exploring them in the safety of the school’s walls. And she was there to guide and facilitate, ensuring that everything stayed consensual and safe.
“Don’t be afraid to explore,” Angela called out to Connie. “Let your desires guide you.”
Feeling emboldened by Angela’s words, Connie started to stroke Peter’s member while their kisses became more passionate and urgent.
Peter’s hands roamed over her body with increased intensity, causing waves of pleasure to course through her. As they continued their erotic dance in the shower, Connie could feel herself losing control.
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