A Teacher's Dilemma
Copyright© 2024 by P. Tango
Chapter 10
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Peter's adventure continues, now with the help of his newfound family.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa ft/ft Consensual Slavery
John Page was not worried. Alpha Control, which held 18% of the company stock, had called for an urgent extraordinary shareholders meeting. Since he held 58% of voting rights, he would need only to smooth a few ruffled feathers and return to work.
When he entered the boardroom, he was shocked to see five people already waiting for him. Three of them were the representatives of Alpha Control, Pike Investments and Dillon Enterprises, but the other two were totally unexpected: Robert Hughes and Peter Robinson.
“What are you two doing here? This is a private, shareholders-only meeting!” he exclaimed.
“I am a shareholder,” Peter said calmly, pointing at a thick dossier in front of him. I own 25% of this company’s stock.”
John Page took the dossier and opened it. It was true, he saw. There were a lot of receipts, showing that Peter Hughes had indeed bought almost all the shares held by small shareholders. Surprised, he sat.
“As a first order of business,” Alpha Control’s representative announced, “We wish to file a motion to remove the current chairman and CEO from his position.”
“WHAT?” John Page shouted. “This is an outrage! You have no right to...!”
“Mr. Page, please,” the man said. “Our motion is within the bylaws of the company, as your legal representative will surely inform you. Those in favor say aye.” Four hands raised. “The motion is approved by 55% of votes.”
John Page was speechless.
“We wish to file a motion to appoint Mr. Derek Chandler, from Pike Investments, as Chairman. Those in favor say aye.” Four hands raised again. “The motion is approved by 55% of votes.”
“But ... but ... but...” John Page stammered, still unable to process what was happening.
“We wish to file a motion to appoint Mr. Victor Flint, from Dillon Enterprises, as CEO. Those in favor say aye.” Four hands raised for the last time. “The motion is approved by 55% of votes.” The man looked around.
Mr. Flint spoke: “As new CEO, I file a motion stating that there will be no dividends paid for at least five years, all profits to be reinvested in the company.”
The chairman again asked if the motion was approved. Four hands raised instantly.
“We all extend you our congratulations,” the new chairman said to the new CEO. “With no other items in the agenda, this meeting is adjourned.”
And so, in less than five minutes, John Page lost control of his company. By declaring that there would be no dividends distributed, the new board had stripped him of a huge chunk of his personal income for at least five years. Therefore, now he could hold those shares and wait five years, or sell them to somebody without time restraints and lose his share of the company forever. Also, it was clear that he would never hold an executive position in it again. He had been effectively stripped from all his power.
Peter stood up. “By the way,” he said to John, looking him in the eye. “My answer is no.”
Michael’s guttural howl of rage echoed through the room, causing the windows to shake. His conversation with John Page had left him feeling agitated and on edge. His initial reaction was to cancel all orders for John’s former company and sever ties completely, but he knew he couldn’t risk making enemies with the other three major shareholders. The thought of losing money and facing blame sent a chill down his spine. He clenched his fists in frustration, trying to reign in his anger before it consumed him completely.
“You won this round, Peter,” he thought. “But I will win the match.”
The melodic clinking of glasses filled the air like a symphony, each note echoing with promise and hope. “A small but significant victory, my friends!” Robert Hughes exclaimed, his voice brimming with pride and determination. But as the toast died down, his expression turned grave. “But we mustn’t let our guard down now that war has been declared.” The weight of their impending struggle hung heavy in the room, but they all knew Michael Hughes would keep trying. His unwavering determination only strengthened their resolve to see this through to the end.
“While St. Mary’s prides itself on being a progressive, values-based institution, there are still moments when old-fashioned methods of discipline are deemed necessary. In these instances, it is crucial for the designated teacher to administer the punishment in a fair and composed manner. Despite any hesitation the teacher may feel, it is important to remember that they are not acting on their personal beliefs, but rather representing the school as a whole. The weight of responsibility rests heavily upon their shoulders, and it is essential to carry out this duty with a calm and detached demeanor.”
St. Mary’s Teacher Aid, Chapter 12, page 124.
Mrs. Duran sat in her office, her brow furrowed in frustration. This was not the first time an incident like this had happened at St. Mary’s School, but it was definitely a rare occurrence. The school prided itself on its carefully selected students and their excellent education, which usually resulted in no major disciplinary problems. But today, Mrs. Duran couldn’t help but feel that they had failed somehow.
Cathy Stewart sat across from her, fidgeting nervously in her seat. She was a smart and talented student, with a sharp mind and quick wit.
But she did not come from a wealthy background like most of the other students at St. Mary’s. In fact, her mother had worked hard to scrape together enough money to pay for her tuition after hearing about the school thanks to her employer, a former St. Mary’s student. She had begged her boss to sponsor Cathy, and scrimped and saved until she had enough money to pay the tuition.
Mrs. Duran sighed and rubbed her temples as she read through Cathy’s file once again. The incident that had brought them here today was a serious one – Cathy had been caught cheating on a test.
“Cathy,” Mrs. Duran began sternly, setting down the file and fixing her with a serious gaze. “I am very disappointed in you.”
“I know, Mrs. Duran,” Cathy said quietly, avoiding eye contact.
“This kind of behavior is not acceptable at St. Mary’s,” Mrs.Duran continued firmly. “We expect our students to have integrity and uphold the high standards set by this institution.”
Her voice was stern yet gentle as she addressed Cathy, who sat in her office with tears streaming down her face. “I understand that your family may not have the same financial means as some of our other students, but that does not give you an excuse to cheat.”
Cathy’s trembling hand wiped away a tear and she looked up at Mrs. Duran with pleading eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered sincerely, her voice cracking. “I just wanted to do well on that test. I promise it won’t happen again.”
Mrs. Duran’s expression softened slightly, but her disappointment was still clear. “I understand it can be hard for you, since you have not had the same advantages as your fellow students. However, discipline and honesty are non-negotiable values in our school.”
Cathy nodded, feeling ashamed and regretful. “Yes, Mrs. Duran,” she said in a small voice.
“The punishment for cheating is expulsion...” Mrs. Duran stated firmly.
Cathy’s heart sank and she started to cry harder. “Oh no, Mrs. Duran! Please, I’ll do anything!”
Mrs. Duran paused for a moment before offering an alternative consequence. “Or ... you can submit to a physical punishment,” she concluded, her tone grave and serious.
Cathy eagerly grasped the opportunity, her hands shaking with both excitement and apprehension. “I’ll accept whatever punishment you have in mind!” she declared, determined to avoid the ultimate consequence of expulsion.
Mrs. Duran’s expression turned stern as she fixed Cathy with a pointed look. “Don’t jump to conclusions until I’ve explained the punishment,” she cautioned.
“Of course, Mrs. Duran,” Cathy replied meekly, trying to contain her eagerness.
The principal opened a drawer and pulled out a wooden paddle, its surface smooth yet strong and flexible. It was a menacing object, causing shivers to run down Cathy’s spine as she gazed upon it. “You will receive ten swats on your bare buttocks with this. Believe me, it’s quite painful. Are you still willing to go through with it?”
Cathy’s eyes flickered between the paddle and Mrs. Duran’s serious expression. Her body instinctively recoiled at the thought of being struck by the wooden instrument, but the thought of being expelled was even more daunting. With a deep breath, she steeled herself and nodded resolutely. “Yes, Mrs. Duran. I understand and accept the punishment.”
Mrs. Duran let out a regretful sigh before speaking again. “Very well then. You will return here at 5pm this afternoon for your punishment. And there will be two witnesses present to ensure everything is done fairly.”
Peter had been restless all morning, his mind consumed by the events that had transpired. As a teacher, he prided himself on maintaining order and discipline in his classroom, but when he caught Cathy Stewart cheating, he was left with a sense of unease. He had reported her to the principal and now found himself facing an unfamiliar task - administering punishment.
His stomach churned at the thought as Mrs. Duran informed him of his duty. A cold sweat broke out on his forehead and he felt his hands tremble. “I can’t do it,” he pleaded with Mrs. Duran, feeling a surge of guilt and discomfort at the idea of laying a hand on another person.
But Mrs. Duran stood firm. “You will do it,” she stated firmly. “This is not about ‘hitting a woman’, it’s about correcting unruly behavior.”
“It feels wrong,” Peter protested, his voice quivering.
Mrs. Duran shook her head, her expression sympathetic yet resolute. “It may seem like that at first, but trust me, Mr. Robinson, this punishment is for her own good.”
Reluctantly, Peter accepted the task and walked out of the principal’s office, his heart heavy with conflicting emotions and doubts about the outcome.
Peter glanced at his watch, noting with a heavy heart that the punishment was scheduled for five pm. He still had a few hours to prepare himself for the unpleasant duty ahead.
Back in his office, he tried to focus on his work when a knock on the door interrupted him.
“Come in,” he called out.
His bodyguard, Vicky, walked in with a smile and wasted no time getting straight to business.
“Hi, Peter,” she greeted him. “I heard you will have to spank someone.”
A wave of dread washed over Peter as he sighed heavily. “Yes, I have. I don’t know if I can do it.”
Without hesitation, Vicky reached into her briefcase and pulled out a paddle - a smaller version of the principal’s infamous one.
“You are going to practice. With me. Now!” Her tone brooked no argument.
Peter couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Are you crazy?” he exclaimed.
“Not at all,” Vicky replied calmly. “I am a slave, remember? I’ve had my fair share of spankings and I look forward to more in the future. In fact, I hope to be spanked by you,” she said with an eager glint in her eye.
Vicky knew that Peter was a good man, and despite his reservations about using such an instrument on a girl, she also knew it was necessary for him to learn how to do it properly if he wanted to be a good teacher ... and master.
As Peter stared at her in shock, Vicky wasted no time in removing her clothes - quick and efficiently without any attempt at being seductive.
“What are you doing?” Peter’s voice broke the silence.
“You are going to give me ten swats with the paddle,” she replied, her tone calm and matter-of-fact.
“No, I won’t,” Peter protested, his voice growing firmer.
“Yes, you will. Not only for your own sake, but for your student’s sake as well,” she countered.
“What do you mean?” Peter asked, unable to comprehend her reasoning.
“It’s not just about hitting a buttock with a paddle,” she patiently explained. “You must know how to do it correctly in order to both maximize the pain and minimize the damage. If done wrong, it can cause a lot of unintended harm.”