After the Highway - Cover

After the Highway

Copyright© 2024 by INtrinSicliValud

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Suffering the ramifications of the events detailed in “On the Highway,” newlyweds Dan and Daisy separate. While he throws himself into his new job, she works at an edgy bar, doing what she loves. Both deal with fresh desires, while pining for what they’ve lost.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   Rough   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

As soon as Shelly’s front door opened, the world wobbled around Daisy. With her heart racing, everything but the brunette’s curvaceous physique faded into a smearing blur. After a curt shake of her head, she cleared her throat.

“Jesus, Shel.” Her voice was shaky as she scanned the woman’s make-up and fancy updo. Those hazel eyes twinkled with amusement. “You said ‘casual.’”

Except for a flirty hem swishing as she widened the entrance, a shiny red minidress was tight to her coworker’s shapely frame. Its narrow halter straps strained as her braless chest shifted. With a shrug, she chuckled.

“Wanted to impress you.” She chewed her lower lip. “Guess I did, huh?”

“Yeah, but damn.” Daisy inspected herself while stepping inside.

A scoop-necked russet peasant blouse, its ruffled short sleeves swaying in a light breeze, hung loose. At least the jeans she wore were upscale denim, and she’d worn heels. When she returned to Shelly, the woman’s cheeks were reddening, and eyes had widened.

“What?” Daisy asked.

“Bob’s gonna freak. You look so fucking hot in anything.” While gnawing at her lower lip, she eased the door shut. “Damn, how can you be so gorgeous, girl?”

Heat searing her face and flowing deeper within her, she couldn’t reply. Instead, she only shrugged and scanned a cozy front room.

“Fuck, really? You’re blushing?” Shelly laughed before gesturing towards the rear of the home. “Come on. Help me finish cooking. Then I’ll show you around if my man’s not home yet. He’s a mechanic. High-end stuff. Working on some rich guy’s fancy car.”

Just as they stepped into the kitchen, Daisy’s nostrils flared. After lifting a hand-rolled cigarette from an ashtray, Shelly took a long puff before holding it out for her.

“Here.” She flashed a pretty smile. “Have a toke.”

“Um, you smoke weed?”

“Yeah, why not? Keeps me calm.” Aromatic wisps drifted from her nose as she inspected Daisy in the brighter lighting. “But fuck, with you looking like that”—she snorted—”it ain’t working.”

After a quick laugh, Daisy took the joint and inhaled a healthy puff of pungent smoke. As the other woman pranced around in the tiny red outfit, giggles escaped Daisy amid puffing clouds.

“What?” Shelly asked while looking at her and lifting the lid of a pot.

“It’s not working for me, either, hot stuff,” she muttered before laughing again.

“If The Boot’s clientele could see us now, huh?” She flicked the rear of her dress upward and spun with the lid in the air. “Two sexy cooks.”

Both erupted into hitching laughs as Daisy held the joint to Shelly’s full lips. Time stuttered as her cheeks collapsed around the glowing tip and those shiny hazel eyes flashed.

God, they really were so, so pretty.

As Daisy’s breathing staggered, more heat flooded her, not only across her skin. No, far deeper. After a slow swallow, she followed the woman’s gesture and lifted a stack of plates.

While setting the table, neither woman spoke. But each time Shelly’s gaze fell on her, Daisy’s pulse quickened and whenever she looked at Shelly, both glossy full lips were quivering.

Just as they’d placed the last plate, the front door opened. After a quick gulp, Shelly flashed her a taut grin before spinning away and widening her smile.

“Hey there, handsome,” she called out while skimming palms over her hips. “Dinner’s almost ready.”

“Great. I’m so damned hungry I could—”

When a towering, well-muscled, dusky-complexioned man filled the doorway and spotted Daisy, the deep voice faded. Her heartbeat thundered as gleaming black eyes swept over her. At the quick glide of a thick tongue along wide lips, a tremor rippled through her.

After a quiet gulp, Shelly cleared her throat. “Bob, um, this is Daisy.”

“Oh, uh, sorry for staring.” At his dark face splitting into a toothy grin, the room blurred. “Shel said you were pretty.” He laughed. It was a deep rumbling sound, filled with amusement. “But, damn, not this pretty.”

After bending, he tapped his lips on his wife’s before turning away.

Amid the trembling room, Daisy’s gaze roamed Bob’s broad shoulders and thick, corded arms. Unbidden, a flare of loneliness, wrapped in a wisp of jealousy, and fueled by memories of Skink and Cheeser, raced through her. Jaw clenching, she stood with fists shaking along both thighs.

“Gonna wash up real quick and uh”—he tugged on his stained overalls—”change into something more appropriate.” He flashed another smile at his wife. “Wow, you, um, also look great, honey.”

Right after he disappeared up the stairs, Shelly giggled and handed Daisy a full glass of wine. When Daisy met her eyes, they were both narrow and sparkling.

“Uh, shoulda warned you, huh?” She glanced at the staircase, then chortled. “Yeah, that’s my hunky hubby. Very tall, very dark and...”

“—very handsome,” Daisy finished in a shaky whisper, before gulping from the shuddering wineglass.

“Yes, he is,” Shelly said while lifting her glass to her mouth.

Amid the room’s continuous spinning, Daisy gazed at the shapely woman. Within her, heat continued to roar and her mind twisted. At Shelly’s lips moving, Daisy tried to focus.

“ ... alright. I know he’s hot.” With a quiet giggle, she ran her fingers along Daisy’s forearm, leaving searing tracks. “The thing is, he doesn’t play around. But he loves it when I do. Weird, huh?”


Daisy’s mind froze. Why couldn’t Dan be more like Bob? He had been. For a while ... in the highway motel. But then he’d snapped. Why? The room blurred as tears filled her blinking eyelashes.

“I want him back, dammit,” she muttered under her breath.

“ ... okay, honey?”

At Shelly’s low voice and fingers tightening on her arm, Daisy again focused, or started to...

Because just then, Bob reappeared with a smile. Across an enormous, muscled chest was painted a white polo shirt. Skin-tight black jeans highlighted muscular legs. As the tears dropped free, trickling down her cheeks, the world skidded sideways.

No, she wasn’t okay. She was fucking lonely. When she met Shelly’s worry-filled eyes, her pulse soared. It took everything inside her to form the lie.

“Um, yes. I’m fine.” She inhaled, then forced a grin she didn’t feel. “Just a little tired, is all.”

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