A Jedi's Desire (Star Wars) - Cover

A Jedi's Desire (Star Wars)

Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt

Chapter 5: Bib Fortuna’s Punishment

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5: Bib Fortuna’s Punishment - Bella Rose is a young Jedi padawan prowling Coruscant for some fun. And that's only the beginning to her slutty adventures.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts  

The next morning, the dancer girls rolled out as was customary. Bib Fortuna looked them over, flanked by Gamorrean guards to make sure they were holding any contraband. When he reached Bella, he saw that she was openly flaunting Alicia’s lightsaber. He sneered at her.

“You are bold to be carrying that,”he said in Twi’leki.

“Oh? But I was assured by Master Jabba himself that this weapon is mine.”

“Yes, it is yours,”he said disgruntled.“But it is not a weapon for you to be holding so brazenly. What if the other girls got ideas?”

“Are you saying I should get rid of it?” she said, putting her hands on her hips. That remark was directed to be confrontational. She would not take the risk of leaving it back in the sleeping quarters. She knew that would leave it open to being snatched away when she least expected it.

Bib Fortuna slapped his forehead. He knew this woman was trouble from the start, and now his master’s favor only made things worse. Nor would he risk the Hutt’s displeasure by complaining about this Jedi Master. He had been the crime lord’s majordomo for decades now. But one of the unspoken rules of Jabba’s court was that his word alone was law and if you lost favor with him, that was the end of it. This Twi’lek had long believed himself immune to being thrown in the rancor pit. He did not want to test if that theory was true.

But he would not be so permissive with her either.“Conceal it. I do not want to see it. I do not want you getting any ideas.”

Bella leaned in to look at him closer before mockingly bowing before him. “I am thankful. Bib Fortuna shares the wisdom of his master.”

He didn’t respond. He just left. The other girls were giggling and chuckling at that little display. Oola moved closer to her and nervously moved her hand closer to hers. Bella looked back at her and openly clasped it. Then the day began.

The Jedi Master and her new girlfriend were seen together wherever they were. They openly held hands, and performed dances together for the various patrons of Jabba’s palace. Her dancing skills were just as clumsy as before like when she put on a show for the moff, but she didn’t feel as awkward as she did then. With Oola guiding her, she settled into each move, adjusting to them without feeling the need for memorization or practice. She was far from a virtuoso, the artlike moves of Makashi were a far cry from exotic dancing, but it came to her easier than expected.

And the customers had good reason to pay attention to the new little couple. Both women were beautiful in their own right, two different species and totally different body types, a slim and perky little dancer alongside this tall and elegant woman with large breasts and a delicious ass, easily the kind of thing that would catch the attention of so many curious eyes. Plenty of the people who frequented this den also demanded the girls to play with each other to their heart’s content. They knew most of their targets weren’t lesbians either, but that was part of the fun. No matter who they were, they wielded enough power to have these girls do whatever they wanted. Including demanding them whatever little depraved fantasies they held for their own amusement.

It was another thing entirely to see two of Jabba’s girls so openly and proudly together in such a way. Plenty of the dancers kept to their own little cliques and their friend groups simply to have each other’s back. Some were closer than others, sticking together to watch out for each other’s skin, but they still tended to be the most popular and well sought out for lap dances and other things too, and they would oblige. These too on the other hand were happy in each other’s presence.

Oola was already a favorite of many of the people here. Bella Rose on the other hand was a newcomer, and her sheer beauty and tall elegant form coupled with being so close to the Twi’lek girl had gotten many people curious. More than a few of them had requested the privilege of their presence.

Bella was still easing into the erotic dance moves, let alone doing them together with a partner. On the other hand, she had no problem performing various lewd acts when asked to. She had gotten used to the people touching all over her, feeling her up. Only a few days into her contract with Jabba, they were still plenty in awe of her rare combination of having such a tall and voluptuous body of a noblewoman with a vicious streak in spite of it, and after the public execution of that moff, she had become quite the talk of the place. They were more than happy to test their limits with her, still curious to see if they could tame her.

She did not wince as she once did to their hands greedily touching all over her body. On the contrary, she danced even rougher than before back against them, as if there was a battle of wills. She always looked back at them, no matter what position she was in. That led to another thing.

Which was performances with her new girlfriend. After she did the obligatory dances, the patrons looked between her and Oola. They’d request something extra.

Before they even had the chance to specify what that was, Bella would hold Oola close by the shoulders. “You mean with her?” she would say while playing with the Twi’lek girl’s lekku. Of course the answer would be ‘Yes.’ Then they would look into each other’s eyes. Oola was equal parts grateful to her new lover for saving her yesterday as well as more than a little flustered after what they did.

“Why, I think I can do that no problem,” Bella would say, and then they would lock lips just like before. Oola was no stranger to doing things with other girls back on Ryloth, but it was another thing entirely to do it out of sheer love. Their tongues flicked hard in each other’s mouths while running their hands all over each other. Despite just coming into this sort of thing last night, Bella felt no hesitation either and was also plenty happy to openly do this sort of thing.

Sometimes that would be the end of it. Sometimes an open display of affection from two ladies inseparable from each other and holding hands was all that was needed. Other times they would ask for a little more than that. Bella was still leery on doing this sort of thing with these other people, knowing that so many of them were deep down not too different from the man she killed the day before. Nor would she be happy to let her new girlfriend fall prey to their touches. But she had a work around for that one too.

Without giving them the chance to specify what else they wanted, Bella would step things up a notch with Oola. The first time, she her fingers right in the Twi’lek girl’s vagina. She was still a novice when it came to doing this sort of thing with a woman, but Oola was so very receptive to those touches from her new girlfriend. Usually the girls here would play around and fake orgasms with the other girls and the patrons too, but not this time. More than that, the regular clientele she was used to had made her bodyy develop a taste for so many of the unscrupulous types that were all too common here even if her mind wished otherwise, and her flesh was always on fire to some extent in this life of servitude. Yet her admiration for the Jedi Master had turned that mere desire into pure affection and love, and she quickly climaxed, spraying her fluids all over the place.

Bella took her fingers covered in Oola’s juices and licked them. No stranger to her younger lover’s taste at this point, she still relished in knowing how easy she could get her off at this point. She put those digits to the Twi’lek’s mouth and without thinking the girl would close her eyes and lovingly clean them off with her tongue and lips. Then Bella would lick her own fingers again, savoring the mixed taste of Oola’s pussy juice and her tasty oral honey.

Without warning, the two lovers started making out again right then and there. They had forgotten all about where they were or the show they were being asked to put on and instead fell to the floor going at it. Oola pulled Bella’s top loose, exposing her delicious breasts and sucked on them hungrily. Bella stroked the other girl’s lekku, looking down at her lovingly. She was sensitive in her breasts when she was younger, and they had always been much larger after having her daughter. But that motherly calmness didn’t last long when Oola’s fingers slipped inside of Bella’s tiny little dancer bottoms.

Bella moaned suddenly. Oola was far more delicate and refined in her technique than the Jedi had been, and was the older woman’s superior just like before. Her fingers reached into her thick pubic hair and found the clit, the aroused nub already sticking out. Just as the Jedi Master’s concern for Oola had brought out a flame of happy lust that excited her body and mind beyond what she was used to, so did Oola’s touch as her first time with a girl stimulate her in ways that no other woman’s touch did before.

But Oola’s technique was what really excited her. Bella had been too taken aback from her first experience last night to properly appreciate it, but she realized the girl knew exactly what she was doing. The way that mouth sucked her breasts, those fingers pleasing her clit, it was just the perfect pace which sent electric shivers through her whole body.

Bella nervously came again before she even realized it. She let out a sudden and short little shriek from the back of her throat and gasped weakly before she caught herself. The patrons who had requested her time and company noticed that one even though her climax was nowhere near as obvious as Oola’s was. They chuckled, watching this proud Jedi Master be debased in public like that.

Bella also felt something like shame, cumming so strongly in front of all these people. She wanted to say something to Oola to get her to stop. But she was far too excited and breathless to find the words in Twi’leki, and could barely speak it in her native tongue of basic. Her tits were still being suckled on and she weakly stroked the girl’s head to get her attention.

Oola felt Bella touching her, wanting her attention. She briefly gazed up at her, saw that look in her eyes. She didn’t recognize a need for her to stop. Instead she went even farther. Still licking all over Bella’s tit, her tongue whipping up on the hard nipple and her fingers gently massaging that horny clit, she knew how weak the other woman was. She closed her teeth ever so slightly on the sensitive cap.

Bella threw her head back and growled nervously. Her body was already weak in the throes of such an awesome climax and Oola knew how to step things up even more. As she nibbled on Bella’s sensitive nipple, her fingers slipped down and into her vagina. Unlike how she only nibbled on the Jedi’s breast, she was far more ruthless with her pussy, quickly stabbing her fingers in all the way, back and forth. She was already ready to cum again and submitted to that electric feeling of rapture.

Only for Oola to stop short of bringing her to orgasm. Bella looked down at her. “Please ... don’t stop...” The Twi’lek was slowly sliding her fingers in back and forth, teasing her. The woman’s vagina was already quivering in that post climax ecstasy, but Oola was making it so much worse, making the pleasure almost painful. She still had that tit in her mouth and was looking right up at her with an evil slyness.

Satisfied, Oola went at it faster than ever. She sucked on each of the breasts fast and hard while stabbing her fingers deep into Bella’s pussy. There was no question this shorter and slender girl was totally in charge now.

Unable to take it anymore, Bella came again. This time her voice was far more depraved in the midst of this climax, screaming as she came all over Oola’s fingers, her clit spraying on the palm of the hand deep in her panties. Just as she was taking it all in, Oola took that hand out and showed it to her. She didn’t even need to say anything, the meaning was clear, and Bella knew it too. She licked all over the wet hand slick with pussy juice, the fingers, the palm, everything.

When she was done, she held onto Bella. The two lovers stared deeply into each other’s eyes before they shared another tender wet kiss. At that point most of the patrons were staring at them. As their lips parted, there was a long trail of spit that shone in the brief light before it snapped apart.

Then the whole crowd erupted into an uproar of cheers. Bella looked away blushing, while Oola no stranger to this type of environment smiled back and waved at them. Despite Bella’s own history with these types, it had been so long since she had interacted with them and more than that, being objectified like that in front of so many people was also a bit humiliating. All her earlier confidence from that morning was gone.

She had hoped that nobody was watching her. But her embarrassment got one of the other patrons to get up and approach her. He was even taller than her and had a big smile on his face.

“How about the both of you give me something more?” he said, stroking his crotch. He made a motion to one of the private rooms. Oola was no stranger to men like him but after that lewd and passionate performance, the thought of doing it with someone like him turned her stomach. She hoped her new protector had an idea.

And she did. Bella didn’t need to flip on her lightsaber. Or even use the force to hurt him. Instead she waved her hand right in front of him. “You’re happy with what you got,” she said.

He blinked hard for several seconds. “I’m happy with what I got.” Then he walked away.

Bella looked at the Twi’lek, who stared at her in amazement.“How did you do that?”

She shrugged with a light grin. “Just a little mind trick.”

After that morning display, they had no problem doing shows for other paying customers. Some just wanted to see them make out, others liked seeing them finger each other. The whole time, Bib Fortuna had been watching them with his arms folded.

There were also customers who were a little bolder like that first one. But they always found a way to refuse, either offering up some excuse on the fly or using another mind trick. Yet these refusals didn’t escape the notice of these men, and though the latter quirk was more than enough to scramble the brains of these patrons enough to forget it, it didn’t go unnoticed by their companions. As the day went on and the two evaded doing anything more than play with each other, these disgruntled people began to follow them.

“M-Miss Jedi...” Oola said to her Bella in her heavily accented basic. Bella looked back. There were about a dozen of them looking right at her. She suddenly felt very vulnerable and exposed. More than a few of them probably had blasters or some other kind of weaponry. She remembered the lightsaber she still had on her person. But she still wished to avoid stirring up trouble. She had found some strange level of respect with Jabba. Yet it was a tenuous thing.

Bib Fortuna was looking right at her. He didn’t need to say anything for her to understand what he was getting at. He narrowed his eyes at her. But she smiled at him. Then she turned to her many admirers.

“See something you like?” Bella said. Then she grabbed hold of the force and sent it right at them.

All of their scowls and rapacious glares faded in an instant. The Jedi were just as proficient at using the force to control the bodies of others as the Sith were. And this one had a completely different motive in doing so.

No novice to the force, she was still rapt with concentration for what she intended. Bella grabbed the cocks and cunts of the various people who had been eyeing her with so many ghost hands. She grinned as she effortlessly stimulated them, squeezing and grabbing their dicks, inserting her power into their cunts, and manipulated them exactly as they wanted. Her focused willpower was a stark contrast to their confused lusts being stoked out of nowhere. With her mind alone she played their bodies like puppets. They looked nothing like hardened criminals and purveyor of unsavory lusts they were. Rather they appeared as pathetic weaklings exposed to the reality of the force.

She really was working them good and she knew it. Her control of their genitals were so bad that every muscle in their bodies was being worked, they couldn’t escape her even if they wanted to. All they could do was thrust their hips forward as they were being hurtled towards a climax they didn’t understand.

Then one by one, they lost it. The area was filled with so many weak grunts, glowering screams, and pleasured whimpers. Most of them fell to their knees on the spot, a good many other fell on their asses, and the ones left standing were still walking shakily.

Bib Fortuna looked about him in disbelief. The Gamorrean guards, so menacing and stoic too, also blinked hard at the sight of it. It was a thing to see all these people reduced to nothing. They were in no small number and were big and held their great axes, a primitive weapon but enough for this part of the galaxy. Now they suddenly felt out of their depth before this woman.

Then Bib Fortuna stormed right off. Bella laughed in triumph, sounding nothing like a Jedi. Oola hugged her and the other girls crowded around her in admiration. They were all speaking in their various tongues and even someone like her with all her experience didn’t know some of them. But she understood the meaning perfectly.

“Oh stop!” she said laughing. “Really it was nothing...”

After about ten to fifteen minutes the various patrons started to recover. At that point the commotion had died down. Some of them skulked away still lost in that state of delirious happiness while the others just looked at Bella dreamily, paying no attention to all the other scantily clad women around. This proud woman just casually flicked her dark locks of hair back and smiled.

It was a rare sight for things to be so calm in Jabba’s palace. Virtually nothing was going on. But things weren’t going to remain that way for long. At that point Bella was lounging on one of the seats with all the other girls. Then Bib Fortuna marched right up to her.

“You!” he said in accented basic. He pointed between her and Oola and made a back motion with his hands towards one of the private rooms. “Come!”

Bella looked at Oola. The Twi’lek looked nervous. But Bella just shrugged her shoulders. Clasping their hands together, they accompanied him.

It wasn’t the first time either Bella or Oola had been in one of the private rooms. Bella’s bold persona had been intimidating enough to keep the other men from trying anything more than touching her all over, and her public affections with her lover after their first time was enough to satisfy the whole crowd. But neither of them could imagine doing anything for Bib Fortuna.

Even then, this room stood out. It was the VIP room, meant for large convocations of customers looking for some fun with as many girls as they could manage. Naturally it was also very decked out too, very dark walls with bright lights hanging up on the ceiling. The tables were set at the walls with plenty of open space in the central area for the girls to dance, and each table was set up with luxurious purple curtains.
Bella and Oola entered the room to find six people waiting for them. Two of them stood out, head to toe in dark rags and helmets to conceal their identities, alongside much more well dressed two men and a woman waiting for them, with a third one in the back who also wore many rags but was not so shy about showing his mug, short hair and facial stubble with a scarred line across his face just short of taking one of his eyes, glaring at her with an unmistakable hatred. Bella’s confident poise dropped instantly. She knew she was in trouble.

The two in black were dark siders. This den of sleaze had apparently worked to mask their presences in the force but there was no mistaking their signature in the force. There were many mercenaries and other force wielders who used their rudimentary powers to earn a credit in this ruined galaxy and no doubt they would have no compulsions about using the dark side. Yet when she tried peering into their minds with her power, something about them seemed blank and dead, suggesting they were not mere hired muscle gifted with the force and using their powers to carve out a living in today’s rough galaxy but real acolytes of the dark side who had bowed before a master at some point in their lives. She did not know who the man in back was either, but he seemed much alike his two masked compatriots though where the other two seemed cold and efficient, he burned with purpose and she could sense the fury in his eyes as he beheld her. If they had met in any other place and knew who she was, he would have probably killed her without a second thought. It was only her status as a Jedi Sentinel much like a vagabond which kept her safe from Order 66 and the many Jedi hunters still loose upon the galaxy. She hoped her daughter was not amongst their number as a Sith.

But it were the other three that bothered her. Wuja Wojaine and Lott Dod, the former an ex-senator of the Galactic Republic, then a senator in the Confederacy of Independent Systems and present on the imperial senate while the latter by some grace of the galaxy still held his position. The pale Pydrian woman took bribes from slavers and was arrested and stripped of her privileges of office and later defected to the Separatists, while the Neimoidian man was an outspoken advocate of the Trade Federation back to the days of Anakin Skywalker’s childhood then the Separatists during the Clone Wars to the point of participating in a bombing attempt on the Republic’s capital in Coruscant yet by some miracle still was not censured and retained his seat in the old days. It did not surprise Bella to see that the empire welcomed them with open arms.

The third man was Colandrus. This Tarsunt senator was every bit as corrupt in this legendary universe as he was in any other realm bought and paid for, and for all of the other two figures’ crimes, she knew they could never be as legion as this man’s rap sheet. He was old back in the day when Anakin was just an initiate to the order, and he was older and grayer now and still just as sharp as ever even decades later as Vader terrorized the galaxy, his face lined with wrinkles and white hair while he squinted with his dark eyes, his soul no doubt more slimy and wretched than he had been before. He was no stranger to these kinds of places in the undercity of Coruscant and was just as home here on another planet entirely.

She looked nervously between the three of them. They all knew her as much as she knew them. The imperial senate had been dissolved ages ago, but even then these power brokers held plenty of influence in the shady alleyways of the empire. This criminal’s den was perfect for them.

“What is this about?” Bella said.

“We are pleased to see you,” Lot said, bowing.

“Master Jedi it has been sometime,” Wojaine said. “You had rather harsh words for me at my trial, didn’t you?”

“I don’t regret saying a single one of them.”

“And here you are now as a wanted criminal, hiding out in a den like this one. The funny ways the stars align in the galaxy, eh?”

Bella ignored Wojaine. She looked between Dod and Colandrus. “You two have funny friends. Everyone in the galaxy knows you’re a bug Dod.” Then she looked at Colandrus. “But only someone as wretched as Palpatine would ever suffer your presence.”
Colandrus frowned at her. But that was the least of her concerns. Amongst the three warriors brought for the senators’ protection, she couldn’t fail to notice the face of the man in the back colored with anger. The only unmasked of them, his eyes were bulging with fury and he stood up a bit, as if he was answering a challenge, the scar across his face making him look more like a crusader in some far gone war than a thug working for credits. She ignored Colandrus, glaring right back at him. Whoever he was, he looked tough, and there was something about him that made her think he was more than just some thug hired for the protection of these mercenaries. The whole situation was a wretched one and she dreaded on how it would turn out. But even with her feelings going riot, she swore she could feel the dark side coming from the two in black.
Nor would she apologize for that statement. Colandrus’ corruption as a senator was an open secret in Republic society. Even now as she beheld him in this new dark era, she couldn’t begin to imagine how dirty his hands were, and only standing thanks to his cane, he looked far from powerless. If it weren’t for the empire’s xenophobia against non humans, he would have made an excellent moff.

“Does that displease you?” Colandrus said. “All this venom and malice, quite unbecoming of a Jedi. Nor would I expect to see you here in Jabba’s harem.”


“You don’t even know why we’re here. Our good master Fortuna has told us why you are here. Searching for your little girl, eh?”

“What’s it to you?” She reached for the lightsaber at her hip and found the hilt. The two mercenaries reached under their clothes for their weapons while the man in the back started up a bit, his eyes burning with even more intensity.

“Please, there is no need for that,” Lot said looking between them. “We are here as messengers only.”

Those words didn’t do much to comfort her. But she remembered her original concession to Jabba. She was not here as a member of the republic or a Jedi. Just a mother. That statement was true now as it was then. She moved her hand away from the weapon and the other two mercenaries did likewise. The man in the back did not smile but even in his vicious eyes there was a sort of contentment.

“Thank you,” Lot said, clasping his hands in an act of supplication.

Wojaine looked at him with a dry smile. Then she looked up at Bella. “We might know a thing or two,” she said.

“Is that why you came here to visit me? Tell me where my padawan is?”

“Having the right kind of friends means something,” Colandrus said. “Including that an esteemed Jedi decided to break their code.”
Bella’s face colored. “What’s it to you?”
But her anger would prove in vain. “Your order is gone, and here you are as a whore in Jabba’s den,” he continued. “Is this the legacy of a proud Jedi?”
She was about to snap back at him. But before either of them could continue, Wojaine interjected. “Your resemblance to her ... I’ve often wondered if she’s really just your padawan, eh? The Jedi would take kids from their family and they’d never see the faces of their birth parents, of their brothers and sisters. I wonder if it’s the same with you. Or maybe something unexpected happened when you fooled around so long ago.”
She was fuming with shame and anger. She thought to say something. But Colandrus continued.
“We know where Alicia is. She is alive.” He held out a holovid of her kneeling to Darth Vader in dark Sith robes. It reassured Bella to see her daughter alive. Though she was distressed to see her bowing before the Empire’s feared enforcer and the most notorious Sith Lord in the galaxy, it was better than seeing her ride Jabba the Hutt. The sight of that dreaded agent of evil, it shook her more than when she encountered him with Aly by her side and lost her so long ago. Then it shut off.

“You have nothing to offer me if you don’t say anything.”

“We can take you to your padawan,” Wojaine said. “Skip all the pretense about gathering information. Come with us.”

“Or are you saying you like this life with Jabba?” Colandrus said. He chuckled. “I never thought an esteemed Jedi Master could be so perverted.” He and Wojaine laughed openly.

“Say I come with you, what then? I’m a fugitive wanted by the empire. I’m not going to put my fate in your hands. Or betray the Jedi.”

Lot frowned. “Isn’t your love for your disciple greater than that?”

Wojaine disregarded him. “We figured you’d say that. So we have someone else in mind.” She looked at Oola. “The girl comes with us.”

“What? Why!”

“The ‘why’s’ don’t matter. We have the credits.”

Colandrus took a bag out from under his robe. “And...” he said with a creepy smile, “one of the rules here is that anyone can buy who we want if we’ve got the money. So I ask you again. Do you want to see Aly again? Or do you want to say goodbye to your new friend? We’ve been told all about how good friends you are. You come with us or we’ll leave with a new bit of fun.” He licked his lips at the thought of it.

Bella gritted her teeth. They had her. And she couldn’t openly fight back or risk provoking Jabba’s ire. This lead was the only chance she had.


Wojaine chuckled. “You sure? You won’t see your little lover ever again. You’ll be in our care.”

“You said it yourself, right? You’re taking one of us. So it should be me.”

Lot smiled and bowed as if she was his friend. “Thank you for making this choice. This decision will benefit us all, I assure you.”

Even then she rolled her eyes. His words were always measured and polite, never vicious. But compared to a slaver and someone who had taken bribes in his entire career as a senator, he was probably the worst. Bib Fortuna didn’t fail to catch her disapproval. He looked right at her.

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