A Jedi's Desire (Star Wars)
Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt
Chapter 4: Oola’s Gratitude
Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4: Oola’s Gratitude - Bella Rose is a young Jedi padawan prowling Coruscant for some fun. And that's only the beginning to her slutty adventures.
Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Fa/Fa Coercion Consensual Reluctant Teen Siren Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual Fan Fiction Science Fiction Aliens MaleDom FemaleDom Rough Anal Sex Cream Pie First Oral Sex Pregnancy Big Breasts
That first impression definitely left Jabba’s clan a bit wary on dealing with her. They would not go out of their way to openly degrade her. She was so confident in her decision that she even presented her lightsaber for the Hutt’s safekeeping until her time was up. It wasn’t a mere show of bravery either, her time away from the temple and associating with all kinds of people from across the galaxy had put her in more than a few rough spots with all kinds of rough types and despite her fair appearance, she had been in more than a few scrapes toe to toe. If anyone gave her trouble, she’d know how to handle herself.
But for the Hutt personally, he viewed it as a challenge. He would not be so laviscious with her as he was with her other girls. On the other hand he showed no apprehension at all in addressing her.
He would not say her name either. He would simply say, “Jedi!” in that thick voice of his, dripping with disdain. And then he would order her to give a lap dance for the seedy men that came to visit the his pleasure palace.
She let these men touch all over her, barely moving herself. For anyone else, not playing along in response, that would have earned them a death sentence from Jabba. But he was content with this notion. She would learn her place.
Yet her quarters were the same as the rest of the slave girls. The first night, despite all the bravado she showed to Jabba and his boys, she was still in shock at what kind of decision she had made. It was a surprisingly spacious room, shared with the rest of the dancers. But for all the austerity of the Jedi Temple’s rooms, it offered nothing of the comfort of that demesne.
The other slave girls also noticed Bella’s thinly veiled disgust at her new living arrangements too. They smiled and giggled to themselves. Her daughter Aly was much the same when she was there, but they would never be so bold as to cross anyone with such a violent reputation as a Sith. A Jedi Master on the other hand was far different, having more of a noble bearing attached to that title than any known martial reputation, which was more than out of place in this corner of the galaxy. More than a few of them couldn’t stop staring at her. She knew of their amusement too. Doing her best to ignore it, she turned on her side and went to sleep.
Yet she could not do it for long. The hands of all those men touching her, this place, it ignited an almost nostalgic fire of lust inside her body. It reminded her of her scandalous little fling with the father of her child.
It was a shameful thing for her to feel. Those men had no sense of privacy, no regard for her boundaries. They cared nothing for her. They only saw a beautiful woman like her as a wild beast that needed to be tamed. Even if her physique was as strong as it was during the old days, they would still have lusted after her. Yet with her current more slender and elegant form coupled with her fierce personality, they openly saw her as a wild animal that needed to be tamed. For that reason alone they were not so shy in touching all over her, feeling her ass and grabbing her breasts as they pleased. They would not provoke her with anything else. But they knew what they wanted.
It got her far hotter than she would have liked. And the night was long and she knew the next morning would come sooner than she liked. Furious with herself, she dipped a hand into her honeypot. She was surprised by how hot and wet she was on her own fingers.
She stabbed her insides ruthlessly. Her fingers were wet with her fluids and the nub of her clitoris was already sticking out. But instead of sating her desires, it only made her want more. She undid her top, revealing her large breasts. She took one of them into her mouth, sucking on the hard nipple while she fondled the other one.
It all got to be too much for her. She nervously bit her nipple and started squirming in her fit of lust. She didn’t know if it was the men here, the sight of her daughter fucking Jabba, or both, but all she could do was thrash her hips all over the place. She needed it so badly.
She let her breast slip out of her mouth and moaned deeply as she finally came, her clit squirting and her pussy leaking down her thighs. She took her hand out and looked at it. Under the moonlight she got a good look at just how wet it was. Still gasping from that orgasm, she sucked each of her fingers clean. Then she was finally able to get the rest she so desperately needed.
The second day was a little better. Jabba’s demands were still subdued. He still paid more attention to her than the other slave girls and ordered her around most of all, but she was only there to give lap dances. She did it pretty awkwardly at first too. For as much of a daring girl she was in her youth, actually pleasing this seedy assortment of men was another thing entirely. She refused to look at her clientele, still humiliated by this role she had committed herself to.
Everyone there noticed just how out of place she felt, the clientele and Jabba’s own retinue alike. That didn’t keep the former from feeling all over her as she danced on top of them. Some of their hands were a little smoother than others and others were rough and callused all over. But they definitely only had one thing in mind.
Even she knew how awkward she was a dancer compared to the likes of the other girls. The movements didn’t look that hard, and she knew that compared to the acrobatics of the force, it was no big deal at all. Still, she didn’t want to give these louts anymore satisfaction than they were already getting from groping all over her gorgeous body.
And she knew they were getting off on it plenty. As she would move herself on top of them, more than a few times she felt their boners underneath her. Some of the clients were still fully clothed and others were wearing far less, but she felt their penises rubbing all over her backside and in between her firm derriere. They were none too shy about their desires either, grunting and chuckling as much as she moved on their erect penises.
But that wasn’t the worst of it. She refused to go any further because of how turned on she was. Maybe it was because of seeing her daughter like that, maybe it was because it had been so long since she had found men who were so open with touching and caressing her all over, or maybe it was bit of nostalgia for the father of her child. Everytime, she felt her nipples getting hard underneath her top and a little bit of wetness seep out of her pussy.
Her mind started playing tricks on her too. She started to fantasize about how good it would feel to fuck all these horny men, to dominate them and have them inside her. As she would further indulge in these thoughts of carnal pleasure, she knew whatever advantage she would have over them wouldn’t last even with all her powers in the force, and soon she would be on the floor, fucking and sucking all of them in wanton pleasure, as each of them would cum all over her. The thought titillated her. Yet she pushed all these notions aside, regarding it as a side effect of the new role she was being asked to play.
Maybe it was something of her regal bearing as a Jedi, and maybe it was her overall muscular build. But none of the men who came here ever dared to step things up a notch. For that, she was grateful.
The other girls on the other hand weren’t so lucky. The men were far more vicious in their caresses, Bella knew that much at least, she saw them. But she also heard their loud moans too. Some of them must have been getting off on it too, Jabba’s palace was a steaming nest of heat and perversion, and it would corrupt the best of people. That was only what she could see.
Yet she’d hear others protesting loudly. The first few times she rationalized it as something she’d have to put up with to get what she wanted. She didn’t like it, but if that’s what she would have to do, then so be it. But for all the sorts she was used to associating with, the levels she was willing to debase herself, she had not forgotten her code of justice. She was still a Jedi.
It happened while she was alone, not servicing anyone. She was cooing to them like any sultry temptress, eager to earn her favor with Jabba and play the part as best she could. She would not disappoint the Hutt. But when she heard a girl screaming “No!” in Twi’leki, she moved fast. She made her way to the source of the sound.
It was Bib Fortuna and an older human man, his once dark hair now mostly white. Like Jabba’s majordomo, the latter was also finely dressed, but he was way rougher looking in appearance and demeanor than the former, a few scars lining his face and his expression a seemingly permanent scowl. The two of them had cornered the green Twi’ek girl, Bella remembered her name was Oola. This man was holding her pretty roughly and Bib Fortuna was trying to calm her down.
“Stupid girl, do what you’re told!” Bib Fortuna said. “Know your place. Your role is to dance for these men. And if they want a little more, so be it. This is your new life now.” The human man was nodding the whole time. Bella didn’t know if he understood the Twi’lek language or could tell from context what exactly Jabba’s majordomo was trying to get her to do. Oola looked up at her new client with fear in her eyes.
“Hey! What’s the meaning of this?” Bella said in Twi’leki, moving fast to them. Bib Fortuna glared at her. Oola quickly rushed to her side.
“He pulled on my lekku and tried making me do things I didn’t want to do!” Oola said.
“Is that a problem?” Bib Fortuna said. He glared at Bella. “Remember your place.”
She didn’t back down. “Oh I think I know my place plenty.” Then she looked at the human man and spoke in perfect Basic. “Bullying a little girl huh?” She held her hands up and moved them down her sculpted body. “Too afraid to handle a real woman?” Bib Fortuna spat on the floor and left the scene.
“Fine,” the man roughly said in a haughty voice. It reminded Bella of a moff, or an imperial officer. “Let’s see the two of you dance together. Then I’ll decide what happens.”
She wasn’t daunted in the slightest. She smiled at him wryly. “My pleasure.”
Bella took Oola’s hands and then began dancing with her. She still wasn’t much of a formal talent herself, her only real talent in dancing giving these men a show as well as the formal stances of lightsaber combat. She found her resolve fading fast.
Fortunately, Oola was far more of a practiced hand at this sort of thing. Though she was one of Jabba’s girls and in all senses a slave, Bella was surprised by how good at dancing the Twi’lek girl was on a technical level. The Jedi Master even found herself taken a bit off guard by how the green skinned girl’s movements mixed eroticism in with each perfect movement. She had come here to save her, but now she was more than bit off guard.
Their purveyor was enjoying the show too. But he was getting impatient. “You two are holding back. If you don’t go further, I’ll take the both of you.”
Bella was disgusted at the thought of doing it with this man. A shameful pang of desire hit her mind as thoughts of him touching all over her in this current getup flooded her mind but she quickly pushed it aside. She looked right at the Twi’lek girl right in front of her. Oola was just smiling at her.
Bella nodded. She had to protect her. They closed their bodies a little closer. Oola was leaning in for a kiss, but Bella turned her face away, blushing deeply. Still, they moved their practically naked bodies right up against each other.
The man was nodding in satisfaction. They were both beautiful but they couldn’t be diffferent. Oola was a green Twi’lek with a lean and soft form while the human Jedi Master was graceful all over with all the aspects a man could want, tall enough to match some of the types he encountered on the regular. But she was a knock out, and with her natural powers in the force, her body had aged so much slower than normal, looking about two decades younger than she actually was, with her eyes bearing a maturity and wisdom few women had. He wanted to feel her long dark hair for himself.
Oola seemed to like it too. As the two were moving together, the Twi’lek reached her arms up, feeling all over her sizeable back muscles and her firm shoulders. Bella was a bit taken aback, she was no stranger to being praised by other men and got some jealousy from other women too, some of those people even being her fellow Jedi. But despite her decision, it was still a new thing for her to be so exposed in a den of wretchedness like this one. Let alone have another woman openly coveting her in such a fashion.
Yet for Oola, it was less an amorous display than it was an act of gratitude and comfort. In Jabba’s palace, the girls would comfort each other behind the scenes, but never so brazenly confront an unruly customer, let alone someone as high ranking as Bib Fortuna. But Bella had done both.
Still, Oola was also aware of the power dynamic here. Despite having seniority over Jabba’s newest girl even though she was so much younger, she also wanted to protect her savior. She also felt no small amount of trepidation too, she knew how vulnerable she was. So she was clinging to that elegant body body in an act of pure vulnerability, feeling the tight muscle underneath her silky and full form. Bella knew it too, and held Oola’s nubile body right back, affirming that need for protection.
Bella felt the greedy man looking right at her. Even someone like her with all her pride was feeling both repulsed and aroused from being wanted in such a fashion. She knew what she was agreeing to when she acquiesced to meet Jabba’s demands. But living it was a completely different thing.
Oola sensed her apprehension too. Still aware of the man watching them, she pushed back a lock of hair and whispered, “I’ll take the fall for you. I’ll protect you,” in perfect Twi’leki.
Bella immediately looked back at her. “What? No!” She knew the Twi’lek language well enough to respond to her, but she was so incensed at the idea that she could only respond in Basic.
“It’s fine. I’ve done this before,” she said. Bella was about to say something when the girl kissed her right on the lips. She froze up, she had never been kissed by another woman like this, not even in her more adventurous younger days. As she was struggling to respond, Oola suddenly pulled away. Bella looked at Oola, so beautiful and vulnerable before her, the lipstick on her full lips a little smudged from that recent kiss, she had to do something. Yet all she could feel were her own flushed cheeks and the residue of lipstick on her own lips.
Theman was about to make his decision. “I think I’ll take both of you. But first the girl,” he said, looking at Oola. “And I’ll make her do whatever I want.” He started stroking his crotch, revealing just how hard he was.
The two women could see just how hard he was. “Get over here,” he said to Oola.
“I don’t think so,” Bella said, stepping forward. “You want to pick someone, take me instead.”
“A bitch like you, no. I was going to but now that I’m getting a good look at your face, no way. You’re too ugly for my tastes.” He got up and moved right at her so hard he pushed right into her. “Now stand aside before I hurt you.”
She chuckled. She grabbed his arm and pulled him up in one fluid motion so that he was right over her, then threw him down to the floor. A fairly basic motion, one of the first things taught to padawan’s close to knighthood about unarmed combat if for whatever reason their lightsaber wasn’t available and they couldn’t use the force. But enough to take care of a thug like him. She just rubbed her hands together like she had just taken care of a job.
The noise of that scuffle was so loud that everyone else froze up. They were watching the situation to see how it would go down. “I bet that’s the first time anyone ever stood up to you, huh?” she said. “Of course, if you want more of that, I’m right here,” she said, and actually held her arms up and flexed them, pumping out her firm biceps and triceps.
He looked up at her in an undeniable snarl. She confidently put her hands on her hips and looked down at him, smiling. Even in her current setting and showing herself off to everyone nearby, she felt triumphant and proud. But that smile wouldn’t last long when he pulled a weapon from his hip.
She expected it to be a blaster. Even without her telekinetic abilities in the force, she had learned how to physically disarm blasters by tougher guys than this one when the barrel was inches away from her face. But it wasn’t a blaster. It was a lightsaber.
It was one she recognized too. It was her daughter’s weapon she had used when she was training as a padawan. Nothing quite as refined as her weapon as a Jedi Master, it was more or less a cylindrical mass of metal with grooves here and there with no real attempts at ornamentation. When he ignited it, it had the same blue blade too. She couldn’t be completely sure but she had a pretty good idea.
“Where’d you get that?” she said.
“I’d say there are bigger things for you to worry about,” he said, pointing the end of the blade right at her.
Physically disarming someone with a lightsaber carried it’s risks. It wasn’t the same way as disarming someone of a blaster as the long blade flying about could easily fly exactly where you wouldn’t want it, the same way that sometimes using a double-bladed lightsaber was a dangerous avenue more for the wielder than for their opponent. But she could also use the force to yank it right out of his hand.
She was about to do that when a Gamorrean approached her. “Boss wants to see you,” he said in heavily accented and broken Basic.
She looked back at Oola. “I’ll be back for you,” she said. Then she left.
When she was before Jabba, he had a blank look on his face. Bib Fortuna was still pleading with his master in Twi’leki. The whole time the Hutt was staring right at her.
In spite of the roughness of that recent encounter, Bella suddenly felt very vulnerable. She was still very exposed in her outfit, and was reminded of Oola’s lips right on hers. It started to dawn on her that for all her outward flouting of the traditional mores of the Jedi Temple, she was more than a bit out of her depth in a place like this one. She quickly licked her lips nervously and tasted Oola’s fresh lipstick on her tongue. She realized how much she was in danger and what a bad place this was for her.
Then he suddenly laughed. It was such a loud sound that even his majordomo stopped yammering on as he was. The Hutt licked his lips at this bold Jedi Master.
“Very good little Jedi!” Jabba said in rather articulate Huttese.
“What...?” Bib Fortuna said in Basic. It was only one word, but it was still heavily accented and expressed his disbelief perfectly.
“That man you speak of is from the empire,” Jabba said. “He is a moff. He comes here from time to time and acts like he owns the place just because of his rank.”
Jabba sensed her picking up on that and continued. “And for a time, I’ve tolerated his presence. But I’m getting sick of him. I told you that you would have other duties than merely dancing to keep my men happy, no?”
She understood exactly what he was getting at. “You want me to kill him.”
“Is my Jedi friend too pure to do that? If you are, I’m more than content to end our contract right now.”
“No, I’ll do it.” There was no hesitation in her voice. She had longed to spill imperial blood. She pulled her lightsaber from behind Jabba in his treasure trove of goods to her hand with the force before he even gave a motion to one of his guards. Then she made her way to her target.
At that point, the imperial man was still getting handsy with Oola. He was holding the lightsaber hilt with one hand while touching all over her with the other. The Twi’lek girl was still uncomfortable with him, looking away nervously while he fondled her to his heart’s content, knowing the threat he held over her. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself, feeling all over her arms and back, and even sniffing her lekku. At the same time he was moving himself with his erect penis right against her.
As soon as the Jedi was close, Oola immediately took notice of her. The moff did too, and scowled at her. He reached for the lightsaber hilt again and bared his teeth at her in a vicious snarl. Not for too long, because she immediately ignited her golden lightsaber blade.
He pushed Oola aside like she was unimportant and went at her.
“Where did you get that?” she demanded, pressing up the blade of her weapon against his.
“Oh this? A pretty little Sith gave it to me in exchange for information. Told me it wasn’t of any use to her anymore.” He smiled. “She looked very much like you. Was she your sister or something?”
“And where is she now?”
“Turn off your weapon and get down on your knees. Then we’ll talk.”
Bella could tell from the way he was holding the weapon that he held no specialty in this sort of swordsmanship. She was also so worked up that she realized that a real warrior would have easily been able to spot several openings she had left open without realizing it. Indeed for him, holding this weapon of a civilized age was only a petty way to shock others and kowtow them to do as he wanted.
She kicked him right in the stomach, knocking him back. He dropped the weapon, and she summoned the hilt to her hand. Now holding both sabers, her face was covered in an icy glow. Even in that racy dancer’s outfit, she looked beautiful and terrifying in equal measure.
“Where is she?”
“I don’t know! She was on Coruscant a couple months ago and wanted information about the movement of rebel factions to help Vader track down Luke Skywalker behind the emperor’s back! I told her if she wanted real info, she should go to Black Sun. Prince Xizor apparently has it bad for him. And that thing there was her bargaining chip. There’s plenty of bootleg lightsabers and other weird ones that don’t work right to go around, but I knew that thing was the real deal. That’s it! Okay?”
She barely took any notice of the name of one of the most famous rebels in the galaxy, still unaware of his status as Vader’s son. But the name of Black Sun rang a bell. Bella knew of them as another big time crime syndicate. Infamous in every corner of the galaxy, even those who didn’t know about it felt it’s influence in one way or another, the kind of power that even someone as rough as Jabba’s brand of rough criminal had to respect and fear. But then there were tales that it’s power was diminishing as of late. Still, even a wounded beast of prey was not to be underestimated. “You don’t know anything else?”
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