A Jedi's Desire (Star Wars) - Cover

A Jedi's Desire (Star Wars)

Copyright© 2024 by sexdottxt

Chapter 3: A Sith Babe Fucks Jabba the Hutt

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3: A Sith Babe Fucks Jabba the Hutt - Bella Rose is a young Jedi padawan prowling Coruscant for some fun. And that's only the beginning to her slutty adventures.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/Fa   Coercion   Consensual   Reluctant   Teen Siren   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Science Fiction   Aliens   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Big Breasts  

Time passed and life went back to normal for Bella. All the while she covered up any evidence of her being linked her child’s existence. She had gotten so good at it that before she knew it, was esteemed with the honor of being recognized as a Jedi Knight. Even as a sentinel who kept away from the typical trappings of the temple, she was well respected within the ranks while her master was commended for his fine tutelage. No one would have ever thought this woman had snuck off for some roundabout fun back when she was younger.

After that pregnancy her body underwent numerous changes. Her form had become more elegant and lean, graceful, her breasts and butt filled out with her stomach still flat. Coupled with her height, she looked more like a socialite than a Jedi. In the coming days, that aspect would serve her well.

So it was that her daughter was force-sensitive. Like many before her and Bella herself, that child was discovered by the Jedi Order from the prestigious Regan family of nobles and brought to the temple. The instant she saw her again, she realized it was her daughter. There more than a passing resemblance between the two, but her daughter’s hair was a bit lighter than her mother’s raven locks owing to the genetics of her blonde haired father. Even if the two didn’t have similar features of dark hair, she instantly recognized her signature in the force. And she had high hopes for her daughter Alicia.

Bella took Alicia as her padawan. The other Jedi liked to joke about how much they looked alike. Whenever she heard that, whether it was from the other knights and padawans, or from the masters themselves, it would only prompt her to simply smile. The only real difference was that Bella herself had smooth eyes almost round like almonds where Alicia’s were small and catlike. And when they were alone together, she was never Alicia, only Aly.

She exposed her child to the force at a young age, wanting to inculcate her in the Jedi way and teach her everything she knew. In the ways of the sword, and how to use the force. But like many before her, her padawan found herself impatient and frustrated with the peaceful methods told to her. It wasn’t long before she got a taste of the dark side. Finding that way far easier, deep down she began to reject everything her mother tried to impart upon her. It came so easy in the troubled times of the Clone Wars.

Bella sensed it too. It was for that reason that she was thankful they were often away from the main trappings of the temple. Her role in the Jedi Order meant that she was not only away from the more traditional settings of her kind, but also away from all the institutional shortcomings that plagued them. No talk of the dark side which was as much a mark of shame as it was of warning, none of Dooku’s acolytes looking to seduce her into their ranks, and no immediate fear of death from fighting on the frontlines. No, instead she would be the mother she needed to be to her child.

Still, it was not an easy life. She had no problem teaching Alicia as all knights were wont to do for their padawans. As a gift, she had even granted her the lightsaber she had first constructed as a padawan but never used anymore since making a new one once she had become a knight. It was intended as a favor for silently staying true to the Jedi path despite her internal battles. But it was also a present to her dear daughter.

A smile lit up Alicia’s face in the blue glow of the energy blade. So innocent and childlike despite the turmoil of the Clone Wars, she looked so beautiful in that blue shine. Feeling Alicia’s joy, it made Bella’s heart melt. Alicia already having constructed a new lightsaber with a golden blade since becoming a knight, to be bestowed such a gift from her master made her heart leap with joy. That care was what made Bella often request to take missions that would keep her and Alicia far away from the main conflict.

Then Order 66 happened. All over the galaxy the Jedi were butchered by the clone troopers. It was only thanks to her status as a Jedi Sentinel, vagabonds of the galaxy, that Bella and her daughter went undiscovered. They evaded the initial purges and made sure to keep their heads low. They watched in horror as Palpatine delivered his address on the new order. They were outlaws now.

And yet there was hope. They heard the news of the Death Star’s destruction. The empire was not so formidable as it seemed. The two hugged each other in triumph. Aly had long wanted to take the fight to them, to surrender to the dark side, and yet her mother always warned against it, telling her that if they did that, they could very well become like Vader. Now she believed her mother and her master.

As they were in hiding out in a tavern ready to join the resistance, it was surrounded by stormtroopers. They hadn’t made any moves, but the two of them sensed their presence long before they made a move. The two looked at each other, realizing what that meant.

Then they opened fire. The blaster fire blew down the walls and shattered the windows. The two drew their weapons, Alicia still using the same weapon she did as a padawan, a blue lightsaber blade. Together they deflected the blaster fire in quick precision, bouncing back every bit of blaster fire they could. The two of them smiled as the heat died down.

Then they felt a great and terrible presence in the force. Calling it dark was an understatement, it was a toxic seething brew of wretchedness and misery. Yet it was also overpowering, their bodies felt like they would break under the pressure and they could not think from all the primordial emotions of fear and unease. And then they heard that familiar raspy breathing.

Two figures emerged from the smoke and rubble around them. There was no denying the first was Vader. The two Jedi felt his presence in the force, something beyond the dark side, twisted and vengeful with an all consuming hatred that seemed to be threatening to suck him, feeding off of him beyond what the Sith of the Clone Wars ever felt. It was almost as dark as Order 66.

But it was his stature too. Tall and menacing, like a golem come to life, his dark shape radiated and yet it was filled with a twisted fury. It wasn’t one of the Emperor’s Inquisitors, neophytes in the dark side, and it wasn’t

The other patrons had long fled the scene, leaving only the two of them with him. Alongside him was a bald young man, not only was his skin pale like death but his eyes shone bloodred with the full intensity of the dark side, an oddity even amongst their kind. Yet his face was oddly vacant, it seemed he had no other purpose than to be an executioner.

“So, two Jedi hiding like the rats they are,” Vader said. “Make your peace with your lives. You cannot escape your destiny.”

“Wasn’t planning to,” Alicia said, sporting a cocky smile in spite of her situation. She looked at Bella. “Let’s take him head on!”

The Dark Apprentice drew his lightsaber and ignited the red blade. “Try. I will see you dead at the feet of my master.”

“This is bad,” Bella said. “We need to run!” No Jedi had survived an encounter against Darth Vader.

“We have to fight!” Alicia said. “There’s no other choice!”

“Amusing,” Vader said. “I will see you broken. And then you will disappear, forgotten by this galaxy as much as Obi-Wan Kenobi.”

Bella remembered Kenobi. The master of Soresu, enough to be complimented by Mace Windu as an equal, neither of them ever sparred in combat, and indeed it was much a topic of debate in the old order from the youngest padawan to even the eldest masters and on the high council as to who would come out on top. She couldn’t begin to imagine why Vader would mention him specifically.

She didn’t waste time contemplating it. She and Alicia both stepped into the fray. But for all of their street smarts and trafficking with seedy types to remain hidden, it was nothing compared to the power of the men before them. The bald one was quick and accurate with a reverse gripped blade, engaging in quick and focused bladework, something between the defensive pushback of Shien with an offensive slant only a Sith could use and the natural viciousness of Juyo that knocked them both back. It was only the two of them working together that kept them alive against his flurry of strikes. And even then, Bella using straightforward Makashi and Alicia with two blades using an offensive focused variant of Shien, neither of them could hold their ground against him.

Fed up, the Dark Apprentice hit them with a volley of force lightning. Both of them raised their swords. But even together against this sheer onslaught of power, neither could reflect it back at him, the best they could do was fight to keep standing. Out of nowhere he stopped. Unusual for him, he bent down on one knee before them.

Then Vader stepped forward. This creature more machine than man called the rubble of the structure around them into a swirling tornado around them. There really did seem like there was no escape now.

“If this is their power, then we don’t stand a chance,” Bella said. “Aly there’s always something I wanted to tell you. I am...”

“No, there’s always a way!” she said. Diving deep into her emotions, she contested with Vader for control of the storm of wreckage around them. It seemed to slow down. “Master, you must escape!”

Bella was almost crying now. “No, I won’t leave you! I can’t! We must face him together!”

“We’ll both die if you don’t!” Then she did something that surprised Bella. Alicia grabbed her face and kissed her on the lips. It was a mind blowing soul kiss, her tongue deep in her mouth. Even with that rogue so long ago, she hadn’t had something like this. In the heat of that moment, she could not feel any shame either even though Bella knew it was her own daughter kissing her like that. All of their blood connection was forgotten in that instant, it was something far deeper than that.

When she stopped, Alicia was weeping. “I’ve loved you master and I always will! I will do anything for you!” She closed her eyes and then they burned with the intensity of the dark side. Bella almost gasped. “And you must run!” Taking control of that power further, she threw Bella out of the storm and to safety.

Bella was ready to run back in. But then that wreckage collapsed all around them. Her heart almost stopped right there. She fell to her knees, sobbing. All she could think was that it was all over. She should have died there.

Even as her heart sank, she felt something diminish in the force. It was not her daughter’s presence. But it was enveloped in the dark side. Nor had the penumbra of wickedness vanished. Instead, it had only grown. She heard Vader’s breath for several seconds. Then it was all gone.

She knew what had happened. Her daughter had survived. But she had given up her soul in the process. She had embraced the dark side and was Vader’s creature now.

But Bella Rose was determined. As she woke up one morning in a rundown apartment on the criminal world of Bogden, she quickly showered off. Looking at her naked form in the mirror, she wondered if her daughter looked something like that now as she gazed at her own naked reflection. She on the other hand was much changed. Ever since giving birth, her once lean and muscular form had given way to a more svelte and graceful looking form with long dark hair that fell past her shoulders, her bust and derriere were still curvy and jiggly enough to rival any Twi’lek dancer in a Coruscanti nightclub and even with her conservative dress, people could still acute see the shape of her natural gifts. And even though she was a bit older than when she had made that decision to fool around long ago as a padawan, she still looked beautiful as ever. The ways of the force had kept her young so much that she easily passed for a woman several decades younger. It still embarrassed by some of the boys and even the girls that would try and pick her up when out on the streets. Yet there was no denying the wisdom and maturity in her eyes now.

Drying herself off, she got dressed in a long sleeved jacket with pants, plainclothes, the typical attire of a Jedi Sentinel. As a padawan she had dressed in the robes of the order and even now as a Master she was just as modest, forced to go undercover on the run from the empire. It was an advantage being a Jedi Sentinel in that way, anyone even caught looking like a traditional Jedi in today’s day and age would be in trouble.

Despite dressed in such modest clothes, even being so baggy and far from revealing, people could still see the slight shapes of her derriere and chest underneath. Even the most ardent and thoughtful of citizens on more civilized worlds wondered what she looked like naked and here on Bogden, the bounty hunters and corrupt imperial officers looking for a good time would often make passings remarks and some got a little greedier than that. As modest as she was dressed, they could still see her ample bosom and her ripe backside.

Yet when they cornered her thinking an easy mark, she would draw her golden blade and leave them forgotten memories in this era of cruelty. As far as they were concerned she was just a bounty hunter or mercenary living on the lam using an all too rare weapon. Lightsabers these days were only officially authorized to be used by imperial agents like Vader and the Emperor’s Hands. Seen in the hands of today’s pirates and criminals, a woman like her not sporting the robes of a Jedi, it was either a sign of someone big up in the criminal underworld or someone who knew how to find things. She didn’t care which they saw her as, only that it scared them.

Nor was her appearance merely a thing to fantasize about. During the Clone Wars, her fierce beauty was enough to give pause to the worst criminals on the Outer Rim, and so many corrupt politicians that she investigated during the course of career, normally searching for a quip at having their unsavory activities exposed, could not find the words to speak that toxic mix of anger and fear which meant they could never have or shackle this gorgeous woman of considerable power. To have them shake in her presence and still remain free in a time where being a Jedi meant certain death, she felt no fear in venturing to the galaxy at large to save her daughter.

Yet nothing could prepare her for the journey that awaited her. As she scoured her list off criminal contacts still making a living in imperial prisons and those secret allies she had made in her progression as a Jedi Sentinel on the lam, she did eventually find a trail where her wayward daughter had gone. But she didn’t like it.

The last known source of her activity was with Jabba the Hutt. Even in the nadir of the Galactic Republic long before Palpatine would reshape it into the corrupt tyranny that terrorized so many worlds and people, Jabba had long found a place for himself in the criminal underworld. Just as the Confederacy of Independent Systems had blossomed and grown thanks to so many senators and bankers who knew how to hide their tracks, so had this Hutt come to make a name for himself. In this imperial age, his power was stronger than ever. His name had become infamous with the more seedy aspects of the criminal underworld, and she only ever remembered seeing him on Tattooine that fateful day she met with her beloved smuggler once more. But she had no idea she would ever have to pay a visit to him personally.

She took a flight to Tattooine. The desert planet was still a member of the Galactic Empire. Yet that meant little for worlds on the Outer Rim. Lawlessness was still very much the norm that scared even the worst of stormtroopers. Fortunately she was a Jedi Master, trained in combat and how to use the force. No matter how hardened the criminals were, she would always be one step ahead of them.

When she arrived on Tattooine, she got glances from more than a few unsavory types. They were smiling, leering with their mouths hanging open, and some were even touching themselves at the sight of her. Dressed like a smuggler and able to pass for the part, that did nothing to quell their dark natures.

Her old twi’lek master was not with her and she was not seeking a handsome rogue that still made her heart flutter everytime she thought of him. Whatever brief nostalgia she felt was gone at what a different reason she had for coming to this world. She just flashed the hilt of her lightsaber at them, and even the most bold of them showed alarm. Like her, the hilt of the weapon was elegant, it looked like silver so much that nobody would think it was made of iron and the surface was so finely crafted that it almost looked like liquid with several bands of colored durasteel meant to look like the finest of sapphires and rubies. Some of the rogues weren’t so put off however and so she would flash the golden blade of her weapon, the trademark of any Jedi Sentinel. That calmed them down.

She had already arranged a flight to Jabba’s palace with some Twi’lek smugglers. On the surface they were clearly the same types that had greeted her as soon as she made planetfall, she knew what kind of world this was. But they were also clearly well behaved, only in it for the credits and caring about nothing else. They’d do the job.

Bella felt a strange tingling of lust in her body. She was usually away from the typical temples so she had interacted with all sorts of types beyond the usual Jedi and dignitaries. But the twi’lek men she was with now reminded her of her old master and more importantly, the father of her child. Rough with just the right amount of wrong. This dangerous place could warm something in her far more than the safe confines of the monasteries most Jedi were known to inhabit. Still, she was more level-headed and kept her feelings in check.

When they arrived, they waited for her outside as per their contract. The stronghold itself was nothing so dignified as to be called a palace. It was tall and sturdy and stood out here in the middle of the desert, with various criminals and mercenaries surrounding the perimeter. But even they would not be so foolish as to tangle with someone bearing the aura of a Jedi Master.

What took her by surprise was that there were more than the usual rabble that patrolled places like these. There were Tusken Raiders too, and not in the typical sand colored robes they were wont to wear, but instead in darker clothes, they almost looked like ordinary shirts and pants. And in the distance beyond, one of the sand dunes was shaped strange. It took her awhile to realize that it was a krayt dragon, freshly slain.

But as harrowing a sight as that was, it didn’t matter to her. She rapped her fists hard on the front gate. A slot in the door opened up and a surveillance droid looked out to see her. It scanned her, read her over, then retreated right back from where it came. The gate opened and she stepped inside.

Even if she didn’t have the force, she would feel eyes watching her from every little corner. The whole den was teeming with all manner of unsavory life. But with her abilities as a Jedi aiding her, she could feel their signature, detect precisely where they were. She kept her hand on her lightsaber hilt.

Finally she was before Jabba. Even if he weren’t so large and overtly disgusting, she could feel the sleaze emanating from his form. Growing up in the sheltered and safe confines of the Jedi Palace had not been enough to keep her from running into the seedy underbelly of Coruscant. But that was nothing compared to this creature.

“I am here to find my lost padawan and take her home,” she said in a mix of Basic and rough Huttese. In her unique career, she had learned many things outside the safe Jedi cloister that most of her fellows did not. “I heard she was last here in your humble abode.”

Nobody responded. Bib Fortuna leaned forward, his face as weaselly as ever. “Your padawan? We do not know who...”

“Alicia Regan!” Bella said loudly enough for all to hear, not in the mood for him.

The whole room went silent. Everyone there was looking at her. But Bella did not waver in her gaze at Jabba’s great crimson eyes.

The Hutt only laughed. She could feel how fake that cackle was, sickness and inability radiated from his voice and the rumors she had heard of Jabba’s illness were true, he had nothing to be so proud of. Yet his power did not lie in his putrid form but in the same place as the various senators and bankers that operated behind the scenes in the republic. She also expected there to be plenty of traps waiting to be sprung in every corner of the structure.

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