Crystal Clear - Book Two - Cover

Crystal Clear - Book Two

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 39: Claire’s Vids, and a Decision

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 39: Claire’s Vids, and a Decision - Book 2 in the Crystal Clear series, with Jim Mellon, country singer, and his ongoing romance with singer Crystal Lee, her sister Ellen, and others. This story is unique but does build on the Road Trip series. Jim finds more ways to be a lover, a hero, a patriot, a savior, a dedicated partner, and an inspiration to those around him. Join Jim as he continues his sexy journey through life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Cream Pie   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism  

Edie said in a slow, soft, measured tone, “Well, I’m not even ready, but I have so dreamed about this recently. I’d like you to make me pregnant. I want your baby.”

I was speechless – impressed and nonplussed. Finally, I babbled out the first thing that came to my mind. “Errr, that’s a big decision, and you’re young and single, and pretty, and available, and there are so many people you could partner with ... and what do you mean you’re not even ready?”

Edie kissed me. “Relax. I’m still on the pill, silly. Plus, I’ve thought about all my options plus talked with George and Summer. Besides, the two of them, you are the one other person I love the most in the whole world by a country mile.”

I said, “Don’t you think you’re being influenced by hanging around Summer, and the thrill of the past few hours of the birth – the start of something so wonderfully new.”

“Oh, yes, I know I am. All this has helped me focus my thinking, and don’t forget I’ve been a constant visitor here at their home the past nine months. I’ve seen both sides of this journey.”

There was something I wasn’t getting, some fine point or a connection I hadn’t made. In the awkward silence that followed, she leaned up and kissed me softly on the lips, the kind of kiss that contains unfettered feminine sexuality. She paused and could probably sense the wheels turning in my brain. She said, “Don’t say ‘No’, please. Just think about it. Now, come to bed and make love to me.”

Edie and I spent almost two hours making love and playing sexually with each other. Somehow, I had forgotten how passionate Edie could be, and how explosive her orgasms were – rocking the house off its foundations. Edie had many of them thanks to my dedicated efforts on her behalf; I also enjoyed several. At one point, I shut the window in our bedroom lest the neighbors think someone was being murdered in the room.

When we declared success in that evening’s part of our sexual journey, I cuddled Edie to my chest. We were still wide-awake, but aglow in each other’s love. We were also sticky in the nicest of ways and with best of fluids. I could feel her breasts against my side, her nipples still aroused and giving me similar feelings just because I felt them rubbing against me. One of her fingers made sensuous circles through the small amount of hair I had on my chest. Periodically, one of us would feel the urge to kiss the other, but other than that we were silent and happy.

I thought of Edie’s request and worried she had significantly underestimated the work and dedication a child requires for the rest of her life – probably every body that had ever had children did. If I fathered a child with her, what would that mean for me – or the two of us? I had no problem with being close and loving Edie the rest of my life.

I finally spoke trying to be careful with my words so they didn’t hurt Edie; “Are you sure you’ve considered how much work a baby would be? Summer told me she barely had time for George and Little Jim, and now she has Little Crystal.”

Edie cheerfully said, “Oh, we’ve talked, and we’ll share the responsibilities for each other’s children. Little Jim is already used to me. I’m his second mama.”

“Huh? What do you mean ‘share’?”

“You know, when we’re living together.”

“Wait. Who’s living together?”

“Oh, I guess I wasn’t clear. George, Summer, and me. The three of us have agreed to be a ménage á trois going forward. I’m in their bed as much as I can be, or I was until Summer needed to spread out more because of her big belly.”

I spoke, “But, what about your job with the newspaper?”

Edie informed me from her supine position, “That’s what I meant about making an economic contribution to this family; I want to continue working. Dayton is less than an hour away, and my boss has agreed to let me telecommute so long as I’m giving the paper meaty stories. My hours have been crazy anyway, but that will work to our advantage because I’ll be home many days to care for the kids while Summer also works. When she’s home in the evening, I can be out attending various meetings or speeches or interviews.”

“When will you three find time to spend together – and have three children?”

Edie thought, “I’m not out every night, but that’s a good question. We’ll have to manage our time.”

I told her, “You know I love you, and several other women. There aren’t enough hours in the day for me to devote the time I want with each of them. I’m constantly carrying around some guilt about this – actually, a lot of guilt. Now, with the Ellis children – and maybe yours – I’ll need to find even more time for my loved ones.”

Edie said, “Well, at least, a bunch of us would be in one place here in Greenville, Ohio.”

I nodded decisively. I would have to talk to my rock about it; Crystal always had insights into situations like this that I had overlooked. I mentally took the entire ‘Edie-Baby’ issue and put it on a shelf, mentally visualizing walking across a room, and placing the box containing the issue and all it entailed on a shelf at eye level where I’d pay attention to it. I instantly felt relieved of needing to solve the problem in that instant.

Edie asked, “What just happened? A whole lot of tension just left your body.”

I smiled, “I just put your request and my needing to think about it aside for now, but don’t worry; I will come back to it again, but not on this trip. Let me know when you’re ready.” I described my visualization process to her, and she said she’d do the same thing – for now. With what little I knew about women; I knew she wouldn’t let the matter drop anytime soon.

The next morning, we went and visited Summer in the hospital. She told us she was coming home later that afternoon after her doctor released her and Baby Crystal. We left for lunch. George went back to the hospital to pick up Summer and the baby. While he was gone, Edie and I decorated the house with streamers and balloons in the living room, and a few in the baby’s room. Since many neighbors knew Summer had been expecting, I also tied a bundle of pink helium-filled balloons with smiley faces and the phrase ‘It’s a girl’ on them on the mailbox beside the street. After that, Edie and I played mommy and daddy with Little Jim. He loved the devoted attention of two adults.

Summer and the baby came home shortly before dinner. She walked sort of bowlegged from the car to the house, commenting later that the stitches from her episiotomy were still sore. She insisted on carrying the baby, but George and I were on either side of her just in case she felt a little unsteady. She loved our celebratory decorations, but went right into the master bedroom and lay down. We allowed her to nap, and fortunately the baby slept too – right beside her in a bassinet.

Little Jim now had George, Edie, and me playing with him, a situation that appealed to him in large measure. As we played, Edie and George told me about the various conversations they and Summer had about the ménage á trois. After laying out their thinking, I felt they’d covered all the bases. I felt better about Edie’s request that I impregnate her after hearing the support network that would surround her in the Ellis’ home. Moreover, I could see the love in George’s eyes for Edie; it had been there for nine months, a time period that transcended the initial period of transient or new relationship energy between the pair.

Around dinnertime, Edie became domestic in the kitchen while George and I kept her company and fed Little Jim. Summer came out of the bedroom carrying the baby. At her request, George and I carried one of the cushy living room chairs into the kitchen. We moved the dining table and other chairs into a cramped corner to accommodate the larger chair that let Summer sit in a way so she could nurse the baby, although the babe wasn’t taking that much fluid.

After a modest attempt at nursing the small baby curled up on Summer’s chest and went back to sleep. Summer talked normally with us, and the tiny baby seemed undisturbed by the conversation. After hearing of our earlier conversation, Summer also chimed in on the ménage á trois, describing her views and expressing her love for Edie. Edie came by several times and kissed George and Summer.

During dinner, Edie helped feed Summer so she wouldn’t have to move the sleeping baby. In that interaction, I could see the caring and love between the two women. It wasn’t the sappy kind of sapphic love some might think, but a mature and caring interaction between the two.

I helped Edie clean up the leftovers and dishes. She knew the kitchen area as well as George, a point that made me realize just how frequent a visitor she must have been to their home. After dinner, Edie and I gave Little Jim a bath, read two books to him, and nudged him to bed. George came in for a goodnight kiss at just the right moment. I thought of all the daddies and mommies this child and Little Crystal were about to have.

As we walked back into the living room, Edie held me back a minute. She whispered to me, “I need to be with George for a little while. Could you snuggle with Summer?” She looked so sincere in her request; I wondered how anyone could say no. I surely didn’t.

I nodded my understanding.

In the living room, Edie caught George before he sat down, nudging him to the master bedroom. He blushed at Summer and me, but went willingly with Edie. Summer looked exceptionally pleased with the situation. After they disappeared, she said, “Edie is such a love. I can’t imagine our lives without her, plus she’s brought new dimensions to how George and I love each other.”

I sat next to Summer and wrapped my arms around her and the baby. We kissed and made out for quite a while. I had no expectation of sex with Summer, only the expression of our love for one another. We cuddled and whispered words of love to each other for over an hour before Edie and George reappeared with satisfied looks on their faces.

George gave me the eye, and I knew he wanted to sit next to his wife. I moved to a chair, and Edie came and sat in my lap. She wore a thin t-shirt from one of my concerts. As she cuddled into me, I realized that was all she wore; the shirt rode up exposing her ass and pussy to the three of us. I think we all got turned on.

Edie tried to give me a lap dance much to everyone’s laughter. Nonetheless, her seduction worked, and soon I had a noticeable lump that needed attention. Summer announced that she and George were going to bed; she gave me a wink.

Edie pulled me upstairs to the guest room. She announced in a near whisper to me as she flowed into my arms after closing the door, “I’m still very horny. I sure hope you are, because if you’re not you will be in only a few minutes after I’m through with you.”

Edie pulled my shirt over my head, kissed her way around my neck and chest, and then allowed me to pull the t-shirt over her head exposing her supple body. I returned the favor of kisses over her neck and breasts, driving her wild by sucking each nipple into my mouth and biting on the nub just the way I knew drove her crazy.

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