Crystal Clear - Book Two
Copyright© 2024 by Wolf
Chapter 37: Swimming nude, Nadia’s sexy toga party
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 37: Swimming nude, Nadia’s sexy toga party - Book 2 in the Crystal Clear series, with Jim Mellon, country singer, and his ongoing romance with singer Crystal Lee, her sister Ellen, and others. This story is unique but does build on the Road Trip series. Jim finds more ways to be a lover, a hero, a patriot, a savior, a dedicated partner, and an inspiration to those around him. Join Jim as he continues his sexy journey through life.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Fiction Incest Group Sex Polygamy/Polyamory Swinging Cream Pie Masturbation Oral Sex Voyeurism
My dive neatly cut the water, leaving little back splash. I soared under the surface for thirty feet or so before my natural buoyancy carried me to the surface. The endorphins I’d generated from a seven-mile run put me on an elated high. The meditation time I’d spent in the forest clearing near the back of the house had given me clarity and renewed spiritual awareness for the day. I felt a unity with mind, body, and spirit, as well as good Chi. I allowed myself to float on my back, effortlessly, looking up at a bright blue heaven of a perfect morning in Nashville.
I thought about heaven, and what it must be like. In a way, I didn’t believe in either a heaven or a hell – these were constructs of man, not of some vengeful God who made decisions on where you would spend the rest of eternity. I believed in angels too, but not the kind with wings; more like spiritual guides that we should listen to more frequently. I believed in an after life and a before life; I had trouble envisioning what that place and space and time would be like, but I had always carried great faith that these were real experiences of the spirit – the soul.
The bomb explosion in Dublin had reminded me how thin the veil between life and death could be – the tether between this world and some other. But it wasn’t just the bomb and the damage it did – the fatalities, or how close it had come to killing many hundreds of innocents. What bothered me most was how terrible one person’s mind had become to try to wreak that kind of damage on their fellow spirits. I pushed the thoughts away and went back to staring at a cloud slowly changing color as its angle to the sun changed.
One by one each of the four women in the pool came and kissed me. I told each of them how I loved them and treasured my relationship with them. I made sure to do that often; I didn’t want to pass to another world someday and have left things like that unsaid. We had an unusual relationship with each other, a single male loved and was intimate with these women who also loved each other. Further, there were others in our circle of intimacy – other men and women who shared a willingness to open up and love freely. I felt a close and deep bond with every one of them, closer, I realized, than I had felt with Karen – my late wife, or with my stoic parents when they were alive, or with my sister growing up – before we changed our relationship to one that included physical intimacy and romantic love for one another, a relationship that brought us together in mind, body, and spirit.
These relationships were not only about lust for one another, although that mortal activity certainly played a core role in our thinking each day; but also, we related to each other with love. In that love, we pushed each other to do better, to be the best we could be at whatever we chose, to find joy in each moment, and to savor the ‘Now’ of that moment. We were each other’s best friends forever and their most intimate lovers. We were all open to new relationships, but few stood the test of time that our core circle enjoyed.
Nadia’s nude body went up the stairs out of the pool and as usual my eyes locked onto her positively adorable and perfectly shaped ass. I even think I might have drooled for a few seconds. She turned back to us and said, “Breakfast in ten minutes my darlings. I could use one person to help carry the trays out here.” Claire went up the stairs to help Nadia, also displaying a naked derriere that certainly deserved a silver medal. The ‘Here’ Nadia referred to was the patio behind the house I shared with Crystal outside of Nashville. Nadia had continued to play the role of housekeeper for us despite our attempts to put her on a more equal basis since she had become our paramour; the auburn-haired Russian imp told us, “Maybe some day I’ll be a different kind of partner, but for now this is how I want to show my love for you.” When she wasn’t playing housekeeper, she continued working on a bachelor’s degree at the college two towns over. I could only imagine the chaos she created on campus when she wore tight jeans and a form-fitting top. Nadia also had a ‘rack’ worthy of ogling.
Nadia occasionally went out on dates with some of her classmates, a point made complicated because she averaged four years older than the men in her class at college. Nonetheless, she looked the right age partly because she was petite, barely topping five feet tall. While Crystal and I had been on a concert and movie premiere tour in Europe, Nadia had gotten on the social circuit at the college; she now routinely attended weekend fraternity house parties. We hadn’t had time to talk in detail, but she implied that she already had some wild stories to tell about some of the parties; as she put it, “I see sexy things, and I do sexy things; when the time is right, I tell you my stories so you ... you make love to me harder and faster.” Now, that sounded like a series of tales I had to hear.
Claire climbed from the pool to help. She ran a towel over her gorgeous body – trim, with not an ounce of fat anywhere. Her breasts shimmied as she did her back pulling the towel from side to side; her long red hair lay in long damp ringlets on either shoulder almost reaching down to her nipples. Claire blossomed in our love, coming from a rescue by Jill Danes – the actress, and from a career path she hadn’t liked but had felt trapped in, as a porn movie queen and a high-end call girl. Now that she had shared her secret life with us, she seemed more relaxed and wanted to talk about those years in her life, perhaps as a catharsis of her spirit. The adult trade had taught her skills she willingly shared with us about how to please each other; plus, she had shared a few stories that turned us on – stories of sex and seduction, stories of love and lust and power.
Claire had become Ellen’s partner in many ways. They been Sapphic lovers the entire time we were away in Europe – usually including Nadia, but they each admitted that they pined away for Crystal and me to come home. Claire told me the first night we were home, “I am bisexual, but just spent all these weeks being a lesbian. I want to be with you a lot; I love you. I want to be bisexual again, but I need my quota of your manhood inside me for balance.” Ellen who lay nude beside us at the time agreed.
Ellen followed Claire from the pool, also pausing to wring out her long brunette tresses. She made it a tie for the silver medal of rear ends along with Claire. When I’d first met Ellen, she had a mix of sophistication and immaturity about her. The latter took the form of self-centeredness; a need to stand out regardless of situation, and a sense of privilege because she’d recently completed her degree. Perhaps it was Claire and my influence, but Ellen had mellowed into a more balanced mature young woman in the two years I’d known her. She had gone from superficial to deep, from flighty to intellectual, from self-centered to other centered, she’d adopted a nearby dog rescue as a ‘cause’ she spent some of her free hours helping, not afraid to get her hands dirty. She’d learned how to reach out to others, and that skill now showed in all she did, especially when she was around us. Moreover, with my agent Terry’s help, she had grounded herself in the entertainment industry as an associate producer of pop and country music. All this, yet she’d kept her friendliness, youthful enthusiasm, and bubbly personality that endeared her to everyone.
Crystal floated to me again, her nude body pressing against mine. I loved the feel of her against me. She kissed me and said, “I love you more every day than the day before, but not as much as tomorrow.” We hugged, and I confirmed my deep emotional feeling for her. Crystal had taken my life, broken from the shattering death of my wife and the resultant loss of all motivation except to ride my motorcycle across the country, and given me an opportunity to excel in new ways and new places as a country singer – a good one, a popular one whose songs sold millions of copies, much to my surprise. She’d also drawn me out by her care in a loving and forgiving relationship, helping me to love again. She always gave of herself to others – her time, talent, and treasure helped so many, and by example she’d taught all of us how to ‘give back’ for the gifts the Universe had bestowed on us.
The girls all put on light wraps, and I slipped into a pair of black briefs that could also pass as a very thin bathing suit. Nadia produced eggs benedict with her own custom sauce that made the meat and eggs melt in your mouth with a delicious after-taste.
The five of us sat and chatted, but mostly I listened and watched the women and how they interacted with each other. I had to pause my mental processes and say a prayer of thanks to the Universe for these women in my life – open, loving, passionate, forgiving, tolerant, and fun loving. I couldn’t fantasize of a more erotic or exotic life; I lived it. I couldn’t ask for more love; I had it delivered to me every minute of every day. I couldn’t feel deeper joy; my life had an amazing abundance of happiness. My prior life must have been awful, because this one was heavenly.
“Oh, come on, Nadia. You’ve got to tell us some story about your life on campus. We know you too well; you’ve got to have some sexy story to share,” Crystal chided Nadia to open up about one of her experiences. Ellen and Claire joined in trying to coax the petite Russian bombshell into a sexy story. The six of us sat around in our living room on a Saturday evening: Crystal, Ellen, Claire, Nadia, Terry, and me.
Nadia began in her cute Russian accent, “I met this handsome man on the campus. He study engineering, play basketball, and is member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. He called Sean – an Irish name, I think, but he is American man. He knows everyone on campus, and has dated lots of women, but say he likes me best. I could see he was a ladies man, but not one to be tied down in relationship. This suit me fine; I just want good time with no apron string either. We talk after class one day, and I guess we impress each other. He asked me to a fraternity party – this was about seven weeks ago.”
Claire said in a taunting tone, “Enough background; get to the good stuff.”
Nadia went on, ignoring the interruption; “So, Sean explained to me about toga party like the Romans used to have two thousand years ago. The party had live rock band, kegs of beer, lots of other booze, and to not my surprise a whole house full of horny people.”
Ellen asked, “Did you wear a toga?”
“Oh, yes. I came home after he asked me, and I studied what Romans really wore. I find that togas were mostly wool, and I asked Sean about it next day and he explain that a bed sheet would be a fine substitute in this climate. I also find that Roman’s don’t wear underwear in those days like we do; instead, they wear loincloths or little aprons in case toga happen to come unwrapped. I guess in those days women don’t cover their breasts so much as today, only their pussies, and men their penises.”
I started to chuckle at how the Russian imp must have viewed her upcoming toga party, believing it to be a serious costume party deserving of study beforehand so she would be properly attired for her date.
Nadia continued, “So, I borrowed some Sandals from Crystal’s closet, and I take a white bed sheet, and I use sewing machine with some scrap material to make a loincloth. I carefully try everything on, and I am really enjoying freedom my breasts and pussy feel with practically nothing around them. I mean the loincloth is like just a flap of material in front of me, but I am all naked underneath it; and with no bra, breasts can more freely – I find later they even rub against the material and keep my nipples erect all night – well, all night up until I took toga off.”
Crystal leaned forward with a licentious grin, “You took the toga off? What happened then?”
Nadia also ignored Crystal’s question; she seemed intent to tell the story at her own pace. “So, I drove to campus to meet Sean and go to party. He kissed me a lot in welcome – oh, we had kissed a lot before too, but not done anything else. So, I feel all lovey-dovey with him at the start of the evening. I put toga and makeup on in his room at the frat house, we went downstairs to the party, and we start drinking beer. I take it easy on the booze; I know my limits. I can see Sean is careful drinker too. We alternated between beer and soda, but we were very happy in any case.”
“I saw girls from my classes that I know, and I think we found comfort that we knew each other and were at same party. One girl tells me, ‘This party is so cool – a real blowout.’ She said, ‘Everything you dream about will happen tonight – you can get laid in so many different ways by so many different guys.’ I made note of her comment. I wonder if Toga Party will be like one of our orgies. I hoped so.”
Nadia continued, “Sean and I danced a lot at the beginning. We got all heated up with the music and hard dancing. All my body parts go in motion, especially my bum and my breasts, and I guessed Sean got really excited about me. I pushed my pussy against Sean’s leg and humped him; he liked that a lot and pushed back. Other girls started to do the same dance step with their dates. By the way, I saw other girls at the party cheated; they wore bikinis or a bra and regular panties or thongs. I felt freer than them and happy I did my toga research.”
“Sean rediscovered my pretty tush early in evening. He had seen me in jeans, but toga I wore was not too revealing because of the way it draped over my backside. He cupped my ass with his hands and pulled the sheet tight over my buns, so he could show his ‘brothers’ how ‘sweet my ass is.’ I liked putting on a show for Sean, so I wiggled my butt a lot for everyone. The ‘brothers’ and some of the girls cheered and spilled beer on my butt getting my toga wet. Some patted my ass with their hands – even some girls. I think they don’t believe I am real, but you know that I am. At first, I got a little embarrassed, but then I loosened up. This was to be a wild party, so I must play my part.” Nadia giggled.
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