Dual Heritage - Cover

Dual Heritage

Copyright© 2024 by IanFlint

Chapter 22

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Tragedy struck Mark at a young age, leaving him with a heart full of unspoken words and a future shrouded in uncertainty. Raised by his aunt, he navigated the choppy waters of adolescence and eventually found a semblance of normalcy in a mundane, predictable routine. College, part-time job – even his social life, an endless cycle of bad dates and even worse pickup lines - It wasn’t exciting, but it was safe. Familiar. But fate, it seems, had other plans.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   High Fantasy   Mystery   Magic   Vampires   Were animal   Demons   Harem  

Mark pushed open the door to the coffee shop, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and warm pastries washing over him like a comforting wave. He found a corner booth by the window, the worn leather seat creaking as he slumped into it. The glass felt cool against his head as he leaned back, closing his eyes for a moment. What a goddamn day.

The hum of conversation, the clink of cups, and the soft hiss of the espresso machine formed a soothing backdrop, a welcome respite from the chaos in his head.

“Hey there,” a chipper voice broke through his thoughts. “What’s your pick-me-up?”

Mark opened his eyes to see a barista standing by his table, a notepad in hand and an easy grin on her face. Her neon-pink streaked hair stood out. She seemed more alive than the whole room combined.

“Cappuccino,” he said, rubbing his temples. “Make it strong.”

“Got it. Bad day?”

“You could say that.”

“Well, we specialize in liquid therapy here. One strong cappuccino coming up.”

She walked away, and Mark let his gaze wander- the mismatched chairs, the worn wooden tables, the colorful artwork on the walls. It was relatively quiet, just a few students huddled over laptops, a couple of businessmen talking shop, and an elderly woman reading a kindle.

It had a homey charm he usually found comforting. Today, though, it was hard to focus on anything but the mess in his head.

His conversation with Alex replayed on a loop: Adira, Crescent, duties, bloodlines. Was Alex telling the truth, or was it all manipulation? He still didn’t know enough about this world, about the rules, the power dynamics, the hidden agendas.

Either way, it meant one thing—Adira was going to be a problem.

“Here you go,” the barista said, placing the cappuccino in front of him. The foam swirled in delicate, precise patterns. “Strong enough to knock you out or keep you up all night.”

He chuckled softly. “Thanks.”

“So,” she said, leaning against the table, her eyes twinkling, “what’s eating you? You look like you’ve been put through the wringer.”

Mark chuckled humorlessly. “Relationship troubles.”

“Oh, trouble in paradise? Fight with the girlfriend?”

“Not exactly. It’s complicated. Let’s just say I like this girl, but her mother doesn’t approve. Thinks I’m not good enough for her daughter. Wants her to marry someone ... richer. Like, Scrooge McDuck levels of rich.”

“That’s rough.”

“Yeah, tell me about it,” he muttered, taking a sip. The coffee was strong, bitter but balanced with a creamy sweetness. It jolted his senses, cutting through his exhaustion just enough to let him think straight. “Thanks for this. It’s really good.”

“Glad to help,” she said, giving him a quick wink. “If you need anything else, just holler. And I really hope everything works out for you.”

Mark gave her a half-smile as she moved on to the next table.

Stirring his coffee absentmindedly, he watched the steam curl up lazily. Thoughts swirled in his head like sugar dissolving in the dark brew. Alex’s words had only added to the confusion, leaving him more puzzled than before.

The foam in his cup danced as he tilted it, creating fleeting shapes that dissolved just as quickly.

He stared at the foam left in his mug, patterns forming and breaking as he tilted it. Adira. Chairwoman. Her name carried weight. A formidable woman, a purist by the sounds of it.

What the hell did Ria grow up with? He thought he understood the world she came from, but now he wasn’t so sure.

Mark’s thoughts kept circling back to Ria and her family. Why hasn’t she told them about me? Would Adira care that he’s a hybrid, or would that make things worse?

He doubted it would help. Especially considering his weird duality. Yeah, that’d go over great. Hi, mam. I am your daughter’s boyfriend. By the way, I have an affinity everyone hates and fears.

He took a hefty gulp, the potent liquid barely making a dent in the tangled mess of thoughts crowding his mind. Just as he was sinking deeper into his mental maze, a buzz from his phone shook him out of it.

Unknown number. He hesitated, then answered.


“Hey, Mark. It’s ... Vizi.”

Mark’s eyes narrowed. What the hell?

“What do you want?”

“Relax,” Vizi replied, his voice smooth, almost too smooth. “I heard about ... the incident. Alex and his friends. Did they attack you?”

How did he find out so quickly? “Yeah ... But it’s handled. We sorted things out.”

A long silence stretched between them.

“Look, Mark,” Vizi finally said, his voice surprisingly conciliatory, “I know we got off on the wrong foot. I’d like to ... clear the air. Can we meet?”


“I just want to explain a few things, to offer ... a different perspective.”

“A different perspective?” Mark scoffed. “Weren’t you the one who showed up at my house, demanding Ria return to Crescent? Yeah, I think I got your perspective loud and clear.”

“I did what I thought was best at the time,” Vizi said, his voice carefully neutral. “Given the recent ... events ... But I’ve had a chance to reconsider.”

“What makes you think I’d care what you have to say?”

“Because I know you care about Ria. And, like it or not, I care about her too. I’ve known her family for years. I’ve seen what Crescent does to people. I’m not here to make your life harder. I just want to talk.”

“Why are you even calling me?”

“Just ... a chance to clear the air, Mark. Maybe find some common ground.”

Mark’s fingers drummed against the table as he mulled over the offer. He didn’t trust Vizi, not for a second. Could he actually mean it? Or was this just another play?

“Fine. Let’s meet.”

“Excellent. I’m free now. Where are you?”

“Java Nook. Downtown. You know it?”

“I’ll be there in ten.”

Before Mark could reply, the line went dead. He stared at the phone, his stomach twisting. What’s this guy’s angle?

What does this guy want? Why the sudden interest in my well-being? And what’s his connection to Lida? It felt like his life, once a relatively straight path, had turned into a tangled maze, each turn leading him deeper into the unknown. Just when he thought he was getting the hang of things, that he was finding his footing in this crazy new world, and now this.

Just when I thought I had it all figured out...

Shortly after, the door jingled, and there he was. Vizi strode in, his sharp suit somehow looking out of place among the mismatched chairs and artsy décor of the coffee shop. His eyes wandered until they landed on Mark. Without hesitation, he walked over and slid into the booth across from him.


“What do you want?” He asked bluntly, not bothering with pleasantries.

“Whoa, easy there, cowboy,” Vizi replied, holding his hands up “Just checking in. Making sure you’re okay after ... the incident with Alex and his friends.”

“I’m fine. Took care of it.”


“No need to sound impressed.”

“Impressed?” Vizi chuckled. “Don’t flatter yourself, kid. You might be new to this world, but you’ve been trained by one of the best. This much is expected.”

The barista interrupted, her smile a stark contrast to the tension at the table. “What can I get you?”

“Double shot espresso. Make it quick please.”

“Sure thing, coming right up,” she said, jotting down the order and heading to the counter.

“Cut the crap. What are you really here for?”

“I meant what I said. I want to clear the air. Alex acted out of line, and I’m here to make sure there’s no ... lingering misunderstandings.”

“Misunderstandings? Like trying to kill me?”

“Mark, if they wanted you dead, they wouldn’t have sent Alex. That wasn’t the intent.”

“Then what was it? A warning? A scare tactic?”

“Something like that,” Vizi admitted, his gaze steady. “But that’s not why I’m here now. I want to make sure you understand the stakes. And to let you know ... not everyone in Crescent agrees with the Chairwoman.”

“And why should I believe you?”

Vizi’s espresso arrived, interrupting his response. He thanked the barista with a quick nod before turning back to Mark. “You don’t have to believe me,” he said, lifting the cup to his lips. “But if you care about Ria, you’ll at least hear me out.”

“I don’t buy it. Why are you really here?”

“As I said, I wanted to check on you. Believe it or not, Lida would have my head if anything happened to you.”

“What does she have to do with this?”

“She wouldn’t want to see her nephew get hurt. We don’t want your girlfriend’s coven flattened to the ground now do we?”

“She wouldn’t do something so drastic.” He knew his aunt was fiercely protective, but even she won’t go that for, right?

“You’d be surprised what Lida is capable of when she’s angry. Trust me, you don’t want to be on her bad side.”

“You seem to know her pretty well.”

“Let’s just say she and I have ... history.”

The air grew heavy with silence, wrapping around Mark like a suffocating blanket. His mind raced, a whirlwind of thoughts crashing against the walls of his skull. How the heck was he supposed to move forward from here?

“You’re not going to ask?” Vizi asked. “About my history with Lida?”

“If she wanted me to know, she’d tell me herself.”

“You’re more level-headed than I expected. Most people in your position would be all over the place, wanting to know every little detail.”

“Well, as you pointed out I was not only trained but was raised by a pretty decent person. I guess some of it rubbed off on me.”

A genuine smile, the first Mark had ever seen from him, flickered across Vizi’s face. “I guess it did.”

“So, what’s the real story here? Why the sudden interest in Ria and me? Why the change of heart?”

“I’m here to make sure Alex’s little stunt doesn’t spiral into something worse.”

“I told you, I handled it.”

“Sure,” Vizi said, leaning back. “But the Chairwoman might not see it that way.”

“What are you even talking about?”

“Adira doesn’t like loose ends. And right now, you’re a frayed thread dangling in her neatly woven plans.”

“If she’s got a problem, she can take it up with me. I’m not going anywhere.”

Vizi studied him for a long moment, his gaze calculating. “You really don’t get it, do you? This isn’t just about you. This is about Crescent. About what Ria represents.”

“Enlighten me.”

“She’s the heir to one of the most powerful covens in the world. Adira sees her as a legacy, a symbol of Crescent’s strength and tradition. You? You’re an anomaly. A wildcard. Someone who doesn’t fit into her perfectly curated narrative.”

“And you care because...?”

“Because I know what happens to people who get in Adira’s way. And I don’t want that for you. Or for Ria. Let me tell you something, Mark. In this world, knowledge is power. Information is currency. And right now, you’re operating without any dollar.”

“What are you suggesting?”

“I’m suggesting you stop stumbling around in the dark, fighting battles you don’t understand. Let me teach you how to play the game. Let me show you the ropes.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means you’re dealing with more than just Ria’s overbearing mother,” Vizi explained. “You’ve attracted the attention of people far more dangerous. If you want to keep Ria safe – and yourself alive – you’ll need more than raw power. You’ll need strategy. Connections. And most importantly, knowledge.”

“So, what you’re saying is, Ria’s not safe with me?”

“I’m saying her mother’s up to something. And you’re caught in the crossfire. And I can help.”

Mark’s fingers drummed against his empty coffee cup, his thoughts a chaotic jumble. He thought back to Elia’s words: You’re out of your depth, kid. Maybe he was right. Power alone wasn’t enough. He needed to understand the rules of this game, the players, the stakes. But still...

“And you’re just offering all this ... out of the goodness of your heart?”

Vizi chuckled. “Hardly. I have my reasons.”

“How did you even know about the fight with Alex?”

“You weren’t exactly subtle. And besides, word travels fast in our world. Especially when it involves the Chairwoman’s daughter and her ... choice of companion.”

Mark stared at him, his gaze unwavering. “Look, I appreciate the warning, but I can handle myself. I don’t need your help.”

“Look, I’m not trying to step on your toes or anything. I just want to make sure everyone stays safe. Including you.”

“I appreciate the sentiment but I don’t trust you. I don’t know what your angle is, and I’m not about to take your word for it.”

Vizi raised an eyebrow, surprised but not offended. “I can’t blame you for being cautious. But let me assure you, I’m not the enemy here. I want the same thing you do.”

“I am sure you do.”

“Listen, Mark. I just...” Vizi’s phone rang, interrupting him mid-sentence. He glanced at the caller ID, his expression hardening as he answered.

“Yes? What is it?”

His easygoing demeanor vanished as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line. His brow furrowed, his jaw tightened, and when he finally hung up, his expression was grim.

“We have a problem.”

“What happened?”

“Ria found out about Alex and his ... enthusiastic attempt to convince you to stay away from her. She’s causing a bit of a stir at Crescent. Things are getting ... heated.”

“You’re kidding.”

Seriously? News travels that fast? Mark felt a surge of annoyance. He’d hoped to deal with this situation quietly, without involving Ria, without adding more fuel to the fire.

“Wish I was,” Vizi muttered. “It’s escalating fast. I need to get to Crescent before this turns into a full-blown disaster.”

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