Dual Heritage - Cover

Dual Heritage

Copyright© 2024 by IanFlint

Chapter 13

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Tragedy struck Mark at a young age, leaving him with a heart full of unspoken words and a future shrouded in uncertainty. Raised by his aunt, he navigated the choppy waters of adolescence and eventually found a semblance of normalcy in a mundane, predictable routine. College, part-time job – even his social life, an endless cycle of bad dates and even worse pickup lines - It wasn’t exciting, but it was safe. Familiar. But fate, it seems, had other plans.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   High Fantasy   Mystery   Magic   Vampires   Were animal   Demons   Harem  

The kitchen was thick with tension and the light flickered like it was nervous too.

Lida, with her eyebrows scrunched up in focus, was patching up the cuts on Mark’s arm and shoulder. The antiseptic bit into his skin, but that was nothing compared to the worry eating him up inside.

He’d spilled the whole story—the near-kidnapping, the warehouse brawl, Elia’s sudden appearance, the car wreck—each word a heavy stone dropping from his mouth.

Lida hadn’t said a word since, and her silence was freaking him out more than any lecture. Her eyes, sharp and steady, felt like they were boring a hole right through Mark.

I’m so screwed. No matter how much he tried to steer clear, trouble always seemed to find him.

Ria, sitting beside him, her own injuries tended to, broke the silence. “How did they even find you?”

“No clue.”

He hadn’t considered that before. It had all happened so fast. But they’d been waiting.

“Whoever they are, they’re clearly not messing around. To have a Vora working for them...”

“A Vora?” Lida’s head snapped up. “Are you sure?”

Ria nodded. “Positive. We have a few in our association. I recognize the ... corruption.”

Vora. Mark’s mind scrambled to recall what little he knew about them. Corrupted by magic. Dangerous. Unstable.

He thought back to the masked woman, her grotesque face, the aura of decay that clung to her, her unnatural strength and agility. It all clicked into place.

Shit. This is bad.

The fight had been in a public place. Someone must have seen something, recorded it. The thought made his stomach churn.

“There were people. Someone must have seen us. What if this gets out?”

“Don’t worry,” Ria said calmly. “I already contacted my association. They’ll handle it. They’re good at keeping things quiet.”

Mark wasn’t sure what that meant exactly, but Lida didn’t seem worried, so he let it go.

Lida’s expression softened as she took in the younger woman’s messy state, her dress torn and stained with blood and dirt. “Why don’t you go take a shower, dear? You can use the bathroom upstairs.”

“Oh, no, it’s okay,” Ria said, waving it off. “I’ll just go home and...”

“Nonsense,” Lida interrupted gently. “It’s late, and you’re exhausted. Stay here. You can borrow some of Mark’s clothes. Neither of you are in any shape to drive right now.”

“Oh, I don’t want to put...”

“Seriously, Ria ... it’s no trouble. Go on, get cleaned up.”

Ria hesitated, a faint blush creeping up her cheeks. She glanced at Mark, a silent question in her eyes. He offered her a reassuring smile.

“Thank, Lida. That’s ... very kind of you.” She stood, her movements a bit stiff, and headed upstairs.

The room went quiet again, the silence thick and stifling. Lida kept busy cleaning up the first-aid kit, her movements precise, her face giving nothing away.

Mark squirmed in his chair, the silence making his anxiety feel even worse.

“So,” he blurted, trying to break the tension. “No lecture? Tell me how reckless I am? Not even a ‘you should’ve minded your own business’?”

“What’s the point? You wouldn’t listen anyway.”

“Hey, I listen. Sometimes at least.”

Lida turned, her gaze meeting his, a mixture of weariness and irritation in her eyes. “Those men were dangerous. What were you thinking, getting involved?”

“They were going to hurt that woman, kidnap her,” he argued, his voice rising. “I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing.”

“I understand that. But you need to be smarter about it. You can’t just rush into every fight, guns blazing. These people, they’re bad news.”

“I can handle myself.” He was tired of the constant warnings, the suffocating protectiveness.

“I know you can!” She exclaimed. “But when will you learn to be smart about it? Not every fight needs to be yours.”

“I was just trying to have a nice date for crying out loud,” he shot back. “It’s not like I asked for this to happen.”

“But it did happen, Mark! That’s why I keep telling you to stay away from this, from all of this. To keep a low profile! It’s dangerous, unpredictable. And for God’s sake, why didn’t you tell me what happened? We could have figured out something, taken precautions.”

“Because I knew how you’d react. You’d freak out, lecture me about responsibility and...”

“I only do that because you have this habit rushing into situations without thinking. Sometimes, the smartest thing to do is walk away, to let others handle things. You don’t have to play the hero every—”

“I wasn’t playing anything!” Mark’s voice rose, his anger boiling over. “I was minding my own damn business, like always, and I stumbled into a situation where a couple of assholes were about to rape an unconscious woman. What was I supposed to do? Walk away? Pretend I didn’t see anything?”

Lida opened her mouth, but Mark pressed on, words tumbling out.

“I called the cops, yes, but it’s not like they were going to magically appear the second you dial 911. So, yeah, I stepped in. I stopped them. What’s so wrong with that?”

“Mark, I...”

“And don’t give me that ‘be smart’ bullshit! You’re the one who always told me to help people, to do the right thing. So I did! I helped! And look where it got me - a busted shoulder and your lecture. And then, tonight? Same damn thing! Elia and his psycho sidekick show up, looking for revenge. What, was I supposed to just let them hurt us?”

He glared at her, his chest heaving with anger and frustration. Lida didn’t speak, her silence amplifying the tension in the room. Finally, she let out a long, weary sigh.

“Your ability to bullshit your way out of situations is getting better with each passing day.”

“It’s not bullshit—”

“Alright, alright...” Lida cut in, raising her hand. “You were in a situation where you felt you had to act. I get it. But that doesn’t excuse you from keeping me in the dark.”

He remained silent.

“Do they ... Do they know about your... abilities?”

Mark sighed, nodding. “The guy, Elia, he saw me use the blades at the warehouse. And tonight, he kept taunting me, trying to get me to use them again.”

“So, he knows,” Lida frowned. “Not good. Makes you a target.”

“I know.”

“This just makes things more complicated.”

Great. Just great. A teleporting psychopath with a vendetta. What could possibly go wrong?

“What’s our next move?”

“Information,” Lida said firmly. “We need to find out who these people are, what they want. Ria’s association, Crescent, should be able to help us.”

“Why would they help us?”

“They owe me a few favors.”

Figures. It seemed like everyone owed her a favor. He wondered what kind of favors she’d called in over the years, what kind of debts these people were repaying.

“I also have some contacts in the police department,” she continued. “Maybe the woman you rescued knows something. Do you know her name?”

“I left before the cops got there. I doubt she even knows what happened. She was unconscious the whole time.”

She sighed. “Alright. I’ll see what I can find out. In the meantime, Mark, be careful. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Ha! When have I ever?”

“I’m serious—”

“Yes, yes, stay safe, keep my head down, not everyone’s who they say they are, blah, blah, blah,” Mark recited, rolling his eyes. “See? I listen.”

“That’s the problem, Mark. You listen, but you don’t hear.”

“What’s the difference?”

Lida just stared at him, her silence speaking volumes.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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