How I Became a Porn Star...(Revised) - Cover

How I Became a Porn Star...(Revised)

Copyright© 2024 by Zak

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - To this day, I will never know why she chose me. I was sitting in my local pub in my hometown when she came over and sat opposite me. It was 1980, and what she said next changed the rest of my life forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   True Story   Workplace   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Indian Female   Analingus   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Safe Sex   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts   Violence  

To this day, I will never know why she chose me. I was just sitting having a beer in my local pub in my hometown when she came over and sat opposite me. It was 1980, and what she said next changed the rest of my life forever.

Before I tell you about that, let me tell you all about me. I was raised from a young age in a council children’s home, and as far as I know, I have no siblings.

I never met my parents, and I know nothing about them. I was always a big lad for my size; I loved sports, especially rugby, where I played in the back row.

I left school at fifteen and did quite a few manual jobs. I mainly worked on building sites and farms, which did do me the world of good. I was not a gym-bound muscleman, but I was a well-built lad. Some lads I played rugby with often described me as a unit, which is a compliment in our chosen sport.

At seventeen, after a run-in with the law, I joined the British army. It seemed the natural thing for me to do. They worked me hard, trained me well, and fed me well, and I loved the lifestyle. After two years, I was shipped out to Germany. There were no war zones for the British army at that time. We spent our time training, playing sports, and drinking. We played hard and worked hard, and I loved it.

The television adverts and the recruiting sergeant both painted a picture of young squaddies on beaches, at BBQs, skiing, or skydiving. Trust me, it was nothing like that—nothing like it at all.

A two-year stint in Germany was soon followed by a series of assignments in Scotland, Canada, South Africa, and Malta, followed by a year at the regiment’s base camp in Yorkshire. Seeing the world at someone else’s expense, I made some good mates and had some great adventures along the way.

I also learned how to clean stuff, how to paint things, how to dig trenches, and how to fill trenches. There were a lot of mundane things to fill our time between the good times. They did teach me how to drive, which was a bonus.

I played rugby for my regiment, which was a huge honour.

My time in the army came to a sudden end when the British government decided to scale down the armed forces. So, I left, aged just twenty-six and with no job to go to, but I did have a few pounds in the bank. Some of the guys spent a lot of dosh on flash cars and stuff like that but I stuck as much as I could in the bank.

I guess coming out of a care home had taught me the importance of money, when you have never had any you take care of it when it comes your way.

I moved back to the town that I had grown up in and found a flat. It was not a palace, but I had bunked down in worse places. So, there I was, enjoying the summer off, sitting in a bar with a beer and watching the cricket on TV.

Then, out of nowhere, Sally approached me. I know it is a cliché, but she changed my life forever. I look back now and wonder where I would be and what I would be doing if she had not walked over that day.

Anyway, back to Sally...

She was a good-looking woman; I guess that these days we would call her a MILF. I had noticed her coming into the bar with a guy; I figured at the time it was her husband or a boyfriend. They were both well dressed. They looked like a yuppie power couple or two plain-clothed CID officers.

I noticed them both looking my way a few times, but at the time, I thought I was getting a bit paranoid. Then, after a few minutes, she came over and sat down opposite me.

“Hello there, may I join you please?” she asked. She had a local accent but with a posh twang to it.

She had a smile that must have broken a fair few hearts in its time.

“Sure thing,” I said, and I looked toward the bar where she and her friend had been standing; he had gone.

“Hello, so my name is Sally,” she said with a smile.

The kind of smile that makes a man like me go weak at the knees.

“Hello, I’m Zak,” I replied, and we shook hands, “It is nice to meet you, Sally.”

“Well Zak, I won’t beat about the bush,” she said with a slight smile, “I run a company that does movies, and we are looking for someone just like you!”

“What do you mean someone just like me?” I asked, more than a little intrigued. I was not sure to be insulted or pleased...

She must have sensed my caginess.

“What I mean by that is a good-looking guy that has a fit look about him plus a few muscles.” She said and passed me a very professional-looking business card.

I took it and read it...

BSB Films, it had her name and telephone number on it as well as an address on an industrial estate not that far from where I lived.

“So, what does the job entail?” I asked.

I was intrigued and worried at the same time. Guys like me do not get approached by ladies like Sally and then get asked to work in the movie industry.

“I want you to be in a few movies,” she said, that smile lit up her face as she said it.

To be fair, I thought she might want me to hump gear around or something; to be honest, that is all I was good for. I had never considered myself a heartthrob or even that good-looking. I had spent a lot of time in the Army loading and unloading trucks.

“What sort of movies do you make?” I asked. To be fair, I was both worried and excited at the same time. I was worried she might have mistaken me for a queer.

She hesitated for a few seconds. She looked around to make sure she could not be overheard, then moved closer and lowered her voice to no more than a whisper.

“Let us say they are specialist soft porn,” her eyes never left mine as she told me, “We want a nice lad with a decent body to star in them!”

Now, that took my breath away, to say the least, and again, I wondered if she thought I was gay. Did I look gay? I knew the bar was not one of the town’s gay bars, but was I giving off some sort of gay vibe?

I guess I did not have a bad body, but I was no Adonis. Many thoughts whirled around in my head, was it a hoax, was it a wind-up, was it some sort of weird bet?

“Look, how about you think about it? I will get you another pint?! “She said.

I watched her as she headed back to the bar; she had a cute arse, and I wondered if I was going to act in a movie with her. Then I thought about the bloke she had come into the bar with; maybe they would want me to join in with them both.

Sally came back with a pint of bitter for me and G&T for herself.

She passed me the beer and took a swig of her Gin. She smiled at me and waited for me to say something. I smiled at her and gathered my thoughts. When I did not say anything, she came straight to the point.

“So, Zak, what do you think about my offer?” she said.

“Okay, Sally, but I have never acted in my life,” I said, a little bit shocked; I never saw myself as a porn star; I did not even have a bushy moustache. All porn stars back then had bushy moustaches.

To be fair, I did not think my cock was that big, and the few porn films I had seen were full of black guys that were hung like donkeys or mega-fit white lads. I was just a bog, average bloke.

One of the lads in Germany went to a porn shop over there and bought some videos, and did a film show one night. All the guys seemed to be really well blessed in the trouser department.

Okay, I had never been shy in the communal showers, but I was not the biggest in the world. I remember one guy in Germany that has a cock like a Chipolata.

“To be honest, Zak, there is not much acting involved,” she said with a smile. “You just have to do what comes naturally to most guys.”

“You make it sound so easy!” I replied.

“It is; we don’t do any weird stuff, we don’t make anyone uncomfortable, it is just all good old British porn!” she said with a cheeky wink.

Her friend had reappeared at the bar and was now waving over at her. She held up her hand to him. He pointed at his watch as if they had an appointment they needed to get to. She waved back at him...

“Look, Zak. it is easy work to be fair and it pays really well,” she said with another of those cheeky winks, “if you are interested why not give me a call sometime?”

“Just how well paid is it?” I asked. I had taken the bait, and that was for sure.

“Two hundred and fifty quid per movie plus if the movie sells well, you will get some royalties on each resale!” she laughed, “Oh, plus you get fed and watered!”

“Two hundred and fifty a week?” I said.

“No, that’s Two hundred and fifty per film, and we normally do two a day, but obviously, we only film twice or three times a week!” she said.

In those days two hundred and fifty quid was a small fortune and as she said it, I thought about my dwindling bank account. I did not even think about the royalties, to be honest. I guess like most blokes my age I was thinking about the now not the future.

“And what do I have to do for that,” I said; I was starting to get worried; a sudden thought had hit me that she might still have thought I was gay.

“We will introduce you to your partner for the day,” she said, “they are either soft porn actors or housewives looking to make a few quid, we set out a story, and you act it out. You shag them or at least look like you are shagging them, and you get paid by cheque the following week!”

“And It’s that easy?” I asked. In my head, I thought this was all too good to be true; there must be some sticking point or some sort of a catch!

“It’s that easy, trust me,” she said, “a nice few quid for a few hours of rolling around on a bed with a very sexy lady.”

To be fair, it did sound appealing, and I had a dry run for a while.

“So, if I did say yes, what happens next?” I asked.

I was still dubious, but two hundred and fifty quid was two hundred and fifty quid at the end of the day, and I knew that if I did not go for it, I might regret it one day!

“Well, we would want you to come and do a screen test and to see if you would work on camera,” she replied, “We can use a stunt double for the close-ups and cock shots, so yes, it is really that easy, Zak!”

And with that, she stood up and, with a wink, walked back over to her friend; I watched her sexy ass as she walked back to the bar, but so did every red-blooded male in the bar.

She and her friend had a quick chat, and both waved at me and left. To be honest, lady luck had not been good to me recently, and it had been a while since my last shag, plus doing bugger all, all summer had eaten into my savings.

I finished the pint she had bought me and headed home via the chip shop.

I mulled it over for a few hours; I was both worried and intrigued. The following morning, I used the pay phone in the local shopping centre to call her. The first time I called, I got an answering machine message saying that there would be no one there until around noon.

I went back to the flat, got my old army running gear out, and did a five-mile run around the local park. I was out of practice and had spent too much time on the ale. I could smell the beer sweating out of me as I ran in the summer sun.

I figured if I was going to do a film, I should try to look at my best. Once I had done my run, I did some sit-ups, push-ups, and burpees.

When I got home, I looked around my little flat, well it was more of a bedsitter than a flat. A few pounds would let me get somewhere a bit better. If I was planning to get a bird, I needed somewhere to bring her home too.

After a cheeky wank to make sure I was not too fast off the mark, I showered and got changed into my best jeans and shirt before I headed back to the shopping centre; this time, the telephone was quickly answered by a bloke.

I asked for Sally, and he asked me to hold on and a few minutes later, she was on the line.

“Hello, this is Sally!” I heard her say as she picked up the phone.

“Hi Sally, this is Zak,” I said, “We met yesterday in the pub?”

“Oh yes, hi Zak, how are you?” she asked, “I hope you have called to say you might consider my offer?”

“Yes, Sally ... I am well, and yes, I might be interested in that offer of work,” I replied, trying not to sound too nervous or too eager.

“That’s great Zak, are you free this afternoon by any chance?” she asked getting straight down to business.

“Yes, I am free all day!” I said, still a little nervous.

“Well, I can line up a screen test for four o’clock, why don’t you grab a taxi over to us, we will reimburse you,” she said, “Just remember to get a receipt or my accountant will do my head in.”

“Okay, do I need to bring anything?” I said, and as soon as the words left my lips, I knew it was a stupid question. I felt myself blushing.

“No love ... just bring yourself!” she laughed, “and we will see you at four o’clock.”

I went for a walk around the shops and tried to compose myself, I had never been so nervous in the whole of my life.

I was outside by half-past three, but I walked around the block three times as my nerves had gotten the better of me. So, it was ten minutes after four o’clock when I rang the bell. The place just looked like an industrial unit, I was not sure what a porn film studio would look like, but this was not it.

It was a two-story unit with no windows, just a solid front door and roller shutter door at the front. It looked no different to the ones on either side of it. There was even a small van with the company logo on it parked outside.

Sally answered the door with a smile.

“Oh, Hi Zak, I was worried you might have changed your mind!” she said and glanced at her watch.

I decided that honesty was the best policy.

“I am sorry, Sally, I had a little attack of nerves!” I replied.

“There is no need to be nervous, love!” she said, “please come in and meet the team!”

She took me into a kitchen; four people, two guys and two ladies were in the room.

“Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?” Sally asked.

“May I have a cup of coffee please with milk but no sugar” I replied, looking around the place. I had decided to cut sugar out as part of my new fitness drive.

She made me a drink while introducing me to the other four guys.

“So, this is Zak, and he is here to try out for a role in the film,” she told the group.

“This is Carl; he does cameras and sound,” she said.

Carl held his hand out to me; his handshake was limp.

“Hello, love,” he said, his voice was a dead giveaway that he was gay, “Well, let’s hope you do better than the two lads we tried yesterday.”

“Carl, please, mate, do not put the lad under pressure before he starts,” Sally giggled.

“This is Toni; she does set design, makeup, and costumes,” she continued.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you!” Toni said.

She gave me a cute smile; she was dressed like an art school dropout, with Doctor Martins’ boots, black leggings, and a huge man’s lumberjack shirt. She was a chunky chick with a great pair of tits.

“This is Andy, he also does cameras and sound and some of the editing!” Sally told me.

Andy was in his sixties and looked like a retired geography teacher. He was wearing a corduroy suit with patches on the elbows. He had a pair of half-moon glasses on a string around his neck.

“Hello mate, it’s good to meet you,” he said and got up to make himself a drink.

“And finally, this is Mandy,” Sally giggled, “She does everything, makeup, costumes, storylines a lo, t of the admin work, and every other job we can find her!”

Mandy was a cute-looking woman in her late thirties or early forties, with dyed permed hair, and a cheeky look about her. She had a nice, rounded figure and a cracking pair of knockers. She had a look of Barbara Windsor about her.

She gave me a cheeky wink and a smile, “It’s very nice to meet you, Zak.”

“And you know me, I am the boss, I direct and edit the films,” she said, “So now you have met the team come into the office and we will have a little chat.”

So, we went into a little office that was just off the kitchen and she shut the door behind us. It looked like any office I had been in, filing cabinets, a desk with a typewriter and a holiday planner on the wall. There were some movie posters in frames.

As soon as we took our seats, Sally got down to business.

“So, Zak, I will be honest with you not all guys can do this, some that think they are studs can’t do the job in front of cameras,” she said. She was not beating around the bush, which I liked. Being ex-army, we liked it when people just gave it to you straight.

“Well, sadly, I am no stud!” I replied.

Again, I was worried that my cock was not that big and my body was not buff enough for movies.

“That’s fine, we have a cock double we can use, and the sex can be implied,” she told me.

I had no idea how a cock double would work, and implied sex was something even more confusing...

“Implied sex?” I asked, confused.

“Yeah, well, if you lose your erection, you can still hump away!” she laughed, “trust me, you will get the hang of it!”

“And it does not look funny in the film?” I asked.

“No, we just use clever camera angles!” she smiled.

“And that works?” I asked nervously.

“It is like this, Zak; most of the people that watch porn just want to see an everyday guy’s fucking everyday birds. We do not use guys with huge cocks or birds with false tits,” she told me, “It’s just you and a lady having sex.”

“But won’t people know?” I asked.

“No, not at all,” she giggled, “as I said, we used clever camera angles and good editing to make it look real!”

“Okay ... but”, I started to say.

“It’s cool Zak, you will be fine.” She interrupted, “Just go with the flow and please just enjoy it.”

“Okay, you seem to have more faith in me than I do,” I said honestly, and I took a long sip of my drink.

“Just go with the flow and take your time,” she said, “So do you want to do a screen test?”

I did not pause. I knew in my head if I paused, I might bottle it...

“Yes, if you think I am good enough?” I replied before I had time to mull it over in my head and back out of the deal.

“Oh, I do. You are just the sort of guy we need, and I am sure you will be okay,” she smiled.

She stood up and opened the door, calling the other guys in.

“Toni, can you take Zak and sort out his costume and makeup, please,” Sally said.

“Mandy, can you do the honours, please?” she said with a wink.

“My pleasure, Sally love,” Mandy replied.

“Guys can you get the lights and cameras ready, we will do the normal fifteen-minute shoot and see how it goes please,” Sally said.

Mandy, Carl, and Andy left as Toni led me into a room that was half a wet room, and the other half looked like a barbershop, all big chairs and wall-to-wall mirrors.

“Right Zak, please get undressed, there are showers if you want one,” Toni pointed to a pile of towels, “I will be back in about ten minutes.”

The shower in my flat was crap, so getting to use the shower here was a bonus for me.

I showered and dried off and I was stood with a towel around my waist when she returned. She had her arms full of clothes.

“Right Zak, please take a seat,” she said, “It won’t take long to sort you out!”

I sat down and she applied some makeup, as she said it was just to take the shine off and make it easier for the cameras. Makeup was new to me...

“You need a haircut, mate,” she said as she worked on my makeup.

“Toni, can I ask a question please?” I said.

“Of course, you can!” she replied.

“Who will I be shagging?” I asked. I wondered if it would be Sally; she was a fit-looking bird.

She laughed and tutted.

“Oh, didn’t Sally tell you love?” she giggled, “today’s lucking lady is Mandy!”

I pondered that for a few seconds, Mandy was a fit-looking bird with a cracking pair of tits. Perhaps things were getting better...

Then she passed me a pair of shorts and a shirt, they had the name of some made-up delivery company on the back. I paused before getting dressed, Toni laughed at my need to cover up...

“You need to get used to being naked around people, mate,” she said and pulled away the towel, “it goes with the job.”

As the towel hit the floor, she let out a wolf whistle, “Well, you certainly have the body and the equipment for the job!”

She sat down on one of the chairs and watched as I got dressed, and then she passed me my own trainers.

“We do not have shoes for this outfit. Sorry!” she giggled, “but I am sure no one will care, and they will not be on for long.”

When I was fully dressed, she led me into the studio.

There was a U-shaped room made of wood with false windows, it was laid out with a huge bed and some basic bedroom furniture. Above the room were huge lights and facing it two professional-looking cameras mounted on huge stands, Andy and Carl manned them.

There were two huge booms with microphones on them above the bed, but I guessed they would be out of shot. Sally was talking to the guys as she adjusted the film set.

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