Gangsta's Paradise - Cover

Gangsta's Paradise

Copyright© 2024 by Chloe Tzang

Chapter 18: Fumiko’s Training Begins

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18: Fumiko’s Training Begins - This is Noir: I hope I’ve covered the essentials: the femme fatale, the tough criminals, a cynical cop, an urban environment out of the zombie apocalypse, and night…the endless eternal night of Noir, along with seedy bars, run down coffee shops, seedy nightclubs, menacing alleys, and the luxury apartments and protected lifestyles of the obliviously wealthy as society crumbles around them, oblivious until that societal disintegration touches their lives. It's a slow burn...but there is sex. Later

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual   Rape   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Crime   Rough   Sadistic   Snuff   Torture   Gang Bang   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   First   Oral Sex   Small Breasts   Prostitution   Revenge   Violence  

“Uhhnhhh ... uhhnnhhh ... hhhuhhh.” Fumiko Suematsu can hear herself, but to her, lost in that haze of sensations, it’s almost as if her voice is someone else’s. She can feel though, and what she’s feeling js Johan’s weight on her, riding her, giving her his cock, and anyone watching and listening to this movie clip like me can hear her clearly. We can see her just as clearly do and I’m moaning myself as I use that dildo on myself while I watch, my sex spasming hotly, and I can’t make up my mind.

“Ohhhhh ... ohhhhhhh.” Do I want to be where Fumiko Suematsu is, pinned down and taking Johan’s cock? Or do I want to be where Johan is, pinning Fumiko Suematsu down and riding her with my strap on? ‘

“Uhhhh ... hhuhhh ... huunnhhhh.” We can all see that expression on Fumiko Suematsu’s face though. We can all see Fumiko Suematsu too. Naked, on her back on the black sheet, her slender body mounted and being taken by Johan, and that expression on Fumiko Suematsu’s face, those movements of her body as he rides her, they all say Fumiko Suematsu already knows what she’s for.

“Oh yeah, you want to take it, don’t you, baby?” Johan takes her acquiescence for granted, and Fumiko Suematsu acquiesces without thought as he once again thrusts himself into her sex in one long hard slide that buries his cock to the balls inside her, hammering her tight teenage butt down onto the mattress as his body slaps against hers.

“Uhhuunnnhhhh.” Fumiko Suematsu knows her body is for fucking, and she knows Johan is fucking her. In that drug-induced acceptance, she’s given herself up to the sensations she’s experiencing, she’s abandoned thought, and all she knows is that what’s happening to her is exquisite pleasure mixed with a little pain, all she knows is that she’s doing sex, she’s a bad girl, and she’s accepting what is happening to her, because acceptance is all she knows in that endless moment of surrender.

“Nuuhhhhhhhhh.” She blindly accepts that fucking, accepts the use he is making of her body and her sex, and her body rewards that acceptance with waves of pleasure that build and build inside her.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhh.” Pleasure that the movements of his cock and his body on hers feed into her. Pump into her with every long thick slide of his cock into her tight little cunt.

I’d like to pump pleasure into Fumiko Suematsu the way Johan is, and I hold myself on the edge of that climax, waiting. Waiting, holding myself back, because it must be soon for her. I know it’s going to be soon for me. As soon as Fumiko Suematsi climaxes, I will, and I would if it was me there with her, not Johan. Me, pumping my strap-on into her, waiting for her, and then I’d climax with her.

“You’ve got a tight little cunt, Fumiko-chan, now make it tighter for me ... make it real good for me, Fumiko-chan...”

“How ... how? What can I do?” Fumiko sobs, desperately wanting to please him. Wanting to give him the pleasure and the excitement that he’s giving her, but she has no idea how. No idea what she should do and she wants to do something to please him. Anything to please him.

“Squeeze down on my cock, Fumiko,” Johan grunts. “Use those butt muscles and squeeze me, baby.”

“Like this?” Fumiko moans, experimenting, tightening herself on him.

“Oh fuck yeah, like that, Fumiko,” Johan grunts. “Again.”

One of his hands slaps her butt, not hard, but she squeaks and she’s concentrating as he fucks her. She gazes up at him almost triumphantly as he groans, and she’s not resisting him at all. She’s not even thinking about resisting him. She’s a bad girl, and somewhere in her mind, whatever’s left of it, she knows bad girls like doing sex and she’s welcoming those thrusting drives of his cock into her sex, she’s clinging to him, her back arching, her hips tilting slightly to better line up with his plunging cock, her little feet beating a wild tattoo against the small of his back as he rides her, and her moans and sobs are wordless incoherence.

Her face says she’s close. So close now.

“Big,” she groans, back arching, head arching back, wide open to that plunging male shaft. “I can feel you...”

“I can feel you all the way up inside me.”

“I want you to tell that to every man who fucks you, Fumiko-chan,” Johan grunts.

“Every man?” Fumiko moans, confused. What does he mean?

“A lot of men are going to fuck you, Fumiko-chan,” Johan grunts, thrusting into her yet again, his cockshaft sliding inwards until it disappears from sight, until he’s pressed up against her sex, until his cockhead is touching her high inside, his balls bouncing of her tight little butt, holding himself still, enjoying the still-virginal tightness of her fourteen-year old pussy.

“Now squeeze me again.”

“Like that?” Fumiko moans, her knees clutching at his ribs.

“Oh fuck yeah, like that!” Johan grunts. “Now, Fumiko-chan. I’m gonna fuck you and I want you to do your best to squeeze my cock every time I’m all the way in you, and then keep squeezing as I ease my cock back ... let’s take it slowly to start with ... like this ... yeah, squeeze like that ... and now relax, I’m going to give it to you harder.”


“Now squeeze me again.”

“Nnnhhhh.” She does, straining, back arching, doing her best as he eases back.

“Relax now, I’m gonna give it to you.”

She does, and he does.

“Uunnnhhhhhhhhh.” She gets his cock back. Hard. She bucks as he buries himself to the balls inside her sex.

It’s hard to believe she can take all of Johan’s cock. He’s not huge, but he’s not small either, and Fumiko Suematsu is a petite fourteen year old Japanese girl. She does take all his cock now though, not easily, she’s tight on him, tight and slippery but she takes it all. Oh yeah, Fumiko Suematsu is being fucked, and she knows it. Johan knows it. I know it. Anyone watching this movie clip will know it.

“Good girl.”



“Am I good? Am I good? “ She bucks a little, moving beneath him, her eyes looking up into his, her words almost desperate. She wants to know.

“Do you want to be good for me, Fumiko-chan?”

“Yes ... yes, I douhhhhhhhhh. I want to be good for you, Mr. Johan-san.” Her expression says she does. She really does. Those drugs have overwhelmed her mind, destroyed her inhibitions, allowed that flood of pent-up adolescent hormones and sexual desire to be released without restraint and now she’s riding that rising wave of sexual ecstasy to its conclusion

“You are good, Fumiko. You’re a good fuck.” Johan smiles down at her. “Tell me you want to be a good fuck, Fumiko-chan.”

“I do, Mr. Johan-san. I want to be a good fuckuuuhhhhhhh ... uhhh ... uhhh.”

“A ... a ... uhhhhhh ... good fuck for youuhhhh.”

“Not just for me, Fumiko-chan. I want you to be good for every man that fucks you. Will you do that for me? Be a good fuck for every man that fucks you?”

“Yes ... yes ... I will ... I will.” She’s not even thinking now. Her entire focus is on Johan, and the pleasure he’s bringing her. On his weight on her. His body, pressing down on her, his skin against hers as he drives himself into her.

Fumiko clings to him, her heels dance on the small of his back, she draws her knees back as far as she can, she opens herself to him as completely as she can. Her surrender is complete, and she wants to give all of herself to him, as much as he can take. With that abject surrender of her mind, his cock seems to somehow sink a little deeper inside her. He’s so big, so hard and he’s swelling inside her, leaving her feeling so full, so stuffed, so possessed as he fucks her harder. Not as hard as he could, but as hard as he thinks she can take it without an adverse reaction.

Fumiko Suematsu will take it much much harder by the end of what will be a long and exhausting afternoon and evening, but right now, Johan wants her willing and enthusiastic. He wants her to experience the ecstasy of repeated sexual climaxes. He wants to flood her mind with pleasure, and with remembered pleasure, making it more likely that she’ll be eager and willing for more.

She’s going to get more. Lots more over the afternoon and evening, and then tomorrow...

“Good, because you’re going to be open for business tomorrow,” Johan grunts.

Right now, it doesn’t matter what he says. She has no idea what he means. Fumiko Suematsu isn’t thinking. She’s experiencing. She’s experiencing Johan’s cock and the pleasure his body using her is bringing, and words are just meaningless noises as she gives herself up utterly and completely to that pleasure. The pleasure and the ecstasy of being taken and used for sex by a man. She knows she’s being used and she doesn’t care.

Fumiko Suematsu has discovered she enjoys being used.

Johan could tell her a horse was going to fuck her next and it’d be just meaningless noise to her. She’s completely in the moment, enthralled, her body a mass of sensation, of pleasure, of growing ecstasy. Her movements now are her body reacting to her own desires, her own need for more of what he’s giving her, and maybe some of her dad’s Japanese manga and porn is surfacing in the drug-hazed kaleidoscope of sensation that’s her mind.

“Fuck me,” she sobs, clinging to him, back arching, hips flexing as she does her best to love herself on that rigid shaft that’s rhythmically impaling her. As she uses words she’s never imagined using to a man before. She’s heard them, she’s seen girls in movies say them, but she’s never imagined saying them herself.

Never. “Fuck me ... fuck me Mr. Johan-san ... fuck me.”

It’s as if she’s tasting the deliciously forbidden nature of those words as they escape her mouth. A magic incantation that enhances her pleasure and with every repetition, her pleasure grows.

“Fuck me,” she moans, eyes wide, almost as if she’s surprised at herself, and then, “fuck me harder.”

“Oh yeah, that’s good, Fumiko-chan,” Johan grunts. “You’re going to make a real hot little whore for me.” Johan does. He fucks her harder. He fucks her the way he’d fuck any of his other hot little teenage whores if he wanted to fuck them hard.

In her innocence and inexperience, Fumiko has no idea that it’s possible for Johan to fuck her harder still, but now she finds out that it is in fact possible, and that words have consequences. She begged Johan to fuck her harder, and now he’s doing as she begged.

“Huhhh ... huunhhh ... uhhhhh.” He’s fucking her harder.

She’s learning more about men every minute. In eight or six or four weeks time, whenever I take her home, she’ll be an expert, and she’ll have been fucked by more men than she can possibly remember. But for now, she’s only experiencing Johan. She has no idea that by the end of the evening, she’ll have been fucked by Johan’s entire team three or four times each.

“Fuck me back, Fumiko-baby,” Johan grunts in her ear, humping his cock into that tight slippery little cunt. “Oh yeah, keep on squeezing me like that. I wanna feel those little tits pushing up at me too while I ride you, baby.”

“Uhhhh,” Fumiko moans, back arching, clinging to Johan, making sure he can feel those little tits pressing against his chest. “Uhhhhhh.” Her mind whirls. What does he mean? Ride her? He is riding her? She is being ridden? Her mind somehow absorbs those words and processes them.

“Ride me,” she sobs. “Oh yes, Mr. Johan-san. Ride me.”

Every thrust reverberates through her, and now the bedroom is no longer still and quiet. Fumiko’s moans and sobs and cries. Her gasps. Johan’s rhythmic grunts. The mattress and bed creak as Fumiko’s slender body is pounded onto them, her body juddering under those impacts. The wet sound of his cock using her cunt. The slapping of Johan’s body against hers, skin against skin. The sounds and the scent of sex fill that bedroom with music.

Music for Johan, at least.

“Uhhhhh,” Fumiko moans. “Uhhhhhh.”

She’s past speaking now. Words are beyond her. There’s only those moans and sobs and sudden wordless cries that somehow accentuate her pleasure as Johan’s cock penetrates deeply within her, impaling her on his length, taking her as a woman is taken, stoking that heat and that desire within her with every spearing slide.

“Ohhhhhh ... ohhhhh, fuck me ... fuck me...”

Fumiko knows she’s there to be used. She knows she’s there to satisfy the sexual desire that her body has aroused in Johan, and she’s helpless, there’s nothing for her to do but to be fucked by him and she’s there for him, her cunt is there to satisfy his cock and his cock is pounding into her and that wave of pleasure inside her is building and building and ... almost ... almost...

“Uuuhh ... uuuhhh ... uuuhhh ... uunnhhh ... hhuuhhh.” Fumiko groans with every thrust, her little hands clutching at his shoulders, her feet bouncing off the small of his back and kicking at the ceiling as Johan’s thrusts drive her butt hard down against the mattress, his body slapping against hers. His cock seems to swell and pulse inside her, throbbing against the clasping inner walls of Fumiko Suematsu’s channel. A throbbing pressure she has never before known but somehow it’s what she wants. It’s what her body needs.

“Yes ... yes ... yes.” Her voice is a wail as Johan’s cock thrusts so deep and so hard and her mouth is working. She wants to scream, she wants to cry out, she wants to tell him what she’s feeling because it’s so good but she can’t. She doesn’t realize she’s been used. She doesn’t realize she’s being trained. She doesn’t realize Johan is bringing her this pleasure for his own purposes, but it doesn’t matter.

That pleasure consumes her, fills her to overflowing so that all she can do is sob and gasp and moan and wail and cry out and cling to him, be there for him, give herself to him and she does. She knows this is what her body is for. To give herself to a man. To satisfy a man and she is. She knows she’s satisfying Johan, and she can’t do anything except take his cock and it’s so good, in that moment, it’s everything to her, and that tidal wave is building. Higher ... Higher ... almost, and every hard drive of his cock sends her higher, brings her closer, until that tidal wave inside Fumiko Suematsu surges to a cresting break, sending her slowly over the edge.

“Ooohhhhhhhh.” Fumiko Suematsu screams at last, but it’s a scream of pure unadulterated ecstasy. The ecstasy of complete surrender as that first golden wave of sensation rushes through her body in a glowing golden flood that holds her enthralled, a pleasure and an ecstasy that she’s never experienced before, but now that she has, she knows it’s an ecstasy that nothing else in her experience can be compared to.

Above her, riding her, Johan smiles, knowing he’s brought that ecstasy to her, enjoying the way her back arches, her legs splay wide, feet flat on the mattress, pushing her body up at him, her hips lifting, her butt lifting, she’s lifting his body with hers as the intensity of her climax sweeps Fumiko Suematsu away, surging through her in a sweeping flood of ecstasy that overwhelms everything.

Johan grunts as her sex convulses on his shaft, enjoying her sobbing cries. Enjoying her movements beneath him, as he lets himself go. Her sex seems to clamp down on him, her internal muscles massaging his length as that first bursting explosion of his cum spurts out furiously deep inside Fumiko Suematsu’s sex.

“Oh fuck yeah!” Johan shudders, buried to the balls in her tight young cunt as lava pulses down the length of his shaft and that first shotgun blast of semen jets out hotly.

“Ohhhhhhh,” Fumiko Suematsu wails, eyes wide with sudden surprise as for the first time in her fourteen years, she experiences a male ejaculating within her body, his semen spurting out against her cervix. She feels that first ejaculation, knows it’s inside her. Deep inside her, flooding her sex with his semen. It’s never happened to her before but as that first burst of cum explodes within her, she knows and understands what’s taking place.

She’s satisfied her first man, and that knowledge adds to her ecstasy as spurt after spurt of his cum jets hotly out deep inside her sex. She’s his. Her body is his, and beneath Johan, Fumiko Suematsu experiences that first pounding throbbing spurting culmination as Johan’s body strains against hers, his face a mask reflecting the pleasure of his climax as he empties his balls inside her, pumping his semen out deep inside her spasming sex.

“Ohhhhhh ... ohhhhh ... ohhhhhh.”

Fumiko has no words with which to express herself. Only sobbing cries as her body glows, as she’s filled with a roiling sunburst of ecstasy that goes on and on and on as Johan uses her body to satisfy himself. She feels his cock throbbing and pulsing against her channel walls. She feels that flooding wetness within her as his semen erupts inside her in great jetting spurts that her body senses. She’s a willing and eager receptacle for those spurting ejaculations deep within her sex.

Her own shuddering pleasure goes on and on, her body strains against his, her hands cling to him, his throbbing ejaculations feed her ecstasy, accentuate her own pleasure, and she knows she’s satisfied his sexual desire as the tautness of his body on hers dissipates, she feels him relax, she’s given him what a woman gives a man, and as that ecstasy slowly fades, she’s filled with a golden haze of contentment.

“Ohhhhhhhhhh ... oh yes yes yes.” I’ve been edging myself, waiting for Fumiko to orgasm, and watching her buck and cry out as she climaxes, as she experiences a man’s culmination within her sex for the first time, watching Johan climax, it’s like a tidal wave crashing through me as my own climax hits.

In my head, I’m Fumiko, being taken for the first time, Johan on me, inside me, and I can imagine those jetting spurts of his cum inside me as his cock brushes my cervix the way his cockhead is probably brushing Fumiko Suematsu’s cervix, a thick shaft of throbbing male hardness stretching me as he ejaculates inside me, flooding my sex with his cum and now I’m sobbing and moaning with Fumiko as I imagine getting what Fumiko Suematsu is getting.

“Ohhhhhhhhh.” She sighs one last time as he shudders on her, his cock throbs, a last spurting ejaculation, and she knows he’s finished.

He’s finished, he’s gotten what he sought from her. He’s taken her and used her and she thinks she’s given him what he wants. Fumiko Suematsu knows she is no longer a virgin. She knows she’s been fucked by her first man, and in that drug-induced haze, inhibitions and restraints vanished, she lies on her back beneath him, shuddering in the golden afterglow of that shattering ecstasy he’s brought her body to once again. His body is above hers, his cock still inside her, still huge and hard inside her sex, her thighs cradle him. His body and his hands hold her, and his voice is a hypnotic whisper in her ear.

“You’re a really good fuck, Fumiko-chan.”

He eases himself slowly out of Fumiko, and lifts his weight from her, moving to lie beside her, looking down at her. Fumiko lies there, her breathing sounding much like whimpering now.

Watching that movie clip, I wonder how she will react now that he’s done? Will she cry? Will she go into shock? Will she react with anger? She does none of those things. She lies there on the black sheet just as she lay when he eased out of her, her legs still splayed wide where they fell when his weight lifted from her, her small firm breasts with those swollen nipples rising and falling as her breathing slows. Her skin glistens with sweat, and her pussy glistens too. Glistens with her wetness, her labia swollen and pinkly inflamed, still a little distended, his cum oozing thickly from her, red stains on her inner thighs and her sex.

She’s so still. So silent.

“We had sex.” A simple statement of understanding

Johan smiles down at her.

“You had sex with me,” she whispers. She seems stunned now. She’s Japanese. She’s been brought up by her family to regard this as something special, not something a high school girl does. In the back of her mind, she’s aware that Japanese high school girls who have sex are bad girls, and she knows she’s always secretly wanted to be a bad girl.

Now she’s a bad girl, and she’s stunned, almost as if she expects to be punished for what she’s just done. She doesn’t know she’s been kidnapped. She doesn’t know she’s been drugged. She doesn’t know Johan is training her to be one of his teenage whores. All she knows is...

“We had sex.” Fumiko Suematsu is flushed and glowing, her slender body glistening and gleaming with their intermingled sweat. She has no words to describe how she’s feeling. No words for the pleasure of that glowing aftermath and the myriad other residual sensations she is experiencing.

There’s no sound in that bedroom now except their breathing.

One of her hands lifts to rest on her taut flat stomach, wet with their intermingled sweat. Her hand rests there, before circling slowly.

“You were inside me. Your semen is inside me.”

Johan smiles. “I was inside you, Fumiko-chan. My cock was inside your pussy, and I enjoyed being inside you, very much. You gave me a great deal of pleasure.”

He kisses her lips lightly. “You wanted to know why a man would wish to insert is cock into a girl’s vagina, Fumiko-chan, and know you know. Because it feels good.”

He smiles again. “Was it good for you, Fumiko-chan?”

She turns her head a little, her eyes meeting his. “It was very good. Was I good for you, Mr. Johan-san?”

“You were very good for me, Fumiko-chan. I enjoyed fucking you a lot.” He smiles. “You’re very sexually arousing, Fumiko, and you satisfied my cock really well.”

She smiles now. A very tentative smile. “Thank you, Mr. Johan-san. I am happy that I have pleased you.”

“I’m happy that you pleased me too, Fumiko-chan. You did very well for a girl with no experience at satisfying men.”

Fumiko’s fingers slide downwards to her sex, exploring. Her fingertips slide into Johan’s cum, where it’s oozing thickly from her sex. Her eyes widen, and she half sits up, looking down at her sex, holding up her hand, her fingers trailing sticky strands of white.

“What is this?” She’s panicking, a little frightened. Obviously she knows the theory, she knows about semen, but this is her first actual experience with it.

Johan chuckles. “Do you remember what happens when a man has sex with a woman, Fumiko-chan?”

“Yes,” Fumiko whimpers, looking down at her sex, where more of Johan’s cum is oozing thickly from her. Glutinously thick and creamy white, tinged with that pink that’s evidence of her lost virginity.

“What did your textbook say about what happens during sexual intercourse, Fumiko? What happens to a man’s cock?”

Fumiko looks up. “When a man becomes excited, the blood flow is temporarily increased and trapped in the penis and he has an erection, which makes his cock big and hard to permit easier penetration of the female.”

“Very good, Fumiko-chan. And what does he do with his erection when he’s with a sexually desirable woman like you?”

“I’m a girl, Mr. Johan-san.”

“You’re a very sexually desirable girl, Fumiko-chan, and a man can have sex with a girl, as you’ve just found out. Now, answer the question.”

Fumiko’s cheeks flush. “The man inserts his erect cock into the woman’s vagina, which receives his cock and lubricates so as to make penetration easier and more pleasurable.”

“And what did we do, Fumiko-chan?”

“You penetrated me with your cock, Mr. Johan-san.”

“And was it pleasurable?”

Fumiko giggles and nods. “Yes, Mr. Johan-san. It was very pleasurable after it stopped hurting.”

“And what is the end result of sexual intercourse, Fumiko-chan?”

“Sexual intercourse finishes with an orgasm, where the male expels semen from his cock and deposits it into the female’s vaginal canal, that’s called ejaculation.” She turns her head away, suddenly shy. “Women can have orgasms too.”

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