Into the Darkness - Cover

Into the Darkness

Copyright© 2024 by robb234

Chapter 2: Wilderness

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2: Wilderness - Fantasy stories of young sex

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Teenagers   NonConsensual   Rape   Fiction   Incest   Rough   Interracial   White Female  


Michael Hanscom and Jim Trays were two men who became acquainted while in the Central East Correctional Center in Karwatha Lakes, Ontario. Both had been doing time for burglary. One day they talked about how they got sent there.

Michael said, “I broke into this house. As I was quietly picking things up, I come across this young girl sleeping on the couch. Turns out she was twelve. I felt her up some, then her Dad caught me though. I plead guilty to B&E and they dropped the molesting charges.”

Jim said, “One day I was in the alley when this young girl came out the back door of a residence. She was 16, very fucking hot. I grabbed her, hit her a few times. Then just as I was getting her shirt off these two assholes came up and grabbed me. I got eight years for assault.”

Both men were outdoorsmen. They’d much rather be out in the woods, living off the land. Now they’d just spent years in this concrete dungeon, waiting for their parole date. They found they had a lot in common. Primarily, their thirst for girls. The younger the better. Jim said he’d done his niece when she was eleven or so, but Mike felt he was just bragging. They were woodsmen, but they had their needs and desires like any man.

Both got their parole, within days of each other actually. They decided to hook up on the outside. Jim said, “I’ll be at the homeless shelter until Friday. If you’re not there by then, I’ll figure you didn’t make it.”

Mike had a cabin that his old aunt had lived in until she died while he was inside the Walls. Now it was empty. They could go there, hunt, fish, do whatever they wanted. Technically, it was his place now. On Thursday, Mike walked into the shelter. Jim sat at a table drinking coffee. “Ready?” Mike asked. Jim grabbed the few things he had and they both set out north. They hitchhiked most of the day, going from one truck stop to another. Once they got close, they headed across the fields to where the cabin should be. Sure enough, there it was. Abandoned, lacking any amenities. They got the fireplace going. It would be their cooking stove and heat source. Outside was the freezer. The basement served as the refrigerator.

They grew their own weed throughout the late summer and fall. Come winter, they were well stocked. One day after an early snowfall, they went walking around the property. At one point, from up on a hill they saw a small cabin not far away. It looked occupied. The B&E in them woke up and they thought they should go take a look. They walked over through the snow, came up to the front door. They both had long beards and short hair, with big parkas on. The air was freezing. The cabin door opened. A woman, a very attractive woman, opened the door. Sensing the cold, she immediately invited them inside. She closed the door, offered them some cocoa that her and her daughter were having.

Pamela Mason and her daughter Laura were renting this cabin for a week. With her husband killed recently in a traffic accident, they decided to just get away for a week, during the school Christmas break. So far, they were having a great time. Long walks in the snow, sunny skies, so very quiet up here. At night they could hear the wolves howl.

Pamela was 36 years old, though she didn’t look a day over 28. Small, but with a great figure since she exercised so much. Her long hair wasn’t too fancy, especially up in this cabin. She had a nice soft butt, but her breasts were what really stood out. Underneath that flannel shirt were a very firm pair of 36D’s on a little 5’4” body.

Laura was like her mom in many ways. Similar in appearance, she also had a body that had developed much like her mother. Though not quite as large, her breasts were still big. She also stood about 5’3” tall. She wore a large, oversized flannel shirt like her mom, hiding her best assets. One look at her cute face, and you just knew she was the model type.

Mike and Jim pulled up a chair, thanked her for the cocoa. They said they lived on the next property over. Few people ever came here so they wanted to see if everything was OK. Pamela assured them they were fine. She said they had just rented the place for a week. Mike said, “Well then! We won’t bother you any more. We’ll just be on our way,” and the two stood up. She thanked them for stopping by to check on them, closed the door. They seemed friendly, but they sure seemed strange. The one man had kept staring at her chest the whole time.

Mike and Jim stood outside and couldn’t agree more. The mom was hot, and the daughter looked even better. Mike said they should take them home, take turns on them. “A storm’s coming. It’ll cover any tracks.”

Jim agreed, but what about after? The last thing he wanted was Mounties kicking down their door in a week. Mike reminded him that these same people had sent them to prison. “We don’t owe them a thing. They owe us. I says, after we done, we let the wolves have them. If they’re found, it’ll look like they got lost in this coming blizzard. Remember, they ain’t from around here. People like that get lost all the time.”

They agreed, because even in their fifties, their dicks still did most of the thinking. They went back to the front door and knocked. Pamela opened the door. “Forget something...?” Mike slammed it open, grabbed the woman. He was big, strong and even at 54, he was still strong as a bear. He slammed her back; she fell over a chair. He jumped on top of her, all of his 240 pounds pinning her down. Meanwhile, Jim grabbed the daughter, threw her down on the floor too. Jim wasn’t quite as overweight as Mike, but he had plenty of muscle, thanks to the prison gym. Jim got on top of the young girl, hit her three times hard in her face, almost knocking her out completely. Mike punched the mother too, putting her out. Jim looked around, found some rope from the firwood bundles. They quickly tied the two women up. As the two came around, they pushed their boots on them, stood them up, threw their coats over them and pushed them outside. Jim looked around, stood the chair back up. The place looked undisturbed. Outside, they grabbed the two women and forced them to walk down the road to their farm entrance. They struggled a lot, barely able to walk. The two just kept shoving them along, yelling at them to keep moving. When they stumbled, they’d punch them, then drag them back up and shove them forward. Eventually, they entered their property, went up the long dirt driveway. Eventually they come to the old cabin.

Mike and Jim shoved the two women inside, closed the door. The two men took off their coats and boots. Mike grabbed the women’s coats from them, tossed them to a corner. He then picked up a short wooden bat he had. Holding it in front of the women, he took a major league swing at the woman’s elbow. She screamed into the dishtowel rag. He then turned to the daughter, hit her with another big swing, right in her knee. She also screamed, going town to one knee. Jim stepped up.

“Listen up, ladies. You gonna do what we say, when we say it. No delays, no back talk. I tells you to do something, you do it. Understand? Because if you don’t, we gonna start breaking bones. When you don’t obey, we make the other one suffer for you.”

Jim pulled the towel from the mother’s mouth. She immediately launched into a long, loud argument, threatening them, demanding to be let go. He stood there, then simply said, “Shut up.” She kept on though. Jim took an iron rod from beside the fireplace. He swung it, hitting the daughter in her upper arm. She cried into her towel.

Pam wasn’t sure what to do. As tied up as they were, she couldn’t do much of anything. She tried arguing, reasoning, but then they’d hit Laura again. Fucking assholes! The man said, “I told you to shut up. Now shut the fuck up.” She wanted to curse and yell, but she didn’t want them to hit Laura again either. She bit her lip, mad as hell.

Mike said, “See? Do what we says, no one gets hurt.” He stepped back, undid his wool shirt. Jim did the same. They both sat in chairs, taking off their boots. Mike then stood, went over, untied Pamela’s arms. He sat back down, looked at Pamela. “Go on, take off them boots.” Slowly, she did. He told her to take off the pants next. She protested until Jim grabbed the iron again. She said, “OK! OK! I will, just, just, don’t hurt my daughter again.” He asked old she was. She said 36. “I meant your daughter.” Pamela told them she was eighteen, but only just last week.

Slowly, Pamela took of the rope tying her legs together. She undid her jeans and slid them off. The men made her take off her underwear next. God, why hadn’t she just stayed in Toronto? Slowly she slid them down, stepped out of them. He pubic hair and her big butt were all out there now.

Laura watched as they forced her mother to undress. She guessed she was next. Oh shit, they were in the woods and about to get raped by two old, ugly woodsmen. What should she do? Crying wasn’t helping. Neither was trembling. Her mom was forced to take everything off. Mom did look good; she always has. She took care of herself by exercising regularly. When she took off her bra, the two men stood up, amazed at the size of her mom’s breasts. Her mom stood there, shaking some, trying to cover herself. She thought for sure the two ugly old guys were going to assault her mom now. Instead, they took off their pants and underwear.

Mike stood there, pants off, open shirt, rubbing his semi-erect cock. He stood about 5’ 11” tall, weighed an easy 240 lbs. Mike’s overweight body was filthy, hairy, now with a lot of grey mixed in due to his age. His beard was very ragged. He kept staring at the mother’s tits, grinning, chuckling, as he rubbed himself slowly, getting himself started. He stared at those lips, lips that would soon be sucking on his hairy, nasty balls. He laughed even more. Man, did this woman have big fucking tits or what! Nice fucking nipples, too! He and Jim both stood there, no longer the friendly neighbors.

Jim was slimmer than Mike, about the same height but only about 210 pounds. He had a big scar on his face from a fight in jail years ago. It made him look twisted. Not having had a shower in over two months, he was filthy, with his short hair and long, unkempt beard. He also stared at the women, mouth open, licking his lips. He dropped his pants, opened his shirt, began to stroke himself. He thought of getting the baby oil and then thought fuck it; he’d use her saliva. He kept breathing hard, chuckling nonstop like a crazy man. For someone who hadn’t been laid in eight years, he was indeed crazed. Crazy for those fucking tits. He wanted to french kiss her first. He hadn’t done that in a long time either. He was going to do a lot of things to her.

Mike stared at the mom, snickering loudly. He also was sweating now in the overheated cabin. Oh, he was gonna have fun fucking her. But it was the eighteen-year-old’s turn first. Mike said to the naked mother, “You, lady. Look at me. You don’t want me to hurt your little girl again? Then you do what I say. Now, take her clothes off.” Jim laughed out-loud. She didn’t want to of course; tried arguing it, pleading with him. Mike took the iron and hit the girl in her arm, striking her wrist, then he hit the mother, too.

Pamela had to. It felt like he’d broken her rib, it ached fiercely. Slowly, slowly she undressed her daughter Laura. First, she undid her rope ties. Then, she slowly undid her jeans, pulled the zipper down, then slid them over her ample butt and down to the floor. Laura stepped out of them when the man told her to. Next, her shirt. The two men were amazed at what was underneath. Yes, she had big boobs. She was turning bright red with embarrassment now, too. Pamela knew what was coming. They’d rape her daughter too, and she couldn’t do anything to stop it.

Laura stood there shaking as her mom removed her bra. Mom kept whispering, “I’m sorry, honey, I’m sorry...” The daughter’s boobs were not quite as big as her mom’s, but pretty close. And darn it, her nipples were all super-erect now, too! Damn it! When mom started to take her panties, Laura stopped her, then did it herself. She was really crying now. She stood there, trying to cover herself while the two men drooled looking at her short, young body, with these big fucking knockers. Damn it. She could barely cover them with both hands, leaving no way to even try to hide her pubic area.

Mike told the girl to lay down on the floor. The mother kept quietly pleading with them, “No, please, don’t, please...” Mike looked at her and said, “Now then, you go around there and hold her wrists over her head, like a good mommy!” Slowly, unsure what they were doing, the woman went around took ahold of the girls wrists after Jim forced them over her head. She kept saying, “Mom? Mom? Mom? I can’t, mom. I...” Mike knelt down and pushed his way between the girl’s young, short legs. He sneered at her mom. “Now, you can watch while I fuck your little girl.” He laughed as he spit several times on his dick. It was pretty erect now. Eight years without pussy will get a man hard in seconds. He grabbed her ass cheeks from underneath, lifting her up, getting his knees under her ass. He took his cock, under his fat stomach, and pushed it around, looking for that little girl’s pussy. Or asshole, he didn’t much care which right now. His lust was on fire, blinded by the sight of those luscious young tits. He felt her pussy lips, worked himself around there, spit again, then finally managed to get between them, just enough to feel that little hole of hers. He kept at it, his thirst for fucking this girl driving his rock-hard dick, doing everything he could to get his throbbing meat into that little pussy of hers. Then, suddenly, he was in. She cried out; he pressed in more, keeping up the pressure. He felt her hymen. He was surprised a girl like this was still a virgin. She sure cried out when he punched through it, though. Dry on dry, he pressed in more. Soon, her pussy began getting wet, first with her blood from her torn cunt, and then with her own juices. She was really making painful noises when he began to thrust himself back and forth in her. Once she got wet, it was easier. Man, a fucking virgin! The mother was crying, begging them to stop. He was laughing as her daughter’s tits bounced around. Jim came over, sat across the young girl’s chest, resting his ass on her tits. Right in front of her mom, he forced the girl to open her mouth. “Wider!” he kept yelling, “Wider!” Soon, Mike could hear her choking as he pushed his dick into her young mouth. Jim kept yelling at them both. “Don’t you let go of her wrists or I’ll start knocking her teeth out! You, Work it girl! Work your tongue all over it! Go on, work that tongue! Hey lady, your little girl can sure give good head!” He laughed hard as both men raped her daughter.

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