We're a Wonderful Wife - Mrs. Sergeant Campbell - Book 2 of 4 - Cover

We're a Wonderful Wife - Mrs. Sergeant Campbell - Book 2 of 4

Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh

Chapter 33

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 33 - The award-winning story of Don Campbell and Lanh Nguyen continues as Don and Lanh marry and celebrate their love with friends and family, then it's off to tour the world with the United States Air Force. Don is first sent to Germany, where Lanh panics over the loss of friends and family, but their love carries them through, and they head home with joyful news. Their angels continue to follow them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Military   Mystery   Paranormal   Interracial   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

Technical Sergeant Alice Griffin, a short, athletic, black woman, strolled down the hallway of her dorm, building 936 was the newest dorm on Kunsan Air Base and it was for tech sergeants only. She navigated by memory mostly as she was reading a letter from her mom describing all the hijinks her kids were up to while their mom was in Korea. Sylvie, Jamal, and her husband “Griff” were staying with her mom until this tour in Korea is over and they are trying Grandma’s patience daily. Alice almost tripped over a small Asian girl sitting in the hallway. She was sitting on a small duffel bag leaning up against the door of the room next to hers, Don Campbell’s room.

Thinking that the Asian girl was part of the cleaning crew, Alice said, “Taking a break?”

“Waiting for my husband,” came the response in perfect, only slightly accented English.

Alice looked at the girl again. She knew her. “Lanh?”

Lanh looked up with a surprised look on her face. “You know me?”

“Lanh Campbell? I should say so! Your husband’s room is like a museum of everything Lanh! What are you doing here?”

“It’s our tenth anniversary,” said Lanh as she eased herself to her feet and showed Alice her ID card. “Do you know when he gets off?”

“It’s only ten AM, he won’t be home till after sixteen hundred hours. I’m playing hooky myself, but he’ll be along, it’s Mongolian Barbeque night at the club, he won’t miss that.”

“No, he won’t,” said Lanh as she sagged down to sit on her duffel bag again. “We like Mongolian Monday.”

“Get yo ass up girl! You’re not sleeping in my hallway, this ain’t no flophouse,” Alice scolded. Then, in a softer tone of voice, “You need a shower and a nap before you meet your man.” She led Lanh into her own room. There was a small room with a counter and a sink against one wall. Beyond that was a larger room with the bed, a desk, lockers, and two comfortable looking chairs. Alice opened a door, which showed a room with a shower and a toilet. “You go take a shower to freshen up, then go out the other door and take a nap ok?”

“K,” said a sleepy Lanh. She went into the shower room with a towel loaned to her by Alice, dragging her duffel bag. Before she started the shower, she peeked through the other door and found herself in Don’s room.

The dorm rooms were set up as suites with a shared shower and toilet. She wandered around in Don’s room a bit, the furnishings were set up differently than how Alice set up her room, the bed was next to the wall and the lockers were alongside the bed with their backs to the bed making a little alcove for the bed. She smiled seeing one of the pillows covered with a pillowcase that showed a stick figure boy blowing kisses. Lanh pulled her own long distance love pillowcase out of her bag and recovered the second pillow.

After a quick shower, Lanh crawled into the bed and smelled her man on the sheets and rubbed her naked body on the insanely soft “mink” blanket on top of the bed. She turned on the reading lamp and found that the back of the lockers was covered with pictures of her. Pulling the mink blanket over her naked body, she was soon asleep.

She awoke to the noise of someone bustling around the room. Her clothes that she dropped in Don’s laundry basket were washed and folded and sitting at the foot of the bed. She was still naked from her shower so, expecting that noise to be Don, she warmed herself up for the reunion sex she had been dreaming about. She began to gently run her fingers over her clit and pinched a nipple as she waited for her husband to step into the room ... here he comes and OH MY GOD!

A middle-aged Asian woman stepped into her line of sight! “Who the hell are you?” shrieked Lanh as she covered herself up with the mink blanket.

The woman turned to Lanh and shouted something in a foreign language, probably Korean, but it freaked out Lanh even more because it’s been years since she heard a language she didn’t understand. “I’m Lanh! I’m Don’s wife! What are you doing in here?” she yelled in Vietnamese, hoping the woman understood.

The woman said in horribly accented Vietnamese, “I’m Viet too! I’m Pham Lanh Xuan, I clean these rooms. You have a funny accent.”

Lanh shocked herself when she realized they had switched to Vietnamese, and she hadn’t noticed. “I am Nguyen Huong Lanh, I was born in America, my mother’s name is Pham My-Duyen Mai.” Lanh reached to the headboard shelf and put on her glasses. The woman looked to be in her fifties, maybe older.

“Now I see!” said Xuan and pointed to a picture of Lanh and Don in the snow back in their teens. “It’s the glasses.”

Hearing the commotion, Alice popped her head through the door. “Is everything ok in here?”

“Yeah,” called Lanh, “I may have found a relative.”

“Ajumma? A relative?” Ajumma is the Korean pronoun for middle-aged woman, it’s the term that the USAF members at Kunsan used to address the cleaning lady, although most don’t know what it means, they think it’s a form of address. A younger woman is Agashi, a middle-aged man is Ajeossi. These three pronouns are about all an airman learns of Korean on his tour at Kunsan. Mispronunciations abound with the GIs and the Korean employees of Kunsan airbase take it in stride and try to teach the young Americans a bit of the language before they return home.

“She’s a Viet too, her name is Xuan Pham, my mother is Mai Pham, we could be related.” Lanh looked at Alice, who was looking back at her oddly in that “maybe I should call the police” kind of oddly. “Ummm, sorry, when I get excited, I speak in Vietnamese,” said a totally embarrassed Lanh, who just realized that she was speaking to Alice in Vietnamese. “I used to get in trouble on MARS calls, only English is allowed.”

“Don told me about that shit,” chuckled Alice. Lanh repeated what she learned about Xuan, and Alice said in her best mom voice, “Ok, look, it’s just barely past noon and Ajumma has work to do. You grab a nap and when you wake up, come on over.” Lanh didn’t think she’d be able to get back to sleep, but she was out like a light in minutes.

Don returned to his room after an arduous day, compounded by a couple of deadhead technicians who fucked up their work orders almost as bad as they fucked up Don’s airplanes. He dropped his mail on the counter and considered if he should make a cup of coffee or have a soda before checking to see if Alice was coming along for Mongolian. He decided on a Pepsi and headed for the fridge, noticing out of the corner of his eye that his clean laundry was stacked on the foot of the bed, but the bed wasn’t made. What was up with Ajumma today?

Reaching into the fridge, he noticed that his bottle of wine was missing. Maybe Alice had helped herself? The shower room doors have locks on both sides to ensure privacy, but like many “suite mates” Don and Alice only used the locks when using the showers or toilets, allowing the other party access to their room for necessities like snacks and booze. He was about to go ask Alice if she snagged his wine when he thought he heard Lanh’s voice speaking Vietnamese in the next room. It was then that he noticed the pillows on the bed. His second pillow had a pillowcase with a stick figure girl catching the blown kisses from his stick figure boy. Stick figure Don was reunited with stick figure Lanh.

He went into the shower room and knocked on Alice’s door. And the door was opened by Lanh, who pushed him into the shower room and locked the door behind her. Reunions with husband and wife on Kunsan Air Base are incredibly rare, especially in the dorms. Lanh dropped to her knees and tore open Don’s uniform and attacked his cock with a savage hunger that he’s never experienced.

For her part, Lanh has only had Don’s cock in her mouth when it was soft once before, back when he won his first race in high school. Every other time, he was always hard and ready for her whenever she wanted him, but today she caught him off guard. His soft cock was so cute! But it started responding rapidly, growing hard in her mouth, and suddenly she stopped!

They kissed feverishly, her mouth hot on his, her lips swollen from her work out on his cock, then she said, “Come on, pull your pants up, you’re taking Xuan and me to dinner.”

“Wait, who, what?”

It was crowded at the club when they got there. Lanh had invited Xuan to come along with them, as Alice had to work. The club was festooned with Christmas decorations, Christmas trees, garlands, artificial snow, ornaments of all types, and lots of Christmas lights. The Korean waitresses were dressed as Christmas elves, but none were as cute as Lanh, who still dresses like an elf during the holidays. Mongolian BBQ is a favorite among GIs because of the star ingredient: meat. With Lanh explaining to Ajumma how the system works, they filled their bowls with their favorite ingredients and carried them over to the grill where the cooks grilled the food.

They sat at a six-setting table, and two master sergeants joined them while Lanh chatted back and forth with Xuan and Don. One master sergeant, an amiable tech sergeant and a pretty black female tech sergeant.

“Wow, two hot chicks. Your wife is going to be so pissed when she finds out,” said the master sergeant.

“Ignore him,” said Don as they sat down. “That’s Josh Gravely, he’s our local redneck. He’s a weapons guy and we know all about them, don’t we.”

Lanh and Josh shook hands and Lanh noticed he had wings. “Just like Royce Brown.”

“Royce Brown? You call Chief Brown Royce?”

“He told her to,” said Don. “Watch yourself, she’s buddies with Annie.” Josh looked surprised. Clearly, he knew Annie too. “Josh was a gunner just like Royce,” Don continued. “Just not as cranky. This big fellow is called Wedge, he’s a weapons guy too, but he’s Irish so he’s ok. And Roxie works with me over in B Shop. She’s my senior Expediter.” Lanh shook hands with everyone, then they began eating. As they ate, Don smiled and leaned over and whispered, “How would you like to live in Korea for two years?”

Lanh had thought about living in Korea for a long time since Annie told her she met her husband up in Osan. “Well, duh! We’ve only talked about it for ages.”

“Here’s the deal, I can get a follow-on assignment to Osan, but I have to extend my current enlistment for at least two years.”

Lanh thought about it for a few moments, then asked, “When do we have to decide?”

“By next Friday,” replied Don.

“Hmmmm, do we have an SRB?”

Don nodded, “It’s a two.”

SRB stands for Selective Reenlistment Bonus, a retention bonus to entice airmen to reenlist. It is their monthly salary times the number of years they reenlist for, times a multiplier. In this case, it’s two which is actually pretty good. For Don, it would be his monthly salary of $2891.40 times four for the number of years he would reenlist, times the multiplier of two = $ 23,131.20. That was a fair chunk of change for a young couple.

“So, if we reenlist for six that’s...” Lanh rolled her eyes skyward as she ran the numbers in her head, “Thirty-four thousand seven hundred?”

“Wow, you’re dead on, thirty-four six ninety-six.” Don had already run the numbers when the SRB was announced months earlier. This was a tough decision, they’re both aching to go back to the farm, when they get the chance to go home, they spend every minute on the land that they love, but where else are they going to get a thirty-four thousand dollar signing bonus? As previously mentioned, compared to farming life in the air force was easy money. “Let’s do this, I’m taking the rest of the week off so let’s explore the local area tomorrow, then Wednesday we take the wheels up to Osan and take a look around, then we MARS call Dad and Sandy and see if they can hold the farm for another hitch.”

“I need to talk to Kim-ly also, I want to see where we are,” said Lanh. Kim-ly was the manager of their budget and finances. Naturally, a part of their income goes to the farm, but they want to maintain a war chest for a rainy day.

“If you’re going up to Osan you need to let your supervisor know,” said Josh.

“I’m on leave this week,” insisted Don.

“Don’t matter,” said Josh and he began waving his chopsticks around like a teacher pointing out words printed on an imaginary blackboard. “All travel outside the local area must be approved by your manager.”

“Ok,” said Don in a chastised voice. He then gave Roxie an elbow in the ribs, which took her attention away from Wedge. Don snagged a shrimp out of Wedge’s dinner with his chopsticks and said, “I’m taking the wheels to Osan on Wednesday,” then ate the shrimp he took.

“Ok, cool,” said Roxie. “Check the price of a Jaguars jacket at Bobbies for me,” then she started eating again.

“I’ll make sure she remembers,” said Wedge.

Later Don and Lanh walked back to his dorm and a light snow began falling, it was almost Christmas but there were very few lights on any of the buildings like Lanh saw at Spangdahlem and at Grand Forks. “These guys are grinches,” she remarked.

“We have to be able to go to full blackout in a matter of moments. When they turn the lights off here, it’s completely dark. There are more decorations downtown, Christmas is more like Valentine’s Day here.”

“How often do they go blackout?”

“About once a month, we just had exercise a few days ago.”

When they got back to Don’s room, Don excused himself for a quick shower and hurriedly washed up and dried off, and when he got to bed, he found Lanh fully naked and sound asleep. He shook her shoulder, and she just muttered, then rolled over to her other side. He had a choice be a gentle, loving husband and let her sleep, or be a horny GI and follow his throbbing cock’s desires and fuck her now. Several years ago, she had told him that if he needed her, and she was asleep to go ahead and “do it” just be sure to use some lube. Oh, the joys of shift work.

In the end, he and his aching balls chose option B and Don gently spread her legs and began licking her pussy, hoping she would respond, but she was sound asleep. The poor girl had been traveling for over 36 hours. Her fluids started flowing a little. Or was that his saliva? He wasn’t sure, but he got out the lube, lubed his throbbing cock and her pussy, and eased himself into her depths.

Having been separated so long, he almost forgot how good her pussy felt as his cock slid in and out of her depths. She is so beautiful when she’s sleeping. He often sat up at night looking at her sleep. Her features relaxed, and she even smiled in her sleep, and as he moved inside of her, her smile grew. Her lashes were naturally long and even closed, her eyes were beautiful. Don wouldn’t last long at all, and he was glad that she was missing this poor showing on his part. She never woke up, but she smiled in her sleep, and when he gurgled “I’m cumming baby,” she murmured something that could have been “Cum in me.”

He went and got a warm washcloth and cleaned up their fluids from himself and her. Lanh sort of woke up and whispered, “What are you doing?”

“I’m cleaning you up,” he replied

“Thank you ... did we have fun?”

Before he could say, “I did, but I’m not sure about you,” she was asleep again. Dousing the light, he cuddled with her in the absolute darkness of his light-tight room. The tiny little sleeping alcove he created reminded him of the nests they would make in the hayloft back home, just less scratchy. As he snuggled close to his wife, he asked himself for the thousandth time, “What would I do without her?”

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