We're a Wonderful Wife - Mrs. Sergeant Campbell - Book 2 of 4
Copyright© 2024 by Duleigh
Chapter 29
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - The award-winning story of Don Campbell and Lanh Nguyen continues as Don and Lanh marry and celebrate their love with friends and family, then it's off to tour the world with the United States Air Force. Don is first sent to Germany, where Lanh panics over the loss of friends and family, but their love carries them through, and they head home with joyful news. Their angels continue to follow them.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Heterosexual Fiction Military Mystery Paranormal Interracial Anal Sex Oral Sex
Even though years passed, there were dark, black days, where the sound of an empty house was deafening, but they felt that an empty farmhouse would be even more heartbreaking. Professionally, these were salad days. Work was rewarding and compared to farming, money was easy. Lanh was waitressing at the Officers Club and making incredible money at tips and their college education was rocketing, Don earning a 3.95 GPA and Lanh with a 3.98. After several conversations with their parents, Ralph, Sandy, Duong, and Mai, they decided to re-enlist for four years when Don’s hitch was up.
But the emptiness of the house echoed in their ears and in their hearts. Like last night, Lanh looked at a glass covered photo of their wedding head table. She took a grease pencil and circled the couples. “Rosa and Bao, they’re expecting their second,” she drew a little star over them. “Tam and Jake, they have Chip,” she drew a little star over them, “Craig and Sydney, they have two and one on the way,” she drew two stars over them. She sighed. “Huy and Ahnjong are expecting twins,” she drew an exclamation point over their circle.
“Lanh, stop. You’re not helping yourself,” said Don, looking up from his studying.
“Ralph and Sandy have five between them, her four girls and you, and má and ba, there’s six of us.”
Don came up behind her and put his arms around her. “You’re making yourself crazy.”
“I know, I know,” she murmured. “I wonder if Trung and Angela are holding back out of pity for us.”
“Trung said they don’t want kids and can’t even work sex into their schedule right now,” Don reminded Lanh. Trung was both working for the USDA here in the Red River Valley area, which has been hit with a horrible drought, followed by a horrible winter, and now by incredible flooding. They were pulled in different directions, Trung in the field trying to help the stricken farmers of the area and Angela working at UND. The last time he talked to Trung, Don got the distinct feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn’t put a finger on it. They had not yet visited, which was concerning to Don.
“Isn’t that weird,” Lanh muttered as she adjusted her glasses and looked at the picture again. All of her bridesmaids and all of Don’s groomsmen were married to the person they were seated next to in the picture, all except Lanh’s sister Kim-ly. In the picture, Kim-ly is between Don and Lanh, hugging them. Lanh showed Don the picture and pointed this out.
Don took the grease pencil and drew a circle around himself, Lanh and Kim-ly. “There, fixed it. She’s here often enough.” Which was true, Kim-ly practically lived with them. When her work is done at her firm and she’s got the books up tight on Ralph’s farm and Duong’s restaurant, she’s in Grand Forks living with her sister and brother-in-law.
Lanh looked again and with a Kleenex, she erased the circle and re-drew it to include a blob over their shoulders. The blob was a flaw in the negative that the photographer couldn’t explain, but the photograph was so joyful that Lanh insisted on getting an enlargement of it, blob and all. She called the blob “My Angel” because she could see a face in the blob, and with a strain of the imagination that gave Don a headache, he could see it too. “There, we can’t leave out my angel.”
“No, we can’t,” grinned Don. Lanh was smiling, which was rare, but becoming more common.
“Kim-ly, my angel, and me, we’re a wonderful wife,” she smiled as his arms wrapped around her.
“Yes, you are,” said Don, stressing the word “you.”
“She’ll be here Wednesday,” said Lanh as she looked at the picture again and sighed. Someday this adoption thing will come through. Their counselor told them that once they have their first child, it will be so much easier to adopt more babies later, but the first! Don and Lanh have never seen such a paperwork struggle. Thank God that Huy stepped in to help with the legal nightmare.
She looked again at her angel in the circle. Don once kidded that it was Kim-ly’s evil aura. The photographer hated it and almost destroyed the negative, but Lanh saved it because she thought everyone’s smile in the photograph was perfect. She decided the smudge was her angel who was posing with them, so that photo was framed, hung on the wall, and it followed them to Germany and then to Grand Forks AFB North Dakota where they are now.
With a sigh, Lanh set the grease pencil on top of the frame. She looked around the room for something to do. Nothing on TV, no good books to read. She’s studied her brains out and needs a break. Don went back to studying for his promotion examination to Technical Sergeant. He reports for the exam at eight AM. It was two AM, and he had been cramming practically nonstop for three days. He even took a day of leave just to study for this exam. Lanh shook her head; she created a monster when she became his tutor years ago.
It’s nearly impossible for him to make it. He made staff sergeant on his first attempt at testing. His first attempt at Technical Sergent was mathematically impossible for promotion, but he did well on the test and knows what to study. This time, the way the USAF counted points toward promotion, there’s a slight glimmer of hope and Don has been wracking his brain studying. The medal he earned at Spangdahlem gave him three valuable points towards promotion, a blessing that he needs.
Lanh decided that what Don really needed was a break, but he was studying hard, so there was only one thing she could do. She stripped off her clothes and sat down at the dining table across from Don.
Don glanced up when he heard a little familiar mewl come from his wife. She was sitting across from him, in her chair, naked and leaning back against the wall, her eyes closed, tiny toes gripping the edge of the table. “What are you doing?”
“I’m trying to study.”
“I’m trying to cum.
“Lanh, please?”
“I’ll be quiet.”
Don scoffed softly, no she won’t. The only interruptions allowed when one of them is studying is sex, and they both play dirty. Lanh knows nothing turns her husband on more than the sound of her little gasps and cries as she has sex, and she plays to win. But Don was working hard on a promotion examination, so this was going to be difficult.
The Air Force promotion system is a complex numbers game, you accumulate points based on your time in service, your time in your current rank, your annual evaluations, the ribbons and medals you’ve accumulated, and you take two tests, one is all based on general USAF knowledge such as dress and appearance, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), and procedural questions, such as what do you do if you miss your flight to your new assignment in East Jahunga? The second test is all technical questions based on your AFSC, your Air Force Specialty Code, in other words, your particular job in the Air Force. Once everyone’s points are totaled up, the Air Force promotes the top point earners based on Air Force needs. If they only need five new sergeants, only five get promoted, and this is all based on your AFSC. If they need a thousand cops promoted, they promote a thousand cops. If they don’t need any bomb loaders promoted, they don’t promote any bomb loaders. Better luck next year, chum.
Lanh didn’t know why Don was working so hard and putting so much effort into this exam. At the Wives club meeting they said NO ONE is going to make Technical Sergeant this cycle, the Air Force is “Rank Tight,” meaning they have enough Technical Sergeants, no one gets that stripe, not unless they’re wearing a Medal of Honor, the highest honor the nation can award a soldier. But even then, that’s only worth fifteen points toward promotion, however you get salutes from officers and your kids can go to the USAF Academy if you have a kid.
A Medal of Honor is not in his future, but right now, Don could get an Oscar for his performance as he tries to ignore his wife.
Her little whimpers and gasps as she gently strummed her clit and eased a slim dildo in and out of her damp pussy got to him. “Girl, I’m about ready to jump over this table and fuck you sideways if you don’t hush.”
“I don’t need help,” she said between gasps. “I’m doing fine.” She slid the dildo in deep and let her breath out in a shivery groan as she tickled her cervix with the very tip of the plastic dick.
She was well within her rights to make her noises, and she planned to get louder. The rules of the game are simple: the distractor can do almost anything as long as they stay on their side of the table. No screaming, yelling, or touching the person trying to study, and nothing mundane unless there is an actual need, like a broken water pipe or work is calling. The distraction can only be sex. Neither can remember where the idea for this silly game came from. Don insists it was Tam, Lanh remembers it being Annie, but in reality, it was Sandy who came up with the idea. When Sandy heard from Lanh, then later from Don, who both said at different times, “My spouse studies too much,” the idea was born. Both Lanh and Don were tearing up the academic world in their free time. Sandy simply mentioned that they need to allow a distraction for romance, and thus, the game began.
Don knew he would not get much more quality studying done. He was exhausted. He’s been through the Air Force study guide several times, along with the correspondence course for his maintenance specialty. It was a matter of pride that kept him at the books and his extensive handwritten notes, so what if he doesn’t have a chance? He wants to get close. Their decision to stay in the Air Force depends on this test.
Compared to farming, the Air Force was easy money, and the benefits were incredible. Farming is hard, backbreaking work for little to no money. Ralph and Sandy are making it because they have Kim-ly there helping and doing their accounting in exchange for living in the apartment Don built for Lanh. Trung is constantly helping Ralph by coming up with great ideas and samples of different seeds, feeds, and chemicals that a farm needs. Those samples saved Ralph and Sandy thousands of dollars, and Trung’s contacts will give top dollar for Ralph’s cash crops, hay, and feed corn. As for Don, all he has to do is fix airplanes, keep his uniform clean and salute at the right time. For this he gets room, board, free medical, and 30 days paid vacation. There’s a chance he can get himself killed, but that can happen on a farm, too.
If he makes this promotion, he’ll re-enlist again. If not, they’re going home. They both have their bachelor’s degrees; now they’re working towards their master’s degrees, so either way, both Don and Lanh are excited about the future. They’re hoping to go to Osan in Korea, or Misawa in Japan, or Kadina on Okinawa or maybe ... dare they dream? Hickam AFB in Hawaii! Or they’re going home to the land that they love. It’s a big win-win.
But right now, Don has a test to ace, and he can’t do it with a sexy, horny Asian wife sitting across from him fucking herself and moaning in ecstasy. The worst part is the things she was saying. She was speaking softly like “I wish I had a bigger dildo, or something like it,” both knowing that Don’s cock “Stanley” was thicker than the dildo she was now playing with. “My fingers are tired, I need help,” she moaned. What finally got him was when she said, “I hope I didn’t lube my ass up for nothing.”
That did it. Don stood, tore off his t-shirt and dropped his sweatpants, and walked around to Lanh’s side of the table, his bobbing cock leading the way. Normally, he would put his cock right in front of Lanh’s face and she would suck him while she masturbated, but this time, she hopped up out of the chair and dashed into the living room. It’s going to be that way, is it?
Don followed her into the living room where she called out from behind the wingback chair, “Don’t point that thing at me, it may be loaded.”
“Oh great,” thought Don, “If the neighbors heard that they’ll call the Security Police.” He could just imagine telling a young Air Force cop, “Honest officer, she was talking about my dick!” Don had her trapped behind the recliner. She was bobbing side to side. Her grin was huge as she avoided his grasping hands. Finally, he made a move to go right, but she ducked to his left and shot out of the living room and she was gone. He followed her into the kitchen, and she raced out the back door! “I am going to fuck that woman,” Don vowed.
Quietly, he eased out the back door. It was a warm, dark, moonless night, the stars were shining brightly, but it was hard to see out there. Where the heck is she? Their yard is surrounded by a chain-link fence, so there’s nothing to hide behind and luckily it looks like there are no neighbors up. Crouching, he ventured out into the yard, staying low, letting his eyes get accustomed to the dark, completely naked, as was Lanh. Suddenly, she bolted from a dark shadow and streaked toward the door. He tried to turn and grab her, but she got in ahead of him and tried to lock him outside! He was able to get the door open a little bit before she was able to lock it. “Let me in darling, I won’t hurt you.”
“No! You’re going to fuck me in my bottom!” She almost couldn’t say it because she was laughing so hard.
“I’ll make it there eventually,” he said as he pushed against the door, which slowly gave way. Damn! She really has been improving at the gym!
Realizing that holding the door back was a lost cause, she dashed back into the kitchen and Don was right behind her, his cock hard and bobbing as he followed her. They danced around the table side to side, left, then right. She avoided his grasping hands every time he lunged for her. Finally, she dashed back into the living room. He would have had her, but her hair is shorter now, just down to the shoulder blades, so his hand missed, and she ducked into the living room and took refuge behind the couch. Rather than try to crawl back after her, he pulled the couch away from the wall, allowing him to walk behind it with ease.
With a squeal of surprise, Lanh dove from behind the couch, but Don was quick and now he had her by an ankle. She squealed and giggled like a kid as she kicked at his hand with her free foot, but that was a bad move, and now Don had her by both ankles. “No fair!” she called, “You cheat!”
“I’m a cheater because I’m winning?” he asked as he tried to corral the little fireball, who rolled from side to side trying to escape.
“Yes!” she gasped. She rolled over face down, but he still had her by the ankles and was moving up her body. She could almost feel his cock growing closer and closer to her unguarded ass, and she knew how much he liked to fuck her there, especially when she was a “bad girl...” like now. She rolled back over on to her back and Don saw wildfire in her eyes. “I dare you to fuck me!” she hissed.
“I’m going to do just that,” he said and lowered himself down, but she was able to kick her legs free and scoot back across the rug, away from Don. “Get back here,” he said, and he grabbed her shins and yanked her back at him. She grinned, and they wrestled. He now had her wrists, and they wrestled and rolled around on the floor, soon both covered in sweat. He was able to get her back onto her back and he tried to kiss her, but she kept turning her head from side to side.
“No! No!” she said from pursed lips.
“Ok then,” he warned and began kissing her shoulders. She twisted from side to side, trying to throw him off, but he wouldn’t let go. He kissed his way down to her left nipple. She shook as hard as she could, trying to make her boob wobble out of the way of his mouth, but her breasts were too small and firm for that and with a cry of anguish she felt his teeth snare her nipple. He held it tight between his teeth and flickered his tongue over it.
Lanh has never been so turned on in her life. She could feel the moisture seeping out of her pussy and spreading across her inner thighs. All the teasing and wrestling and now his teeth finally nipping at her nipple as hard as she wanted. She was more than ready to cum. Don’s teeth had her nipple trapped, and she fought to get her hands free, but he held her wrists firm. She opened her legs up wide, expecting him to plunge his cock into her unprotected pussy, but he just grinned at her. He wanted full capitulation before he plunged into her sodden pussy.
She somehow got her legs together underneath him, trapping his cock between her damp thighs, but he started fucking her thighs. “That’s really nice!” he sighed, but she fought harder, trying to push him off. He reluctantly pulled his cock out of her slippery thighs and started kissing his way down. Now he explored her belly button with his tongue. Instead of balling up in a fit of giggles, she groaned. “Yeah, she’s turned on!” he said to himself. When Lanh gets hot, her ticklishness disappears.
“Oh, you little minx!” He exclaimed, “You shaved!” gone was the black forest he loved so much, she was completely smooth there now.
“Yeah, Kim-ly shaved me, you should have been here to watch,” she snickered, knowing that it would cause his balls to ache. In retaliation, Don now released her hands and was trying to kiss his way into her flower, but her legs were crossed and clenched tight.
“Don’t! I can’t...” she gasped as she tried to push his head away.
“I’m going to eat you, then I’m going to fuck you,” he growled.
Their eyes met, and she suddenly got teary. “Don’t, please stop.” Her voice was weak and shaky.
Don knew she knew the safe word. She used it the other day when he was getting grabby, but a friend of hers was stopping by for coffee. “I’m going to slide my tongue so far up your tight little ass...” he almost had her legs pried apart.
“Please...” she whined, then sadly said, “Teddy...”
“Oh shit,” thought Don, “I pushed her too hard, why do I do that?”
But Lanh never added “bear” to complete the safe word. She broke into a grin. “Nahhh, just kidding.” She tried to take advantage of his confusion and wriggle free. Her subterfuge gave him the strength to pry her legs apart, and she gasped. Her pussy was wide open to him.
“You little piece of...” Whatever he said was muffled by her cunt as he dove face first into his wife’s wet twat. The feeling of his tongue roughly assaulting her clit nearly made her cum immediately. As always, she capitulated completely. It’s like her clit is an on/off switch. When he touches it, she instantly switches to sex mode regardless of what she was doing previously and when wrestling around, the wrestling comes to a screeching halt.
Her legs relaxed and fell wide open. Her hands stopped trying to push him away and held the back of his head, urging him to lick and suck her juices. “Oh, Daddy, I love you,” she gasped as his fingers began to squeeze and pinch her erect nipples. He pinched them hard, harder than he could imagine being pleasurable and pulled them straight out hard, just like she does when he puts her hands on her breasts as he licks her to ecstasy. She just arched her back and hissed, “Yessssss!” The electrical jolts between her nipples and her clit drove her over the edge. “Eat me!” she gasped, “eat me em yêu.”
Don loved and laved her clit, his tongue flickering over it, driving her out of her mind, and now two fingers eased into her pussy while his little finger drilled into her super tight anus. “I’m cumming daddy! I’m Cumming!” she gasped, announcing her orgasm, knowing that Don loves to hear her say those words. She began twisting side to side, her body shaking, fluttering like a leaf in the wind, and waves of sexual release crashed over her. As she was cumming, Don pulled out and rolled her over on her stomach and hoisted her ass in the air, then he eased his cock into her tight soaked pussy.
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