Joining a Mother With Her Son - Cover

Joining a Mother With Her Son

Copyright© 2024 by MrCurrie

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A professor wants to test her theory of joining an unsuspecting mother with her son, by exposing them to other incestuous relationships. Narrated from the Mom's POV.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Aunt   Pregnancy  

While working in my office on Friday afternoon, I heard the front door open and close. Curious, I rose to investigate and met Brett before I could leave my room. With a big smile, he greeted me, “Hi, Mom. I finished up early at school and thought I’d get a jump on the weekend chores tonight.”

“Good idea. The forecast predicts high temperatures tomorrow. Will dinner at seven be alright?” I asked.

“That’d be great,” he replied. “I’ll tackle the other chores tonight and leave the mowing for tomorrow, so seven should be perfect. I’ll take a shower before dinner since I’ll be sweaty. See you later.”

He turned and headed to his room to change while I returned to my office chair. His mention of a shower filled my mind, distracting me as I tried to concentrate on work. For an hour I tried to shift my attention to the screen, but the image of his shiny, large cock remained the focus of my thoughts. I laughed to myself, thinking, “I guess the day with Jennifer wasn’t quite enough to satisfy my cravings.”

Finishing up work, I went to the kitchen to prepare one of Brett’s favorite meals. While I busily minded the cast iron skillet on the stove, I heard the door close. My body froze when I felt his hands grip my waist. Since he had only done it on weekend mornings in the past, it took me by surprise. He leaned over my shoulder, inhaled a deep whiff, and said, “Smells wonderful, Mom. I’m starved and can’t wait to eat. I’ll be right back after taking my shower.”

He was already in his room by the time I found the strength to reply. The feel of his hands on my body remained with me while I continued to prepare dinner. It was an innocent act and I reasoned that my overreaction had been unwarranted. He didn’t even kiss my neck—just a friendly touch from a loving son.

After we ate, he offered to clean the kitchen so I could shower and join him in the living room.

Exiting the stall, dripping wet, I dried myself, deep in thought about what to wear. The hot air of the summer evening hit me so I decided to wear a nightie, instead of sweats. “Was it the heat or the thought of parading around my son in flimsy nightwear that affected my decision?” I asked myself, fully aware of the reason.

Selecting the blue one, I held it up to my nude body and stood in front of the mirror. “What was I thinking, wearing this in front of him last weekend? No wonder he lost control,” I admonished myself. Hanging it back up, I ran my fingers across a silky, black one. Its tight weave would conceal my undies while providing relief from the heat. After snapping on my bra and pulling on some panties, I finished my look by slipping on the black nightie. Modeling in front of the mirror, I was pleased with my choice, congratulating myself for not succumbing to my exhibitionist cravings.

He quickly glanced at me when I settled beside him, turned to the TV, and resumed watching the show. During a break, he asked, “Wouldn’t the blue one be cooler, Mom?”

A chill traveled down my spine at the mention of my sexy nightwear. In reality, he didn’t care about the nightie—it was about seeing my near-nude body that drew his attention. “I decided to switch it up and wear this one,” I explained, hoping that it would be enough to convince him to change the conversation.

“Good point,” he agreed. “It’d be a shame to wear it out. It really brightened my day when you wore it for breakfast last weekend.”

My thoughts returned to that fateful day when Claire came close to catching him holding my breasts. Before I could think of a way to deter the conversation, he continued, “I want to get an early start tomorrow to beat the heat. Would you mind having breakfast at seven in the morning?”

“That’s a great idea and won’t be a problem, at all,” I answered, thankful he dropped the whole nightie thing.

Turning to me, his gaze locked onto mine, he requested, “Tomorrow would be even better if you’d wear your nightie like last Sunday, Mom. It’d make my day mowing the lawns a little less tedious.”

Without thinking of the repercussions, I weakly agreed, “It’s the least I could do for all the work you do around here.”

His lustful, leering smile remained in my mind as I made my way to my room. Fortunately, we decided to retire early with the next day’s activities moved up. After setting the alarm, I contemplated bringing myself off but didn’t want to slip back into my old habits of fantasizing about an illicit joining with my handsome son.

The next morning, up much earlier than most mornings, I felt groggy so I decided to take a soothing warm shower to help. After drying off, I found myself holding the blue nightie against my body, pondering my son’s request. He had done so much for my sister and me, that I hated to disappoint him. After remembering his pleading expression, I decided to grant him his wish. After slipping on my bra, his voice rang out in my thoughts, “Wear your nightie like last Sunday.” Did he purposely mention the day that I hadn’t worn a bra, or was it just a coincidence? Without dwelling on the matter, I yanked the silky garment off and threw it on the bed before shrugging on my nightie.

After buttoning the front, I loosely tied my belt, not wanting the fabric to press too tightly against my breasts. I swiveled around, looked at myself in the mirror, and smiled with approval. The only thing out of place was my noticeable panty line. Reaching underneath, I pulled my panties off. Glancing again, I was pleased to see my nightie hugging my well-rounded ass. I laughed as I thought, “In for a penny, in for a pound.”

I stood at the stove, slowly cooking the hash browns as it was still twenty minutes away from when Brett said he wanted to eat. I glanced at my front with my nipples poking out, before drifting down to see my bush barely concealed beneath the thin material. Although I thought I was safe because he would only see my ass, I hadn’t taken into the fact I’d have to turn around to serve him. My mind searched for a solution and my angst lessened when I remembered I kept an apron in one of the drawers.

Before I could retrieve it, Brett’s door slammed shut, followed by his feet padding on the floor. Knowing I couldn’t risk turning to retrieve the apron, I stood frozen, my nerves on edge as I anticipated his hands.

His fingers gently brushed across my neck, pulling one side of my bob cut to the side. Goosebumps popped up as his moist lips tenderly kissed the side of my neck. While he slowly licked his way to my ear, his hands gripped my sides. “Good morning, Mom. I love the way you smell after a shower, without any perfume masking your natural scent.”

“Thanks, Brett,” I said, shakily. “You’re here early so it’ll be a few more minutes before it’s ready.”

“That’s fine, Mom,” he whispered, his hot breath bathing my ear. He sucked on my ear lobe and when I felt him releasing his hands, rather than moving upward, I sighed in relief. Remaining close to me, he continued, “We have plenty of time. I texted Auntie last night, telling her I was starting early to beat the heat, and asked if she’d mind preparing brunch for us. She wrote back and agreed.”

“Thanks, Brett.” I was about to continue when I felt his arms brush against my sides as his hands deftly untied my belt. “What was he doing? I should stop him immediately,” I chastised myself, but my arms remained over the stove.

“I told her that so she wouldn’t pop in for breakfast,” he croaked, nibbling on my ear lobe. His fingers unbuttoned my nightie, starting with the bottom one. When he was halfway up my body, his voice, filled with lust, asked, “Do you know why I didn’t want her showing up?”

“No,” I replied firmly. It was my motherly duty to stop him and maybe my forceful answer would halt him from doing something both of us would regret.

His fingers continued and when he reached the final button, he croaked, “Because I didn’t want her interfering with our practice session like she did last week.” Suddenly, his hands grabbed my bare waist, his fingers digging into my hot flesh.

I inhaled deeply and knew I had to act quickly. I set the spatula onto the spoon rest and instead of grabbing his wrists, my fingers turned the stove knobs off and gripped the edge. My knuckles turned white and held fast, refusing to obey my commands. My horny, lust-filled body had taken control of my senses. His hands moved across my bare flesh, upward until he gripped my ribs.

His panting became louder, but then I realized it was my own rapid breathing mixed with his. “Do you remember how Roxie described the feeling when her son wrapped his hands around her breasts?” he asked, as his palms cupped my breasts. I wanted to speak—to order him to stop, not to describe how much pleasure was coursing through my body. My pussy throbbed with desire while my nipples filled with blood.

There was no turning back with my body reaching such a heightened sexually excited state. I knew I’d allow him to do anything he wanted to. He squeezed my meaty breasts, causing both of us to groan as he joyfully played with his mother’s tits for the first time.

When his fingertips found my distended tips and gently pinched them, shockwaves of pleasure shook my body. He twisted and teased them while sucking on my neck until I broke. I quickly swiveled around to face him, one hand grabbing the back of his head and pulling him to my mouth while my other wrapped around his large, sticky-wet prick. I fleetingly wondered if he had walked in nude or had shucked off his robe at some point.

His hands clutched my breasts and mauled them while our tongues danced together. I leaned backward, pulling his body with mine. His arms embraced me and gently lowered us to the floor. My legs flew open, while I pulled his prick to the entrance of my steaming slot. With his fat head already coated with his precum and my pussy soaked with my juices, he shoved with all his might and didn’t stop until his huge balls slammed against my ass.

The discomfort from his large girth stretching my long-unused cunt was short-lived, replaced with pangs of joy. My lungs expelled their contents and while I struggled to inhale, he fucked me as if his prick was a jackhammer. He was out of control, frantically fucking me like a madman. There was no finesse as he hammered his horny mother.

The loud sounds of my grunts and groans from being stuffed full of hard cock were mixed with my son’s heavy panting. The edge of his large crown scraped across my walls each time he retracted, my pussy clenching and squeezing in an attempt to pull him in deeper. When he slammed back in, his groin smashed against my outer folds, sending jolts of joy through my system.

I tried to abstain from cumming, but after the first dozen strokes, a wave of heat surged through my body. My legs tightened and shook as my pussy squeezed his ram. A feeling of bliss flowed through me as I succumbed to his prick. His face mirrored my lustful cravings as he concentrated on driving his cock as deeply as possible into his mother. His forehead was covered with a sheen of sweat and after my pussy convulsed several more times, his eyes locked with mine, his face filled with pain as the realization hit him that he was fucking his mother.

“I love you,” I managed to say between contractions. “Kiss me.”

He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine, as I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him into me while madly humping my hips. His eyes squinted as I felt his prick jerk, spraying my insides with his sperm. My pussy soon synched up with his spitting hose, squeezing his shaft each time a blob of cum ejected from his big balls. We kissed as he filled my pussy with more sperm than it could contain, the excess spilling out and soaking our groins.

It was the longest orgasm I’d ever experienced, spurred on with each time his cock pulsed and spit. When his prick finally released his load and his pumping slowed, my climax concluded. Our kissing became more gentle and loving as he slowly stroked in and out of me. When his prick softened, he pulled out, causing a river of cum to flow down my crack.

Breaking the silence he gasped, “Fuck, that was awesome. I can’t believe we did that.” Misinterpreting my expression, he apologized, “I’m so sorry, Mom. I don’t know what came over me.”

Stopping him, I replied, “It’s alright, sweetie. I wanted it, too. I loved it as I do you. You didn’t do anything that I didn’t want. And you’re right—it was fucking awesome.”

He chuckled, his widening smile filling me with warmth. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that. I love you so much, Mom,” he professed.

“I know, dear. I’m your mother, and know you better than anyone,” I replied. Pushing gently on him, I continued, “Normally, I wouldn’t mind if you stayed on top of me all day, but this hard floor is a little uncomfortable, plus I need to finish breakfast.”

His face blushed as he apologized, “Sorry, Mom.” He rose and helped me up to embrace me. We kissed for a moment before he released me. He retrieved his robe from the floor and slid it on while I buttoned my nightie.

While we ate, we exchanged our desires and fantasies that we’d hidden from each other. Nothing was held back, except for my affair with his professor. When finished, he offered to help clean but I told him, “You better change and start mowing since you told Claire that was the plan. I’ll finish up here.”

While he walked to his room, I yelled, “Wear your cotton shorts, with no underwear, of course.” I giggled to myself as I planned a treat for him and me.

Minutes later, when he reappeared, my pussy twitched, ready to welcome his big cock. “That should keep you cool, but it’s making me hotter,” I confessed, giggling. “I’ll be out with some cold drinks after I’ve cleaned up here.”

“Thanks, Mom. See you later,” he replied while walking out the door.

After finishing the kitchen, I changed into a short tennis skirt and a thin blouse. Arranging two glasses of ice along with a pitcher of tea on a tray, I carried them out to the deck and sat in a chair underneath the large umbrella. When he spotted me, he pulled off his shirt and threw it into a chair next to me on his next pass. When I saw he was minutes from being done, I dashed back into the house and changed into a two-piece bikini I hadn’t worn in years.

I stepped back outside and adjusted the chaise lounge until it was flat before lying on it, letting the sun soak onto my backside. Brett glanced several times, probably the first time he had seen me wear it. He hurriedly mowed the final loop, before jumping onto the deck. “You look really hot, Mom. Never seen you in that before.”

“I couldn’t pass up catching some rays. Sit by me and drink some tea, sweetie,” I instructed, nodding toward a chair, situated next to me. After filling his glass, he sat, giving me a perfect view of his knees and lower legs. “Spread your legs, honey,” I croaked.

When his legs widened, my gaze traveled up his hairy thighs and landed on his balls and the base of his cock, visible through the leg hole of his shorts. “Nice view,” I complimented him.

“For me, too,” he replied, his eyes exploring my shapely body.

“Would you be a dear and apply some suntan lotion before I get burned?” I asked. As he rose, I said, “Do my legs first.”

He jumped up and drizzled some lotion onto the backs of my legs before rubbing it in. His hands glided up and down my long legs, gently squeezing my upper thighs with each pass. “I love your legs, Mom,” he exuded. “That night when you let me practice feeling your leg resulted in me jacking off three times before I got to sleep.”

“Me too, baby,” I responded, moaning. “Time for my back. Sit on my ass while you work it.”

When he sat down, I felt his hard cock lodge in my ass. After several minutes of smearing on the lotion, I said, “Unsnap me. I don’t want a line and it’ll allow you to feel the sides of my breasts.”

After clumsily undoing and pulling my bikini straps to the sides, his hands stroked the length of my back, his fingers brushing across my breast meat squashed out with each pass. “Jesus, Mom. You’re so fucking hot.”

“I love the feel of your hands and fingers on my body,” I gushed. After several minutes of relishing the feel of his touch, I noticed Claire walking out her back door, before sitting on a chair underneath her umbrella. She looked in our direction, but didn’t wave.

“I think it’s time to mow your aunt’s yard. Be a good son and treat my sister to the same affection you’ve shown me,” I hinted, knowing she’d appreciate a look at his large balls.

“Sure, Mom. It shouldn’t take long,” he said, rising and jumping off the deck. His shorts poked out from his hard prick and I hoped it wouldn’t diminish before his aunt caught sight of it. She sat and admired his physique as he toiled away on her lawn. When he was nearly finished, I reached behind me, snapped on my top, rose, and went inside. Standing away from the kitchen window, I watched the scene unfold at my sister’s house.

As I had done, she disappeared into her house and returned, clad in a tiny bikini. She arranged the chair and lounge, before lying down. I removed my suit and twisted my rock-hard nipples as I saw Brett sit down in the chair, gulping down his drink. His legs widened and although I couldn’t see her face, I knew she was checking out my son’s equipment.

When he straddled her and lathered up her legs with lotion, I jammed two fingers into my sopping slot. My pussy’s juices flowed freely and when he unsnapped her top and ran his hands up and down her back, I almost climaxed from watching them. When he rose and jumped off the deck to return home, I shoved everything on the kitchen table to the side, before I leaned down and pressed my tits onto the surface. The cool tabletop did little to lower the temperature of my burning body. I spread my legs, knowing that when he entered, the first thing he’d see would be my open, hairy pussy.

After hearing the door open, I heard him exclaim, “Fuck!” After a moment of silence and not hearing him remove his shoes or clothes, I feared he was frozen with indecision. The next thing I felt was his hard cock sliding into my hungry hole. His hands gripped my ass, as he sunk deeper, until his big balls slapped against my hairy mound. It felt more exquisite than before, his prick scraping across areas that had never been touched by a prick. I silently cursed my ex-husband for never wanting to fuck me doggy style.

His fingers dug into my soft flesh, as he drilled my juicy pussy. As before, my pussy climaxed after a dozen strokes. He powered through my orgasm and I was thankful he had taken the edge off earlier, able to withstand the squeezing of my contracting canal. He slowed momentarily when my constrictions ceased, allowing me to recover. I had been without sex far too long to prolong the blissfulness of his cock. I shifted rearward, banging my ass into his pelvis.

Abiding by my hint, he slammed back in, escalating back up to his previous rate of thrusting. I opened my mouth and gasped for air as he flexed his hips and drove his prick in deeply. My gurgling chants resulted in my saliva running down my cheek, forming a pool on the table. The immense pleasure catapulted my body into another orgasm. His hands lowered to the fronts of my thighs, as he yanked my body into his. My contractions were so great that he had difficulty plowing through my clenching channel.

“Fuck, your pussy is so tight and wet, Mom!” he exclaimed. “I love fucking you.”

Unable to answer, my hands firmly gripped the sides of the table while my body quivered and shook with my orgasm. He groaned loudly and a second later, I felt his prick pulsing, his cock head exploding. My pussy reciprocated and continued to milk his spurting hose as he fucked me harder than any man had done before. After his cock ceased jerking, he leaned over me, resting his weight on my back, leaving his cock buried in my soaked pussy. His chest heaved as he fought to catch his breath.

After he recovered, he rose off me, grabbed me by my armpits, and lifted me off the table. Turning me to face him, we hugged while he gently kissed me. “I’m sorry for squashing you, Mom. I felt light-headed after I came and your soft, warm body felt so good, I couldn’t resist.”

“It’s perfectly fine. I love feeling your body on mine. It reminded me of when you were a child and always snuggled up to me when you were tired or depressed” I replied. “You’ve made me the happiest Mom in the world. You’re a terrific lover and I’m afraid I’ve become addicted to your marvelous prick.”

“That’s fine by me,” he said, grinning from ear to ear.

I looked down and when I saw his shorts still on his legs, sitting atop his socks and shoes, I chuckled, causing his face to redden.

“Sorry,” he said, apologetically. “I was so fucking hard that I couldn’t waste time taking my clothes off. Seeing your open, juicy pussy when I walked in almost gave me a heart attack.”

“Was it really me or from feeling up your aunt Claire that got you all hot and bothered?” I asked, grinning mischievously, having arranged the erotic scenario.

“There’s no doubt you’re both hot women, but you’re the one I love, Mom,” he confessed.

“Speaking of your aunt, we’re supposed to be there for brunch in thirty minutes. You better take a shower,” I reminded him.

“Sure thing, Mom,” he said, walking stiff-legged down the hall, while pulling up his shorts.

I grabbed my nightie and tossed it onto my bed when I entered my room. The smell of sweat and sex was powerfully strong and I thought about taking a quick shower. When I opened the stall door, I turned around and walked down to Brett’s room. “Why would I shower alone, when a strong, young man was available to help me clean up?” I asked myself, giggling.

He faced the controls, his face directly in line with the shower spray. He didn’t notice me until after I was right behind him, my arms encircling him. He turned, looked down at me, and asked, “I thought you showered this morning. Taking another?”

“After our lovemaking this morning, I thought my sister might become suspicious if I show up smelling like I was freshly-fucked. Would you mind helping clean your dirty mother?” I asked, giving him my best pouty face.

“I’d love to,” he said, grabbing the bar of soap and running it all over my body, gently caressing and rubbing every square inch of flesh. While I faced him, he scrubbed my back and my hands explored his torso.

Running my fingers through his chest hair, I gently pulled and purred, “I love feeling a man’s muscled body.”

He smiled and cupped my breasts, replying, “I love your chest, too, Mom.” We chuckled together as he squeezed and played with my tits. After a few minutes of caressing each other, I felt his prick bump into my stomach. My hand instinctively lowered and wrapped around his growing stalk of flesh.

Keeping my gaze locked onto his, I lowered to my knees and kissed his bulbous head. It had been a long time since I’d blown a man, but I wanted my son to know there was nothing off-limits. While holding his large ball sack with one hand, I held his shaft with the other and popped his mushroom-shaped head into my mouth.

“Fuck!” he exclaimed. “I can’t believe my mother is sucking my cock.”

While keeping his prick engulfed, I tilted my head upward. He pulled my hair to the sides, revealing my pleading eyes and my mouth full of his magnificent cock. His pelvis jerked, watching me jam his shaft deeper until I almost gagged. I pulled back a few inches and tried again, remembering to relax my jaw and accept more of his length. When his spongy head nudged against the back of my throat, I gently squeezed his balls before withdrawing and swallowing him whole again.

He panted heavily, his stomach heaving in and out, while I sucked and nibbled on his veiny prick. His bliss-filled face expressed how much pleasure he was experiencing from his mother’s blowjob. I vowed to do whatever it took to make him happy. His eyes never left mine as we connected as no mother and son should. His hands held onto my ears, holding onto my hair so it wouldn’t cover my eyes.

After ten minutes of fucking my mouth, he groaned as his prick exploded in my mouth. Very little ejaculate emerged, from draining two times earlier, but what did, I gulped down, not wanting to miss a drop. When his cock softened, I slowly pulled off, kissing his tip afterward. I rose to face him, smiling at his contented bliss-filled face. We hugged and kissed as the warm shower spray rinsed off our bodies.

Once we dried off, and as I turned to leave, he slapped my cheeks. “Great ass, Mom. You’re such a MILF,” he exclaimed, causing my smile to widen as I made my way to my room.

Selecting a skirt and blouse, I laid them on the bed and then opened my dresser. Finding a matching blue bra and panties, I set them alongside my other clothes. Seated at my vanity, I brushed my hair and applied a thin layer of my favorite lipstick.

Brett walked in, stood behind me, placed his hands on my shoulders, and looked in the mirror at my reflection. One of his hands rose and ran his fingers through my hair massaging my scalp while the over kneaded one shoulder. “I love the feel of your hair, Mom. It’s so silky and the way it mysteriously hides your beautiful face is sexy.”

“Thanks, sweetie. Your compliments and flirting make me feel young. I’m done here, so I can dress and be on our way.”

Brett moved to the bed ahead of me, picked up my clothes, and hung them back up in the closet. Selecting the short floral sundress I had worn before at Claire’s, he handed it to me and asked, “Would you mind wearing this, Mom? I love the way it clings to your curves.”

“Of course, sweetie,” I replied. After pulling on my panties, I reached for my bra, but Brett grabbed it before I could reach it.

“No need for this, Mom,” he quipped. “Your tits are fantastic and the outline of your nipples against the fabric drives me nuts.”

My smile broadened as I slipped on my sundress. The assertive, commanding tone of his voice comforted me—a feeling I hadn’t felt for a long time. My son was crazy about me and wanted to treat me like his woman. I knew that I would never deny him anything he asked.

Before we left, while standing in front of the mirror, I inspected the way it hugged my shape, especially my full tits. I pondered aloud, “Claire might be a little surprised to see her older sister dressed so sexily.”

Brett moved behind me, locked his eyes with mine in the mirror, and remarked, “You’re beautiful, Mom. She, of all people, should be proud of you. Maybe, it’ll convince her to seek a meaningful relationship with someone.”

“One can only hope,” I replied. “Although, I think she’s lusting for a younger man—one who’ll mow her lawn and clean her plow afterward.” We chuckled, his laugh more subdued than mine. I wondered if he’d ever fantasized about fucking his sexy aunt. I know I had.

On the way to her house, he intertwined his arm with mine, bumping his body against the side of my soft breast. When we arrived at the door, I pulled my arm back, fearing my sister might suspect something. After she welcomed us with a hug, her eyes drifted onto my pointed tips, before commenting, “Is that the same dress you wore before? It looks a little different today.” Her smirk let me know she was referring to the fact I wasn’t wearing a bra.

“Same one,” I replied, matter-of-factly, ignoring her subtle hint. “It smells delicious in here. I must have really worn off my breakfast. Guess I exercised a little too much.”

Brett smiled, knowing full well the exercise I referred to. While we savored my sister’s wonderfully prepared dishes, our conversation flowed as always, filling the air with joy and bouts of laughter. After we finished, Claire asked Brett to retire to the living room, giving us sisters some time alone.

Glancing to ensure he was out of earshot, Claire remarked, “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say your time with his professor is having a profound effect on your appearance. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not wear a bra and I have to admit, you really pull it off, Sis.”

“I enjoy spending time with Jennifer and she’s persuaded me to up my game a little,” I responded. “She says it makes you feel better if you present your best self to the world. I’m not quite sure who she thinks I’m trying to impress though, since I haven’t dated for years.”

“In the meantime, Brett is reaping the rewards. He couldn’t keep his eyes off you through the whole meal. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he has a crush on his mother,” Claire stated, her intense glare trying to interpret my facial expression.

“That’s nonsense, Sis,” I vehemently denied her veiled accusation. Changing the subject away from my son, I asked, “How about you, Sis? Have you been dating lately? Maybe you’ll find someone with a cute brother for me.”

“I haven’t seen anyone in a long time,” she admitted with a sigh. “It was a frustrating cycle—dating for a few weeks, getting my hopes up, only to realize we didn’t share the same life goals. It’s exhausting, putting yourself out there, opening up, and then facing disappointment over and over again.” She paused, glancing quickly towards the living room, and then whispered, “Have you thought about having another child?”

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