Living Two Lives - Book 24 - Cover

Living Two Lives - Book 24

Copyright© 2024 by Gruinard

Chapter 7

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 7 - The start of the HEA.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Rags To Riches   School   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Light Bond   Spanking   Polygamy/Polyamory   White Male   White Female   Indian Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Facial   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Sex Toys   Menstrual Play  

There wasn’t a convenient park to run in close to the hotel so instead Andrew ran along the sides of the canals in the centre of Amsterdam. That early in the morning there was little traffic, either vehicular or foot, so it wasn’t too bad. He stayed off the main routes into and out of the centre of the city and quite enjoyed running through a city for a change. Once he had run for 30 minutes he walked to cool off and recover and thought about the previous day. He and Suzanne had built up their relationship over years and the thing that struck him the most was that Ara was looking to jump into the deep end, and he wasn’t sure she was ready. He also recognised that he was being, or at least thinking of being, paternalistic and had made that mistake once before with Ara. It would require delicate handling, so he was more than a little nervous that morning.

Going for a swim let them escape any questions from the previous day. The three of them were a little forced, trying too hard on the walk down to the pool, but just flowing through the water was relaxing. It was his yoga. For all of them it was a chance to think and they were much more relaxed on the walk back to the hotel. Andrew thought they were just going back to hang up their wet swim gear and then head out for breakfast. But Suzanne stood there waiting. When he started unbuttoning her blouse Suzanne’s smile got wider but she stood passively while Andrew stripped her. She turned so she was facing him and he helped her into her playsuit but holding it from the front. Normally Andrew held it from the back so that he could do up the two buckles. As Suzanne looked over her shoulder at Ara he saw her plan.

“Could you do up the buckles please Ara.”

There was no reluctance and soon the playsuit was snug around her body. Andrew also saw that the butt plug was out on top of the dresser. He pushed Suzanne so that she was bent forward, hands on the bed, and slipped the plug into her pussy. Instant lube! Smiling at Ara Andrew stepped back and Ara came forward and pulled the little plug from Suzanne’s pussy and lined it up with her little pink arsehole. Ara was slow and deliberate with the insertion, which is a nice way of saying she teased the hell out of Suzanne before finally letting the plug seat between her cheeks. They were in danger of being blinded by Suzanne’s smile when she stood up. He didn’t know if she was hoping to just wear her coat but he helped her redress in her jeans and blouse. The way she was jiggling was going to make someone cycle into a canal. She was a traffic hazard. It was now Ara who stood there waiting. So much for clear and careful communication! Andrew started undressing her and her smile was wide and unforced. It was only when she was half undressed that he managed to get his brain into gear.

“Hang on, why am I undressing you?”

“Ara and I talked about it while you were out running. Leave her bra on to provide protection but then I will help you put the playsuit on over it.”

Well as long as there was a plan. It looked a little ridiculous but it couldn’t be helped. Ara was always going to need a bra, but after loosening the top strap slightly the playsuit fitted without a problem. Once she too was redressed they were ready to go.

“I loved how it felt last night Andrew, I loved that you bought it for me.”

They found somewhere for breakfast and were at the Van Gogh Museum when it opened. Suzanne and Ara left after a couple of hours to go next door to the Rembrandt Museum but Andrew stayed where he was. Artistic creativity was the thing that he least understood or comprehended as he was incapable of it himself. He loved standing looking at the final result, seeing the painting or sculpture, but it was the process that really amazed him. That ability to transform a blank piece of canvas or paper and to create something just from the artist’s imagination. That had always been the best part of modelling for the four Art College students back in 2nd year. None of them were going to have world renown but that didn’t matter. It was just amazing to see what they produced, to see how it was created, almost layer by layer. Van Gogh was his favourite artist and Andrew loved to spend time at the museum dedicated to his work.

“I didn’t realise that you were into art so much Andrew.”

He explained his fascination over lunch with them.

“I always forget that it is the modelling for the Art College students that started your career.”

Said far too gleefully. It seemed a good time to talk about modelling.

“I have not modelled since we started living together. I have one more week of commitments in July then I will be done with my original contract. I have been repeatedly asked if I would continue. The talk has been about four to six weekends a year. You both know what my modelling involves. What are your thoughts on me continuing?”

Ara and Suzanne looked at each other, trying to get the other to go first. Suzanne cracked before Ara.

“You and I spoke about this back at Christmas Andrew. We talked about it then from the perspective of how all your friends found it fascinating, a glimpse into this world. At the time I was not bothered about you continuing. Ara and I had met the previous week and what we have now was still a pipe dream. I have only seen a few of the commercials, some of the early ones. I don’t feel jealous, sorry I didn’t feel jealous about you modelling with all these beautiful women. The exact opposite in fact. That you modelled with them but were holding me in your arms was powerful.”

They looked at Ara.

“You talked about the older model who is married. How the two of you really upped the flirting, but at the end of the day she kissed you on the cheek and rushed home to ravish her husband. He told you it was all about trust. Without trust there was no way their relationship would work. We have talked repeatedly about how the three of us have to have trust, across many facets of our lives. So I am okay with you modelling as well, my only ask is that Suze and I come to Paris with you. We get to shop all day and then be ravished all night. It seems ideal.”

They all laughed at Ara’s compromise but it was the perfect solution. It was time away together with the security of knowing he was with them at the end of day. No toxic little tendrils of jealousy or worry lurking about.

“Would you work with the same models going forward?”

“I don’t know. Between a third and half my shoots have been with five or six models, Heloise, Renee, Chiara, Mathilde and Eve. All of them except Chiara were in Martinique for example. The rest of the shoots have been new models, sorry I mean models that I had not worked with before. Some of them were very experienced models. I work well with older models, it is the main thing that they are struggling to find in my replacement. Hermès clientele is older as well so I would imagine that it will be older models but I don’t know for sure.”

Ara sat there thinking for a moment before looking at Suzanne.

“You are right. Andrew has been modelling for more than two years and has done tens of shoots with an endless array of beautiful women. But here he is with us. Interesting.”

They headed back towards the centre of the city after lunch.

“I would like to go shopping again.”

Ara sounded determined but also more confident. So they went shopping. The previous day everything had been so new, it confused and unnerved Ara but now it was about following a plan. She and Suzanne had a plan which they now shared with him. The two key things they wanted to buy were some kind of paddle or crop for when they played together, and some videos.

“We won’t be allowed to bring these videos back into the country, they are banned.”

“Oh we know, that is why we are going to mail them to ourselves.”


“We are going to buy a birthday card here, write it out and then attach it to the envelope we brought with us. Our friend ‘Geert’ has sent us some presents. We can’t get into trouble for our Dutch friend not knowing the British laws. No big deal.”

Andrew tried to pick holes in their plan but it was simple and effective. If the package was stopped then it was an inappropriate gift from a Dutchman. He was more surprised at how blasé both of them were about it.

“We want to watch some of these videos, get some ideas, let us think about what we are going to shop for next.”

They had given this far too much thought. And somehow, he was going to be the beneficiary of all this planning. Life was tough! They spent three hours in their favourite sex shop, not a phrase Andrew ever thought he would use. Ara led Suzanne to the section with the crops and paddles showing her all the options before they came back over to the video aisle. 20 minutes later Ara had Andrew take Suzanne over to the section for some more mental torment.

“She has been terribly naughty. Take her over there and explain what you think I am going to do to her.”

Ara had forgotten that Suzanne still had the butt plug in, and so Andrew stood behind her as they looked at all the options, his hand tapping the base of the plug, adding to her overall level of horniness.

“Ara is going to get something different, you know that. Your time together is important to her, important to both of you and she is going to get something that is just for her.”

They stood looking at an array of crops.

“I don’t think so. Even if she gets one that is visually different it is still going to do the same thing, that burning line across your lovely bum.”

He tapped her plug again and Suzanne stifled a groan. They edged over and looked at the floggers.

“Possibly, there are a lot of different options and although the ones I bought are long, they are also light and at the tame end of the spectrum. Look at this one, look at the length of the tendrils, feel the weight of it. But regardless of how different in look and feel the flogger is, we still have two of them at home already.”

They came to the paddles.

“You know that this is what she is going to buy don’t you?”

Suzanne’s head bobbed quickly.

“Something long and heavy, able to cover both cheeks at once. Something that will always be just for the two of you.”

Andrew picked up one of the surprisingly heavy paddles. There was an array of options, this one was a simple wooden handle with a padded leather side and a wooden side. Simple, effective and there was no doubt that it would sting mightily.

“Hold out your hands.”

He placed the paddle on them and Suzanne swallowed.

“Feel the weight, think about how naughty you have been and think about what Ara is going to do to you with this. Put it back.”

Andrew walked back to the video section and Suzanne followed. It took her 10 minutes to get her head back into the browsing of the videos. Ara didn’t go back with her immediately and instead they selected the three videos they were going to send back to Britain. He wandered off to look around the rest of the store while Ara and Suzanne went to select the instrument of Suzanne’s torment. He was getting as bad as the two of them, everywhere he looked there were things that caught his eye and he could imagine them buying. He ended up back at the clothes just mindlessly browsing, giving Ara and Suzanne a few moments alone to make their decision. He was nudged and looked round in surprise.

“You were miles away.”

“Sorry, I was thinking I am just as bad as you two, I was looking at all the stuff thinking I want to buy half the things here as well. Anyway, have you made a decision.”

“I have. Show Andrew what I picked Suze.”

Ara had Suzanne holding the paddle, Andrew’s level of devilishness. It was not identical to the one he and Suzanne had picked up, but it was a variation on the same theme. Suzanne was all but hopping from one foot to the other.

“Were you looking for something in particular? You have bought me two things already.”

“I was looking at the corsets. Seeing if there was something that covered your tits but was still tight, had eyelets like the one Suzanne has, but is also not a 30 minute lace-up job.”

They both liked the idea and the three of them rummaged through the selection. It was Suzanne that found it, it looked like it was made by the same company that had made hers. It was very similar but rather than all the lacing at the front there was a lacing pattern but it had a zipper at the back. It still had the eyelets sewn into the small of the back of the corset for cuffing the wrists. It was slightly small for Ara but the sides had a little bit of elastic in them so they decided to buy it. As they walked back to the hotel both Suzanne and Ara were excited and Andrew knew that they needed some alone time but they didn’t want to ask him. He stopped them at the end of the street, the hotel within sight.

“I am going to sit and have a cup of coffee. You have an hour. Go.”

He had made the right call as there were no comments of ‘are you sure’ or anything like that. Two separate statements of ‘I love you’ and they skipped off down the street. He thought about his sudden gesture as he sat and drank a cup of coffee in the spring sunshine, his hat shading his face. The word that Andrew kept coming back to was swamped. This was the three of them, it was not him and his two wives. And given Ara’s confusion over her sexual identity it was even more important to give them some space. As she said, not swamp her, not swamp them. Thinking about what the two of them were up to right at that moment distracted him from clock watching but did mean he had to focus on calming down before he could stand and head to the hotel.

The sight that greeted him was arresting. As the door slammed behind him he stood there taking in the view. Ara was standing at the end of the bed, wearing her playsuit and holding out her cuffs for him to buckle them. But it was Suzanne that had Andrew transfixed. She too was wearing her playsuit, her arms cuffed to the back as usual. She was kneeling at the end of the bed, her head resting against the sheet. There were tears on her face but she was smiling and radiating happiness. She looked him square in the eye, Andrew could see she was okay, even although her eyes were red from crying. All of that was secondary to her arse. It was a solid dark pink with one or two blotches of red, there was even one pink mark on the top of her thighs. Ara had used the paddle and used it with vigour. Ara placed the cuff in his hand and dragged his attention away from Suzanne’s bum. He buckled the cuffs and Ara turned round, her arms folded behind her back, waiting. He stood close to her, his voice low.

“Are you sure?”

“Oh yes. Please.”

When Andrew clipped the second cuff into place he saw Ara flex her arms, feeling the helplessness, the loss of control. But she took a deep breath and then leaned forward onto the bed beside Suzanne, pulling her legs up into position before assuming the same posture as Suzanne. Fucking hell. Suzanne and Ara were both bound and in place to be fucked at the end of the bed. Suddenly Andrew got his head in the game and scrambled to get his clothes off. He stood behind Suzanne looking at her bum.

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