Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

When she got home, Erica took a nap. Then she prepared an early supper before deciding to bake a cake. There was a box mix in the pantry so she assembled the ingredients and put it in the oven. It was baked and completely cooled before her mother came in.

“It’s about time!” she yipped.

Megan held up one hand, palm toward her daughter.

“On your eighteenth birthday all your questions will be answered and Bob says you can see some things. Until then, do not nag me. If you continue to nag me, I will give Bob permission to spank your naked bottom.”

“Wow,” said Erica. “That must have been an amazing ... date.”

“It was. Now, what do I smell?”

“Cake!” said Erica. “I baked the chocolate cake that was in the pantry. There’s no frosting, though.”

“I’ll eat it naked,” said Megan.

“Ewww, Mom!” whined Erica in patently false objection.

“Do not grow up too quickly, Erica,” said Megan. She hugged her daughter. “Take your time. Enjoy these carefree years. You have so much potential and I can’t wait to be an old lady and watch what you’ve become. I know your sex life will be fantastic one day.”

“It’s hard to be patient,” said Erica.

“I know, Baby,” said her mother. “We’ll get through it together.”

“Ewww, Mom,” said Erica, with her lips against her mother’s throat. Then, just as softly, she said, “Thank you, Mom.”

Bob had always worked for other people and now he was finding out what it was like to be the owner of the business. Before, all he had to do was do good work. Now he had to pay the bills and handle logistics. He was, therefore, conflicted about his two new models. He had never fucked any of the models he worked with. He knew that wasn’t good business. He told himself that Megan wasn’t really a model. She was a school teacher who had posed for a few pictures. She had been a sweet fuck and he knew she’d be willing to be a sweet fuck again. But she also looked fantastic ‘on film’ and she could be a real model. It wasn’t likely, though, that she could make a living at it. There wouldn’t be enough work. She might be gorgeous, but she was too old for routine fashion work.

He visualized mother and daughter in his mind and felt his prick react.

“I bet Erica would be a hot fuck, too,” he said to the empty room.

He knew he’d be crazy to pursue that. But there was something else going on in his mind. He hadn’t been kidding when he told Megan she could make a mint if she made movies. She very well could support herself and her daughter full time if she made porn part time. People would pay over and over to see Megan, with a cock sliding in and out of her practically bald pussy. And they’d fall all over themselves to see Erica nude, splayed and laid.

Of course Erica could only act in “foreign” films, which would be distributed in Asia, Europe, and Africa. Russia would love her, too, but doing business in Russia was too iffy these days.

He was torn. The businessman in him said he should try to get them both to make porn. He imagined them acting in the same movie, mother and daughter, who got fucked separately and together. The plot ideas for a mother/daughter team were many and very few of them had been made, as far as he knew.

At the same time he felt strongly for Megan, even though he had only known her a few days. He wasn’t some unscrupulous predator. He simply recognized potential when he saw it. But now he saw much more than potential. That hadn’t ever happened to him before and he didn’t want to screw that up. She was single and she obviously felt something for him, too. She was no slut. He believed her when she said she hadn’t had sex in over a decade.

Could it be possible that love-at-first-sight actually existed? It sure felt like it existed to him.

So ... what to do?

The first thing he did was keep dating Megan. They went out somewhere once a week and got together to just be together roughly twice a week, usually at his studio, where she also graded papers, sometimes. If they met at her house Erica was always there and always wanted to be included.

It wasn’t that they didn’t want Erica around. It just became a tricycle if she was there. If they wanted to “ride a bike” then they had to go to the studio.

Erica knew what was going on. Megan didn’t try to hide it. There had been more than one long, warm hug between mother and daughter, during which Megan breathed, “Thank you so much for making me go out with him.”

“You didn’t have to go out with him,” Erica said, the first time that happened. “You could have said no and just gone home.”

“No, I couldn’t,” said Megan, leaning back and looking into her daughter’s eyes. “Thanks to the two of you bullying me into modeling what amounted to porn, I could not just go home.”

“I know,” said Erica, with a grin. “And I’m so glad you finally got your bell rung. You looked so peaceful and happy when you got home. Well, other than being all embarrassed that you had gone and acted like a grown up. I’m glad we got past that.”

The other times that hug materialized, Erica just said, “You’re welcome.”

The second thing he did was start making some money with Erica, without fucking her. He was pretty up front about that, too. He called Megan and said he had a job Erica could do, if she wanted to. Erica wanted to, of course, and came early the next morning.

“Where’s your mom?” asked Bob, when Erica bounced through the door by herself.

“She says she doesn’t need to chaperone me anymore.” Erica grinned.

“About that,” said Bob. “Let’s sit down and talk.”

They sat at the kitchen table.

“You’re a big girl, so we’re going to have a very frank discussion,” said Bob.

“Okay,” she said.

“You know there is some chemistry between your mother and me,” he said.

“Yes. It’s like you two are trying to become some new compound,” Erica joked.

“I love her and she loves me. This has not been a normal relationship. We didn’t meet and date for a while and get to know each other and then get serious. Things got serious right away and we’ve been catching up on the rest of it since then.”

“I know. I’m glad,” said Erica.

“I think you also know there is some chemistry between you and me,” he said.

“Yes. I need to find a way to do some shopping at an adult website,” she said. “I’m wearing my hair brush handle out.”

He smiled.

“I can’t fuck you,” he said, bluntly. “I won’t cheat on your mother like that.”

“Let’s define cheat,” said Erica. “I’m fine with staying a virgin, but the orgasm you gave me with your finger was a hum-dinger. Couldn’t I have that, once in a while?”

“That’s on the table. Let me ask you this. How would you feel about doing some nude photos?” He paused. “I’m talking about photo spreads I’d sell in Asia, primarily.”

“What kind of spreads?” she asked. The only evidence this excited her was that Bob saw her carotid artery flex faster.

“I’m thinking long term, which means starting now with some fairly tame stuff. When you’re eighteen we can take it up a notch and, when you’re ready ... if you’re ever ready ... we can introduce a young man into the pictures.”

“A young man,” Erica said. There was a longish pause before she went on. “As in a guy you’d take pictures of touching me?”

“That would be at least a year from now,” said Bob. “The first thing we’d do is just take portfolio shots of you in various costumes, getting naked and standing in various poses. That’s all I’m willing to risk until you’re eighteen. After that, there’s a ladder you could climb, but only if you wanted to. Each step would be something we’d talk about and then you’d decide what to do.”

“What comes after the portfolio stuff?” she asked.

“Masturbation scenarios,” he said. “Things from that adult store you mentioned would be provided and I’d take pictures of you using them. That kind of thing would sell for maybe a year before interest waned in seeing you do that.”

“And then?”

He stared at her.

“Soft porn, with a boy or man.”


“You’d be together, nude, but there would be no penetration. You could hold his erection, but that’s all. You could make that last quite a while if we pair you with multiple men, using different men in different scenarios. Like holiday layouts and relationship layouts.”

“What’s a relationship layout?” she asked.

“Oh, we’d do one of you and your boyfriend. Then we’d do one, either with the same boy or a different one and he’d be your brother in the series.”

“Incest?” gasped the girl.

“Incest sells better than anything else,” said Bob. “I’d shoot you with your brother and cousin and father and uncle. And we could shoot each of those with four or five men.”

Erica thought and Bob let her.

“Why do you want me to do this?” she asked.

“Because it could pay for your college education at Harvard, if that’s where you decided to go,” he said. “Big money ... for both of us.”

“It would never work,” said Erica. “Mom would find out, sooner or later.”

“You’re probably right,” said Bob. “Do you think she’d believe I was chaperoning you, as well as taking the shots? Because I will be doing that, if you decide to climb this ladder. I’ll be very careful that nothing happens to you without your express consent and my approval. I’ll tell you right now. If you do this, you’re going to get crazy horny and we both know what you ask for when you’re crazy horny.”

“She’d probably kill you and then have the paramedics resuscitate you and kill you again,” said Erica.

“Yeah,” sighed Bob. “That’s what I think, too.”

“You said soft porn. That suggests there is hard porn,” said Erica.

“That’s videos,” said Bob. “And it includes everything anybody can think of.”

“Oh.” She was silent for a while.

“Can we only do the first part and not keep climbing?”

“Of course. That might be better because it won’t take as much time and there would be fewer sessions for your mother to accidentally walk in on.”

“How much could I make that way?”

“It won’t put you through Harvard, but it would definitely buy your books for four years,” he said.

“And when I get horny doing this ... you’ll help me?”

“Just enough to take the edge off,” he said. “Then you can go home and play with your toys.”

“You’ll get me some toys?” Her voice rose.

“You’ll pick them out and I’ll order them,” he said. “Don’t say yes right now. I actually have some regular work for you. After that’s done we can re-visit all this. I’ll be honest with you. I’m only doing this because I need the money. I have bills to pay. And I think you have the right look and attitude to pull off sexy shots like this. I don’t want you to get warped, though, and if we do this I’ll want you to tell me what you’re feeling and what kind of urges you have.”

“You’re just like my mom,” said Erica. “She wants me to tell her everything that happens on a date, and whether I got horny or not and kissed him or not and on and on.”

“That’s what you like to do about your mother and me,” he said. “Megan has told me how you ask her what it’s like and how it feels.”

“And she keeps saying I have to wait until I’m eighteen,” snorted Erica.

“I think you’ll be glad you waited,” said Bob.

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because she might actually let you watch.”

Erica leaned back and closed her eyes.

“Wow. That made me so horny my panties are wet.”

“Let’s take some pictures while you’re feeling like that, and then maybe I can get you off once,” he said.

What Bob ended up doing was making one series of Erica naked, at the same time he shot her normal work. The way that worked was that he had a list of poses, and each time she changed outfits for the normal shoot, she paused to let him take one of the naked shots. He had a second camera on a tripod with a remote trigger. The set was just a bed. It started with her dressed, putting a back pack on the bed. Then, over twenty frames, she got undressed and let the camera see every bit of her in various positions.

When they were finished they reviewed her nudie shots together.

“You were tense in most of these,” he observed.

“It was my first time doing nude photography!” she yipped.

“The later ones are good. We might need to shoot the earlier scenes again, but the last half are fine.”

“So how much would something like this pay?” she asked.

“Three times scale,” he said. “Or you can sign a contract for a set amount, like X dollars for doing the shoot, and three percent of the earnings when it’s sold.”

“Three percent doesn’t sound like much,” she said.

“That was just an example. You’d probably want more than three, but I’ve never done this so all I know is snippets of what I’ve heard.”

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