Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

Megan didn’t feel threatened or nervous on day three of her new “summer job”. She knew what to expect. Erica still wanted to go and that was fine with Megan.

When they got to the studio Bob was ready to finish. Erica had brought a book and went across the room and sat down. The book went on her lap while she played with her phone, ignoring the adults.

“Thank you,” Megan said, before anything else happened.

“You’re welcome?” he replied, obviously fishing for more information.

“Thank you for being so professional and understanding and helpful.”

“Right,” said Bob, drawing out the “eye” part of the word. “I have to admit I ogled you a little bit.”

“I know. The whole idea of this shoot is for me to be ogled. I get that. It was fine.”

“So, you ready to get started?”

“Absolutely,” she said.

They worked through six outfits and Megan was horny again. Bob hadn’t had a bulge when she got there that morning. She had checked. Now his bulge looked like it might tear through his zipper.

“You need to take a break?” he asked.

“No. I’m good,” she said.

“I was worried I was pushing you too hard,” he said. “I didn’t want to stop, though, because you’re producing some fantastic stuff. I expect to get much more work from this company once they see you in their stuff. They may even want you to be their company cover girl.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said Megan.

“Let’s go on, then.”

The next two outfits had crotchless panties. Megan didn’t bat an eye as he arranged her legs so her black pubes showed what kind of panties they were. She looked for Erica, who was draped on a love seat off to one side, reading.

It was when she saw that the number of outfits left was shrinking that Megan realized she didn’t want it to end. She knew that was because she was horny, and because Bob had done nothing she had expected “a man” to do, other than tell her she was beautiful, over and over again. He hadn’t groped her “accidentally” or made crude suggestions. He had been professional at all times. Even when he said, “Yeah!, sexy,” it had been feedback, not a come-on.

Then, during a break, she kissed him. It was sudden and unplanned. Erica was in the bathroom and Megan just pulled his face down and mashed her lips against his. It was pure impulse and she only held his face for maybe ten seconds. When she let go her face was bright red and she looked away.

“I’m so sorry!” she gasped. “I just had to know what your lips felt like. Something came over me. I couldn’t control it. I told you I’m feeling conflicted.”

“So, what’s the verdict?” he asked. “Do you think you’ll want to do it again?”

She frowned.

“I can’t remember what it was like!” she moaned. “It happened so fast! And I was so shocked!”

This time he held her face and the kiss was slow and tender. When he pulled back, her eyes stayed closed.

“That was nice,” she sighed.

“Geez, you guys,” said Erica, startling them both. “Get a room!”

She laughed and poked her mother.

“It wouldn’t matter anyway. If he did take you to his room I could still see you!” She pointed to the loft. Megan looked up.

“Is that where you sleep?” she gasped.

“Saves money,” he said, shrugging.

“I’m sorry. I was just surprised.”

“You mean you didn’t know I already had you in my bedroom?” He grinned. “Or at least near to it.”

Megan only blushed.

“I’ll just go make sure the car is still there,” said Erica.

“What?” Megan blurted.

“You know, make sure nobody stole it. You and Bob can discuss whatever you need to discuss while I’m gone. I’m sure it will be boring adult stuff.”

“Why do you think the car might get stolen?” asked Megan.

“She doesn’t,” said Bob. “She’s giving us a chance to be alone.”

“Oh!” gasped Megan, who promptly covered her face again as she blushed. “I am such a slut!”

Strong hands pulled her hands off her face and Megan faced an angry looking Erica.

“Don’t be stupid!” she snapped. “You’re the farthest thing from a slut that I can think of! I’m really mad you said that!”

“Calm down,” said Bob, taking Erica by one elbow. “Your mother is a little wound up right now. Remember how you were, when you were working?”

Erica blanched.

“I was fine,” she said.

“And your mother is just as fine,” he said. “Go ahead and check on the car. Your mother and I can talk a little, like you and I talked on your first day.”

Erica frowned at him, clearly upset that he was referring to her as being wound up in front of her mother. She stomped off, though, and Bob turned to Megan.

“You are only a slut in your own eyes, Megan,” he said, softly. “Neither your daughter nor I see you that way. Okay, so you kissed me impulsively. I kissed you impulsively, too. That doesn’t make either of us a slut. All that makes us is curious. I’m curious again right now. Do you think I could kiss you again, or would that make you uncomfortable?”

“Ohhhh,” whined Megan.

He gripped her chin firmly, but not hard, and looked into her eyes.

“It’s a simple question. Do you want me to kiss you or not?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

This kiss was no peck. He held her and kissed her for a long time. There was no tongue, but it was an incredibly intimate kiss anyway, and when he pulled back she was panting.

“I am in so much trouble,” she breathed.

“Not with me, you’re not. I asked if you wanted to kiss me. I’ll always ask and you can always say no.”

“I’m worried I won’t want to say no,” she sighed.

“That’s okay, too, but you’re not a slut.”

“What should I say to Erica?”

“Tell her the truth. You were curious. You kissed me. Tell her whether you liked it or not.”

“Really? Do you think I should do that?”

“Why not? She’s taking this like she’s a year or two older than she is. And Megan?”


“Be honest with Erica. While you were in the shower yesterday she asked me if I was going to fuck you.”

“Oh, no,” groaned Megan.

“She just saw that you were having feelings and she was worried I’d prey on them. She was looking out for you.”

“What did you tell her?” Megan blanched and covered her mouth. “No! Never mind! I do not need to know that!”

He grinned.

“I told her I’d only do that after asking her if it was okay.”

“You did not!”

“Ask her. I’m sure she’d tell you.”

At the next break Megan looked for Erica and saw her leafing through a magazine on the love seat she seemed to like. Megan approached Bob and stood more closely to him than she had, previously.

“What if I changed my mind?” she blurted, softly.

“What do you mean?”

“You promised to keep it in your pants. What if I don’t want you to?”

“As attractive as that is to me, it’s never good to mix business and pleasure,” he said, with a wistful note to his voice.

“I could quit,” she said.

“And you’d break my heart,” he said. “I will have a lot of work for you.”

“I thought this was a one-time thing,” she said.

“It was, until I realized how amazing you are at this. If you ever want to stop teaching you could make twice as much modeling full time.”

“Where is it written in stone that mixing business with pleasure is always a bad thing?” she asked.

“And how do you think Erica would feel if I took you out on a date?”

“She would badger me for every detail, especially about any intimate details.”

“Really?” He tried to sound surprised.

“She has a monster crush on you.”

“That’s not good,” he said.

“It’s actually pretty harmless,” said Megan. “Girls her age crush on all kinds of guys.”

“Not when her future work could verge on intimate,” he said. “In a year it will be legal for her to model lingerie and she’ll look just as good in it as you do.”

“That doesn’t mean she has to.”

“She’ll want to. You should see the look on her face when she watches you working. She wants to be just like her mama, and she knows her mama is sexy as hell.”

“Well, we’ll see about that. I’m still not worried. What I am worried about is making a fool of myself.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll cut you lots of slack.”

“Erica hasn’t said anything about you having a girlfriend.”

“That’s something that never came up in conversation. I’ve been a little too busy for the last year to spend time on a girlfriend. I was too broke to go on dates, too.”

“That doesn’t help.”

“Megan. You’re fine. You can crush on me all you want and I promise I’ll only give you what I think you really want and need. I’m honored you like me. And I honestly like you, too, so the last thing I want to do is fuck up our relationship. Part of the problem is that people in a dating relationship have expectations and sometimes those expectations are not fulfilled. Sometimes the chemistry turns out to be sulfur, instead of honey. We stand to make a lot of money and I can build up Erica’s college fund, too. Let’s just concentrate on that.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. I’m really glad you feel comfortable talking with me this frankly.”

“You’re the first man I’ve felt like I could talk to this frankly.” She looked around. “Maybe ever.”

“Let’s do this,” said Bob. “There are a handful of outfits left. Let’s do them tomorrow. That will give you time to decompress.”

“I suppose you’re right,” she sighed. “It’s just that I haven’t felt like this since I was a teenager, so it’s making me act like a teenager.”

“No it’s not. It’s making you act like a woman.”

“So, why aren’t you acting like a man?”

“Who says I’m not going to start?”

“You did!” she said.

“You changed your mind. Don’t I have the same prerogative?”

When Erica got back Bob was nowhere to be found and her mother was in the dressing room, putting on her street clothes.

“Bob said we had enough done today that we could finish up tomorrow,” she said.

“Right,” said Erica, who was obviously suspicious.

Bob was right outside the dressing room when they left.

“So ... tomorrow?” he asked.


“Good. Thank you.”

Megan drove for four blocks and then said, “I’m sorry.”

“Mom. Shut up. Didn’t I tell you I was excited after I worked for him? What did you think I meant? I get it. He’s hot and a nice guy, too.”

“Yes he is,” sighed Megan. “Thank you. I care a great deal what you think of me.”

“I think you’re great, maybe even more, now. This is the first time I ever saw you express any interest in a man.”

“I gave up men,” said Megan.

“Well that’s just stupid. I don’t even have a boyfriend and I know you shouldn’t just give up.”

“Your father hurt me,” said Megan. “I’ve never forgotten that. I just never trusted men not to hurt me again.”

“I don’t think Bob would hurt you,” said Erica. “He doesn’t seem like the type. I’ve seen a few guys who were like that, and he does not have any of their qualities.”

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