Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

Megan felt like she was in a dream. The first ten photos had gone so quickly she couldn’t even remember some of them. He took way more than six shots, but she felt like she was watching this happen from somewhere else and just did what he told her to. The fur had come off and she didn’t have time to feel embarrassed because Bob was there with his camera obscuring his face and the lights kept flashing. He had told her where to put her hands, and when to arch her back. He had taken pictures of her turning and of half lying on a day bed.

There were two sets. The first one was the snow scene, with snow-covered mountains in the background and a chalet off to one side. The second set, which was six feet away, was of the inside of the chalet, with a fire burning in the fireplace and rich furnishings. The coat had come off at the mountain set. Now, as he photographed her scantily-clad body at the inside set, the boots came off. He shot her by the fireplace, and at the side bar with a snifter of brandy in her hand. He had her sit on a beautiful day bed. She sat in a way that was not modest in any way, shape, or form and then he had her lie down, draping her hair just so as she bent one knee, exposing the gusset of the panties.

The day bed she reclined on was in the same set Erica had used, except the daybed had not been in it.

Then he stopped and looked at her over the camera.

“Okay. That was great. Lie there and catch your breath while I download these,” said Bob.

Megan realized she was panting. She felt exhilarated, somehow. Now she saw Bob’s eyes, and they were clearly the eyes of a man who liked what he saw.

“You were great, Mom,” said Erica. “Very sexy.” She aimed a small fan at her mother’s sweaty body.

“Sexy isn’t something I’m supposed to be in front of my daughter,” said Megan, enjoying the breeze.

“Sexy is something I hope you teach me how to be some day,” said Erica.

“When pigs fly,” breathed Megan.

Megan downed a bottle of water while Erica went on and on about which poses she thought were the best.

“Come look,” Bob called.

They went to the big 52” display screen and stood back. Bob had a clicker in his hand and pictures began flashing on the screen.

“We’ll go through all of them first and then go back and start thinning the herd. Think of it like the King has invited this girl to the palace for dinner and is checking her out to see if she’s suitable for the prince.”

“Right!” snorted Megan. “A princess I am not.”

The slide show started and Megan was shocked. She saw herself in a way she had never even imagined she could be. In high school, when she got knocked up, there was no teasing and almost no foreplay. The boys wanted to get in her pants ten minutes into the date, and both men were in a hurry, too. Mister Cummins was best because he’d make it last half an hour, but he did very little to get her ready for his cock to enter her. As she looked at her images she imagined showing up to be tutored wearing that, or having it on at work. The idea of letting the boys she had dated see her like this was ridiculous.

But that was back then ... and this was now. What she saw was a woman who looked confident and in control. How had he done that when she had been terrified and about to pee her borrowed panties? The only way she’d been able to do it was because Erica was there, and Bob saw this kind of thing constantly. She was sure that, to him, the final result would be routine, too; nothing memorable; nothing actually erotic. She remembered hearing his voice and doing what it told her to, but she had completely missed the vocal appreciation he expressed as he did it.

Now, however, standing there still dressed in the slinky outfit, it was impossible to miss how much of a man Bob was as he reviewed the pictures.

“I knew you’d be fantastic,” he muttered. “Let’s find the B grade shots we’re looking for.”

Erica was about to ask him if he didn’t mean A grade, but he spoke before she could.

“Not that one. Nope. Maybe. Nope. Yes. Nope.”

He went on like that, saying only those three words until he had gone through them all the first time. In the process he created another folder, one with the potential keepers in it.

The second time he went through them, only the maybes and yeses were left, and he slowed down, pointing things out to the women.

“Okay, I’d say this was a keeper, except see how you had just blinked and your eyes weren’t quite completely open? I missed that on the first run through. Everything else about this is gorgeous, but that one little flaw makes this one a no unless I Photoshop it. If I got some good shots I won’t have to do that.” He hit the button that deleted the picture from the current folder.

In others something was in shadow that he didn’t want in shadow, or the focus wasn’t perfect. Her hand was actually making a fist in one of them. She had no idea what had caused that.

Then one appeared on the screen and Bob said nothing. In the shot Megan’s head was back, as if she was looking down her nose at the camera. There was clearly a haughty look on her face and she looked like she commanded armies when she wasn’t being smoking hot.

“Definitely B grade,” he said, softly.

“Don’t you mean A grade?” Erica said. “She’s beautiful.”

“I’m sorry,” said Bob. “Habit. That’s what I call the shots I’d like to put in my personal collection.”

“Personal collection?” Megan replied. Her voice sounded worried.

“If I had one,” said Bob, quickly. “I own all the image files, of course, but I don’t look at them after a project is finished and the customer has the final product.” He blinked. “Well, I might save one in the archives if there was some quality in it that I wanted to point out to another model. This is a good example of that. Look at your face in this one. In a world where women have all the power, this makes you look like one of the leaders in that world.”

“I don’t know how I did that,” said Megan. “When you stopped on it I thought you’d toss it because I look so snotty.”

“Snotty would be if you were fully dressed. In bedroom wear, there is no snotty.”

“Oh my,” said Megan, as she heard an undertone in his voice that caused a memory to explode in her mind. Mister Cummins had that tone of voice when he was impatient to fuck her, and was rough with her. He always went twice when that happened, because he always made sure she had a good time. But he was an animal sometimes, and his voice had that timbre to it, back then. She glanced at Bob, but his face was placid. He glanced at her and smiled, before going back to evaluating.

Each picture was examined and either saved, or tossed back, to put it in fishing terms. When he was satisfied, there were ten shots in the keeper bunch and Megan was afraid Bob would sniff, like Erica had said he did, and smell her arousal.

“So, what do you think?” asked Bob as he turned to face her. “Still want to quit? Do you see yourself now as I see you? You’re gorgeous, sexy, born to be in pictures like this. Both you and Erica could make a lot of money as models. I have ten B grade photos and this is just the first outfit. I’ll probably have to take breaks myself if you go on. Please go on.”

“Yes, Mom!” said Erica, excitedly. “You’re so beautiful in the pictures. You have to go on!”

“I don’t know what to think,” moaned Megan. “I never thought I could look like that. Can I think about it?”

“Yes,” said Bob, firmly. “It’s already too late to go on, today. I have something I have to do this afternoon. But we can start again tomorrow, or, if you need more time than that, maybe Erica can look at one of the other projects I want to bid on and see if she’s interested.”

“I just need time to think,” said Megan.

“And I don’t have to look at them,” said Erica. “I trust you to pick the right stuff for me.”

Back in the dressing room Megan stood, naked, unaware of the hidden video camera and microphone in the room. She was holding up the panty she had worn in the shoot.

“What am I going to do with this?” she asked, looking at Erica. “I know what you mean, now, about needing to wash things after you model in them.”

“Wasn’t it fun?” gushed Erica. “I love how I feel when everybody in the world is looking at me, but only Jerry ... and now Bob is here to tell me what they think. Bob was impressed. Didn’t you hear it in his voice?” She leaned closer. “He got a boner while he was shooting you.”

“Erica!” said Megan, rising from her worried state and becoming a mom again, in the blink of an eye. “You have no business thinking about ... those ... and certainly no business intentionally noticing one with a man you’re around!”

“I’m not a baby anymore, Mom,” said Erica. “All I’m saying is he thought you were beautiful. So did I. I can’t wait to see you in some of the other outfits. If a girl could get a boner I bet I would.”

Megan laughed. She’d been to sleepovers when she was Erica’s age, and they had talked about all things sexual during the night. Some girls knew she was a slut and asked her personal questions about what having sex was like. Of course Erica would be aware of when a man was in that condition.

That made her think about Bob, standing and walking and moving and talking, always making the lights flash as he took photos. Was he stiff the whole time? And if he was, what did that mean?

“I’m too tired to worry about that right now,” she said. “Let’s go out to eat, tonight.”

“Yum! Ballentine’s?” Ballentine’s was a fancy steak house in town, and very expensive. “You just made some money. Let’s spend it at Ballentine’s and celebrate somebody else recognizing that I have the most beautiful mom in town.”

“He doesn’t have to pay me,” said Megan. “This was just an experiment, that’s all.”

“I bet he will. At standard rates you earned seventy-five bucks for that session.”

“Nonsense,” snorted Megan. She put the panties down on top of the rest of the outfit and began getting dressed in her street clothes.

Later, when Bob slowly masturbated as he reviewed the footage his motion sensor video camera in the dressing room had gotten, it was actually watching her get dressed again that made him shoot. He imagined her getting dressed like that after a marathon sex session with him.

He realized he was extremely lucky that this mother/daughter duo had come into his life. Erica would happily pose for him, and he sensed she’d be willing to pose for the kind of pictures he sold to collectors in Japan and Singapore. He already had a few of those, though those were for the personal collection he had lied about not having. She’d be willing to pose for even harder stuff and he was quite sure she’d have a blast doing it. She was an exhibitionist for sure, and full of hormones that would encourage her to be naughty.

Of course Megan couldn’t be there when those shots were taken, or even know about them. Those kind of pictures would be called child porn in America because of her age, but he had a program that would scramble the pixels in photos like that, encrypting them, both on his hard drive and on the media he would send them out on. He automatically reformatted the cards the camera used, as soon as the images were uploaded and the program he used overwrote the drive with a string of one repeated letter. Only if you had the right software could you descramble them. He had made copies of his former boss’s Asian and Middle Eastern customers for extreme porn, who had the descrambling program, and he knew they’d snap up anything even close to Erica and her mother. That was where the big bucks were. Bob didn’t want to be in that business full time, but he needed some big bucks, occasionally, to pay some big bills.

There were already enough customers like that to make him wealthy, but it would take time. Finding models for that kind of work took time. Talking Erica into making extreme porn would probably be easy. He imagined her making videos, too. He could be her first partner, and the shots of his black member in her young, white pussy would sell like crazy. Maybe later he could pair her with other boys or men, as yet un-recruited. If a girl was popular in one series, the paternalistic men in far-flung countries that would dream of dominating her would want to see her with more men. She was already a slut in their eyes, just by posing for such pictures. They didn’t really see her as a human being. She was a vagina, attached to a womb and set of ovaries. That was what women were good for in those countries ... fucking and making pregnant.

Her mother, on the other hand, could do straight porn and get rich after two or three films. If he was her agent he’d carefully choose other studios she might work with, to expand her reach to the porn community even farther. Besides Asia, films like that could be sold in Italy and Africa and Greece and the list went on and on. Granted, some of those customers might post such videos on their own porn sites, but the chances that anybody who knew either woman would see them was vanishingly remote. And he could always stipulate in the sales contract that the product could only be used in Europe, or Asia or Africa. Customers would obey such restrictions because they knew they’d be banned if they didn’t. People would want continued product if it was as good as these two.

But that would take time. Megan could be brought along. She had a little bit of exhibitionist in her, too. That photo with the haughty look on her face exhibited that. In it she looked proud that she was almost naked, and that you’d have to be a very good boy, indeed, if you wanted to take that outfit off of her.

“I’d be a very good boy,” he said aloud.

He squeezed his flaccid cock, wishing it was hard so he could beat off again to some mother/daughter pictures.

“I’d be a very good boy, indeed.”

Erica sensed she should stay quiet on the way back home. She had already made it clear what she thought her mother should do. She glanced at Megan’s purse, where the tip of the envelope containing $80.00 was lying.

They did not go out to eat, but Erica didn’t complain. She knew her mom was thinking a mile a second and since she wasn’t angry and yelling, what she was thinking about was on the positive side of things. It wasn’t until they parked in the driveway and Megan turned the engine off that she spoke.

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