Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 26

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

There were a number of plots and scripts already written, but Mona asked if she could direct the first one.

“I think the ideas with the most controversy are with a boy and his mother. So let’s get one of those done and behind us and we can all breathe more easily. I have an idea and I want to direct it and act in it at the same time.”

“I could direct it,” said Bob. “Directing can be difficult.”

“I think that if I’m the one calling the shots, it will be easier for Josh.”

“Uh, Honey?” said Dick. “He has no idea what you might tell him to do.”

“That is exactly why I think we should do this first, so we can get his honest reaction. That’s what I want the film to show; our honest reactions as we discover this love.”

“I guess it can’t hurt anything,” said Bob. “We won’t be wasting film.”

“I don’t have a bikini,” said Mona. “Is there anything lying around here that might work?”

“I have boxes of stuff the customers didn’t want back because it had been worn,” said Bob. “Let’s take a look.”

Everybody followed Bob to the hot tub room and then through a door in the back corner. It took them into the unfinished back of the former warehouse. Bob told them to wait and then disappeared into the darkness beyond the open doorway. Suddenly a bank of lights in the ceiling came on with a thump and everybody could see.

What they saw was baffling. There were large shapes lying around that turned out to be hot tubs and spas. The company that had owned the warehouse had gone bankrupt and the building taken over by the bank. Most of what they could see were returns of hot tubs that were either non-functional in some way or which the customer didn’t like after they had been installed. These things were scattered around, some strapped to pallets and some, not. Additionally there were shelving units standing here and there in rows. A garage door was in one side and, parked in front of that, was a forklift. It had, at one time, been orange. Now it looked like the orange had worn off and someone had spray painted parts of it with yellow and blue paint, including the little beer keg looking propane tank behind the seat.

Bob appeared again and led them to a shelving unit that had boxes on it. These were boxes his former employer had told him he could have when he left. Bob had taken them so that he would have something prospective models could wear for auditions. There had only been five or ten of those and Bob had hired them all. Most of them were either young mothers or college girls, who could model popular fashions for people the same ages.

“Open boxes and see if there are swimsuits in them,” said Bob. “I know there’s at least one box in here with that kind of thing in it.”

It was Erica who found the box Mona was looking for. It was crammed with parts of bikinis and one-piece suits for women.

“Let’s take it back in the studio,” said Bob. “The light there is better.”

Once back where they could see better, people just started pulling handfuls of cloth out of the box. What resulted was that the bottom of a bikini would be found by one person and the top found by another. There was no coordination until Bob made them stop. They spread everything out on the floor and Bob leaned over to pick up a bikini bra that was blue, with little fishes on it.

“Look for the bottom to this,” he said.

It was found within minutes. Nobody wanted to use that bikini, but it set the pace for pairing things up. Anything that wasn’t dismissed immediately was taken next door to a different set and lined up on the floor.

When everything had been sorted, there were seventeen full sets and five bottoms with no matching bra.

“How could that happen?” Erica asked.

“Don’t know and don’t care. We can toss those.”

“Wait,” said Mona. She picked up two of the orphan bottoms. “What if Mom just likes to suntan in only the bottoms? What if wifey does that too when the pool boy is there?”

“I guess that would work,” said Bob.

“I have an idea,” said Josh, hesitantly. Everybody looked at him. “What if the son is in the pool and mom is tanning topless on the grass. He gets out of the pool and she tells him she can’t find her top and asks him if he can see it. He says, ‘Oh, you mean the thing I was playing tug of war with the dog?’ So she has to get up and let him see her ... and so on.”

“Okay. We won’t throw anything away,” said Bob.

It took ten more minutes but Dick finally held up one set.

“I like this one,” he said.

It was solid yellow and extremely tiny. The bottom was a G-string design and the part that covered the mons was very narrow.

“This would show plenty of hair if the woman wasn’t shaved.”

“Let’s see if it will fit,” said Erica. “Come to the changing room.”

“We don’t need modesty,” said Mona. “Everybody’s going to see me buck naked anyway.”

With a pink face, Mona disrobed. She was obviously nervous and Dick said, “Okay, we’re dazzled. Put the suit on.”

All three women got Mona in the thing, which was obviously to be worn only for show. It held her breasts perfectly, and the narrow strip that covered her pussy lips had twin beards, one on each side.

“Perfect,” said Bob. “I think we have the wardrobe for our first movie.”

It was a beautiful, sunny day and the fresh water sparkled in the sunshine. Josh was wearing his swimsuit, which fit him loosely, but wasn’t baggy. He stood on the steps to the pool.

“This water is freakin’ cold!” he lamented.

“It just got filled,” said his father. “Sorry. It will be good for you.”

But it wasn’t. Josh swam one lap and when he got out he was shivering, noticeably. So, the script was changed.

Mona lay on a beach towel on the grass, face down, with her head turned to one side and on top of her folded arms. A bottle of sunscreen lay on the corner of the towel. When Bob filmed her, he moved in to show that the sides of her breasts bulged, and only the straps of the top could be seen. The G-string left her butt completely bare.

Josh moved into the scene wearing his swimsuit and said, “Hi, Mom. Getting some sun?”

“Yes, Honey,” she said. “You going for a swim?”

“In a little bit. You look a little pink. You need to put some sun screen on.”

“I have some, but I can’t reach my back.”

“Want me to put some on you?” he asked.

“Yes. Be a darling and cover me.”

The dialogue paused as Josh got down on his hands and knees. He opened the sun screen and squirted a line from her neck to her bottom.

“It already feels cooler,” said Mona.

Then she commenced to moan as Josh rubbed her back and thighs and calves. When his hands went over the string across her back she told him to untie it.

“I can’t believe you’re wearing a swimsuit like that, Mom,” he said. “I can see your butt!”

“It’s just you and me. I don’t think we have to be modest when we’re alone. You didn’t get sunscreen on my butt, Josh.”

“You want me to rub your butt?” he asked, his voice high.

“I want my son to take care of his mother,” she said.

So he rubbed ... and rubbed ... and his hands slid between her thighs. She spread her feet apart a little bit and his hands went deeper.

“Josh, you’re being naughty,” said Mona, with no heat in her voice.

“Where else will I get to feel a girl’s legs?” he asked.

“I think you’re about to touch more than my legs,” she said.

“I think you’re cooked on this side,” said Josh. “It’s time to roll over.”

“If I roll over you have to close your eyes,” she said.

“Okay,” he said.

They had to pause to film her rolling over, making no attempt to keep her top on, and then film Josh’s face as he watched her turn over, not closing his eyes at all.

“You’re supposed to have your eyes closed,” said Mona, not covering her breasts.

“Man, you’re so beautiful, Mom,” sighed Josh.

“I love you, too,” she said. “Are you going to oil up my front?”

“You mean I can?”

“There’s nobody else here,” she said.

He got sun screen on his hands and went straight to her breasts. She sighed and Josh moaned. “Oh, man. Oh man! I’m touching real boobs!”

“It feels good,” said Mona. “It’s been fifteen years since a man touched them.”

“You mean when my dad touched them, before he left us?”

“Yes. The only man I could love after that was you. I want to keep loving you.”

Eventually Josh moved his hands to her stomach. Bob filmed his face looking startled.

“Uh, Mom, you have a little problem down there.”

“Oh, you mean the hair? I need to trim things to wear this suit but I’m afraid I’ll cut myself.”

“Maybe I could do that for you,” Josh said.

Mona sat up.

“Would you?” she said.

They cut the scene there and filmed a different plot where Mona was wearing the bikini when Josh walked in wearing sports shorts and a wife beater.

“Wow, Mom,” said Josh. “That’s new!”

“I just got it. Do you like it?”

“I don’t think I’m supposed to like it the way I like it,” said Josh.

“You’re my baby,” she said. “You’re special. You can like it any way you want to.”

“Well, if I was with the guys at school I’d say something like I’d like it a lot more if it was lying in a pile on the floor.”

“You don’t want to see your wrinkled up, old mother naked,” she scoffed.

“Mom, you’re a MILF and you know it. Every time my friends come over they drool over you and get boners.”

“I know!” she laughed. “It’s so much fun!”

“It’s not fun for me, sometimes,” said Josh. He peered at the lower part of her body. “It looks like you got a suit that’s too small,” he said.

“No. I just need to trim the forest down there. I’m too chicken to do it, though. I know I’d cut myself to ribbons and it would be a terrible job.”

“I could do it,” said Josh.

“Don’t you think that’s a bit much, Darling? I’m only going to wear this bikini at home, so if some hair shows it will be no big deal.”

“If I’m going to have to look at you wearing that, I don’t want to see hair,” said Josh. “That’s gross.”

“But shaving your Mom’s puss isn’t?”

Bob got a full close-up of Josh’s face as he licked his lips and said, “I can live with that.”

They cut and did yet another plot where Josh was playing a video game and Mona came in wearing the bikini. She said she had a date and wanted to wear her new bikini, but she couldn’t because of the hair. She asked if he’d help her and there was some dialogue about how she had waited too long to start dating again.

“I was afraid you wouldn’t like it if I brought men home,” she said.

“You were right. I wouldn’t like it. I won’t like it, now.”

“What am I supposed to do?” she whined.

“Date me,” he said.

All in all they came up with five plots in which a son was either invited to trim his mother’s pussy, or asked if he could.

The next thing was for them to do the scene where he did, in fact, trim her up. This would only have to be done one time, on a generic bathroom set, because it could be used in all five “episodes” they were filming. It was Erica’s idea to show both of them, getting ready, with Mona undressing in front of him, and tossing the bikini (or whatever) aside.

Up to this point Josh and Mona were doing very well. The “stop and go” nature of filming their faces reacting to things, and then filming the things, themselves, broke things up so that emotions didn’t spike. There was one exception, and that was the first time Josh got to see her bare breasts up close, and then touch them. They weren’t supposed to kiss, but they did, while his hand moved all over both breasts. Bob filmed it, so that it could be used, later.

The breaks between episodes also helped. Erica paid attention to Josh while Dick paid attention to Mona.

The scenes of him actually trimming her were a lot more passion-filled, as one would imagine. It started with a close-up of Josh, scissors in hand, staring at her mons, and licking his lips. After that, all they filmed was him trimming her, between her wide-spread legs. He also adlibbed by pushing his face into her freshly trimmed bush and trying to lick her to orgasm. There was a pause, during which Josh was closeted with all three women, who coached him on how to properly go down on a woman. He practiced, briefly, on all three, who graded his performance but did not try to actually climax. Erica sucked his stiff pecker for him and they returned to the set to start recording again.

Because Josh had to act for multiple plots, he was able to bring his mother off successfully twice. It took too much time for him to get her there, so she faked some orgasms, too.

Bob told them not to worry about dialogue, which could be put in, later, but he left the microphones on. It looked very real because it was real, as Mona taught her son how to carefully trim the hairs at the sides, moving inward, until she had a landing strip. It took an hour, but Bob didn’t care. He could cut it down. What was priceless, though was the dialogue he caught on tape. They spoke like a mother and son who really were discovering they loved each other in ways that were taboo.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Josh said, at one point.

“I know,” said Mona. “I never thought I’d admit that I felt things for you.”

“I knew you’d kill me if you found out I had sex with my girlfriend and sometimes imagined it was you.”

“We can’t do that,” said Mona, remembering one of her lines. “We can’t have sex. That’s too much.”

“I know,” said Josh, sounding depressed as he remembered his line.

There were times when it was silent as he carefully sliced away a few hairs at a time, while Mona leaned back, supported on her arms.

“I’m so glad we’re doing this,” she said, at one point.

“Me, too. You really are a MILF, you know. Two of my friends call you that, trying to get me going.”

“And does it?”

“No. I always thought they were idiots. I think I understand how they feel, now. I got a girlfriend who’s the best looking girl in school, and I have a mom who could be a Playboy bunny, and I get to do things with both of them that my friends would kill to be allowed to do.”

“Your friends will never be allowed. Only you can touch me like this.”

“And Dad?” he asked.

At this point Mona’s reply was of two kinds. In one, she said, “Your father should not have left us alone,” and “If your father wasn’t neglecting me like he is, none of this would have happened.”

Their favorite lines, though, were, “He understands that I love you. I love him, too. I don’t understand why I can’t love you both.”

“You can, as long as nobody finds out,” said Josh.

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