Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 25

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 25 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

A week later Bob called everybody except the teens together.

“I might have created a monster,” he said.

“What happened?” asked Dick.

Bob looked at the women.

“Both of you are very popular with the customers I sent your pictures to. Everybody wants more.”

“That’s good, isn’t it?” asked Dick.

“Good is a relative term,” said Bob. “That they want more is good, because it means more money will come in. Mona, you’ve already made sixty-five hundred dollars.”

“In a week?” she gasped.

“They love you. The way I sell these is to send a few pictures to the potential customer and then quote them a price for the full run. The problem is they know I shot both Megan and you, and they want photos of the two of you, together.”

“Together?” Mona sat up straight. “As in ... lesbian?”

“Ding, ding, ding,” said Bob. “They also want video, and they said any kind of video will be fine, but they want others in the movies with you two.”

“Others,” said Dick.

“They want to see both of them fucked,” said Bob. “That’s what I meant when I said we had created a monster.”

“Fuck!” gasped Dick.

“Megan? I need to talk to you privately,” Mona said.

They went to the changing room. Dick reviewed the pictures Bob had taken of his wife, and sold to strangers. She had been extremely passionate after she got some rest, and told him to stop asking if she was okay.

She had wanted sex, and more than usual. She liked wearing the black panties when she was in the mood and if she showed them to Dick, he knew what to do.

The women were gone for twenty minutes. When they came out it was Mona who spoke.

“We’ll do it,” she said.

“Which part?” asked Bob, carefully.

“All of it,” said Mona, with a calm voice.

“It will be a lot of work,” said Bob.

“We know,” said Megan. “We have one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“It will be a closed set. Only you two can be there when we ... do things.”

“Of course,” said Bob.

Over the next month the four adults got used to seeing and being naked on the various sets Bob put together. The first four movies were shot at Dick and Mona’s pool. The “children” were told to go guard the studio and not to come home until summoned.

“A while back I would have asked if it was safe to throw them together, alone, like that,” Mona sighed.

“They’ll do what they want to do, and I don’t know about you, but I think they make a great couple.”

“I agree,” said Dick.

“They’ve already said they’re going to want to start doing what we’re going to do,” said Mona. “Make movies, I mean. They’ve obviously done the other stuff.”

“Yes. We can set up a schedule so that on days you two aren’t shooting, I can shoot them, and vice versa.”

“There’s a problem,” said Mona.

Everyone looked at her and waited.

“I’m not supposed to tell you this, but it bears on ... all of this. Josh came to me a few days ago and said he saw the pictures Bob took of me. He said he was just fooling around on the computer one day and stumbled onto them.”

“Oh, my,” said Megan, trying to sound awed.

“The problem is ... he liked them. He wasn’t repulsed. He said he got ... excited. He felt terrible and asked me if I thought he should go into counseling, or see a shrink.”

“You didn’t tell me this,” said Dick. His voice was serious.

“He begged me not to,” said Mona. “He’s afraid you’ll send him to military school, or something.”

“It would have to be in the ‘or something’ category. He’s legally an adult. I can’t make him do anything.”

“I don’t know what to do,” Mona said.

“How do you feel about it?” Bob asked. “Do you want him to go to counseling or see a shrink? Are you worried it affected him badly?”

“No,” said Mona. “Somehow, it doesn’t bother me that he feels that way. Actually, if I’m going to turn into a porn star, he has to be able to adjust to that, so it’s good to know where he stands ... right? I mean don’t all porn stars have families?”

“You don’t know how many times I’ve seen a photo of a naked woman and wondered if her father had seen the same picture, and what he thought about it if he had,” said Bob. “The news isn’t full of stories of homicides based on women posing naked for pictures. It must work out for at least some of them and we have each other to help us get through all this, including the kids.”

“If he didn’t have Erica I’d say things could be rough,” said Megan. She, of course, knew that Erica could take care of the erections his mother caused in Josh. Obviously, though, it was still bothering him.

“I’m going to say something, and I don’t want any judgment,” said Mona.

“We stopped judging each other already,” said Megan.

“This will sound extreme.”

“And you, shoving a foot long dildo into your pussy wasn’t extreme?”

Mona’s face turned pink.

“What is your idea?” asked Dick.

“Remember, back when we all got falling down drunk and Bob was telling us we could make money doing this? Back in the very beginning?”

Dick nodded.

“One of the ideas he threw around was of Josh shaving me ... down there. Remember?”

Everybody was silent.

“That is extreme,” Dick sighed.

“Bob said in one video he could trim it for his mother’s bikini, and in another video shave it off completely.”

“I remember,” said Megan. “I expected you to throw something at him.”

“Doesn’t anybody remember what else he said would happen in those made up scenarios?”

“That night is still fuzzy to me,” said Dick.

Both Megan and Bob shook their heads.

“He said that in both of those videos, after my son shaved me, we would fuck like bunny rabbits.”

“Wait!” Megan blurted. “I do remember that, now. It wasn’t you and Josh in that movie. It was Josh and me. It wasn’t you. Bob said the shaving sequences would have to be you, but your face wouldn’t show in them. Back then I was already trimmed. I’ve grown it back where it was bare, so doesn’t that change things?”

“There will still be a movie in which he and I act,” said Mona. “More than one, if memory serves, right Bob?”

He just nodded.

“Let me get this straight,” said Dick. “We’ve already decided that, at some point, Bob is probably going to ... um ... act with you. Now you’re saying you want Josh to act with you, too?”

“I don’t want that, exactly,” said Mona. “Want is the wrong word. I think both of us are a little confused because he saw you and me having sex and then I saw him naked while I was on the pot. And he had an erection.”

“I thought you said it was morning wood,” said Dick.

“I did say it was morning wood,” said Mona. “How many times have I grabbed your morning wood and wanted to use it before it went away? A chubby is a chubby is a chubby, to me.”

“She’s right about that,” said Megan.

“So he’s confused by his attraction to me, which as I recall from what I’ve heard about Freud, he thought that was pretty natural, and I’m confused by my willingness to let him feel that way, I guess, and I sort of thought that if he got to live out his fantasy once that maybe it would resolve things ... for both of us. Am I crazy?”

“I think you’re talking about the Oedipus complex,” said Bob. “I don’t think Freud thought of it as normal. Didn’t he say it could be either positive or negative?”

“Look it up,” said Megan.

There was a pause as Bob woke up his computer and Googled “Oedipus complex.” They all read over his shoulder.

“Well that’s not very helpful,” said Dick.

“It says the best outcome is if the two men get along,” said Megan. “At least that’s how I read it.” She looked at Dick. “How do you feel about it?”

Dick closed his eyes.

“Look, people, you already know there’s probably something wrong with me because I imagine another man being with my wife and her liking it. And me liking it, too, okay? That’s definitely a perversion. So I’m already a pervert. I don’t really want to think about this right now.”

“Would you rather think about it while Bob films Josh and me fucking like bunnies?” Mona’s voice was harsh.

I don’t know!” Dick yelled. “Please don’t make me decide on this right now.”

“Okay,” said Bob. “We agreed not to judge. I interpret what Dick just said as a willingness he doesn’t want to admit to for things to happen, including Josh and Mona starring in a video, together. That’s not set in stone. That’s just what it sounds like to me. I’m not judging. I’m just telling you how I interpret what I’ve heard. So, Mona, assuming that Dick could live with it, could you live with it? I’m only asking this to establish an understanding that all of us can agree on.”

“You’re asking me if I want my son to have intercourse with me,” said Mona.

“No. I’m asking you that assuming Dick is okay with it, how would you feel? He hasn’t said he approves and he also hasn’t said he disapproves. So you get to do the same thing.”

Mona sat and then got up. She made Dick move back from the table and sat on his lap.

“I love you,” she said, with her face an inch from his.

“I know that,” he said.

“Do you believe it?”


“Now imagine that you have filmed Bob’s no doubt long, black penis sliding in and out of my vagina in a movie, and then your son’s erection sliding in and out of my vagina. Could you still believe I love you?”

“Mona. You already know how I feel about Bob. You won’t love him while you’re acting. You’ll just act. You’ll enjoy that acting and I get that. In all the scenarios we’ve talked about you don’t love him, whether it’s me or Bob. You just act horny and give in to your lust. That’s all just acting that you enjoy doing. It doesn’t mean you fall out of love with me.”

She rested her forehead against Dick’s forehead.

“And it does not threaten me at all that you love our son. I’m not threatened in any way, regardless of how you express that love. I read that the same way Megan did. If the boy who has the complex rationalizes that with the father, then that’s how the complex is cured.”

Bob spoke, to give the couple time to relax.

“A lot of people think Freud was an idiot, but that isn’t the point. Whether Josh has a complex or not, I think the thing of primary importance is that he not feel judgment. His mental health is the most important thing.”

“Okay,” said Megan. “You told us your secret about Josh. I have a secret about him, too, and even though I told them I’d never reveal this, everything has changed and I think I have to.”

“Them?” said Dick. “You said they have this secret?”

“On the day we did your shoot, Josh and Erica had gone up to Bob’s bed in the loft, and they were there when we came in. They were afraid to pop up and have to explain what they were doing ... so they stayed there.” She looked at all of them. “All day. They ... Josh ... saw everything you did, that day.”

“Oh, no,” whined Mona. “No wonder he’s confused.”

“There is more,” said Megan. “Erica told me he got four or five erections during the day and she helped him with those to the point that he said he was sore. They were actually worried that he might need to see a doctor.”

“So he wasn’t warped by that at all,” said Bob. “That’s good news.”

“And when he came and told you he saw the pictures on the computer, that was just his excuse to talk to you about it. He was worried about feeling lust for his mother,” said Megan.

“Let’s just face the facts,” said Dick. “I got a boner during the shoot. I know Bob got one, because he apologized to me. And Josh got one, too. I think all that means is that all of us males know a beautiful, sexy woman when we see one, and it doesn’t matter what her relationship to us is.”

“So ... he’s okay?” Mona sounded hopeful.

“Other than feeling guilty for loving you in that way, I’d say he’s fine,” said Bob. “I’m not his parent, though.”

“I have an idea,” said Megan. “I think this has to be resolved before we can do anything else. If it’s not, then it will be a distraction we don’t need. I’m not trying to be flippant about it. I just think you’d keep thinking about it and not be able to concentrate. So, my idea is to get Josh and Erica over here and talk it out.”

She looked around. Bob had a half smile on his face. Dick looked a little worried. Mona’s eyes were closed. Megan went on.

“We talk it through – all of us, so he knows no one is judging him – and Mona and Dick and Josh come to some kind of agreement. Everybody will know about the agreement, so nothing is hidden or a secret anybody has to keep. That is the two men resolving the issue ... just in case Freud wasn’t an idiot.”

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