Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 14

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

“So,” said Megan. “How did it go with Josh?”

“You mean other than making a mess in his pants?”

“Don’t be mean. I know you two did things after that. He didn’t ask to go home.”

“I like him, Mom,” said Erica, no longer teasing. “I like him a lot.”

“These relationships can cause very strong feelings,” said Megan.

“They can,” Erica agreed. “I’m glad I haven’t had to think about this stuff until now.”

“Why until now?”

“Because these are strong enough feelings that they may last longer than a year.”


“Yes. And I need to ask you a question.”

“Go ahead.”

“What I’m going to ask isn’t just about Josh. It’s about Bob, too. I think it would be a good idea if I started taking birth control pills.”

“Wow!” said Megan. “I didn’t realize it was that serious.”

“Neither did I,” sighed Erica. “We didn’t do that last night. I’ve never done it. My brain tells me I want to remain a virgin, but other parts of me don’t agree. I don’t plan on doing that, but...”

“I understand completely, Darling, and I’m proud of you for being intelligent enough to think about these things. I didn’t and it made my life very difficult. You’ve been worth it, but I wish I could have had you and things been a little easier, you know?”

“Yes. I’m really glad you decided to keep me and raise me.”

“Now, you brought something up, but didn’t actually ask a question. You said you had a question.”

Erica frowned, thought, and said, “Geez, Mom. I think you know what I meant.”

“If you’re not adult enough to ask straight out, then maybe you’re not ready.”

“Mother, may I please go on birth control pills before I actually need them?”


Erica squealed and hugged her mother, dancing in a circle. Megan slowed them down and then pushed Erica away, holding on to her forearms.

“Listen to me. If you have money and you keep it in a drawer, you’ll spend it. If you keep it in the bank, it’s more difficult to get to and you’ll have it when you need it. If you are taking birth controls and really like a boy ... or man ... then the urge to have sex because you’re protected from pregnancy may be difficult to resist. It’s like having money in the drawer.”

“Okay. I already understand that. So, what’s the bank when it comes to sex?”

“Other than celibacy, there isn’t one.”

“Well, that’s no fun.”

“Sex isn’t for fun. Sex is for making babies, so the species goes on.”

“Is that what you and Bob are doing?”

“No,” said Megan, her voice in the low alto range. “We do not plan to make a baby ... yet. I’m not saying we ever will! We just haven’t decided about that. He wants to get married before we do that.”

“So? Duh, Mom. I know you’re crazy about him and I’m pretty sure he’s nuts for you, too.”

“I agree,” said Megan. “It’s just ... scary to think about marriage. I’ve seen so many fail. And I’m too old, aren’t I?”

“I’ll have to get back to you on that, but I remember some women in their forties having babies. So I think you’re not too old for that.”

“And you think I should? Honey, the baby would be your brother or sister and almost twenty years younger than you.”

“So? Instead of the cool aunt I’ll be the cool sister.”

“Let’s talk about you and Bob.”

“What about me and Bob?”

“I know what you two have been doing,” she said.

“What? How?”

“Bob said he didn’t want to keep any secrets from me. Why do you think we agreed to let you take lessons? Instead of doing things secretly at the studio, you do them with supervision, in a safe environment.”

“Oh. Yeah,” said Erica. “Why didn’t Bob tell me you knew?”

“You agreed for it to be private. He agreed to that because he was sure things wouldn’t go too far, and to keep you from seeking that kind of feedback from random boys. But when he and I started getting serious, he felt like he had to break his promise. He didn’t ask you first because he knew you’d say no and then there would be this big flare up and screaming and we didn’t need that. I’m talking to you about it right now and nobody is upset.”

“You don’t know how much it means to me that you’re not screaming at me right now,” said Erica.

“Why would I scream at you? You’re almost eighteen, a woman, for all intents and purposes. Of course you’re going to explore things with men. I couldn’t stop you from doing that even I wanted to, and I don’t. I was very happy that you chose to do it with a man it turns out we can trust. That’s one reason I have let you fly a little. You have a good head and you usually make good decisions. Asking me to get you the pill was a wise decision.”

“I’m sorry I asked him to cheat on you,” said Erica.

“He didn’t exactly cheat on me. He told me about it the same day he and I realized we had strong feelings for each other. He didn’t want to move forward and lie.”

“He kept telling me we had to be careful so you wouldn’t know.”

“Because you wanted him to have that mindset.”

“Yeah, well, I think I’ll have a little discussion about that with him later.”

“Don’t bark at him. He loves you. And he loves me. Which brings us back to what you said, which was that the question you were going to ask was being affected by Josh and Bob. I understand why you might think about that with Josh, but where does Bob come into it? What you two have been doing has been capped off pretty firmly, hasn’t it?”

“Yes, but in the process I kind of fell in love with him, too, and before there was Josh, I was convinced Bob would be my first. I knew I couldn’t ask you to share him with me, but I hoped I’d get one special night, or something. I know that was stupid, but thinking about that made me think of Bob in ways I don’t think I can stop thinking. He makes my panties damp, Mom, and he doesn’t even know it.”

“I see.” Megan frowned. “I think time, and perhaps Josh, if that lasts, may wean you away from Bob. Trust me, you don’t want him to be your first. He’s a very loving man, but he’s also big, and big can cause a lot of pain in a virgin. I don’t want your first time to have pain. I want it to be glorious and something you’ll treasure for the rest of your life. Josh would be a much more appropriate partner for that.”

“It sounds like you want to referee it, and teach us stuff, like you and Bob do with me, now.”

“Actually, I’d love to do that, but no man is going to agree to being watched by a woman whose daughter he’s trying to deflower.”

“Well, no, not if you put it like that. He’ll need to be half in love with you and then he’ll welcome you to be there.”

“How does that work?” laughed Megan. “If Bob and I get married will Josh want to do some mother-in-law hanky panky on the side?”

“He probably would want to,” said Erica. “You’re gorgeous and sexy. Do you know the boys at school call you a Milf?”

“I’ve been informed,” said Megan, her voice dry. “I don’t want to compete with you, though. You are gorgeous and sexy, too, and much more capable of having babies and raising them than I am.”

“Anyway,” said Erica, “there are ways you can help without being there. I could wear an earpiece and you could whisper instructions to me. If they were instructions for him, I could just direct him, myself.”

“That sounds terribly romantic ... not,” said Megan. “If you want my opinion, I think you need to be prepared like we’re helping you prepare, now.”

“So I’m on track?”

“I think you are. All we have to do is get you protected so I do not become a grandma before I’m forty.”

There were three reasons that the accelerated romance between Erica and Josh was not inhibited. One was that Erica pretty much had permission to do anything she wanted with Bob, save have intercourse. She brought that freedom into her relationship with Josh. That very first time she sucked his cock to avoid a mess is an example. The average teen, exploring under those circumstances, would watch the mess being made. It might not even occur to the girl to use her mouth. The second was that Josh was letting himself be led wherever Erica wanted to take him. He had no experience in trying to influence her, much less control her in some way.

The third reason was a little more nefarious, if you want to look at it that way. Bob didn’t try to slow them down because there were images in his mind of movies in which Erica would now have a male co-star. If he could make videos of young, teenage sex, his overseas customers would buy enough that he wouldn’t have to do any other work for a year. If he kept working then he could fully replenish his depleted savings account.

The plots he had in mind were simple. Two kids, doing something innocent, and then being tempted to fool around, and suddenly the boy is hunched over the girl, whose legs are spread wide in welcome. There would be close-ups of the young prick, sliding in and out of the “virgin” pussy. He could even introduce some theatrical blood to make it look more like she had been a real virgin. There was a device on the market that was designed to be inserted in the vagina. When the penis was then forced into this tube, red fluid was expelled, making it look like the blood from the hymen was right there and immediate. Those things were very uncomfortable for the female, however, and they were also expensive. With the right set of actors and the right director, the defloration could be made to look very real. Josh could be taught how to do money shots and he was young and virile. He could probably be ready to film again in fifteen minutes.

Of course normally, at this stage in things, Josh wouldn’t even dream of doing something like that. But if Erica brought him along, she could get him to do it. Another secret bank account could be set up and Josh could also be used for normal work, and be paid above board.

If it sounds like Bob was the moustached villain, wringing his hands and laughing “Muah-ha-ha-ha!” that is incorrect. He did not plan to debauch Josh, like he had debauched Erica.

He would simply be prepared, should opportunity knock.

What would change their lives forever was how the whole world changed in the beginning of 2020.

Megan was glad to see Bob’s car parked on the street when she got home from school one day after the winter break was over. When she went in he was standing in front of the TV.

“Hey,” he said. “Have they been giving you any information on this virus thing?”

“The administrators are running around like chickens with their heads cut off,” Megan replied. “About fifty parents have showed up and jerked their kids out of school. They don’t have any solid news, though, except that they think it came from China and that it’s terribly dangerous. I didn’t see it, myself, but one teacher told me the news is saying people are dying in droves!”

“I’ve been watching TV,” Bob said. “The only thing they’re reporting about on TV is a lot of people dying and hospitals being overrun. It looks like this thing could be really bad.”

“I don’t know what to do,” said Megan.

“Well, so far, they’re saying that old people and young children are dying the most. The only treatment they have is to put people on ventilators and they don’t even have one percent of the number of those they need. They’re telling people to shelter in place.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means to stay home and not go anywhere except to get food and water.”

“That won’t work. If everybody stays home, there won’t be anybody at the grocery store to sell the food!”

“Yeah. They showed some pictures of stores with closed signs on them in the middle of the day. People are fighting over masks at pharmacies.”


“Yeah, you know, like surgeons wear? If you go anywhere you’re supposed to wear one of those and stay six feet away from everybody else at all times. They call it social distancing.”

“We don’t have any masks,” said Megan. “What are we supposed to do?”

“I don’t know, Honey. Maybe I should make a run into town and see if I can find anything. Maybe the hysteria hasn’t hit here, yet. We might not even have any cases. Everything they’re reporting on is in New York City and other major metropolitan areas.”

“Yes, go,” said Megan. “I’ll keep watching the news.”

Two weeks later schools were closed and the citizens of Hillsdale were told by their government that they were on lockdown until further notice. The only thing people could leave home for was to get food and medicines. All restaurants were closed. Half the employees of the food stores in town said they weren’t coming to work. The lockdown quickly produced people who were willing to take their chances and hired on. Many of those thought the whole thing was being blown out of proportion. Many others questioned the authority of the government to order people to basically imprison themselves. When, in some places, citizens were invited to inform on their neighbors for violating social distancing “laws” even more people became as concerned about their civil liberties as they were about the disease.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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