Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 12

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

“Mom!” groaned Erica. “Could you possibly embarrass me more?”

Megan winked at Josh.

“I’ll be happy to try, Sweetheart.”’

Erica approached him again and took his hand.

“He’s mine, so don’t bother us for a while, okay?”

“Leave your door open,” said Megan.

“We will,” groaned Erica.

She pulled him through a hallway and into a room that looked very girly. She turned to face him.

“I’m sorry about my mom.”

“Don’t be. I like her,” he said, remembering the feel of those breasts. He looked at Erica’s breasts, which weren’t quite as big as her mom’s but still stuck out six or seven inches. “Erica?” he said.


“Would you hug me again?”

She grinned and came towards him.

She almost caused a derailment. She was used to hugging Bob, and when she did that she teased him by rubbing her pussy against his lump. When she took Josh into her arms again, habit made her rub her pussy across his zipper twice, before she realized what she was doing. As she pulled away from him down there, she kept hugging him.

Josh’s analytical mind came to the conclusion that all breasts must be soft. They were warm, too, based on his two-person poll.

“Thank you,” he said, as they separated. He looked at the front of her shirt. Her nipples announced she was braless, too. When he looked back up she was looking at his face and he knew he was busted.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I just wanted to feel ... I mean I’ve never hugged both a girl and her mother.”

To his horror, Erica cupped her breasts and bounced them up and down.

“My mom’s are bigger, probably because she breast fed me. Can I ask you how it felt? Did you like it?”

“Wow,” he said. “Give me a minute.”

“Okay,” she said. She moved around the room, picking up a pair of socks, and a pencil she put on her study desk. When she turned to look at him he was calm. She had caught him but had made it crystal clear she was not offended in any way. He decided to just answer the question.

“When they press against my chest I feel them squash and then form a spongy kind of barrier between us. And they’re hot. I mean I can feel your body heat through your shirt. It was the same with your mother.”

“Hah!” said Megan. “Mom told me I should put a bra on so that you didn’t get teased, and then she went braless at supper!”

She looked at Josh.

“Should I have put a bra on, Josh? Do you feel like I’m teasing you?”

“No,” he said, softly. “You’re killing me, not teasing me.”

She came and hugged him again. This time she kissed him. In her mind it was only the second time she’d kissed him, though technically, she had bestowed half a dozen little nips to get him to loosen his lips, the first time. It was the first time they kissed while embracing, however, and, again, she habitually rubbed her groin against his. When she realized what she as doing she stopped and leaned her upper torso back.

“I’m sorry for rubbing against you down there. I’m not doing that to tease you. I think it might be instinct.”

“I’m sorry you had to feel ... that ... down there.”

She gazed into his eyes. Very slowly she moved her pussy to the left and then back to the right. His boner was obvious, even through the jeans shorts he was wearing.

“I’ll forgive you, if you forgive me,” she said, softly.

“I don’t know what to do,” he groaned.

“I won’t do it again,” she blurted, letting him go and stepping back. “I don’t want to freak you out.”

“Wait,” he said, holding up one hand. “I have to say something.”


“I’m a geek. Most geeks don’t date, much less date the most beautiful girl in school. So I’m off balance to start with. And then you want spend more time with me and then you kiss me! I’m just going to say it because Bob said how you might feel, but I don’t know if he’s right or not. I’m just going to say it and if it makes you want to make me go home then we’ll get that out of the way. I get an erection every time I see you. Heck, I get an erection every time I think about you. I can’t help that. It just happens. I’m not trying to gross you out.”

He blinked.

“And then you hug me and find out about it and ... you rub up against me. I don’t know what that means. I like it. I mean who wouldn’t? But ... I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to act.”

She reached for his hand and pulled him toward her bed. She sat him on the edge and then paced.

“I don’t understand all of this, either,” she started. “You hear phrases that don’t mean anything out of context, like ‘When pigs fly’ or ‘Love at first sight’. And then something happens that you aren’t prepared for and one of those phrases starts to have some meaning. Before you asked me out, the idea that I’d get as excited as I have been getting ... over a boy ... would have made me say, ‘Yeah, right, when pigs fly.”

She stopped pacing in front of him.

“I’ve never done this before, either, but pigs are flying, Josh! I don’t know if love at first sight is real or not. All I know is I like you way more than I even thought I could like a man. You make my heart beat fast. When we were studying I was afraid you’d hear my heart, it was beating so fast. And I didn’t intend to kiss you. I mean I didn’t plan it. I just had to do it. And then I had to do it again, and I want to do it right now, but I don’t want you to think I’m a slut and chase you away.”

She stood in front of him.

“I don’t understand it, either. I just have these urges,” she sighed.

“I don’t think you’re a slut,” he said. “I think the thing I’m having the hardest time with is ‘why me?’”

“You’re the one who asked me out. I could tell you were terrified and it made me want to hold you and tell you everything would be fine. And then I came and studied with you and you weren’t like other boys, telling me I have to kiss them, and that if I don’t then I’m an ice queen. It felt comfortable lying beside you. I could feel your body heat, sometimes. It just felt right. And it feels right now, too, except that’s just me ... and you are half of this thing, whatever it is. I don’t want to fall in love with you and then get my heart broken.”

“Bob said something like that when he was bringing me here,” Josh said. “He was worried you’d get your heart broken and told me if I did that he and I would not get along well.”

“Sometimes it feels like Bob is my dad,” she said.

“Hey ... on that note, I’m having trouble with something and I feel really guilty about it.”

“I know you get boners, Josh,” she said. “I don’t care. In fact I like it!”

“No. That’s not what I meant, though that is really good to know. What bothers me is I keep noticing Bob is black. I feel like I might be a racist and I don’t want to be a racist.”

“What do you mean, you keep noticing it?”

“Well, I look at him and you and your mom are there, too, and my mind says he’s black. And later tonight, when they go to bed, I can’t help thinking about her being white and him being black. I just notice it and think about it. I don’t look at you and your Mom and think, ‘Hmmm, she’s Caucasian’.”

“Do you think you’re better than him, or that his race should bow down to white people?”

“Gosh, no,” he gasped.

“Then you’re not a racist. I notice his skin color all the time. Every time I hug him I look at that deep, brown skin. When we’re talking I notice it. I think he’s handsome and I think the tone of his skin is beautiful. And when he’s with my mom I see ebony and ivory. If you look at a painting you notice the colors in it, right?”


“That’s all you’re doing here. You’re just looking at the picture that is my family.

“That makes me feel better,” he sighed.

“Am I coming on too strong?” she asked. “Should I back off?”

“I don’t know how to answer that,” he said. “When you kiss me, it’s like I’m being tased, or something. I feel all full and I’m afraid whatever is making me that way might split me open. And when you rubbed against me I couldn’t breathe for like ten seconds. I guess what I’m saying is I like it, but I’m not sure I can survive it.”

Erica went and pulled him up to stand. They were very close to each other. She grasped the sides of his shirt.

“You have to survive it,” she said. “I need you to survive it. I know this is foreplay, and that neither of us is probably ready for every step in what Bob would call the mating ritual.”

“He talked to me about the mating ritual,” said Josh.

“I get it that you and I shouldn’t make any babies. But there are lots and lots of things you can do that don’t make babies, but feel really good.”

She pulled his shirt until he hit her breasts.

“Like kissing,” she said.

They came together in slow motion, just like when a couple in a movie kiss for the first time and the director insists that it be slow enough to create tension.

This time he left his lips loose, and when her warm lips moved his lips around he just let her. She hummed and her hands went to his back, pulling him hard against her squashed breasts. The kiss went on and on and their tongues just bounced off of each other. It wasn’t a French kiss, but the inference was that such kissing might be acceptable in the future. They breathed through their noses and when Erica peeked, his eyes were firmly closed. Very carefully, she let her hands slide down, until they were on his butt.

Then she pulled with her hands and began rubbing back and forth, across his erection.

He made a strange sound, along the lines of someone groaning while throwing up, mixed with a gasp of fear. She pulled back and looked at his face, which was white as a sheet. His mouth was hanging open and then he said, “Oh shit. Oh shit. I have to go.”

He pushed away from her and looked around frantically.

“Where’s the bathroom?” he croaked.

She pointed toward the left of her door at the same time she saw the dark stain where the zipper of his pants was. She gasped, and then he was gone.

She didn’t know what to do. What had happened was her fault. She shouldn’t have teased him like that. Suddenly she realized he was in the bathroom, with shorts and underwear he could no longer wear. And he didn’t have anything else to put on. He had to already be horribly embarrassed.

She ran to find Bob. He was with her mother. They were baking cookies and rolling out the dough.

Something happened!” She wailed.

“Call 911,” Megan said, immediately.

No. It’s not like that. It was my fault. I kissed him and was rubbing... he had an accident. He’s in the bathroom and Bob, you need to take him something to put on. He’ll never look at me again. He’ll never talk to me again. I ruined everything!

“I know where his clothes are,” said Bob. “I’ll take care of that. You stay here and breathe into a paper bag or something. This is not the end of the world.”

As Bob went to get the sports bag Josh had put down when he first came in, he could hear Erica wailing about how Josh would hate her and so on. He identified the bathroom Josh was in by virtue of its closed door. He debated with himself about whether he should knock and hand the bag through the door with no comment, or knock and go in and try to some damage control. He felt sorry for the kid and he could understand completely how Erica could make that happen.

He heard sounds through the door and identified them as crying sounds. Hoping the door wasn’t locked, he tapped three times and turned the knob. The door came open and he breezed through it, closing it after him. Josh was in the bathtub, bent over, covering his vitals. His shorts and underwear were on the floor. He had been trying to clean himself with a damp washcloth. He looked at Bob accusingly as he cried, as if to say, “Isn’t it bad enough that I spooged my pants and now here you are to see my shame?”

“Give me your shirt,” said Bob, holding his hand out.

“Why?” Josh sobbed.

“So you can take a shower without getting it wet, dude.”

Josh obeyed and stood, bent over again.

“Welcome to being a man,” said Bob. “You checked that off your bucket list and now you can move on. This is not the end of the world, Josh.”

“I’ll never be able to look at her again,” the boy cried.

“Josh, listen to me. Erica is in the kitchen right now bawling her eyes out because of what happened when she teased you. She is positive you’ll never speak to her again because she embarrassed you to death. And you’re in here moaning and groaning about it being something you did. Well, you did do something. You had a very premature ejaculation. You didn’t intend to. You just got excited enough that your body took over for you. There is no shame in having a premature ejaculation, Josh. Now, if it happened when you were trying to make love, it would be a problem, but today is not a problem. If anything it is a valuable learning experience. For you, you learned how she can affect you. For her, she found out a male could react like that because of her. It’s a win win unless the two of you refuse to make it what it was, a simple accident. You can do that, Josh. You can make this into one of those stories you’ll tell when you’re old and gray and laugh about. I know you’re not laughing now, but don’t let this break you.”

Bob folded the shorts and underwear into a ball, with all the wet on the inside.

“Take a shower. Calm down. Get dressed. I’ll get this stuff in the washing machine and try to get it through Erica’s stubborn head that you aren’t going to hate her. I’m right about that, aren’t I? Are you going to hate her?”

“No!” he bleated.

“Good. I’m going to ask her the same question. If she says she’s going to hate you I’ll come back and let you know and help you get out of the house. If I don’t come back, that means the two of you need to kiss and make up.”

“It was kissing that caused this!” groaned Josh.

“Well, your tank is empty, at least for a while. Maybe you can kiss and make up before it fills up again.”

For Megan and Bob, watching the teens reunite made them both so horny that they left the kids alone and went to Megan’s bedroom.

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