Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

Though Bob stayed overnight at the Blaylock home two or three times a week, he still lived at the studio. His ad business was perking along and he’d even had some portrait business. His primary income, however, was from Erica’s still shot series and the one video they had made. That video was in high demand and his customers were clamoring for more. There was only so much he could do alone, and neither one of them wanted Megan to know how far things had gotten.

On the other hand, if they were at Megan and Erica’s house, then the pressure was off. Erica could explore pretty freely and practice the things she had learned. Megan’s dip in self-confidence had passed and she no longer worried about Erica or any other woman taking Bob away from her.

One night Megan and Bob were on the couch together, watching a movie. He had his arm around her and she had her hand on his bare thigh. The thigh was bare because he was naked. A lot of the time Bob spent there was naked time. In this case, Erica was between his knees, on her own knees, lovingly sucking his black phallus.

“She’s awfully good at that,” Megan commented.

“Like mother, like daughter,” said Bob. “You’re both naturals.”

“There will be something left for me when we go to bed, won’t there?”

“Oh, yeah,” he sighed. “That won’t be for another hour. By then Junior will be rarin’ to go. He won’t be able to wait to snuggle up in your warm, soft pussy.”

“Until he gets anxious and spits up,” said Megan, squeezing his thigh.

“That’s your fault,” he said. “Just like it’s Erica’s fault I’m about to cum.”

Erica kept going until Bob groaned and laid his head back on the couch. Megan muted the TV and heard her daughter swallow multiple times. Megan knew how difficult it was to swallow everything Bob could give without some of it leaking and running down her chin. She watched as Erica held Bob’s shrinking penis and sucked at just the tip, milking the organ. Why that could look so beautiful and normal escaped Megan. She had stopped worrying about it. She and Erica loved Bob and Bob loved both of them. It worked and that was all she cared about.

Erica leaned back and smacked her lips.

“I’m horny,” she said, to no one in particular.

Megan had a sudden vision of Erica on her back, legs spread wide, as the long, black penis she had just sucked penetrated her, moving in and out. In the vision Erica was very happy.

“Well, damn,” Megan groaned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you later. I don’t want to burn Erica’s young ears off.”

“What could do that?” asked Erica, as she got up. She plopped down on the couch beside her mother and laid her head on Megan’s shoulder.

“Never mind,” said Megan. “You seem to be doing very well with the giving Bob a blow job part of your education.”

“I love it,” said Erica. “I’d do it twice a day if I could.”

“But, as you just pointed out, it makes you horny.”

“That doesn’t bother me,” said the teen. “When I go to bed tonight I’ll probably rub for an hour. I’ll have a nice, warm orgasm and go to sleep.” She lifted her head and looked at her mother. “If I hear you moaning and groaning as Bob makes love to you I’ll have a much hotter orgasm, so don’t try to be quiet.”

“I hope you realize how ... unconventional ... this family is,” said Megan.

“Oh, believe me. I know exactly what people would say if they knew what we do. That’s why I go on dates.”

“You have fun on some of your dates,” said Megan.

“Yeah, but usually it turns into a grab-fest and I have to shut the guy down.”

“What about Josh Penwillow?” asked Megan. “You’ve gone to his house twice for study dates. He seems like a nice boy. As I recall, you said he was nice when you came home.”

“Yes, he is. He is also in your Biology class and the science club, which you sponsor, which can make a boy act stiff. And he was like that both times he invited me to study with him at his house. The first time I was a little wary of being at his house but his parents were there. He’s different than the others. All we did was do homework and talk. He told me he only asked me out because he lost a bet. I’m the first girl he ever went out with.”

“You never told me that before,” said Megan.

“He’s a science geek,” said Erica. She blinked. “You probably already know that. He’s one of those wallflower kids who you don’t notice because they blend in so well. He’s cute, but he doesn’t believe it. By the time he told me about the bet I already decided I liked him, so I wasn’t, like, upset about that. He doesn’t believe any girl will ever like him. He didn’t even try to kiss me. At the end of our last study date I kissed him and I was afraid he was going to hyperventilate. He’s like a cute, loveable puppy.”

“Sounds like he needs the kind of lessons you’re getting,” said Bob.

“Actually, now that I think about him, I wish he could come over and practice things with me, here. I never wanted to do anything with any guy except you, but Josh has managed to slip up on me. Of course he wouldn’t see it that way. I could have him stark naked and he’d be asking me what was going on.”

“It’s tough when you’re behind in the race of adolescence,” said Bob. “In the beginning, nobody knows what’s going on. That’s why these relationships are so fraught with anxiety and fear and pain. If he had some lessons, the two of you could go on a date and decide how far to let things go and have a blast going that far.”

It was quiet. Megan pushed the power button on the remote. They’d given up on the movie after Erica wanted to talk after blowing Bob.

“Tell me how he reacted when he kissed you,” said Megan.

“He didn’t kiss me. I kissed him. I peeked and he kept his eyes open the whole time. He started breathing like he’d just run a mile and his hands went to cover his boner, which he was very embarrassed about. I tried to calm him down by telling him I liked the kiss and I asked him if I could kiss him again. I was doing that when you got there to pick me up. So I pushed him towards his bed and told his parents he had to pee and then got in the car with you.”

“So you just kissed him, out of the blue, with no buildup?”

“I told him I liked him and that I liked studying with him. Then I just felt like I wanted to kiss him! It was a little crazy because usually you can tell when a guy wants to do that and he had never showed any signs that he wanted to do it. I could tell he was tense the first time, so I told him I liked that kiss and wanted to kiss him again. That time he thawed out a little, but he looked dazed when I had to go. I was glad about the kisses. That’s one of the things I’ve learned from you and Bob. If you can actually go to your parents and talk about stuff, it’s not so scary anymore. And if you get to do stuff, like I do, then almost nothing is scary anymore. I really love you guys.”

“Have the two of you talked about what happened since then?”

“No. He was already freaked out. At school I just smile at him and act normal. He gets embarrassed when I wave at him in the hallways, between classes.”

“Of course he does,” said Megan. “When a girl does that she announces to the world that she’s interested in him.”

“So he’s embarrassed because he doesn’t want me to be interested?”

“No,” said Bob. “He’s embarrassed because a girl he thinks is above his social class is drawing attention to him. If he’s a wall flower he doesn’t want everybody looking at him and talking about him and so on.”

“I have an idea,” said Megan. “Invite him over for dinner and maybe we can get him talking. Then the two of you can go to your room and practice kissing.”

“I think he’ll come to dinner, but I’m not so sure the kissing part is a great idea. I think it really did freak him out.”

“He needs to be able to relax around you and begin to believe that you really do like him. Guys like that have self-confidence issues and that can be crippling.”

“If anybody can talk him into kissing me it would be you, Mom.” Erica laughed.

“Why, looky there!” Bob chirped. “I have another boner!”

“Bedtime!” Megan called out. She got up and moved toward her bedroom. Bob got up and offered a hand to Erica, who took it and pulled herself up and into his arms.

“Tuck me in?” she asked.

“Your mother is waiting for me,” he said.

Erica took his hand and ran to her mother’s bedroom door.

“Can he tuck me in? I promise not to take him for very long.”

“Just leave his cock alone!” Megan called.

“All I want is one quick orgasm,” said Erica, as she pulled Bob to her bedroom. She pulled her covers back and pulled her T shirt up and off of her head. She was naked under that, as well as under the running shorts she pushed down and kicked to one side. She jumped on the bed and flopped onto her back, with her legs spread.

Why he did it, Bob couldn’t have said. Cunnilingus had been discussed as a potential “school” lesson, but Erica had shied away from that. Tonight, when Bob looked at her flushed pussy lips, and her excited face, he felt like she deserved something new.

When he pushed his face into her pussy and slid his hands under her ass, so she couldn’t wriggle away, she let out a strangled “Eeep!” that quickly became noises that caused Megan to come running. When she saw what he was doing, she slapped him on his naked ass.

“Bob! You know she wasn’t sure she wanted to do that!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay!” Erica gasped. “I didn’t know!”

“Careful,” said Megan. “That can get addictive.”

Instead of leaving and waiting for Bob, Megan stayed there. She reached between Bob’s legs and grasped his hanging boner. She just held it in her hand, squeezing it gently, letting him know he had other business and needed to bring Erica off so he could get to that business.

Erica had an orgasm that was so loud Megan abandoned Bob’s cock and went to press her lips to Erica’s. Erica’s eyes popped open and her hands came to her mother’s head. Then she kissed her mother like a lover. They had never done this before, but it was an outlet for Erica’s overwhelmed psyche and the loving relationship made it okay.

Bob stopped nibbling on Erica’s clit and just licked her wet pussy with the flat of his tongue. When her hips stopped undulating and she finally relaxed, he got up. She and her mother were still kissing and they parted slowly.

“Wow,” Erica said, weakly.

“And now we have so much to talk about,” said Megan.

“Don’t worry. I’m very happy,” said Erica.

“Good night, Darling,” said Megan.

She took Bob by the hand and turned the light out on the way out.

Ten minutes later Erica grinned in the dark as she heard her mother’s anguished, passion-filled voice.

“Whatever you’re doing to her, some day I want you to do that to me, too,” she said, aloud.

Then she rolled over and went to sleep.

At school, Erica had made a few friends in spite of the fact her mother was a teacher in the school, which branded her as a narc. That was ridiculous, but then teenagers in that age range are famous for being ridiculous. Only two months of school had progressed and lots of boys had asked her to hang out with them. That was code for what the oldsters would have called going on a date. It was different only in what it was called, though the substance of the interaction was different, too. When you hung out you didn’t necessarily go anywhere. You could hang out almost anywhere.

Boys, of course, wanted to hang out where it was private, so they could participate in the age old instinct to see how far they could get with the girl. The girls, of course, had their own instincts and, with a growing number of exceptions, those instincts were designed for her to find the best mate, and only then ... mate.

Erica was in a place that Nature wasn’t necessarily prepared to deal with. She had access to the kind of things that, if done while hanging out, would be called major victories by the boys. Bob satisfied her at home, though, so she felt no tug to engage in foreplay with any of the boys she hung out with.

Initially, she accepted an invitation to hang out from any boy her radar didn’t flare up about. She wasn’t stupid and boys earn a reputation quite quickly, if their dating life is active. She wanted to fit in and fly low (because her mother was a teacher there) so she honored the unwritten rules of teenage foreplay. She didn’t intentionally flirt with any boy. If a boy had a girlfriend she would talk to him, but only about school-related subjects.

She got her own reputation, too. That would have happened even if she tried to avoid it. She became known as that really cute girl who wouldn’t do anything more than kiss, in private. You could “accidentally” touch her breast but if it became obvious you were groping her she’d make you stop. She wasn’t mean about it, though, and if you were willing to listen she’d teach you about the standard course nature pushes teens along and how a time comes when you either have sex or break up. “I don’t want to do either of those,” she would say. “So let’s have fun kissing and being friends.”

So far, none of the young men had come back for seconds, though the word was, among the males of the institution, she was a good kisser. The phrase used to describe her was some iteration of “She’ll suck your tongue so much you’ll think it’s attached to your dick and you’ll cum in your pants.”

It was hyperbole, of course, but teenagers primarily engage in eating, sleeping, maybe learning something in school, and trying to figure out this sex stuff. Even if they are with friends of the same gender, they’re still talking about sex half the time and hyperbole abounds.

It was because of Erica’s rep that kids who would normally eschew even trying to get a girl to hang out with you, had little fantasies about hanging out with her. These boys, who Erica described to her mother as wall flowers, could imagine kissing and only kissing. The mere thought of doing anything else terrified them. It was the fear of the unknown that made them try to hide in plain sight. They didn’t know it, but the same things that disabled them were what adults struggled with all the time. A single woman, when anticipating a date, worries about how she looks, and will the other person like her, and, ‘What if he wants to dance? What kind of dance should I do?’ and ‘If he asks me where I want to eat, what should I say?’ Then there is ‘How far will I let him go if we’re alone after dinner (or whatever)?’ That’s a short list. The actual list they fret about is as long as your arm.

For the men, the pressure is just as great. ‘Am I manly enough?’ ‘How do I look?’ ‘Where should we go?’ ‘Where can I get her alone?’ ‘How far will she let me go?’ ‘If she lets me get to third base what do I do? I’ve never been past third base and have no idea what the guy does in that situation.’ ‘What if I get a boner and she sees it?’ That list is as long as your arm, too.

The point is that forming relationships with members of the opposite sex is fraught with tension and fear that it will all go off the rails. Even if a couple form a public union, what happens in private may also have tension in it. Unless the girl rips her clothes off, lies down, and spreads her legs, yelling that she wants you to fuck her, then there are barriers in the relationship. A girl may let her boyfriend do specific intimate things, but when he pushes it (and they all do) the barrier is there. Our lives are full of barriers, either the ones we erect, or the ones others do.

That’s what makes forming new relationships when you’re in a new school difficult.

But Erica didn’t go to school thinking about boys and sex. If a guy asked her out, she looked at him and thought, ‘Do I want to kiss him?’ If the answer was yes, she agreed to hang out with him. If the answer was no, she said, “I’m kind of booked up right now, but maybe we can hang later.”

The upshot of this whole soap box speech is that Erica was accepted by almost all the groups in her new school. “She’s cool,” was how she might be described if somebody asked about her. She didn’t stand out, and that’s exactly what she wanted.

Josh Penwillow was seventeen, fifteen days younger than Erica. He had his sophomore and junior years in high school under his belt which put him at the top of the food chain. He didn’t think of it that way and he tried to fly low. He was in Erica’s class, but had never talked to her. What he did, instead of trying to form interpersonal relationships with girls, was to seek out like-minded kids who he felt more comfortable with. He joined the science club and the photography club. He made friends there, even with girls, who could also be wall flowers, and who could be just as averse to trying to navigate all this expected intimacy stuff. If you were a girl in science club you could be friends with a boy in science club and it was comfortable, because nothing further was expected.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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