Megan Makes a Movie - Cover

Megan Makes a Movie

Copyright© 2024 by Lubrican

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Megan was a teacher and her daughter was a model. By happy chance they met Bob, a fashion photographer, and he changed their lives. Covid 19 was a factor in that because it stopped Megan's income. What to do? Well, Bob had an idea. He had customers on other continents that would pay a lot for pictures of the two women, naked. So he took some. The customers asked for more. And harder core. And Bob gave it to them.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Safe Sex  

“I knew this was a bad idea!” groaned Megan for the fourth or fifth time. She was pacing, still naked, back and forth. Bob’s semen, leaking out of her well-fucked pussy, had now dripped below her right knee.

“You need to go talk to your daughter,” said Bob, who was lying on his back, comfortably, on his lover’s bed.

“I need to go ground my daughter until she’s twenty-five!” snapped Megan.

“You know you can’t do that. And why are you so surprised about what she said? You told me she has a crush on me, right?”

“Having a crush on her mother’s boyfriend is a whole lot different than asking me to share my boyfriend with her!”

“She did not ask you to share me,” said Bob, trying to keep his voice soothing. He’d been doing that the whole time Megan had melted down. Now she was finally starting to talk to him, instead of just rant and rave. “All she did was tell you how much it meant to her to see you being loved like that.”

Megan stalked over to the bed and, suddenly, wilted on top of him. She was sniffling, but not actively crying.

“Why can’t I have something for myself?” she whined. “Why does she have to take you away?”

Bob’s muscled flexed as he rolled her over him and onto her back. He came up on his elbow and rolled half onto her, pinning her to the bed.

“What kind of nonsense is that?” he growled, with his face inches from hers. Her sea green eyes looked into his deep brown ones.

“It’s not nonsense. She wants to make love to you. She’s younger, prettier, more modern. She doesn’t have wrinkles, or stretch marks. Once you start doing that with her you’ll never look at me again!”

Now Bob’s muscles flexed again as he went through a complicated series of moves that ended her up across his lap on the bed. He smacked her round ass hard and she yelped. He slapped it four more times before Erica charged through the door to find out why her mother was screaming in pain. She had on a tube top, but that was all. A pair of pale blue panties was hanging from the fingers of her left hand and she was crouched, as if ready to jump in any direction. Her eyes raked the room and then settled on Bob and her mother. It became obvious why her mother was crying.

Stop that!” Erica yelled at Bob.

He lifted the hand he’d been spanking her with, palm towards Erica, like he was surrendering to the police. The other hand, that had been holding her on his lap, stayed where it was as Megan tried to get up.

“Are you going to stop spouting nonsense?” he asked. He lowered the hand he’d been “surrendering” with and rubbed her bright red cheeks.

Fuck, Bob!” squealed Erica. “Look what you did to her butt! Why?”

Megan struggled off of Bob’s lap and then just sat beside him. She leaned against him and started bawling as he put his dark arm around her pale body.

“Will somebody please tell me what is going on?” wailed Erica.

“Your mother seems to believe that, if I make love to you, I won’t want to touch her again because she thinks she’s an old hag.”

Megan looked up at him reproachfully, but kept crying.

“Well, that’s just stupid,” snorted Erica. “Spank her some more if that’s what she thinks.”

Bob’s arm pulled and Megan stopped crying and started babbling.

No! Okay! No! I’m sorry! Don’t hurt me anymore!”

“Do you promise not to say stupid things like that again?” asked Bob.

“Yes!” she said, too eagerly. Her hand reached under her as she leaned, and she rubbed her sore ass.

“I mean it,” said Bob, letting go of her. “I love you, and when you say things like that it demeans my love.”

“I’m sorreee,” moaned Megan.

Erica moved closer to the bed and then realized how she was dressed. She hopped on one foot to get her other foot in the panties and then balanced as she pulled them onto the other one. With a shimmy of her hips she pulled the panties up. They were thin and formed a camel toe as she pulled them into place. Then she moved to sit beside her mother.

“Really, Mom,” she said. “Like he’d even look at me.”

“Bullshit!” barked Megan. “I know how beautiful he thinks you are. He’s taken hundreds of pictures of you, maybe thousands!”

“And how many has he taken of you?” asked Erica. “How many times has he told you how gorgeous you are as he snapped away?”

“That’s just photographer talk,” said Megan.

“And it’s not when he says it to me?” Erica’s voice dripped with skepticism.

“He gets erections for you!” argued Megan.

“And he uses them on you!” She rolled her eyes. “Seriously, Bob, maybe you need to spank her some more.”

“Noooo,” moaned Megan. Her head turned and she pinned her devastating eyes on Bob. “You hurt me, Bob!”

“Lie down and I’ll kiss it better,” he said.

“I mean it. It feels like my butt is burning off!”

“I did not slap your beautiful buns that hard,” he said. “Do you think I’d actually bruise the backside of the woman I love?”

“It’s just that...” Megan’s voice trailed off.

“I’m not Frank, or Chuck, or John, or whatever the dipshit’s name is who gave you Erica and then abandoned you,” said Bob. “I haven’t even gotten you pregnant, yet, so I can’t abandon you, now. And once you do have my baby, I’ll be too curious about what he or she is like to just go off and leave you. Plus I have all my stuff in the studio, and you’d cry and I hate it when you cry. So calm down. I’m not abandoning you for Erica. Not now, and not ever, no matter what we do. Do I love her? Yes. She’s part of you and I love you. She’ll be your daughter forever and I want to be with you forever. If we get married she’ll be my daughter-in-law, or step-daughter or something, but that doesn’t mean I’ll think you’re old and used up. Come on, Megan. Give us a break, here.”

“But she wants to have sex with you,” moaned Megan.

“Okay. She’s a teenager and she’s a virgin and she’s curious about sex. Does that surprise you?”

“No, but –”

“Mom,” said Erica, on the other side. “Think about it. What are my choices? Do I go off with some random boy, or some guy I meet at the mall, who’s probably married, and be curious with them? I don’t think so. Or should I try to get just the tiniest of tastes of what I saw you drinking like it was water in the desert? Mom I had an orgasm just from watching you! Now that I think about it, I don’t think I could survive it if Bob did that to me!”

It was quiet as Megan just sat between the two people in the world who loved her.

“I’m sorry,” she sighed. “It’s just been so long, and none of ‘them’ ever gave a shit about me. All they wanted was my pussy.” Her voice became bitter.

“But I actually love you,” said Bob. “And I won’t leave you.”

“And even if I love him, too, I’ll never try to take him away from you,” said Erica.

“I feel so stupid,” Megan whispered.

“Do I need to spank you again?” asked Bob.

“No!” Megan blurted, looking at him. “That really did hurt, Bob.”

“I’m sorry. I was a little perturbed that you thought my love was so shallow.”

“I know it’s not shallow,” groaned Megan. “But Erica is so young and vibrant and...”

“And I’m getting on in years, and if I tried to keep her happy and you happy at the same time, I’d waste away to nothing,” groaned Bob, theatrically. “And, oh, shit! What if I knocked both of you up? There would be all those babies around, crying and screaming and I wouldn’t get any sleep, but you two would still expect me to perform whenever one of you snapped her beautiful fingers. I’d be a shell of a man within six months, probably dead by twelve!”

He put the back of his free hand to his forehead and swooned, falling back on the bed.

“You’re so full of it,” Megan laughed.

“He’s making fun of us, Mom!” Erica yelled. “He needs to be punished! We need to spank him! Get him!”

Bob was suddenly smothered in female bodies as they tried to manhandle him. They were not working as a team, though, so he just laid there and copped feels of both women. He pulled Erica’s tube top down and squealed, “Look! Teenage titties!” then he pulled Megan’s naked chest over his face and tried to latch on to one of her nipples. His muffled voice said, “Look! Grown up, beautiful titties!”

Finally Erica landed on his left arm and Megan fell on his right, leaving his chest bare.

“He’s being weird, Mom,” Erica panted. “He pulled my tube top down!”

“Or course he did,” Megan panted in reply. “He’s a man.”

Both woman’s eyes dropped to his exposed groin. He was erect.

“Why does he have a boner?” asked Erica, who was still relatively innocent.

“Because he’s a man, and I’m naked, and you might as well be. See why I worry? Five minutes ago I was pitching a fit that you wanted to explore with him – I’m sorry for that, Baby. I know I was being stupid – and now he’s all ready to ravage both of us.”

“Both?” Erica’s voice sounded tense.

“Whichever one of us ran the slowest, trying to get away from him,” said Megan. “All he wants is a warm pussy. He doesn’t care whose it is.”

“Damn,” sighed Bob. “I’m going to have to tan your pink bottom again!

“I was just kidding,” said Megan, quickly. She rolled to kiss him and he brought both arms up, pulling both women helplessly onto his chest. He made it very clear that they had, at no time, been in control of his arms.

“I love you both,” he said, as they wiggled. “I probably could take care of both of you at one time, but I’m not interested in trying that. Now I know how fragile your psyche is, Megan. I promise to only put my penis in you, until you give me express permission to put it in Erica.” He grinned.

Feminine hands grappled at his groin. They ran into each other.

“You get his dick and I’ll get his balls,” growled Megan.

“Then can we spank him?” laughed Erica.

Bob got out of Megan’s master bathroom shower and toweled off his tall body as he left that room. Megan and Erica were still sitting on the edge of the bed, side by side, talking. He had gone to take a shower because their conversation had been about what had happened, and why everybody felt the way they did, and “What should we do about this?” Megan had cried again as she tried to understand the sudden and devastating attack on her self-confidence, and the insidious way self-doubt can poison one’s life. Bob had left them to have a private mother/daughter conversation and their heads were touching as they continued to talk when Bob’s shower was over. Bob went to pick up his clothes, which were strewn wherever Megan had tossed them as she undressed him.

“Don’t get dressed,” Megan called to him. She gave him no further guidance.

He just stood there and finally said,” Can I go get something to drink?”

“Yes. Just leave your clothes here.”

Bob padded to the kitchen and got a glass of orange juice. He realized Megan was still stark naked and Erica was still sitting in blue panties, with her tube top around her waist like a thick, colorful belt.

Things had changed when he got back. Now Erica was naked. Her tube top and panties were lying beside a pillow at the head of the bed. That was interesting.

“What’s up?” he asked, trying to sound happy.

“Nothing has changed, concerning the original goal of teaching Erica things and letting her explore. Now she knows what making love looks like. She’ll get to do that some day but she’s not in a hurry and I’m happy about that.”

Bob wondered if Erica’s future lovemaking situation would involve him or not, but he said nothing.

“We’ve just started talking about other ways to make a man’s penis soft and unthreatening,” said Megan. “I’m going to show her how to do a blow job.”

“I thought we were still at sex 101,” said Bob. “Now we’ve jumped to an upper division class?”

“It was probably a mistake to let her watch us,” said Megan, looking at Bob. Beside her, also looking at Bob, Erica’s head shook and she mouthed the word ‘no’. “But we did and what’s done is done. We can address all that opening foreplay later. Right now Erica needs to get rid of some sexual energy.”

Bob wondered how watching her mother give him a blow job would expend any sexual energy but, again, he didn’t say anything.

“Well? Come here!” barked Megan. “I can’t get you hard clear over there!”

“Yes you can,” said Bob. “Want to see? Spread your legs for me. Let me see that hot pussy.” He grinned.

“As has been mentioned, he’s a man,” said Megan to her daughter. “Come here, Bob,” she said, her voice more mellow. “Please,” she added, calmly.

When he got close enough her hand streaked to his balls and her long nails dug in with his eggs in the palm of her hand. He went up on tiptoes and held his breath.

“When they’re just being men and it’s tiresome, this is the lever that controls them,” said Megan, squeezing his balls gently. “See how compliant he’s become? He’s stopped spouting macho nonsense and now we can get him to the place we want him to be.” She looked up at him. “If I let go, will you behave yourself and be a good boy?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” he said, his voice tight.

“All right. Stand in front of me.”

She let go and spread her legs. Bob’s eyes naturally went to her pussy and then he closed his eyes and looked up.

“They can’t help themselves,” said Megan. “Show them some of your body and they just get all wiggly. See? His penis is already becoming nice and hard.”

“It’s fascinating,” sighed Erica. “I thought it would look scary, but it doesn’t.”

“It is fascinating,” said Megan. “Look at the tip. That loose skin is called a foreskin.”

“I had sex ed at school, Mom,” said Erica.

“Oh. Right. I bet they never showed you how it works, though. Watch.”

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