Nobody Becomes Somebody - Cover

Nobody Becomes Somebody

Copyright© 2024 by brabo1978

Chapter 5

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A family vacation provides an occasion to reconnect and reconcile with a cousin.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Cousins   Anal Sex   Analingus   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting  

It wasn’t long before the folks went to bed; Thursday was their special “frisky day”. It was also “bath day” for Lucy and Kevin, a tradition they had started a week ago. Soon the two of them were nestled in the big old tub, soaking in hot perfumed water. Kevin had his back against the high backrest with Lucy between his legs, wrapped in his arms.

“So what’s up with your pretty little pussy m’love? Every time I get close to it you freak out. I’m not complaining, I just wonder.”

“I really don’t know. All I know is that when you touch me there, I get dizzy, confused, sometimes even sick to my stomach. It’s just--too much. I’m sorry, does it spoil things for you?”

“I think you know I’d do anything to give you pleasure...”

“Yep! I think you’ve proved that Mr. Freaky. I appreciate it!” she snuggled into his arms, rolled a bit to her side and craned her lovely neck up to get a kiss.

“ ... ahem, as I was saying, I’d do anything, but there’s so much I can’t do. I feel like I’m just taking and it bothers me a little.”

“Kevin--you have no idea how much you’ve done for me. It feels as if I never existed until you came along. I get great pleasure from exploring with you and finding out what you like. For now that’s enough for me. Don’t give it another thought.”

“Are you kidding? I don’t think about much else...” here they were interrupted by the faint sound of Lucy’s parents squeaking the bedsprings. They both chuckled, then cuddled, then kissed.

Lucy then picked up a huge dipper from a bucket of still steaming water they’d left beside the tub. They squirmed in pleasure as the warmth seeped up and down their bodies.

“You know, a guy could get kinda used to this, Lucy. I think a lot about the fact that we only have like 15 days left together. I don’t want to think about it, but I do.”

Lucy felt her stomach drop right out of her body, she’d been avoiding such thoughts. Now it was out in the open and there was no putting it back in its hiding place. She rolled over a little more so she could get her arms around him. Looking up to get another kiss she saw that Kevin’s eyes were red and tears were just beginning to trickle down his strong face.

“Now STOP that!” she demanded. She felt a surge of anger; she didn’t know at what, “Two weeks is a LOT of time, we’ll probably be SICK of each other by then.” The words rang hollow, and she knew it.

“You’re so beautiful when you lie,” Kevin blinked and got some control back, “but that’s bullshit, admit it.” Now Lucy started to mist up and her chin to quiver. “I know there’s no way around it. This year at school is going to be ridiculous for me, and besides were fucking COUSINS! No matter what, there’s no life for us, we couldn’t even rent an apartment together. But, I don’t know what I’m gonna do without you.” Tears were coming back.

“Oh Kevin, for god’s sake! You’re a wonderful, handsome, talented guy. You’ll find someone just perfect for you. She’ll be the luckiest girl in the world. And if she ever treats you bad, I’ll beat the snot out of her!”

“No Lucy---I’ve been looking for years now and I’ve never felt a flicker of what I felt for you from the first time I saw you. No matter what happens, I’ll be in love with you for the rest of my life.”

Oh shit! ~Lucy’s insides froze. The fun was over now. She didn’t want to deal with this. She’d avoided naming any of the emotions she felt for him, but she couldn’t say she loved him and mean the same thing that he did.

She pressed her face against him, kissed his nipple and tasted the tears now running down his chest. A huge dark wave of pain washed over her, threatening to break her into a million tears. Then suddenly, as if the wave had passed over her, she felt as if she were floating to the surface of the ocean of emotion.

She got up on her knees, grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him with unexpected joy. His arms encircled her and the joy seemed to pass right through their lips. His tears stopped as he basked in the warmth of her. After a while she broke away and looked him in the eyes.

“All right,” she said in a firm, no-nonsense tone, “then we’ll have to love each other a whole lifetime in the next two weeks. We can’t waste a second of the time we have together. It’s not as if we’re going to lose each other, not if we take all that we can, while we can. No more tears now! Give me all the love you have, so I can keep it when you go.”

She saw a light dawn in his eyes, and a smile come back to his face. He laughed a little laugh of astonishment as the storm clouds in his heart broke up and blew away.

“You know, yer plumb right, pardner.” he drawled, then pulled her close for a kiss made from all the passion he felt. His free hand began to run over her body, touching, caressing, squeezing all the parts of her he loved so much.

She drew her hand down his chest, gently digging her nails in all the way, until she got to her favorite toy. She cupped his balls, softly rubbing and squeezing. She moved up and wrapped her hand around his penis, now spongy and limp, but already starting to swell.

She broke the kiss and stood saying, “C’mon let’s go to bed.”

They hurried to dry each other off, then grabbing their clothes from the floor went sneaking into Kevin’s room. All was quiet from upstairs now and Kevin’s room was as far from the folks bed as they could get.

For hours they shared themselves with each other, hoarding every spark of the feelings they had. Kevin came twice more for a total of four times that day. Lucy poured so much essence of pussy onto his bed that by the time she left, the place smelled like a jungle.

It wasn’t long before sunrise that they parted, exhausted. They both slept better than they had in days. They wanted to be up early tomorrow. They had a lot of loving to do.

“All right,” Lucy had said to Kevin, “then we’ll have to love each other a whole lifetime in the next two weeks. We can’t waste a second of the time we have together. It’s not as if we’re going to lose each other, not if we take all that we can, while we can.

“No more tears now! Give me all the love you have, so I can keep it when you go.”

Lucy and Kevin’s time was limited, but their sexual energy wasn’t. Complete virgins only two weeks ago, the two had embarked on a voyage of discovery which had taken them into uncharted waters.

They now were routinely doing things they had never heard of. In the summer of 1970 nobody openly discussed oral sex, let alone “deep-throating”, except some of the wilder kids in the gym locker rooms. Anal sex was something you could be arrested for. Even TALKING about it in public could put you behind bars, where it was a routine practice.

As they counted down the days, they took every opportunity to get and give the most pleasure possible. Sometimes they could get away for a little privacy, down on the little hidden bay where they first went skinny-dipping. There was time for kissing, constant touching, even occasional oral play.

One evening they were cleaning up the kitchen. Lucy was washing the counters and mopping the floor, Kevin doing the dishes. Lucy’s parents were in the next room discussing plans for the upcoming Fourth of July. Lucy crept up beside her cousin.

Looking straight into his eyes, she raised her finger to her lips, giving him a silent “ssshhh!” Quickly she pulled his prick, already stiffening, from his battered jeans. She deftly ran her nails under his balls making him shiver, and stiffer. Cupping his soft scrotum in her left hand, with her right she pulled on his shaft. She kissed him to insure his silence while she stroked him.

“Oh, Kevin! Your dad called yesterday--says he and yer mom’ll be up next Friday on the third. They’ll stay over the weekend and we can all see the fireworks together.”

“Great, Uncle Ralph!” His voice just barely trembling from the workout Lucy was giving his cock. He rejoined the kiss, already in progress, one of his hands still holding the pan he had been scrubbing.

In the short time she’d had to explore it, Lucy had learned every nerve in Kevin’s cock, her beloved “Fido”. She now proved what she could do with that knowledge.

With her soft, subtle touch she masterfully played his organ like a sexual virtuoso. She constantly surprised him with touches and pinches in places and to rhythms he could not predict. He struggled to remain quiet as the level of his excitement increased. In less than two minutes he was on the verge of orgasm, completely under her manual control.

She pulled her face back, maintaining eye contact with him as he approached the edge. With her will, she kept him quiet. Although his breathing deepened, he only shivering with his tension. Then a with a sudden kiss, she touched the exact spot that would set off every nerve in his body. It was a spot she had found early on in their explorations.

She was holding his shaft like a flashlight, and when she knew he was ready she pushed the knuckle of her index finger deep into the tissue at the base of his shaft. She could feel his balls drawn up tight to the underside of her finger, then she made a move exactly like pulling the trigger of a gun. Like a gun firing backwards, he shot a liquid bullet into her waiting palm.

Now he felt as if he were melting. He trembled. He felt rubbery and weak. Lucy smiled sweetly, nastily as she raised her sperm-filled hand and stuck her tongue into the pearly pool, lapping his seed up like a kitten.

His long suppressed moan escaped. She quickly slapped her other hand over his mouth to silence him. He smiled, ran his tongue across her palm, then fluttered it between her fingers.

Now she moaned and Kevin whipped his sudsy hand from the dishpan to cover her mouth. Startled, she clapped her cum-filled hand over his. A jet of semen squirted into the air and landed right on the bridge of her nose.

The two of them exploded into uproarious laughter. Quickly they rinsed off, then reached for towels to clean themselves up, giggling uncontrollably.

“What’s going on in there?”

“Mo-o-om! Kevin put bub-bub-bubbles in my mouth!” Lucy half-wailed, half-giggled in reply.

“Well--SHUT YOUR MOUTH!” Rose yelled, then chuckled. Kevin fell to the floor; his legs kicking in the air as he tried to zip up his pants. Everyone was laughing by then, each at different things.

Every night they got together in “their swing” on the front porch or Kevin’s bed, holding and loving each other in every way they could think of, except one

At the beginning of their sexual play, Kevin had left Lucy’s vaginal area alone because of social taboos and their mutual fear of pregnancy. Later, Lucy found that any time Kevin played too long near her pussy, she found herself overwhelmed with feelings that she couldn’t deal with. Strong turbulent emotions raised a clamor in her mind. The intensity of thought and sensation was such that she became dizzy and nauseated and had to make him stop.

When he touched her anal area, it was a different story. Although she was disgusted by the thought, the feeling was so pleasurable, that she had convinced Kevin to pump her with his fingers for as long as she could stand it. She soon learned to “stand it” for longer than Kevin could. His fingers would get some sexual variation of “writer’s cramp”.

It was June 25 the next time they got the cabin to themselves. Lucy’s folks headed out before noon across the lake to shop. The two quickly undressed; they loved to see each other nude and let their skin press together. The night before had been long and strenuous, so they settled on the swing in the screened front porch, invisible to the rest of the lake residents.

Kevin and Lucy talked for a while about school and the future, but soon the topic turned to their favorite subject--sex. They had, from the start, been totally frank and comfortable discussing what they knew of techniques and general information, but unfortunately neither knew a lot. Together they had tried almost everything they knew about, and had now begun to experiment. Mad scientists of sex using their own bodies as laboratories. They had become used to what anyone else might call seriously deviant behavior and they were still looking for new borders to cross.

In this spirit, Kevin looked Lucy straight in the eyes, saying seriously, “We gotta try something--something kinda weird, but I think we hafta try it.”

“Something weird, huh? What’s left?”

“Well, look at the way you’re holding my hand, right now.” Unconsciously she’d been clasping together the index, middle and ring fingers of his right hand. “You know what fingers those are.”

“Yeah,” she grinned sheepishly, looking up at him; “those are the fingers you stick up my ass.”

“You’ve been doing that a lot, holding those fingers. You like it when I put them in you, don’t you.” He spoke that as a statement, not a question.

“Yeah, I don’t know why, but I like it.”

“What does it feel like in your hand right now?”

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